FRIENDS root for Rex Hol lelt as he tries to knock down the pins at the Child rens Carnival in Queens Park Rex who lives at 38 Toronto Street managed to down two pins and win prize At the snme time Robert Johnston right was alone in the Horror llouse Robert is shown with blind Everyone Wins Prize At Childrens Carnival Quecns Park was swarming wiith children and parents tak ing in the attractions at the childrens carnival last night Attractions were varied There was fish pond where all chil dren received prices As the companied by screams from line dangled over the concealed pond is rather cramped young ster fastened book or novelty to the hook HORROR HOUSE While some children were blindfolded and led around the mysterious horror house with its relish intestinais and boil cd egg eyeballs other young sters tried their luck at the bowling alley balloon board hoopla stall and goodies depart merits The entire evening was ac tha horror house lnvestlgation revealed that most of the screams came from the girls in charge of the house They seemed to feel that if they screamed effectively the pat rons would echo their horror As other children were swarm ing over the area Ricky Bob Death Of Boy Puzzles Police Didnt Die 0i Bruises 0n Body TllttlulNS Provincial of are investigating the death of fouryear old boy after post mortem indicated it could not have been caused by any of the many bruises on his body Regional pathologist Dr Bissonnette ascribed the death Thursday of Aurele Loyer of Hoyle about 15 miles northeast of here to suffocation from vomiting Joseph was rushed to Porcu phie General Hospital by his father Yvon Loyer miner at nearby Paymasfer gold mine and was pronounced dead on arrival He had light bruise on his forehead marks which police believe were caused by finger prints on his neck light marks on his right arm and anahra sion to the right hip However Dr Bissonnette said some of the bruises were sev eral days old and none was May Increase OPPs Force To flid Traffic TORONTO CP Attorney General Kelso Roberts said Fri day he will ask the provincial government for permission to add between 200 and 350 men to the Provincial Police force in an effort to check Ontarios rocketing traffic death toll The decision to increase the force was made after confer ence called by Mr Roberts and attended by senior OPP offic ers and government officials The conference also decided to hire leading traffic expert Hudson Hamm chief field manof the traffic institute of Northwestern University Evan ston Ill to make survey of the OPPs structure Mr Roberts said in the fist six months of this year traffic deaths have risen by 416 per cent compared with last year He said 330 people have been killed on the 85000 miles of OPPpatrolled roads duriogthe first halfyear although the num ber of accidents dropped by six per cent Another possible measure to get more trained men on the roads could he to use cadets un der 21 for office and radio work Mr Roberts said The VOPP has 1024 uniformed constables Mr Roberts noting that 75 per cent of the present force is on traffic duty said an increase in personnel would mean an in crease incruisers More marked cruisers would be used He said the force pre fers these to unmarked cars be cnough to cause or to have any part in the death Mrs Loyer told police Joseph had the flue and had vomited frequently recently She said the head bruisa came from fall in the boys bed and the hip and neck marks from play ing with metal swing in the yard Mr Loyer told police he was not sure the boy was alive when he arrived from the mine to take him to hospital Coroner Frank Evans said he could not accept suffocation as the cause of death before he re ceived medical report on speciments he sent Toronto laboratory An inquest will be held There are instances of shop lifting in Barrie but it is not on very large or well organized scale This was the consensus of number of merchants in the downtown area who were asked about this problem by The Examiner It is an acknowledged fact that millions of dollars annual ly are lost to Canadian business firms particularly those in the variety grocery and clothing fields Alvin Robinson Robinsons Hardware said he didnt think the shoplifting problem was too bad locally He explained that his owu operation was not self service store and that clerks were constantly on the lookoutfor this type of thing VARIES wrrn ECONOMY feel that most of the shop lifting is domain the sclfservl ice stores he said It also changes with economic condi tions If things are good gen erally believe the problem practically vanishes except in the case of children Queried regarding store pol being picked up Mr Robinson indicated he would prosecute if itwas an airtight case He added however that it is very difficult thing to prove Ross Stephens Stephens Mens Wear said he didnt think his operation had real problem in is respect We know do losesome goods to shoplifters but wafeel that it is almost negligible amount CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines cause they act as deterrent to speeders PA 66555 belt 11 of so PorkSide Drive sat in their midst reading comic book Ricky explained that he had brought 25c to the carnival and it quickly ran out As the night was still young he decided to make use of the comic book he had won and catch up on some reading Another disgruntled youngster was Jane Fair 12 of 116 Sher boume Street Jana had the job of selling balloons She asked one customer if he wanted to buy balloon and when he asked what he would use it for she replied Sit on it Jane uplained that she did not dislike selling balloons but would rather buy than sell She felt that lot of fudge and pop corn was going to waste $200 RAISED Jana Winter who was respon sible for the organizing of the carnival said today the carn ival was great success Al most SZOO was raised she said This money will be used to pay for the soft drinks take the youngsters out for treat and augment the equipment of the Barrie recreation committee Body of Woman ilfloai In River CAMPELLFORD CWThe body of woman was found Friday night floating in the TrentRiver about eight miles north of this community 25 miles northwest of Belleville Tony Decaric manager of Zellers indicated drop in activity among shoplifters here this year We are very pleased with the apparent drop in activity We have sufficient number of clerks on hand to hinder such operations and helieve only the selfservice people are ex periencing difficulties Gordon Roach Roachs Mens Wear said he believed the ex cellence of the local police force had great deal to do with the lack of appeal of shop lifting operations in the area Mr Roach said have great deal ofrespect and ad miration for Chief Tschirhart and his officers They are do ing magnificent job LUCKY CAUGHT He added that in his opinion the children who were caught shopliftihg were the lucky ones He explained that usually stem warning would suffice to teach them valuable lesson He said that those who got away with it for while were often those who at into more seri icy in the event of suspect nus trouble later on David James manager of Woolworths felt his store did lose some items to the shop lifters but that the problem was much more serious in their selfservice operation town we haveeonugh clerks AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION am your automatic trnny mission repaired by quail fled mechanics You may also finance all work and Partc here Morons 369 Baylleld 5t PA 84133 ler Bros Ltd said Doivn fold examining the mon sters teeth llolrt lives at is Shirley Avenue Examiner Photo CarTums Over Driver Injured Edmund Brown of 1455 James St North Bay was injured last night when his or overturned on Highway was miles north of Barrie Brown was north und when the left wheel of his car drop ped off the shoulder and his ve hicle skidded across the two southbound lanes and over turned in the dltdi Shoplifting Not Large scdle In Barrie Merchants Agree to keep careful watch on most of our merchandise We do not know exactly how much we do lose but such shortages are made allowance for in our yearly operations statements HAD SUSPICIONS Cliff Hurl manager of Bush There has been no shoplifting in this store to my knowledge Ive had my suspicions occasionally but you have tr he mighty sure of your grounds before you stop anybody Before coming to Barrie worked in Pcterbor ough We caught few people there But We iidnt prose cute We just asked them not to come back BruceMcLean asst mana ger Power Supermarkets Ltd In the time weve been open weive had no cases of shoplift ing few small children have taken stuff but they were so small they couldnt even talk and didnt know any better The people of Barrie are pretty hon est It is not our policy norm ally to prosecute ahoplifter We have them fill out form which lists the goods which they have tried to take and which states they are liable for pros ecutian BAYCIIY UPIIOLSIERING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates anaa PICKUP AND name PHONE Mm aanmr Upholsteriiig Is Our BusinessNot Just Sldcllne ss nrndiord St TEE emu EXAMINER IATURDAY JULY and Rotary Club 15 Planning August Outing Speaker this weeks meet ingoftbcRctaryCluhofBan rte was Garnet Pratt who op erates hobby Supply shop in town Mr Pratt gave many humor ous examples of the oonlus ion and frustration resulting from orders without the name and address of the sender faul ty description of goods requir ed and language difficulties with New Canadians He told of the indignant wo man who complained about the condition of the deerakin ro turned after tanning Claiming the skin had been in perfect condition when sent in she statedho deer had been knock ed down and killed by car He also mentioned the prisoner who had ordered convex buck les which he called coovlctl buckles Mr Pratt recalled that young girl rushed into the store one day and asked for copy of the book in the window titled tovehtaking for Beginners Considerably puzzled he accom paned the girl outside where she pointed out the book She had not noticed that part of an otherpubllcatlon covered the first letter of the title and that it really read Glove Making for Beginners Details were given of the Rotary Clubs annual chicken Barb4 This years event will be held at St Vincent Park Aug with serving commenc ing at 430 pm Proceeds will go toward Rotary work in civic improvement and social wel fare WILL UNVElL PLAQUE The Orlllla Chamber of Com merce announced today that Premier Leslie Frost will participate in the unveiling of plaque to mark the historic Cahiagua slte The ceremony will take place at 230 pm Tuesday Aug The plaque being erected by the Ontario Archaeological and Historical Sites hoard nine miles west of Orillia off Highway 12 LIONS STEP OUT Lions Clubof Barrie is map ping out on Wednesday with the fourth annual chicken barbecue tobaattbehomaofchaGam ens at Shanty Bay This is this the usual gala Ilene summer av ent one MAN amen Kyosti Kankainen of Oro Station was fined $100 in Or lllia magistrates court this week on charge of failing to report an accident His veh icle was involved lna minor collision at the junction of highways 113 and 12 He told police he was too frightened to remain and pleaded guilty WILL UNVEE PLAQUE Premier Leslie Frost of On tario will unveil plaque marking the site of Cahfague lrgest town of the Huron In dian nation 400 years ago near Orlllla on Aug RETURNS HOME Ills many friends were pleased to learn that Vern on Hook proprietor of Keen ans Music Store has been able to return home after spending several weeks in Royal Victoria Hospital START GAS LINE Construction of soulmile eightinch pipelinefrom Bond Head to Alliston will start im mediately and it will also serve Benton Consumers Gas signed contract to supply UnWed Student Pleads Guilty TORONTO CPlAn unmar ried University of Toronto stu dent of physiotherapy pleaded guilty Thursday to charge un der the Criminal Code of ne glecting to obtain assistance in childbirth charge of infanticide against Patricia MacDonald 24 of Syd ney NS was withdrawn be fore she pleaded guilty to the lesser charge Magistrate Thoburn pended sentence under guidance of probation officer She was ordered to past $1000 bond Expect Heavy PCAF Demand For Housing Alr Force headquarters at Camp Borden anticipate heavy demand for housing both in Bar rle and Allisfon following the transfer of ECAF schools from Aylmcr to Border by the end of next month Dry Barrie Area Restaurants Disappoint Many US Tourists some 000 tourists have re lng the last two months About from Ontario points others hailed from the United States that Ohloans where 250 miles he said SHEBA SWINE PICNIC Annual picnic of the Sheba Shrine Club is being held to day iit Couchichlng Park in Orlllla Members from Barrie and Orillla districts will on tertain their families There will be game for children LOCAL AND placed the girl on years ans swimming buffet supper and evening program assault the SaladsShirrlflAllorsey polt tsto processing plant at Allis ton with 150000000 cubic feet of natural gas annually which made it economically feasible to build the transmission line out of the TransCanada pipe line CHART BAY ROUTE Charting the eastern shore of Georgian Bay to find safe sheltered route through the thousands of islands and shoals fringing the share is currently being carried out by the federal department of mines and technical surveys EXPLORER CAMPS Next week the first of two sevenday camps for Explorer girls 11 to 10 years of age will commence the United Churchs Slmcoe Presbytery Camp at Midland Point Geor gian Bay My car Barr Terry Wiseinan auto body repair mechanic Something should be done about the noise made by many of the tire screaming cars in Barrie There is noreason why driv ers should be allowed to race along the main streets indiffi erent to pedestrian eardrums There is also strong possi bility that child will be killed by one of the speeders feel certain that safety check to have faulty mufflers brakes and drivers Something had culous situation immediately Haircuts 75c Saturdays 5100 Barber GLIFES BARBER snag Eu Bold Acrosn min Atlandslo us quested lnformatinn from the Lakeland Reception Centre dur 40 per cent of the visitors came Many The majority of American tourists who drop into the Lake land Reception Centre are from Ohio supervisor Ian Bell said today On the basisof obser vations he has made during hls travels in Ohio Mr Bell thinks will drive any They will drive from Cleveland to Chicago for nights entertainment and thats He said tourists from lndinna annd Illinois are frequently ex pressing their appreciation of would find many Barrier cars better be done about this ridi The more announced some months ago is now underway ECAF camp at Aylmer oeartlndsay is being closed under centralization policy On of its schools which in Ontarios 9000 miles of main highways They say that the absence of toll gates is most welcome tinny comment on the absence of beer and shoe billboards alongside the hlgtiv ways Tourists say Ontarios high ways are tidy clean and at tractlvc However Mr Bell pointed out there are complaints too Every day tourists say some thing like th Wehave just driven 200 miles ls Uiere place in Barrie where we can have cocktail with dinner and relax When Mr Bell informs them that Barrie res tauraan do not so liquor they are disappointed One of the two fire exting uishers in the centre came in handy yesterday Someone no ticed that the rear seat of an unoccupied car was on fire The blaze was put out quickly but the seat was destroyed Tourists ar cll pleased with the cooperation of the provin cial police Mr Bell said On Friday motorist informed the centre staff that touring par ty was having difficulty up the road patrol car was sent out immediately The driver had taken ill and his wife was unable to drive structs in moblie support equip ment has already been re established at Borden with 50 permanent instructors and 70 students Seven other schools wiu be transferred before the end of August STAFF OF 200 The changeover will affect staffotzoomenandmmm students The staff alone with will rtquiro their families total accommodation for air pmxirn atcly 700 The housing must be found in the larger Simone Countygcommunities principally Barrie Every one of the 320 Air Force houses at Borden is oc cupied and the newcomers will have to wait theirturn when vacancies are announced There will be no problem in aiding accommodation for the students who will attend coursesot vary ing length They will eat and sleep at the camp NEW BUILDING large new building costing 9000000 has been erected in the Air Force section of the camp to provide space for mo of the classes Equipmen is now being installed and will be in readiness during the next few weeks number of men with their fain ilies should have noticeable in the Simcoc County district Air Force ï¬blic relations of ficcra say purely air force $4000000 In addition nearly $1500000 was paid to civilian personnel at the camp The ad dition of more than 200 new staff members and 400 to 500 students should push the aggre gata close to $7000000 Bargains reminiscent of re tall prices of 30 40 and 50 years ago have been planned by downtown merchants of Bar rie during monster threeday old fashioned sale commenc ing Thursday The oldfashioned theme will be stressed in many ways apartfrom prices Soma clerks in stores will wear costumes of bygone era and vintage cars Iwill parade the streets number of the stores will be decorated with banners and balloons The gigantic sale Ls being sponsored by the Barrie Down town Merchants Association of which Bart Simmons and Harry Haddon are joint chairmen PREWAR BARGAINS The bargains we will be off ering are reminiscent of the prewar era Mr ï¬mmons said Price reductions will range as hifli as 60 per cent They will recall the time when the dollar was worth two and three times what ibis today Main celebration feature will be street dance Friday even ing July 20 commencing at 930 Tbcdance will be held in ropede section of Dunlap Street between Tamblyns Drug Store and the Bank of Toronto Music willibe supplied by the Paul Emuis sextette who will play both square and round dances over loudspeaker sys tem The dance will be free and everyone from 16 tos0 is invited Mr Hadden said think this will be an opportun ity for many oldvtimors to re new acquaintances The Kempenfeit trumpet band on the Friday evening and at It am Saturday July 29 The band will be accompanied by clowns in costumes to tickle the fancy of both young and old RADIO DRAWS There will be three draws for transistor radios Winners of radios to be awarded on the nlï¬h just no curly get to thatand overheardono lad say dont know much PA 80311 crooning sr SALES AND snnvmnonurnn orrnnspoo onmycan RADIOS FOR ONLY $4250 IN ANY ALSOCUSTOM Marshmallows VALUE AT $11000 son ONLY 50 comment nvsrannnn warns you WA SALES AND SERVICE FULLY GUARANTEED iiiiroiiiiiiio and illFl slum about myhusbandsbuainw Ive afulliameinb looking after be home and the children And its quiiA siob Eundrcds of thousan he Andtho mother came oftha load in keeping her husband an milyingooe the measuring But aims encampment of her bus with will parade the streets at 730 Friday and Saturday will be announced at the street dance Free ballots will be available to the public at more than stores that will be participating in the olfashioned sale number of stores have ar ranged for their own draws and giveaways However officials illfiarnvftriran29 The influx of such large and buoyant effect on business payroll at Borden last year was stress tickets for the draws can be obtained without obliga tion that the public will visit the stores and inspect the bargains available The bargains will be in eff The merchants hope is ect when the stores open for business next Thursday morn ing and will continue until clos ing time Saturday evening When new haliy arrives llr when you brateaveryapeciaifam ily occasion Your Welcome Wa on Hostess will will wi basket of gifts and fries greetqu from our re groin civre busine as leaders When the occasion mse phone PA 66302 you pa tlinother women are doing titanium children might eveninesn all the diï¬crence betwem secu rity and despair Its the matter of life insurance If the uncut pected should happen do ove houa and gt mother shoul have the protec tion is only life mauranon can ve v3 thespart of hey hun bands business is really impor tent andeveryhouaewrfa and mother should know about it Wh life insurance has he and enough to give the family reasonable chance to carry FD if thawageesrnerdiediv Id like to stop insomniac an to ver this unpo businms before its too late overWit