iï¬atrï¬r Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited 16 Hayfield street Barrie Ontario SATURDAY 1qu 22 Investigation Necessary To Canadas manufacturers of mediclnm as their counterparts in the United states have recently been are now being subjected to public examination They as much as their millions of cus tomers should welcome such an inquiry threeyear governmental study has precipitated this pm by the Restric tive Trade Practices Commission While it would be wholly wrongful to proJudge the examination now going on across the country such is the public interest in this particular sphere that it will be useful to recall th ereport of Henry the combines investi gation director who has submitted the federal report Of primary concen is the charge that Canadian drug prices run about eleven per cent above United Statas levels Viewed in the light of the conclusions drawn by the 115 sen ate antitrust and monopoly subcom mittee the Montreal Star suggests such an allegation is enough to drive Cana dians to wider use of tranquilizers were they cheaper In Washington Senator Estes Kefau Oi Clear Air ver is introducing legislation designed to impose price control on medical drugs generally Re and his committee feel they have uncovered sufficient evidence to Justify the more in the belief that retail prices are unreasonable whether gt compared to costs to profits or to prices in foreir countries The ilt in band now is precisely to discover if parallel situation exists here whether in the words of sub mission by the Canadian Association of Consumers among others manufactur ers have complete monopoly of the sale of their patented products and are charging rbltant prices We agree with the Star that on what ever levei whether it be that of the pharmaceutical concern or the comer drugstore the question needs airing for the benefit of all The outcome could well have bearing as it already has had in the United Kingdom and certain European countries on the matter of national health and govern ment participation in its direction High Taxes Cut Jobs Taxing Canadians out of Employment would be the height of foolishness but it would be hard to prove that the fed eral government is doing otherwise Nor is it just the present governmc it has been going on for long time and the 1981 budget brings no improvement comparison with the United Kingdom underlines the point The specific tax concerned is that an plied to corporation profits Here the tax is flat 50 per cent In Britain total corporate earnings are taxed at 15 per cent with an additional 3875 per cent tax on profits distributed to sharehold ers so that they will not be taxed twice shareholders are credited for the tax col lected from the company The signific ant point is that profits spent on busi ness expansion are taxed at only 15 per cent Britains twolevel tax on business proï¬ts has double advantage It dir ectiy helps the public by keeping to minimum the priceincreasing effect of the tax It directly helps industry by leaving it more money for the plant ex pansion and improvement that leads to better cheaper products In brief though the British are more heavily tax ed than are Canadians the tax struc ture is designed to provide investment capital and stimulate industrial growth Just how little money is left to can adlan industry for reinvestment in its Down Memory Lclné ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION On July is 1936 an attempt was made to assassinate King George in Hyde Park London England He was rid ing back to Buckingham Palace after parade and presentation of new colors to six battalions of the Foot Guards woman in the crowd saw man pull revolver from his pocket and she leap ed upon him and in the struggle the weapon was knocked from his hand and it landed on the road near His Ma jestys horse Four of its five chambers were full No shots were fired and one man was arrested The Duke of York heirpresumptive was riding with the King Policerescued the accused man from the crowd and took him to the police station As usual the King was accompanied by the cap own expansion is shown by report on manufacturing in 1980 prepared by the Canadian Manufacturers Association Federal and provincial taxes on corpor ation income last year amounted to 39 cents on each dollar of sales Sharehold ers received 25 cenu on each dollar of sales The amount left for reinvestment in business averagedil cents on the sol es dollar The public of course pays through higher prices the share of cor poration earnings that governmenttax es away Also because the corporation tax discourages the investment of new risk capital and does nothing to en courage the accumulation of reinvest ment capital the public pays again through loss of employment speaking recently on this sublect to the Canadian Apparel and Textile Man ufacturers Assocfation John Meyer fin ancial editor of the Montreal Gazette said The truth of the matter is that Canadian tax authorities have consist ently levied their taxes in terms of how much money the government needs not in terms of what industry can afford to pay believe that this is one of the most important reasons why we havesecn the growth in our economy brought to halt Until the public recognizes that there is relationship between Jobs profits and taxes the politicians will continue their present folly tain of his bodyguard the Royal Horse Guards An official of Scotland Yard said that no special measures were taken for the Kings protection during the parade but as usual uniformed men were lining the streefs and plainclothesmen mingl ed with the crowd DROUGHT HERE IN 1936 On July 16 1938 Simcoe County faced bad crop situation with no rain for practically month north of Barrie Oats were failure but wheat more promising Also affected were barley early potatoes root crops pasture small fruits and gar dens Corn looked fairly good Ordinary pasture was poor prospect but alfalfa and clover looked good Market garden ers were hard hit and small fruits were total failure Hay however was the best in many years Other Editorsr Views THE NEW COLONIALISM Christian Science Monitor Within the decade and half since establishment of the United Nations more than 40 nations have emerged from Western colonial control to attain in deendence and in many cases an mem berShip Within the same period new and much more ironclad form of colonial ism that of Soviet communism has been consolidated over oncefree peoples of Central Europe It ls beingpresented as something desirable to peoplesof Asia and Africa The Barrie Examiner Authorised ucond our will Poll Office pavement 0th belly Sunday and Statutory Holiday ueepind manuala WALH Publisher amen amour General mm lt armaments Mangin Editor camber wanna amine mm warez samba Advertising Maura soar aobpaa Circulation mu Subscript daily carrier 1v Earn your at ca 13 By man 01135 09 ya 00 mon in use dim monthl not monthi bymde Ontario uc year Ontsidl can add 31000 you drum in univeni Ave Torah Egan Montreal me mum Mombrol dun mam humdon Audit Bureau of Cirrul on The Canadian Frau l1 asciusivei one for republication of an amul atcbid Eaper credltld In It or Til Alli Itod Prue tutors Ind Illa tho local new publllli there 511 geï¬visnim anuuea Just how undesirable even how tragic and vicious it is could be told by millions of Hungarians Poles Czechoslovaks East Germans Romanians Bulgarians Albanians Latvians Estonians and Lith uanians if theirRussianbacked over lords allowed them to speak Since that seemspresently hopeless others should and must speak for them This speaking is done in one form by the observance from July 16 through 22 this year of Captive Nations week in stituted by resolution of the United States Congress ln1959 When members of the Assembly of Captive European Nations with head quarters in New York declare they seek only peacefulliberation of their peoples aome may be skeptical as to how that can come about But their program is thoughtful one which takes account of the posflbilitles of the UN The US General Asianibly last year proclaimed by resolution the need of bringing tea speedy and unconditional and colonialism in units formsand manifestations The Assembly wt var ious times has debated what certain members nations regarded as their in temal affairs in south Africa Algeria and Angola can it then long refuse to debate denial of human rights in counlt rice controlled by Communist puppet governmentsbecause Moscow Bgarcie his as an internal affair2 QUEENS plum Pearls or Wisdom Concern Insurance DON OEEARN TORONTO Our old friend Alfred ll Cowling bestdressed man in the legislature from Tor onto HighPark most dignified man in the legislature from Toronto HighPark most wise man in the legislature from Ton onto HighPark and man in the legislature most never at loss for words has been shedding some more of his pearls of wis dnm and judgment This time the pearls are de signed to maintain the present and future good health of the in nuance business having been delivered to the select commit fee on automobile insurance of which Mr Cowling is member as he seems to be of most com mllteea As is muaily the case when his most valuable gems are do iivered Mr Cowling on this oc casion was tangllng with the op position DESERYES MEDAL More speciï¬cally he was tan gllng with Liberal Elmer Sopha of Sudbury which in itself shows orrrwil REPORT Mr Cowling deserves gold medal for bravery even more than Mr Goyna Mr Sopha though better than colmtryband at grabbing headline also usually talks at least close to sense And as an experienced courtroom lawyer in can wither thou foes who are rash enough to think that debating strength learned speak ing from the government back benches can stand up to him Mr Sopha had proposed that the number of insurance com panies might be cut down He said this would cut administra tlln costs and tend to lower the on of insurance generally Mr Cowling indignantly re plied io this Whyiyou couldnt do that We shouldnt reduce the number of anything Thats the way we grow and gress Would you advocate cu ting down the num ber of lawyers Mr Cowling of course is an insurance agent and Mr Sopba is lawyer That nonreducing theory cer says Federal Agricultural Program Sensible Approach Patrick Nicholaon Is on vacation ills guest column ist today is the Hon Alvin Hamilton minister of am culturc and Conservatlvo MP for QnAppellc Sank OTTAWAThe 196061 session afrarliament produced an im pressive list of legislative en actments each one of which would make for meaty dis cussion in newspaper column prder however to assess the session in the light of ques lwn Is there evidence that the government is carrying out any coherent program leading to wards definite objectives As member of cabinet one would expect that naturally would say Yes We are But propose to leave it to the reader to decide will praent the case on the agricultural side You be the judge Since the 303 it has grown increasingly clear that revo lubon was occurring in agricul ture The farmers share of the national income was declining Many farmers were leaving the land The aim of the PCs was ex pressed best by John Diefen baker in March of 1957 when he stated that there should be national development policy with agriculture the basic cor nersfone of that policy Without being too partisan about my presentation here are the goblevementa ALT PASSED To reduce the evil effects of violent fluctuations lnpricc we passed the Agricultural Stabili zation Act in 1953 now covers 17 products Gross farm income in the lalt three years basavr eraged $351000000 abovethc average bf the preceding four years Much of this increase is due to this Act but in my opin ion much has still to be learned and done tornuke the act even more effective Our problems in regard to hogs and eggs are an example To reduce of severe extremes III weather we passed the CropInsurance evince the ruinous effects has really done anything about it and the demand for it is in creaslng rapidly in that prov ince other provinces must put some effort into thfsprngrarn if the full advantages of stable income areto be realized Once prices and incomes are stabilized it is easier to make farm credit work We set up the Farm Credit Corporation in 1959 and it began operatingiinr 1960 It appears now that some $75 000000 year in carefully planned and in the case of young supervised credit will be used to lift thou sands of farmers each year to economic units So far would suggest the rogram of development ap pears logical and it is but what about the marginal farm What aMutsumlu production From the very beginning the government tackled the prob lem of sluplusgrain which hung over the heads of all Canadian farmers in 1957 From 15541957 average annual exports of wheat were 278 million bushels For 19581961 it appears that the av erage will be over 310000000 bushels and that figure does not reflect the full impact of the China sale Even allowing for extra sales our productive potential is greater than foreseeable domes tic and export markets so in 1361 we passed the Agricultural Rehabilitation and Development ActARDA to allow govern ments to shift land to alterna tive and better uses to set up rural development committees and have national conservation programs By this not we try to ust supply to demand to rural income and make better use of our soil and water So there it is fouryear program of legislation is it sensible approach Does ARDA fit in with the Stabilization Act and the FCC7 In production re lated to markets leave it to you Ll would like inrelatevthc na tional agricultural policy to the overall development program of the government butihat if for another limo talnly doesnt apply to debts It has been our approach for number of years And the only growth and progress has been in the overdraft Thereis wiseangle to the insurance business today which hasnt come before ihe commit tee yet but which well may This is the insistence ofsomc companies on paying small claims even when the lnturee demands that they donl This of course is at least first cousin to sharp practice For the insured isiimmedlaiely rated up sometimes more in the first year than the amount of the claim paid arbour mom ax filovemmentl Faces Inflation Battle am 1106 Specialisedenim Wu For The Barrie Examiner wunou The baffle which Phylum purify the oountry emnonxy is letting info dangerous position rt are not keep in iii imports The foreign trade is not mm if uncut abroad for aid underdeveloped winhlel both within and without the Common wealth The balance of pay mcnfs position is steadily do renaming and the dormiryl gold and dollar reserved are fludlly declining is the posltlon with which the Chancellor of the Bebequcr ll faced and in the very near future oncatba 196l finance bill bwomci law there will be some drastic measures to correct it WAGES AND PRODUCTION One of the targets at which the Chancellor is aiming is the disparity between wage increue es and industrial production While in the last year wages have increased by nine per cent produciion has gone up by only two per cent This says Mr Selwyn Lloyd cannot coa unue There must be halt to the appalling claims for higher wages and concentration on higher production coupled with more intensive drivafor ox ports made possible by re siralnlng domestic buying One direction in which Mr Lloyd has been attacldng his problems is in his declaration that there mm be strong re straint in claims for higher wages But his appeals to the trade unions to exercise this restraint have fallen on deaf ears indeed on belligerent minds One by one the maior trade unoina have indicated that they are to make wage claim for SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS CREEMORE Mr and Mrs James Nesbitt and Rodney are holidaying in Maine for the next three weeks Mr andMrs Doug Mdellan and boys are spending months holiday at BNCiiVille Mr and Mrs Bill Phillips and daughter Toronto were weekend guests of Alex McAl lister HOLY COMMUNION At St Patricks RomanCa ibolic Church Stayner on Sun day July 16 nine young can didates from Creemore Stay ner and Brentwood received theirfirst Holy Communion at earlymsss said by Rev Fatb er Cahill Following the service re ception was held in the Parish Hall for the parents and friends of these young people which was prepared and served by the Catholic Womens League Candldstcs receiving thal first communion were Dawn Elizabeth Dalton Bernice Con neil Marlena Jarvis Roseanne Van Gaalen Johnnie Duggan Billy Franssen Bllly Beets Jerryand Harry Lamers urw LOWELL llfaurice McWilliam of End spent few days with Mr and Mrs Wesley Bales Congratulations to Mr Mrs Glen Mumberson birth of baby girl Mr and Mrs Harry Mans bridga and Lamin spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Chareiie at their collage on Lake Nipissing and called on Mr and Mrs Adam Hughes at Callander Mr and Mrs Pinion and Sharyn of Angus spent Sunday with Mrs Paddison Mrs Ella Mansbridge spent the weekend at Camp Rawley PortSevern and met some rei eiLives from Unity Saskatche wan there Mrs Alfred Guthrie Mr and Mrs John Guthrie and family of Carson spent tile weekend with Mr and Mrs Wesley Bales Mr and Mrs Charles Cam bourne and Jean motored in Oshawa Sunday to visit with friends there Mr and Mrs Arnold and Cecil Mrs Haverson and Melville spent Sunday with rel atlves at Port Severn Mrs Mansbridga returning home with them Mr and Mrs Wlnes Caebfawn Mr and Mrs Le gate and family attended the Legals reunion at Earl Rowe Park Alliston on Sunday where over 100 satdown to supper Mr and Mrs Hurry Presser Norris and friend Jim Prosser the and friend Mr and Mrs Allan Legute all olNew Lowell Mr and Mrs Douglas Carter of Barrie attended the 25th Wed ding anniversary for Mr and Mrs Agar of Stayner in ihe Avenlng Community Centre Friday July 14 Sorry to report Mrs Frank Fekett Sr in Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie We hope for speedy recovery Rev Bowers and his mother from the west are visiting friends here Mrs Johnston and Billy of Hamiltonare visiting with her mother Mrs McLeish and her sisters Sorry to report Lawrence Pai terson is in and Hospital Collingwood follwing acsr ac cidcnt We hope to see Lawr ence around again soon LEFROY Mrs Melvyn Noble spent week with Mr and Mrs Fred Noble in Toronto recently Recent visitors with Mrs Mervyn Noble have been Mr and Mrs Lucas Noble and girls Toronto Mr and Mrs Cbantier Newton Robinson Reuben and Wallace Lucas Churchill and Mr and Mrs Jack Willard Toronto Mr and Mrs Brad Frld and Mr and Mrs Jim McNeil and Kathy Toronto have been at the home of their parents Mr and Mrs Grose Mr and Mrs lorman Sproule and children of Calgary spent few days with the laiters mother Mrs Will Reid and Mr and Mrs Ed Jackson and family and arenow motoring to eastern parts to visit with Mr Sproules relatives Sympathy to Sydney Adams and family in the passing of dear wife and mother The late Mrs Adams had been semiinvalid for number of years but her sudden demise had come unexpectedly The funeral was to St Pauls ceme ï¬ery on Saturday July The members of the WA held successful bake sale on the veranda of Mrs Waller Allans on Saturday July Mr and Mrs Herbert Soho fleld Gall and Karen Mrs Schofleld and MrsSlater all of Toronto were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Maurice held Miss Norma Wllison of Orll lla spent the weekend with her mother hera lncruru ushering Ihey have lneacb case given warning lo Mr Lloyd that they will not ouroperate in exercising wage restraint but will push their claims for wage regardim of flu stain of the cotmtrya economy lheru ll bound to be show down Ioon lnthls so far buiila Mr Lloyd is mavinc must of firmly and outbreak of major strik in position lengthy strike in fact some of them could quite easily use up all of their reserves if strike werrto last more than two or three weeks However the economic battle lines are being drawn with tho future welfare of the countrys economy at stake ALTERNATIVE TD ECM The stem attitude of Common wealth countries ogainkt Britain Joining the Common Market has brought about some new think ing in government circles This is indicated by reports that the cabinet is preparing alterna tive plans for the countrys economic future in case it de cides not to joint with the Eur opean Economic Community On the surface it is apparent that in Ihe event of this decia ion being made there will have to be drastic changes in the governments trade defence and economic policies What is foreseen is that there will hive to be defensive mens urea to protect Britains indus try from intense competition from Western Europe 0n the other hand another result might well be the strengthening of trade and economic links with the Commonwealth nations These might lead to new trade block biased on the Com monwEalih countries with new system of tariffs and du ties to protect British indus fries from bloodletting trade war with Europe MAY CUT DEFENCE One thing which is mostljke ly to happen is sharp reduclt lion in defence expenditures particularly in Western Europe Britain may be forced to with draw all but atoken force of British troops from West Ger many Britain simply could not afford to keep on paying out heavily for West European de fence when Brlfnln herself is assailed by eonnorflc troubles lhind trade threats from bar al 85 These are the alternatives to participation in the Common Market The fact that they are being discussed at all can be taken as an indication that the government is not sure that it garlic to join the European LLOYD FORESTALLED The Finance Houses Associa tion whose members finance most of the instalment plan purchases of automobiles has served notice that the cost of brains cars by that method is to be increased Down pay ments and monthly instalments on secondth cars are to go up as well as those on new cars The firms claim that the rise in rates has been forced on them by an increase in their costs and by the need for them to pay higher interest on the money they borrow There is feeling in fansncial circles however that there is more behind it than that It is regarded as an effort on the part of the automobile finance companies to forestall any in stalment purchase restrictions which Chancellor of the Ex chequer Slwyn Lloyd might feel inclined to include in the new credit squeeze which is coming in the near future By raising their own rates they might well believe that the chancellor will deal more leniently with them in his efforts to restrict domestic buying in order to prov mote greater exports BIBLE THOUGHT there no balm in Gilead 11 there no physician the Jeremiah 828 Yes there is balm there is healing for the wounded life the crippled aouL It is not only in Gilead but anywhere through God lTunseif and alone cannula MISS Your Ilf your carrier has not arrived by ll pm PA please phone 82433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE lg N9 CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELF CARS AND TaUCKS