no Abounds With Mosts For Sightseeing Tourists on HOLM lilSTbe world capital of htnn and art has just about Pvtrvhing to offerto satiat ll nusi demanding visitm abounds with sightseci utaces that most peo eard or read about me or another Pro is the tandmarl Paris the Eiffel Tower Loutrc es lntalidos will Tomb Napoleon the Ar of Triumph the fame square he banks of Seine rid mapv beauti churchr The most wel known are the pure gothic Nolrc Dome Cathedralt and th Sacrl Cour Cathctlralc un thu hill of llontmartre the part of the city that attracts blddln young artists An other church that should not be missed is the Sistine Chap quite small in comparison bu glowing lkc gem in light and color GOOD thit OF CITY lhtl famous Eiffel Tower built for the World Fair in 1391 is about 1000 feet high it has three platforms all of which offer good view of the city From the top in clear weather the view is unoh structert for so miles When windy the tower will sway quite noticeably makng many visitors seaslck and longing for lerra firma in hurry Aboat trip on the Seine is impressive and pleasant Be tween the many heauLiful bridges the guide is busy pointing out one building after another and telling about its present and past history If taken at night the trip is especially pleasing since most buildings are illuminated The Place do In Concorde the counterpart to Frcd Grant Squarel at night is sight never to be forgotten although it is very beautiful at any time of the day There are great nitmher of fountains flags and lights arranged in perfect taste and harmony It is flanked by beautiful buildings and the famous Champs Elysees stret chcs from there to lArche dr Diomphc It all combincs to make this square probably the most beautiful in the world It is hard to imagine that this pleasing scene has also been the scene of much vio tence The guillotine did its grisly work there and among others Marie Antoinette fell as its victim lt NY TREASURES ver body knows little mut the Louvre It Is huge Home and it wnuld take very ion lime to get familiar with all the treasures it contains The Erench cuisine is of course excellent and there are restaurants en masse There is only one thingwrong with them The prices It is cer tainly lot cheaper to eat in Barrie and may be just as good Not only the food is expensive in France these with DR pert help from family which wcrit with him Monica days but it seems to apply to practically everything and people do complain about it The tight money and the re valuation of the franc has pro dueed situation that can he rather costly for the tourist urt less he is on his guard They use both an old and not franc and there are 100 old for one new There seem to he lot of unscrupulous people that will take advantage of the tour ists unfamiliarity of this when ever the opportunity arises One example is the taxi driver to whom gave 50franr note for 11franc ride and was given old francs back for the value of five new francs tic probably would get away it lots of times with foreigners It certainly is volhwhile to study the currency of any country we visit since not all people are as honest as most Canadians FREEVERY FRIIE But considering everything France is nice country and the people are free and easy sometimes ten free it seems For example lovers cuddle and kiss in public places and in broad daylight in way that would almost make you blush To go from PariS to London the capital of England and the British Commonwealth takes ahotit one hour by plane When the woatheris good there is an excellent birdseye View of Versailles with its beautiful symmetrical gardens and dams It is real treat to meet the Londoners They are friendly helpful and cheer ful with good sense of humor The city of London is only one and the visitor would feel at home soon except for the left side traffic and the very very confusing money system Those florins halfcrowns and tuppences are likely to give the tourists nightmares in broad daylight Put ltqte Back Up Canada Is Urged By HAROLD IDRRISON Canadian PrESS Staff tlrlfer WASHINGTON CF Can ada was advised by the inter national Monetary Fund Friday to return her dollar to pegged exchange rate but informants said Canada gave no firm indi cation she would accept the ad vrce Instead she agreed tohotd fur ttier consultations with the funds executive board at later date keeping in mind the concern of some countries that continued Canadian deviation from the funds principles of maintaining stabilized exchange rates may have disruptive in fluences in world trade In alzhuur session Canae dian representative Louis Ras minsky was reported to have maintained that Canada was not seeking any unfair trade advan tage by depressing her ex change rate Rather the new Canadian pol icy move enunciated in the June at budget was designed mainly to discourage the heavy flow of foreign capital into Can ada and make Canada rely more on domestic savings for her development Expense Eitort Parley Teachers Vote Drop It SASKATOON CBCanadian teachers voted Friday against continuing the Canadian Confer ence on Educationa national gathering it had spawnedafter the February conference next year Delegates to the Canadian Teachers Federation approved recommendation of the board directors pnzscntcd earlier that the expense and et nvolved did not justify an conference along the same ie federation originally pro mated the conference in 1958 to focus public attention on the needsrof educationand to find sources of nanctng studies into izations now were associated that interest butdidnot think However one Asian member of the Iiimember board said privately he was not entirely by Rasminskys speech which took up half the morning session He said he still felt Canada had moved into competitive devaluation of her currency to capture more mar kets by reducing the foreign price of her dollar When Canada set the dollar free in lssowith the exchange rate set by the market place the fund was told the move was only temporary Fund members sympathetic to Canadas prob lem in dealing with huge cross border flow of capital raised no objections but gave no formal approval to tho Cana dian move which ran contrary to the funds system of fixed parity values Some elements of this sympa llOLM receives ex Eric and Mrs Holm as he orgnizes films slides and notes in their Barrie bomc Then with little bad luCk handful of pennies at about lhalf pound each might gath er In the pocket producing hernia from the strain of car rying them around But time are brightening and an official said to us We have been talking about changing our money system for about 100 years now so one of these days we will do it However after some prac tice you start to get close to the right change for ticket on the subway or the tube as it is popularly called it is not as nice as the one in Toronto and is sometimes pretty draugluy but it is very efficient and will bring the sightscor to almost any loca tion in few minutes for few pennies Thcre are plenty of sights to see thie Tower of London Buckingham Palace West minster Abbey which has the graves of the kings and fam ous personages and the Cor onation chair very old sim ple predominantly wooden structure to mention only few Across the road from the abbey are the parliament buildings with Big Ben Those buildings are really splendid inside and out The guides there give an excellent account of English history and parliamentary procedure Then of course Piccadilly Circus Leicester Square and Hyde Park are all worth ivisit not to mention any of the art galleries andmuseums The weather was good during our stay so all combined to give us pleasant impression of this great city BACK HOME AGAIN After travelling 30000 miles on land water and in the air it is gratifying to be home again For one thing travel ling makes one appreciate ones own country and fully recog nize that Canada is one of the best places in the world to live in Since also had the opportunity to talk to many people prominent and others it gave me better insight in to world affairs it taught me that the me sent world situation islnot just one countrys fault but re sult of overall egotism ill will greed dogmatic thinkingetc in this world is going to sur vive the leaders must change their attitudes Tand think in terms of what is best for the world and not only for nnes own country then something good might follow thy for Canadas problem in ex periencing large annual deficits in international payments were again voiced today informants said But the dominant view was that other countries also face problems and that there should be no special waiver of the funds principles for Canada one of the worlds biggest trad ing nations Doesnt Justify CTF representative on the con ference committee said the con ference had been the most suc cessful project of its kind Cana dian organizations had ever uri dertaken The conference had grown to thepoint where some 75 organ with it an tremendous nnlount of public support had been gained for doing those things which need to he done He said there was needsfor some mechanism to maintain tulleonference is needed again after the February gathering rite federation considered an approved only one resolution Friday Hos Vespra School To Grade Nine Diane Dun Iop Mary Kaptcyn Albert Footing To Grade Eight Douglas Dunlap To Grade Six Cor Kaptcyn Susan Richardson Robert Pant iag To Grade Four Ncllle Kaptcyn To Grade Tirol Valerie Carson Lynda Punting Paul Kepteyn Jerry Draper New Lowell School To Grade Judith Crosson Linda Marie Dnnkah Sidney Dick Alice Flynn Ross Hilts Hildaa Iogtenburg Donald Mc Nabb Linda Monkhouse Fran ces Morrison Dempsey Snow Warren Snow Transfers William Crosson Morten Verstroten To Grade David Allan Donald Allen David Burtcb Brion Crilly Margaret Green Rec Barry Lawrence lama MacKenzie Shirley Mackay Garry Monck Root Jerry Robinson Reed Murray Tomp kins To Grade Edward Allen by Jane Beomish Nina Mac yRennie John Monkhouse To Grade Dennis BarLo jEllainc Barm Diane Beelcn tJohn Beelen David Bell Gail Crosson Patricia Duff Beyer lcy Flynn Sharon Flynn Joy Green Jean Matthews Mary Ann Morrison Patricio Robin son Howard Scott Susan Snnw To Grade Bill Allen Bruce Allen Douglas Green George IGrcen Wendy Matthews Bon gnie McKay Charles McNabb ESally Walker Fred Mothers To Grade Christina Arm strong Peter Flynn Jim Law rence Bill Mansbridgo Mar shall Martin Jim Taylor To Grade Jean Alton Rosemary Barre Michael Hreen Douglas Eurtch Linda Flynn Ricky Robinson To Grade Dorothy Allen willie Beelcn Brian Crossnn lJoann Donko Michael Danko Janet Duff Peter Dick Patricia Hood Karen Hilts Beth Math ers Carol Monck Joyce Mum bcrson Herb Thompson West Gwillimbury Township School To Grade John Ens Jim Cooke Linda Darby David Gor don Leroy Hartman Shirley Kirkup Dianne Kneeshaw Sam on Kneeshaw Wendy Mat thews Bob Neilly Scott mlly iJim Noble Sarah Parsons Ed die Russell Diana Simpson Ruth Simpson Nick Siam Al lan West To Grade Gary Bell Doug Brown Iris Brown Joanne Da foe Joyce Fairbank Nora Garvin Ann Gent Judy Ham bly Patsy Gail Hughes Debbie James Victor Mclvor Lothar Obermeyer Sharon Proteau Mac Rumble George Simpson Wayne Vernon Brian Wright Paul Wright To Grade Gary nowies Lindsay BrownRobert Daven port Brenda Hughes Kenneth Jeffels Marie McBride Patsy Noble Jimmy Roberts Elste Simpson To Grade Larry Andrews Lucy Anne Fairbank Donald Gordon Ricky Kent Paul Kirk up Allan Kneeshaw Louise MacFarlane Louise Neitly Mary Nesbitt Patsy Proteau RURAL SCHOOL RESULTS George Siam Maurice Ward Lloyd Wed To Grade Roy Atkinson Robert Bosomworth Allan Brown William Datoe Linda Dakln Lynn Hughes David Lee Nancy Matthews Judy Nellly Paul Perrault Barry Roberto Ronald Russell Rob ert Simpson Patricia Vander pol Malcolm Ward Margaret Ward To Grade Nancy Bell Al bcrdina 305 Susan Davenport Douglas Fenneu Jananne Firth David Geisendorf Nancy Knob shaw Diane Madarlane Susan Noble William Parsons Diana Proteau Shawn Simpson Barbara Van derpol To Grade Debbte Andrews Brian Atkinson Nancy Bell Peter Bosomworth Wesley Brown JudyCoutts Peter Dun can Virginia Folrbank Ronald Fennell David Kent Jack Mc Bride Elllabeth ltlilligan David Roberts Jacqueline Rumble Jean Sawyer Teddy Siam To Gradez John Alto Jim Kenneth Simpson Atkinson Dianna Andrus Diana Bell Rodi Geisendorf John Bosomwortb Undo Brooks Kathleen Dakin Roger Davenport Allan Edsumn Dwayne Holden Donald Mc Bride Chriwoo Milligan Peter Nellly MEI Pflaw Brian Frontal Hurley Bell Sr Gr Elllabetb Bo Sr Gr To Grade mono Critter den Priscilla Craig 53 No Sunnidale To Grade James Allen Douglas Armstrong Fidellas De Bmpne Mlccahei Dumood Jerry Lamers lawrencc Mc Cnrthy Roger McGilllvray Betty Murray KathleenPaddi son Garry Roach To Grade Kenneth Crowd is Paula De Loreaw Deborah Harness Elva McCallum Shirley Roach Wanda Sargent Theresa Van Der Kruys To Grade Sharon George Michael Kelly Peter Lament Debra McCarthy Peggy Mur ray To Grade Richnrd OShea To Grade Eloise Cousins Laurie Crowdis Joseph Debr enw ltticharJGnvin Herman 12 TB DARK mm MONDAY JULY Lumen Ellen McCallnm Ricky McCarthy Darlene MeGilllwny Bonnie Murray Pat Murray Marita Paddlson Janta Sar gent Robert Slaintnu Nada Wagner To Grade Ceryl Day Wendy De Lorcme Emma De Druyne Wray McQuay Jack Sargent To Grade Clifford Derby Rosemary Durnond Bonnie Mc Catlum To Grade Everett Crowd is Michele De Lorenzo Dar lene Derby Teresa McQuny Dawn DSbea Inquest Is Ordered Into 5Death Crash TORONTO CPDAttorney General Roberts Friday ordered an inquest Aug into the deaths of five Toronto persons in highway crash 20 miles north of here on Highway 400 Sunday Pollen reported the car of Philip Nelson 21 had bCEn travelling on the wrong side and its speedometer was stuck at so Discover New Form Of Penicillin Drug IDNDON Reuters The British Medical Journal 81 munces the dismvery at new form of penicillin which would permit the drug to be extended to use in ï¬ghting wide range of infections The Journal says the new drug called penbritin could be used to fight infections hltberto beyond the healing power of penicillin it is assured of popularity both by the wide range of its no tlvlty and by its ease of admin lstratlon the journal says The new drug is free from sideeffects and has very low toxicity The discovery was made at Beechom Research Laborator ies following the discovery at Beecham two yearsagn of method of manufacturing the penicillin nucleus the Journal reports miles an hour after it crashed into another car Moffut WASH gtva¢ SHOP AND SAVE AT Scott Parsons Ann Sawyerl WITH NEW PRESSURE SENTRY WRINGER $14 This Strong Washer BoostsMuny Big Features Easy reach Ime T919358 bars Exclusive lint filter agitator Deep power rinse Automatic Timer Constant wringer pressure to insure max imum efficiency The motor wringer drive and transmission are permanently lubricated andrequlro no periodic inspection 259 iNNisriL 51 PA 66531 Cl tiniest Buy some today its great on taste