Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 22 Jul 1961, p. 9

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New 11 gummertime and the Liuin is Easy Your Own Home heck the Want Ad sl Till BARRIE EXAMINE ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS no name on Thursday July not to iir and Mr Robert Ichac Iu Queen Street Angst Onlulo dtugbter my nine LtuuD Nsws null Wun blelIADAt Royal vItLexia Hairl we announce the birth or vour coil to TB fllml LilliIla tllpplnb the notice on available Saul Flinn no tlecum mail you Man and to than III away tall as moonnccmeot alter olrm nrr inireloer clautrled PA tutu ENGAGEMENT8 DUPLANHDICD Mr and In Alas it Anthony Holland Letroy wish to announce the en Iagcment at their daughter cath ulna Pairicla to Mr Gordon Dd warddcica oi Toronto ion or Mrs hotii Bound and the late LL James Edward Juice The man nriage ii to take Augurt 11le at 330 piece Siturda in United Churc Tor IN MEMORIAM lilLllKlYIn loving oi oi Chulu Valentina who paired away July ii We Drtle know when we were onto morn The Inflow the on would hrln The call Wu sudden the iho revere To part with one we loved ro dear Sometimea Its hard to undera no Wlty some urtngr have to In His wIJdom God has planned Beyond our power to aee Jurt when your Iiie war bright ert suit when your yeiri were hen You were ulied trom thll world nI rorrow To home nI eternal mt Looklnxh been with memoflel Upon both you lied We hitii the years we hid with on And eave the rest with God mstdly mined by helcikcy Faro KELbIn loving memory deal ien nod brother Jim kcll who was drowned July 24 1955 Today recalls rod memories or dear ion gone to not And the one who think oI him lines who loved thi but remembered by the ram CARDS OP THANKS BENHAMWe wish to thank all our Iriendi and neighbors or their help and kindness and spcclll thanks to the RCAF Edgar flrd do vplltmlnt tor putting our our line Alt and Wild benham ohd family BYRONI wleh to express my rlocere thinks and ippreeliiion to my many irleodr and relativei tor their reed wtaboi visit and mu Also the cult end doctor it at sunnyhrook Hoipttil Toronto ror thelr kind core during my Ie cent Illness lthnex nyron iAcKillANwe wish to extend our heartieit thinks end precio tlnn tor the acti til honors messgei aympothy and hautI nil floral uttering received Irom Iy you iron the bottom or my heart to alitbeie wondertui people who are my neighbors and Iricndr for their cords gtltr and net or kind lie to Dre Clossllrtd and Elge tiow Rev Father ninckwell and Low and the nursing otait Ior their kindness Ind my there God blera each and everyone or you slncereiy ice ale Carney COMING EVENTS BARRIE HOHTICULTURAL SOCIETY conducted Tour 0F METRO TORONTO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY includlhr IONEER VILLAGE AT BLACK CREEK WEDNESDAY AUGUST em Total cort sub Take picnic lunch To RESERVE TELEPHONE MRS ARCHER PA eues dips CAMPBELL PA 84813 bins GADLE PA use Flowér Arranging Demonstration BARleIOETICULTUIIAL SOCIETY Given by NAN DOLDERY EATON CONSULTANT nt RED CROSS ROOMSE 119 DUNLOP ST PM Monday July 24 PM Thursday July 27 No CHARGE To ASSURE ACCOMMODATION mow PA Genes PA Met TODAY IS GOOD DAY TO PLACE YOUR WANT AD in the BARRIE EXAMINER Every day thousands read the nlasslfied page thats why you can be sure or quick her film Telephone PA 82414 commendedtaker will assist kygu with the wordng of your SATURDAY JULY 22 1181 REAL ESTATE PROPiIITY FOB iv BOAKE REALTOR Ill altADPotuz mm bAllluI PA 35387 OR PA use still letting terms to Indian or taming Clara Waaeman PA Hui Ralph Done PA m0 Numbers cl liarrte and District heal Litatc doarv ROS gnu MATSNIRUKIB 13 11le STREET HARRII CALL DAY out EveNina PA 82379 timber or the Barrie and District Real mate Board RD CARSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 6648 Member or aarrla and Dirtrtet Ru rotate Bond MOVING Dont larger to master your INSURANCE and ltdo need extra covergr or any SEE STEVENSONS PA 5201 III Dunlop SL MOVING For complete mavlpé arvlc Inter and enter all COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LINE AGENT LISA Rd kiln PArkwny 85515 PA Hil25 NORMAN Shelswell REAL ESTATE ltiUKEfl Duniop street can PA 8996 or PA 68742 RANCH BUNGALOW Ir tor you on Colborne st Just on shanty Bly Road and nul side the city limits IIttnch Bun gelow room modern bath flu attoched garage Low taxes asking price mm with 31000 down coll Jack Willion DVENINGS CALL ioa Lonatin PA e07 Everett shelsweu Oro 29w Howard Norris PA we lack lvulroo PA IHSJI Jim Lemon PA Mm Norman she awe PA easel HENDERSON REALTOR iuaubbteh sThEEi PHONE PA 678 EVENING non RITA SCANDREIT PA Miles PERCY FORD PA 37m timber or Bhrrll and District hoo Ontario Real Broth ooamr HAROLD FCDRSTER REALTOR 98 he YFIELD ST PA 61645 Member or Barrie and District Realllrtato Eolrd EVEIINGS CALL EMORY MILLER PA 50475 JOE PALMER PA sues m1 MARSHALL PA we NORAD RAIKLS cm In MARG EIEEIAR PA use CONTEMPORARY HOME ONE ONLY New NIIA cnntempnrory dwelling with 11011 room In IIV Ina room Illxo kitchen dining Iran mute hldflflm ceramic tueit bathroom with colored Iix tune and vanity Lot of cup lmlrdl lintm and ureelid larva iodded lot good location corner MatronDuckde Phohe owners builder Di Allin PA 6423 HOUSE FOR SALE conslrting room and hndlon goodilzed lot low down payment owner will eony mortgage Telephone PA ml or evenings PA Mm COLDWATER Juan unident III land brick holian Rlvlrslde Hithth Dunnht nieer llndl pen in Apply eerolee wttuim lenBex Coldntel Aunt tor Langevin broker we IL ongwoo ge Good Food Hospitality pleasant sutrouDdings RESIDENTS 0F BARRIE ARE INVITED TO VISIT OUR COOL SPA clous DINING R00 AMID BEAUTIFUL SHRED lNGs FEW MOMENTS DRIVE FROM ALLANDALE FDR ND 51 Broiled steaks with mushrooms Southern fried chicken in abaskei Hungarian Goulash European cusine Catering to families and groups large orsmallv Meals can be served at all times wz HOPE To SEE YOU IN THE NEAR FUTURE TELEPHONE Pormeeervations orJuet Drop In STROUD 621123 EAL ESTAT it uoonDPA in ROGERS PA 34551 Smith campbeuPA um GOOD PROPERTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP SIIIEEI EAST First in Barrie Home SalesFunniest in Quniity oi Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL FOSTmPA 10 cpNNIJJ PA med IlLIBEIts dAnlux DISTRICT ELM WAT BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALIUR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60211 PA loan LangPA um rergui GarveyPA so llemoerr or the Barrie Real Lime Beard PRATT LTD Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 39395 on PA 66733 CORBY Phone PA 82619 back with gorogc BUNGALOW IZOO SQUARE FEET rooms living room 22 Ich lone thrce linger Lhen avenge bedroom ilie bathroom with vhrtily Divided hiiement completely piloted aiio ecreiuon room noiuttiul town with view or boy OUTSIDE THE CITY Charming room bungalow with hreerewy large lot nicely landscaped Thla ii an exceptionalLv APARTMENTS T0 RENT ueoutitully turutrhed apartments overlooking the Day Also one and two bedroom apartments unturnlshed We run have choice Iotr In and outside the city ABEL MARSHALLPA 3445 illirr room him home BROKER ON PARK STREET $IOSOO boys this brick house where the olvncr her turn room pitu an oporrment which rcnis tor it nor month Nico yard ind garden at the This house carries Ioi $55 per month REAL ESTATE 53 Dunlop St Carport with green libre COREYPA Heed OWEI IoNISPA D7537 ssvnN RODM Brick IInusd with ham on one acre or lihd NDI urot gar turooce thrno pleeo both built in cupboords Next to the school on iiih line of Sunhldaic hood open all winter Telephone semi Silyner EXCELLENT VIEW ovcr iokc east or town on paved road Modern ballroom homo iiirch ponciled den living and diningroom Henlee double garage Largo lot Many extras hhduced tor quick sole aweh ioncr PA 87475 or PA 31937 PROPERTY not soon on RENT FIVE ltoml ttlingolow All coho vcnlutccs Gnrlle Included Large llont yard tenced in One child welcome Selling ot $8000 Rent at $70 monthly Telephone PA MIMI PROPERTY WANTED Imus BEDROOM home in east end or outskirts of Dorrie $12000 price range Plclisc stole sire price mortgage hiid tax payments In firsl reply Box 67 Dorrie Ex aminer BUS OPPORTUNITIES IF You ARE interested In incroer tng your income bring this od vcrtlscmont to Rob Rays hestnun ant Anne street Piors ii pm Monday averting and ask toi Jun IIANDYMANS Opportunity For sale11 room hotel In Thornton on 27 nghwoy Pull price $8000 with only $2000 down Good In eoino property Ideal tor splint menld APPB to Box 68 Barrie Examiner RECENTLY decoroted modern restaurant or rent scotr approx Imhtety so people Located on busy highwaywith or without equipment yearly turnover ap proxlnieteiy 550900 Wilto Box 64 Barito Exornlhcr MORTGAGES PRIVATE Money for First and Second Mortgages WRITE BOX 60 BARRIE EXAMINER II you have tamlly and would lire room or them to plu this ACROSS 4B Riva Elite Fiat 44 English school DOWN Czech patriot 2Arm band Spirit Tornado Bongo Apricot flap Falls 11Merchlmt contraction 19 Drive 20 Wonder toward about idly 21 Branch 288w 28TerTann 2934 Ayges 302nfty mountain 31Thu5 38Irelertd ohlirq Chinese measure 85Norwegten dramatist SEBlllImd allot LATHE 41Polrtted arch dzMune name t1 SIEWH DIlILY CROSSWORD aulrlemnig in dared letter nonhuman nldnlnnl zgfiagmal MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Payments tniured nyhlnrt accident sterncse death CRESCENT FINANCE za DUNLOP sT wrxr eAlulllI PA 60203 MORTGAGE 2nd bought told no Ilrrnngdd Comnierclnl and mildcntlol noney Inland an existing mnfltllscs Elmo Mm Edie Brokers PA 58504 IMMEDIATE llorigogo Leone to consolidate debti pity on existing mortgages homo Improvements etc Discurryour problems with us Call ior appointment PA 6098i Mortulo NndIflEfOVcl lmpeoridcdrs 129 Dunlap st dsL RENTALS STORAGE SPACE WANTED sToleGIz BPACE wanted to rent ior Girl Guide group camp equip ment Must be dry and clean and securely lacked Telephone PA 34705 or PA 34535 PROPERTY FOR RENT SELF CONTAINED commercial building or rent 21 feet with ample parking space Telephone PA 3321 tor iurthor In Lion NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN Nursing Home NOW OPEN BED AND tipPATIENTS AND HOLIDAY GUESTS 8th Concession gt STROUD 69R4 APTS HOUSES T0 RENT noun nooli rclt contained apert moot $65 per month Apply ldndaie Hardware Eire Rind Ai ienule or tumor inrorrnntton 20 Sub tel5 Mil die GOV 21 Penaly ill 22 melt 33revel to and umluoo non Ora mzaa mun 94 Yesterdaya Allowed 31Ninnbet 82Personn 3AA sweet heart demure 37Fodder 392wqu 24 Cotton cloth 25 Normal 30 olnt devloéng thlned parking Incllitier RENTALS AYES HOUSES TO RENT mu loan urnlabcd apart mgnl rivet bath but hydro and Ion up Centle TOXI phone PA anytime ux loo Italu Gar butlnl Hardwood floors Can be reed bo iween evening mile at Telephone PA MIN tilrun liqu rparlour three room airtmrnt with haLeony heated co dot wtrinrAilre decorIce elep one PA Milo meii noun or eyeotooi UPPxn AND Lower no plex not water heated lure room on with iron and NM erator cloe to downtown LIIIIIA dry iuge Iot peril PA lute AELP CONTAINED Apartment or rent In stroud Large bed alttiol room modern kitchen utliily room Separate antronce Ilcot WI Telephone mu stroud noun room and rumeon unlt lurnlabed with bathroom hot wa ter Hai nice beech Ilenung tor sod monthly Apply to In shanty llay Road or telephone PA 54615 FURNISHED three room apart ment Three piece bath heavy duty slave Sell contained APPIY ltl Dunlap st in or rnrtber In lflflnlunn CLEAN AND Quiet Apartment one bedroom It not bath flu Reasonable West Separate entrance wow room kitchen unturnlahed end location Telephone PA roun ROOM anmeht tor rent tour piece tile both rtove ind relrlgerainr IUYKlied Centrit Iblt cotton No loren Available Auzun no monthly Telephone PA 82471 AVAILABLE Immddlllelyg Ono furnished Apartment one upturn tshed tloth nit contained One child welcome niyr phone PA N210 evenings PA Mead sis us ONE AND Two Ded room In contained halted hut woler Downtown lacing like laundry and parking Telephone PA D2516 tor Iurther Intormatton THREE R00 Apartment with Erlvato bathroom hot water oil ealed refrigerator and heavy duty sthe included Located on Burton Avenue Apply Centre street CENTRAL Lecalloh Three room ungurnlihed ground ttonr apartl ntent or rent Private hath Hyv are and wetcr lncludcd Porting apaee Adults only Telephone PA M339 after pm PUgIleIIED three more apart ment three piece bath hravy duly stove and refrllcrdtor llordwond Home Sell contained Avotlhble July Apply Armstrongo Hord ware IMMEDIATE Ponculon Iurnlihefl one bedroom Seporote entrance the thing pool No children or led Telephone stroud to Two ltuoll mmlshed apartment hot ond cold whtul Sutahlc or one or two adults AvoIIablo now Telephone PA 81393 evenings or turthcr portlculors HEATED Apartment tor rent Largo living room hedroom dln cite and kitchen with stove and retrlgerhtor central Durinhir cou ple purerred Available Immch aleiy Telephone PA 53578 Two rnom apartment with both Fully Iurntshed IIcot hydro ond water supplied Three minutes from downtown Clean and newly decorated Telephone PA Mono IMMEDIATE possession heated unlurnlrhod two hodroom apart ment In stroud aportmnht house Nolchlldren or pets Telephone stroud 4a nhIalIT tunitshed two room apart ment tor rent with kitchen nd bedsitting room Heavy duty stove Available Immediately Apply at 121 Burton Avenue MODERN bedroom brick bum ghlow piece both lovely kitchen large living room Availoble Nov lst For rurther Inlormnuon write Box 58 Barrie Examiner TWO bedroom House tor rent on paved country rend Threo mllesJram New Lowell witer Ind hydro Rent reasonable Aply George Rogers telephone ow Lowell 9159 PUTINTSILED Apartment overlook ing bayvlliodoln self contained tiled bathroom with shower Down town 129 Dunlop st East over SimpsonSean suit businero ex gcutivcs Adulu PA 30981 MODERN two bedroom unfurnish ed apartment Neor Eut End Ptazo Antoinette leundry Incllltles Veneunrt blinds and bhmboo drapes Parking arch Telephone PA $2925 THREE AND FOUR Room Apnrb menu stove and reirigerntor sup Plicd Use of worher and dryer see there opartmcntr tortlxht Telephone PA H750 or further details MODERN two bedroom unturn lshed basement apartment Prtvhte entrance and bathroom $55 more thly heated Close to shopping plo ro Available August In Telephone PA Dem Timon noon hosted unrurhlihed apartment Prime bathroom and entronce on ground near Private veranda Washer end dryer our plied Ap ltancer uopdi Free orlrtng elcnlione event or eioar LOVELY VIEW with cheerful sun roundlngs Three room ml con tained apartment stove and re trtgerotor supplied Located in the cost end AVElilbld Immediately Telephone PA 14093 NBW AND Moderii one and two bedroom apartments nvcrloogtog scenic kempcnieit nay Heat wa ter nortrlng end janitor service Included Automatic wish he clutter PA ezenz Tuitle ROOM unfurnished eport nient separate entrance tell con Newly decorated Availohle immediately Telephone PA 82170 tor further Inlnmlllvn LARGE Paulo Room Apartment heated hat and cold water Pri vate bathroom garage and utility room Apply Mrs Green liond Head or telephone Bradford Prop pect 52509 EXCEPIIDNALLY clean three roam unlurnlshcd heated Apart rnnt Including ilove andrelrifi eretor Three blocks from POI Dulce Goad parleE per month PA 51320 THREE rtoDM unmrhlihed IPhrta merit hoot water iupond Loca ted bloke one Duniop Avotla immediately For rurther tnlon mniloii Tclephono PA MD or PA 5477 UNPUthslttIn our room apart ment or rent Ileoted and self contained williprivnte both Pos icsslnn Immediately Telephone PA Ilsiue or PA helm ioi furth ei iriioiinution PuuNlhnnD two room bochetor apitrtlnnhlcompiciey roll call tolncd crnund noontarith Hy drh amt hoot euppllcd Fireplacn and large etother cioiete Avon Asbng Auguit Telqphonl PA RENTALS APTSA HOUSES TO BENT fwo Unnnoou Cottage or apart mect to Rut the year round Putty hihinted Telphone mat Wein Beau or detain MODIRN two bedroom rtment amiable Aogtrrt Ki en wlib rvmgerator and Alan laundry room with uaber and dryer Ap In Cook street or ltlivhonn Mil an CONTAINED unturnlabed our room apnrnenLJIeat and water supplied no per month Past end location Available In mediateiy Telephone PA one or turiherdeiaila Tania point unnuniabed apert ment prtvate barb putlnl Iaeilh tier laundry tuhr In basement see Including heat water and lights child welcome Telephone PA mod QUEENS PABx Diitrt Tao hzdmom lower dupll print trnnl entrance tour pace batb atove and relrigerator Duemect atora space PrI arklng One child welcome no Tglllhbno PA um WANTED To hm MANAGER of local Inn require our bedroom linlue with rg by September Pleau rrr giv ing details to Box AI Dalri Int ImIlIer UNrutmlgtth three bedroom home to city Ileaiohible rent Rolexenrol ll required Wanted by Augurt For timber lntormation telephone PA Mm or PA Hm alter air Two on TIlltu Bedroom house wanted by Augurt to Earn Oil Iutlnl preferred Rel soluble renl No Anni children Telephone Letroy lulu arter pin ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED ROOM with use ol kitchen Linen iupnlled 0n bus route Telephone PA bolio or lurlltrr information CENTRAL loeatloii bright bed room end kitchen tor rent hilly mmuhcdgroiinmhle rent with heat me tight Included ldeil log couple Telephone PA some SUMMER RESORTS Longwoocl Lodge Lovely playground lplcluul mom hot and cold water Very good fishing Only one mtla to got and tennis court EUROPEAN CHEF EUROPEAN CUISINE HOME COOKING Broiled Steaks With Mushrooms Southern Fried Chicken very rcarohable rater Iuealr can bu served at all times lnr outrld crr Weekend guests and Inmlllu ore wclcome Close to AIlandeIo poll course Tel Srroud 62r23 COTTAGES T0 DENT Two BEDROOM Wintertred Cote togc with running water Indoor convnnlcncc At Iliiiletl Point Telephone PA 51924 or PA 5054 BIG DAY POINT Clean modern new cottage mmlehed Au con venlcnces Nclr rood bathing pooch and item Dvo bedrooms Available July 29 Aug 19 Tele phono PA Meet FOUR BEDROOM COHIEB BVSII ahle lost three weeks in August ilro three bedragm rottoro tor the lost two week in August also smou cottage with two bunk bed ovotiohle now All on Illa tront with good erhdy beach Thunder bench Apply Tuck Dundooold st narri COTTAGES FOR SALE UNFINISHED Winterlred cotton or role Near lake To be sold very reasonably For further In formation contact Mrs Dorothy Gosicy Carson Av Len0y Ont TWO COTTAGES nd Late for sale at Little Lake 82500 tor bath or will sell separotely real horr dymnnr opportunity Appw to Box all Barrie Examiner ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA 8227 PATIO STONES 15 sonre tbtcg WATER Phoom aowurt PAST Sarieant Co Ltd ZMary Street NEWSPAPER MATS Sizes eerie locii rocflloier lien housed Ituu oargee etc perfect insulator 25¢ PER DOZEN Apply The Dorrie Examinin Darn gt NEED NEW STOVE onle Buykem with Jawcolt lit Insured scom PLAN IIQAN Theidankm Nove acetic noYs movable CCM 9r role In excellent condition Aiklhg price 15 Telephone PA 66315 PoltTAULE TAPE Recorder or late Grundig model battery op eroicd transistor Selling or Telephone PA film Ior IurtIIr Iniorniattoh PIIEETE SANITAEP DISPOSAL ARTICLES for SALE ARTICLES for SALE REFRIGERATED COUNTERS Sell nerve man one our coon ten doubl deck and Ieot uooeean be toinad Sill no mun cod eounlln IllInn It WI AM out locum madtn and all dorm slut serve Produce countn man modern With in beau Irni mien hulll WI are complelo imelvfll And buldur unr euldl cu Par iurther lnlormrtlen write NATIONAL REFRIGERATION BOX 42 JACKSONS POINT ONTARIO or phone Sutton PA wet between am and pm FILL YOUR FREEZER with th linen and BLUE MEA IS ETC 1005 Guaranteed Quality ludgrt Terms on onion $3000 and our complete Line 01 FRESH MEATS ATIHE LOWEST PRICES are avattible to Ihelo who with to puncture their orderi daily at your KLEERPAK FOOD STORE TlFIiN mam DAIuttn PHONE PA moi Free Delivery Donn many III Inn AIPIIALT DNVEWAYE Telephone PA on Dishcrloriadd lelude hxsTAURANT Equlpminl er Electric itove grill and chip or All In nod condition Tolr phone PA M951 orliila PIANO ind bench tor rile Up right Mozart Very good condition will goll tor aieo Telephone PA Hall or turther iruormatloh STYLOMATIC Zn Machine how in rtock 6950 Alio young budget straight glitch machlnor at 37950 Come and one there new at Sing Telephone PA emo SEVERAL Goon Uied sewing Ma chlner ore now in our stock Price Idnle Iroin $10 and up There have to be cleared out immediately Telephone PA D7960 elm osclLATlNG Sunder Tol edo computing white onainel Coun ter Scale In lb copacii Plot and Scllq with scoop no the capacity We hp Brig and strap tori nline Engine Telephd Ivy lblu mum and lanair lnr nil ply Joan Gum Bur laws Inpla Avenue Demo HUIma AND 511qu Pond conicocean Ran PA is cum lung of uh In In plywood APP If Tom Sun 020 SuiDH Ontario mAUn canopy eomplot Intn piper Ind tutr Suitable or anactr bar or rulaurant And two cabins Must be moved or property Telepbena PA new DDAPII rod and been or to loot window noraI with back ground Predominaung colon oI wlne yIlio and Iran Home Telephone PA mot commAt Ell tor slat lpflnl lrctrcl uum cleaner wer ilowr er Plano All in alesortable Ior dirch phone PA 579 ONE mm In DJ Electric Motor pbaie no volt prrtect condi lion One IN faint Mon variable rpccd Freon York condensing unit new uraotee Telephone PA mt or em evening DOGS dz PETS occult IPANIzb Puppies or rate black weekr old piy to xv Lochbart Thornton lighvtay muNDLD ooxut male purebred lor ale lo rnoothr old Nu all you ions Telephone PA 516 or turiber Inlormlllon militias Sealpolnt Pedigreed Kit ten or sale Priced rpm For further intorrnatlon ploaie telephone PA um BOATS MOTORS SPECIAL IND l7 Pt MIDIan Delcnn Coupe Top Ball 75 hit Johnson Motor all Gallon Permanent Call Tull Spotlllhl Speedometer Compu Plko Pole Paddler LII Preserve udder Anchor Cllhn lllhll EST REASONABLE 0m Accmm Telephone PA $8915 JOHNSON motor or sale 15 hp uied only one reason excellent condition Owner In second molar Apply ery Street 18 llP IVINBUDB new sup Pet erborough Aluminum Dori liroot regular me now uio seminar on Proteeelonnl werer irlr re duced Sport haven PA elect tale lete CRUIEDR roll but outboard Ieet used one reainn luliy Illpv ped with or without motor oil ranridee Call PA Hm alter pni BOAT new 16 Id gem bottom deelt hardware and cover bargain tor cash can be seen at as Clmpbeu Avenul or telephone mod 25 rrP ionNth llotor to loot moulded plywood boat with wind iliield lightl tarp plddlu uto rovers rponoe rubber uphoiate etc on Too Nee heavy du taut complctl Telphone ivy BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yes Telephone PA 82414 £7 Roofing Siding Insulation Driveways and PAVING CO so DUNLaP sT msT DAM PHONE PA 87532 PONY RIDES Ioi Iactory oulce or club plcntcr Also available or other special event Telephone nut Simmons PA dlwe CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPIN EQUIPMENT FOP RENT Tents and Tarps comp Cat and stem coolers BARRI TENT AWNING CO LTD 34 EAYFIELD 5mm TELEPHONE PA 411 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twice weekly pickup delivery In FRANCIS ST REAR PA trassl Less then pack or cigarettes dry EXCAVATING ElLL GRAVE th SOIl SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Excavating and Grhdlul water Deuvery crushed rtona Holt Yard Slckhoe or hire DENle MORAN Anne street PA meltI PLASTEHING STUCCOSTONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Arieltways Patched FREEgESTIMATES TERMS oNO DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT PA AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITHANV SON Painting and Plperifllnzlfll Spray Painting Servllto Slime lm on BARRIE PA eetu SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACI We have been licensed to remove Your dud Ind cflDDIdIl Inn Alll mala under th above Art FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT EARRE PArkway 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95661 UPHOLSTEEY UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND onroparies ISIlp covers oBroadloem Commercial furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOIETERLNGAND RUG co oi BAYFIELD ST PA 51612 PA 399 GI townell collect Complete range ot rsbrlci Ahown In your home UPHOLSTERY chestertleids Chairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE IN BARRIE mm DEAD ORCRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE gHOGS Iileem Pelttoyed promptly rerdlspoedl FREEESIIMAIES AND PICKUP BARRIE Tenl And Althing CO LTD 44 PAYFIELD ST BARRIE PHONE PA 66437 CLEANI NG For fine furniture and rug cleaning call YFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES PAJJBII PA emit vaLl DIGGING WjELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESIIIIIIATES Goubland Dr ling tut N9 BARRIE PA 87645 SEPIIG TANKS PUMP ED

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