AUTOMOTIVE CARS FOR SALE 1m PLYMOUTH Savoy Sedan on menu ear upon inner ne palni condition thrnuhxanl sna Must be seen to no apprecia ted Telephone H2 um Angus us hlmOI Station Wllnn 6215 excellent mnnlag condition tr hunt soot standard mortals on Telephono PA assoc between and who mornings nr cushion is Shirley Avenue MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT 0N Alle Trailer could risen four Nurly new canoeroe Link and other equipment min The one rA mi or even tori PA nous nanxx for sale sleep four people ruby equipped am wired First clus condition Can be seen at in Henry street or telephone PA saw Your mun tor me with lHoot portable sunrooln These bolts are set no collage on No hot at lnnialil Park Priced at H500 Apply to box or Barrio mariner == i9 LOSTtv FOUND marlo Loblavll uyorlo St my Evangeline as containing rim in one bill Ind up proxl ly zso Iobiawl nreen mm Finder plenc phonl too or pm Rewn PERSONALS am wanran by lady going Weet abytlmo lieAugust Willing to half or expenses rim eon lct PA Mess 7a pm WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSTNG 5ran now to this gavelninth dllflared School when you an thorouth tnlned in all branches of beauty culture For Information Write DleN IMIRDRBSING SCHOOL l9 COLLIER STREET OR PHONE PA N251 for local ru uslness no our knowledge of book ncccssall Good cmployeo benefltl day week Apply to Box as anrrin tarminor MALE 0R FEMALE nnomnrnn rcqullcd for local business chly stating tclcphonc umber ex crlcncc and salary dc sired App to Box 46 Harris Examinzr EmeMENT WANTED BODKKEEPER Aeeonntnnl re onunn after so years arvlco wth loonl flrrrl rcekln arttlmc cmplnyman John 4111ng street Tclcphnm SELL Most Anything ll LEGAL NOTICES NOTICETO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE ETATE OF VIOLA SUSANNA KINDS also known BleE KINDS Deceased Au persona nrvlne claims clan LIE DTle 91 In Hid IOII Susanna Minds who died It the cm of Barri on the am day MAHLIGIIN Hired OHI pmfor the lam wit the under Lllntd anmllle WILD thl Indexed on or before the lat day AnniII IN AIM HIE all Lb Admlnlstnlor MID WI lo nued VIII proceed dillTIMI Illa nia mm min re and only In the IIIm1 Of WIch ey HIIII thn DIV BIO notice DATED ll Toronto this Ch all Al July IWI CHARTERED TRUST COMPANY Kin SITQGI wtflr Toronto Ontario Hy SIBWIII Eaten MCTIIR Ind Mills Ils raliciton herein l2 TENDERS COUNTY OF SIMCOE TENDER FOR EQUIPMENT SEALED TENDERS plainly marit ed in Cameron will be recelvcd the undertlrncd uniu lmoo HURSDAY AUGUST 10 tool for the following equipment One us in up under nipped with snow low and nl Trade1n onn Model is Caterpillar rrnder with snow Flow and wing Information to Blddcn Speclï¬ cations and render Forms may be obtalricd from the onion or the undersigned Lowest or any lender not nee csurily necenlrd cLAllK MA5c PDll sinlcor COUNTY ENGlNam Engineers Office County Administration Bldg llnrrlo Ontario Township of Vespro TENDERS For Construction Of Municipal Drain Tenders will be received by the undcralinod clerk up to 12 oclock noon lilondly luly st loci for the construction of tho nowney llunlclpnl Drain in con ll 12 non xi Vcspra Approximate lenrln l2600 mt Earth excavruon insi cu you bloataim materlni to be romovcd st Inst feet from drain and spread not over tool In dcpth Work must be none to the satisfaction of tho engineer in titanic nno completed by Sept on lost Oertmro cheque for 57 of bid to accompany tender Fur lhur particulars re sorelnentlone etc from the clcrk Lowest or any tondcr not necessarily Iccept EARL RICHARDSON CLERK I7 OWEN ST BARRIE Try An Examiner Want Ad PHONE PA 82414 BUSINESS DIREC Ask About Low Rates Telephone SERVICE TORY By Month or Year PA 82414 SURVEYWG CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT Fort am Tents and Tarps Camp cot and stover Coolers BARRIE TENT AWNING CO LTD st BAYFIELD smart mariaan PA M1 CARPENTER CARPENTER CONTRACTORS Alterations Renovation and tchens OLD BUILDINGS REMOVED JAMES E7 SON rle Res PA 66800 Ph DIAPER SERVICE mamas FINEST DIAPER SERVICE lcc wccklr lcku dalivery FRANCIS 5r lapAn PA 68551 Less than pack of cigarettes dry EXCAVAIING FILL GRAVEL TOP sill SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED axewrung and Gradlnl Watar Delivery Onnheo stone nu Yard anurnoe for hiro DENNIS MORAN at Anna street PA azm gamma AND ParannANGma EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Sincn 1920 rm BARRIE PA 56956 SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRlPPLED HORSES CAIILE HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrie PA M751 Long distance Zenith 800 at our expense ED PECON AND SONLTD OEILLIA License No 69061 gt SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT Wa have been licensed to remove your dead and crlpplod form Inl mnls under the lbovc Act FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECJ RREgPArkway 83m RDON YOUNG auri Roger Welsman Ontario Land Surveyor TELEPHONE PA 63363 urnolsmn UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND aDraperies OSlip covers OBroadloom ICommercial furniture installatior CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOISTERING AND RUG C0 64 BAYFIELD ST PA 6461 PA amt Out at towncall collect Complalc range or iahrter shown in your home UPHOLSTERY Chesterfields Chairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE IN BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES AND PICKUP BARRI Tent And Awning CO LTD 84 BAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE PA 66437 CLEANING Fos fine furniture and rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE mm VESTIMATES PA 012 PA aoasl WELL DIGGING WELL CLEANING How long rlnce you cleaned your wall vannsmo YEARS YES WE CLEAN WELLS Wells nus neeneneo neoelred We also sell and install nnrn Shallow and Deep wenrunrpr Phone or write KEN WINTERS 12 mama STREET BARRIE Just north of coo Highway oft Hayfield PA com 00 for Want Ad Section accepted until LIMITED BARRIE Marisa racer pm Day before publication smouo large number from here at tcnded the Orange Celebration in Beavertop on July is Following honouring on Saturday in Barrie of Miss Florence Anderson and Peter chlnvcld the wedding recap tion and dinner were held in the Strand Community Hall served by the United Sr WA with about 70 guests in attendance Mr and Mrs Sanford Walk om have sold their home in Struud and are taking up rai dcnca in Smiths Falls Mrs Leo Gibbins entertained number of neighbors and friends at her home onFridny evening in honor of the Walk oms pleasant time was ea joyed together and as token of their Stroud lricnds remun brance and best wishes Mr and Mrs Walknm were presen ted with handsome electric clock After their thanks and appreciation were expressed by Mrs Walkom the averting was concluded with lunch Those from here attending the Beumisb family reunion on Saturday at Grant Beach in cluded Mr and Mrs Thomas Bcarnlsh Mr and Mrs thbins Sr and Mr and Mrs William Gibbins Jr and family The annual Wicc picnic and the Hell reunion were also held on Saturday in innistil Bert McCraw brother of Mrs Reid of Stroud and son of the late Mr and Mrs 11 lilcCraw of Craigvale died in Toronto hospital on Saturday July is utter lengthy illness in his and year Funeral scr vicas were held on Monday in Toronto Euchre enthusiasts ngnln en joyed the Monday evening game in the hall with 25 in at tendance Ladies prizes were won by Mrs Florence Banting Mrs McFadden Mrs Hutche son and mens by William Mc Faden Hutcheson and Angus Dove Next game on Monday July 24 The fled Cross swimming les sons for this district will again be held at lnnisfil Park on Mon dnys and Thursdays Miss Col ley and her nsaistants will be the instructors Stroud have not yc reached their full quota and would welcome further en rolment of children wishing to take advantage of this oppor tunity to learn to swim Con tact Mrs HaroldHobertson or he in attendance at the first lesson which will be held in the Park on July 27 at pm Mrs Shird Sr went to Bar rie hospital on July 16 for an operation We wish her speedy recovery Four of our boys Roger Rix David Pratt Bob Cumming and David Gosney accompanied by their leader Wilfrcd Cooper were in attendance at Ottawa at the Canadian Boy Scout Jam boree for three days They re port very splendid time Visitors Mr Ind Mrs Doug las Franklin Gary and Joan of Fullerton California with Mr and Mrs Clifford Riches Miss Janice Robertson with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Carmen Downcy Mincsing MI and Mrs Ruthvtm Al listan at Dwight Nelsons Mr and Mrs Cochrane entertained on Monday evening in honor of their cousin Mrs Florence Dunn who leaves shortly for her home at Russel Manitoba Miss Mazo de la Roche au thor of at least 27 volumes thrcc films and scvcralstage dramas and who died on July 12 was cousinof Dwight Nel son She has several other cou sins in the Churchill distriLi Mr and Mrs Gordon Biain and family have gone to their cottage on Pine Lake fortbrec weeIts holidays Mr and Mrs Irving Nelson entertained Utopia ball team and their wives at their cottage at Big Bay Point on Saturday evening On Monday evening 25 slal warts of the strong right arm class were participantsin the brick heaving bald in InniSfil Park We look forward to their powerful tossing in the four nn tion competition We wonder why only llbe men were invited to enter this match Women who are reputedly supposed to hit the target with rolling pin might even obtain superior resultswith fivepound mis ailc Terrarium The playdowns for 1313 was bowled on the Boston greens Mrs Amy Vair of Barrie led in the singles Mrs Hazel Wal from and Mrs Helen Sinclair won the doubles Mrs Ede Pal mer Mrs Doris Anderson and Mrs Margaret Claridgo were triple winners Pop Dickerson who had been convalescing at the home of his daughter Mrs Herb Kant has returned to his own home much improved in health gt Mr and Mrs Aubrey Gale and family and Mr and Mrs James Ficlier of Schomberg ware recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Dickerson Mrs Creighton che of Pen otang visited Mrs che Miss Rachel Sloan Mrs Crowe Blanche and sonflerry SIMCOl COUNTY NEWS attended the BaileyHursburfli wedding in Allistolt Mrs Anderson Mrs Claridge and Jasper Boyd won the mixed triples tournament held in Al landale Mr and Mrs lion Clark have moved to Orangeville Mr and Mrs Arcbambault and fomily have moved to New market Alvin Austin has taken up residence on Richmond St Mr and Mrs Jack Penn and family have moved to their new home in Toronto Mr and Mrs John Veal and son will be taking up residence the first of August in the home recently vacated by the Penn family ousrorl Mr and Mrs Harry McKen zie and family of Oakviile are visiting Mr and Mrs Bért Mas rey Mrs George Thompson is patient in Barrio hospital Miss ltiyrtlc Emms OLBarrie Is home on holidays with her parents Mr and Mrs Del Emma Miss Barbara Salisbury ls spending holidays with her par ents Mr and Mrs George Sal lsbury Community picnic was held at Bass Lake Provincial Park Saturday July 22 Sports bo gan at pm Lucille Harper of Aurora ls holidaying with her grandmothv er Mrs Dora Hunt Mr and Mrs Er at Knee shaw and Bob of Ebenezer Mr and Mrs Hap Lowe and family of Barrie and Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown were Sunday visitorswith Mr and Mrs Al lan Brown ST Pilots Nov and Mrs Peter Trant and Timothy are visiting in Of tawa Those from the district olr serving the Glorious Twelfth in Beaverton were Mr and Mrs George Stundcn Paul and Cathy Dale Pratt is laid up with sprained ankle which he receiv ad In ball game between Stroud and Camp Borden Fri day nlfllt Mr and Mrs Robert Green Allan and Richard attended their cousins wedding in Blyth recently Brcnda Hell is recuperating after having her tonsils remov ed on Monday IlNTEN MILLS Church service hérchas call cclled for Sunday July at Congratulations to Muriel Jones and Leighton Adams who were married July MrsM Ceruttc of Fort wni liam is visiting her daughter Mrs Zannie Mr and Mrs Johnston of Burwash spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Zannie Mr and Mrs Charles Wilson of Toronto have moved to their farm bought from Foster on the nth Concession Mr and Mrs John Moth and Mr and Mrs Chester Richard son left Saturday for titres weck trip In the West Mr and Mrs John Scott and family of Toronto spent week at Scotts WOMANS ASSOCIATION The WA met in church school room on Wednesday afternoon With 14 members present He port was read by Joan Carson on results of bake sale Pro gram was in charge of Helen Priest Thomas Park of Belfast Ire land is visiting his son Tom at the home of Mr and Mrs Haighl Mr and Mrs Jack Maw and Cheryl of Brampton spent the weekend withMr and Mrs Dal Priest Eldon Knapp has been attend ing military camp at Niagara oathsLake for week The August WA meeting will be picnic at Springwatitr Park Mr Duck and son of Parry Sound were recent visitors at Iorna Howdens Mr and Mrs Glories Zeoctah of Buffalo visitcd on Sunday at gt into Raga Britisli officials here have ell Cowboy Johnny Arne of Calgary suffered broken hip when he was thrown by AWARD WINNER DIES HOLLYWOOD AP Valen tina Davies 55 president of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences died of an apparent heart attack Sunday night He won an academy award number of years ago for the original story of Miracle on 34th Street HAS FOUR WIVES KUWAIT Reuters Shaikh Ahdullall Jabor Sabali 59 Kil wait education and justice min istcr has married his fourth wife under Moslcm lawn 2o yearold German blondc The sheikh one of Kuwaits richest men divorced one of his wives tol llrlalry Adelheid Dichter of GHANA TALKS OPEN LONDON APlTolks opened in the Kremlin today bctwccn officials of the Soviet Union and Ghana the Toss news agency reported The Ghana delegation was headed by Prime Minister Kwame Nkrumab and the So viets were led by Deputy Pre micr Anastas Mikoyan Toss did not rcport the subjectof the discussions LOST CAR GOODS OSLO ADburglars brokc nr Bryns office Sun day cracked his soft and fled with valuables worth $5114 Bryn drove to police headquar ters to report the burglary While he was inside somebody stole his car WON CONFIDENCE VOTE SINGAPORE AF Erime Minister Lée Kuan Yew Friday won vote of conï¬dence from the legislative assembly for his Peoples Action party govem rncnt Lee who Fridhy claimed couraged Communists to mount an offensive aimed atrcplncing his government got vote of 27 to with 16 abstentions CHURCH BREAKS AWAY CAFE TOWN AP The Ger man Lutheran Church of South Africa has broken away from the mother church in Germany and now is to be known as the Lutheran Church of South Al ricn belated announcement said today The decision to be cdrnc independent was taken at the 17th synod of the church held in Paar near here ACCIDENT CLAIMS FOUR LANCASTER PalAP An automobile slammed into the side of tractortrailer Satur day killing all four Occupants of the car State police said the accident occurred when the car driver Richard Carl 27 Iost OODITOI COMMISSIONER DIES BUFFALO APFarmer as sistant state industrial commis sioner Ben Blackwood 63 died Saturday night in hospital Blackwood was administrative assistant to United Auto Work era President Walter Reuther from 1939 to 1947 and was one of the organizers of that group Mrs Knapps lIUBERT THE EARTH EXAMINZI MONDAY JULY Florence Mary Jackson or studént and at Toronto Nor COWBOY BREAKS HIP bucking bronco at Calgary Stampede It was the first serious injury in the islet stampede WORLD NEWS IN BRIEF WARREN VISIT ENDS WELLINGTON It US Chief Justice Earl Warren and Mrs Warren ended formal fourday visit to New halund today and left by air for Aus tralia During the visit the chief justice visited Prime Minister Kcith Holyoakc and held dis cussions with members of the legal profession RED SACKS SEIZED MEXICO CITY APINcnty four sacks containing Commun ist propaganda from Moscow Peking and East rrn shippcd in Cuban diplomatic lpouchcs were seized by Main ican authorities at Mexico City airport Friday ACTOR SIIOI DOWN MANILA AP Privitivo Santa Romana 25 popular Fil ipino movie actor who played tough guy roles was killed Fri day night in gun battle with police Romano wounded two man before he was shot dead an the lot of film company The actor had been drinking heavily and opened fire when policeman inquired whether he had licence to carry pistol ADMIRAL T0 RETIRE BONN AP ViceAdmiral Friedrich Hugo 61 commander inchicf of the West German Navy will retire next month the defence ministry reported today Admiral logo will be succeeded by Rear Admiral Karl Adolf Zenker 54 the head of the training command WILL SET UP SCHOOLS HAVANA AP The Soviet Union will set up two techno logical schools in Cuba under new agreement signed here by representatives of both coun tries Cuban workers will learn mining and mechanics in the schools CHARGES IMIIIORALITY BONN Reuters The Bonn public prosecutor has lodged an immorality charge against Hel mut von Grolman former West German Bundcstag lower house commissioner for do fence rt authorities an nounced here today He Is charged under section of the criminal code covering offences against youths Von Grolman 62 is married and has five chil circa WIDOW RECOVEHS GETTYSBURG Pa AP Mrs Whittaker Chambers 60 has been released from hospital when she was admitted in critical condition after the death of her husband key witness in the Alger Hiss espionage trial The hospital disclosed on Friday that Mrs Chambers who residas on farm near VLstminster Md was released Wednesday TOurists FlOod Parliament Hill OlfAWA CmMotion pic attractions on Parliament Hill Tbursday partly as measure to ease the burden on hard pressed of Commons guides An Official count of tourists visiting the Centre Block so far this year showed onethird in crease over last year 294300 to Wednesday night House of Commons officials saxl the sixtimesaday showing of 30minute version of the Na tional Film Board The Scep tre arid the Mace which started Thursday would ease the crush during the peak hours About 100 canjbe seated at eacb show ing while others are taken on the guided tours PRUIESIS NUCLEAR WAR LONDON Raul Bril lsh philosopher sell saId Sunday he leaders of the East and We ara altemph accepting uclellr war The veteran carn gncr for nuclear disarmamentcalled in in state ment for massive worldwide campaign of protest turns were added to the tourist ing to brainwéshtbe public into OBITU SIRS GEORGE HENDERSON Mrs George Henderson died in Stevenson Memorial Hospital at Alliston June 13 Mrs Henderson the former was born Aug 22 1902 in Tossorr ontlo Township ddBt daughter of Mr Jackson and the late George Jackson She was educated at the old Everett public school Alliston High School where she was an honA maIISchocl After teaching four years at Meadnwbrook and the Everett school she married George Henderson on Aug 29 1915 They lived on the second line of Tossorontio Mrs Henderson war life long member of St Davids Anglican Church at Everett was organist for several years and was active in the WA As charter member of Everett Womens Institute she was made life member in March 1955 Surviving are her husband George Henderson one dau ghter Isabel and one son Robert also her mother ltlrs Jackson one brother Gaorge three sisters Mrs Irwin Amy Mrs Patton Kathleen and Mrs Baxter Helen Funcral service was in St Davids Church June 16 Rev ARIES Thomas conducted tho service assisted by Rev blaclaggart Pallbearers war neighbors Russell Wilson Cecil Ghllaugher Ivan Peacock Stan ley Patton Jack Patton and Victor Gallaugher Burial was In Davidl Cemetery at Everett JOHN LEO McLAUGKUN PHELPSTON special wellknown postmaster and for mer of this district died in Ponetang General Hospital June 29 John Leo McLaughlin was born DEC 29 1890 in Anten Mills and farmed on the home stead He was mail carrier at Anton Hills for 25 years bcfora retiring to Phelpstono few years ago Father Martin OGrady nf flciatcd at the funeral mass at St Patricks Church Burial was at St Patricks Cemetery Pallbearers were nephews Jory cph Minnings William Stone Jack Shanahan James Shan iihan Pat ONcill and Emmett Cuvanaugh He is survived by his widow Elizabeth two brothers Har old of Winnipeg and Wilfrid of Tomato Friends and relatives attend cd from Sault Ste Marie To rontO Kitchener Windsor Cole gan Barrie and surrounding district By BOB THOMAS ROME AP American ac tors hnve different reasons for livmg in Europe litany are here to save taxes Some hote Hollywood because they find it cross and lulcul lured Some hate Hollywood be cause they cant get jobs there An actor like Jack Palnncc isnt so easy to classify dark and complicated man he left Hollywood four years ago The town iigurcd he was heading for tax havcn like some other film names He made his home in the AmcricanSwms colony of Lausanne But how could come over just for money he asks made two pictures at the st andt en didnt work for year not half even though had offers have done only seven pic tures in four yearslhrce in Cameo parts including Barab has and oneof the films for have heard the secretary of the treasury and various sane ators railing about American ac tors who are losing American dollars abroad As matter of fact am paid by Italian pro ducers and much of thl money ends up in the United States WATER CONVENIENT nenr $115 ONLY BARRIE AMONTH Saving In Taxes One Reason For Actors Living In Europe So am helping our gold bill ancc HAS COMPLEX REASONS Polanccs reason ior moving to Europe are complex They are connected with the strange history of Pennsylvania coal miners son who graduated from Stanford University with the aim of bcing newspaper man One exposure to newspaper sallt arics convinced him to pursue his college minordramatics played only comediu at Stanford he recalled They told mowith my face that was all could ever do The first five plays did on Broadway were comedy partsrtoo But he played an electrifying heavy for Elia Kazan in his film debut Panic in the Streets That did it From then on he was cast as nothing but menace Palancea discontent began to show after seven years Weary of some rules and of llfo in the Beverly Hills ha took off for Europe It really Isnt so strange that would have an interest in life abroad he said Both my parcnls were born In Russia and spoke Russian at homo before spoke English He now can handle eight languages with some fluency man HOT WATER at AT ALL TMES available with NATURAL GAS An WAYS ff 135 so ONLY Forccmplata call onsumersGias tumouro STREET PAYS6558 le