ARTICLES for SALE 308 T5 MOTORS AUTOMOTIVE MOBEE HOMES CAM LOANS900 ll monih Telephone PA gt Crescent nnsnee Dunlap St eel Tnuir VEGETABLES innor TIAan tor sale with isioot portable maroon These units are sol up toilre on No Lost at lnnlsal Perle Prisca st um Apply to no as Home Examiner riot PMATOUlaé hallo 3150 mo bu An an Lee 51 mi moi PA used naarnanxLLs rots aALL Wel eom io radio and pick your own In nines nonh on No 11 iilxir uny For runner details telzphun PA 5951 ABT CLES WANTED WANTED REFRIGERATORS FOR SUMMER COTTAGES HIGHEST TRADEIN VALUE Call McFaddens FDR PRICES PA 89288 cLTNGUAPHUNE Conlns or other Cerrnsn lsnsusre course wanted In good condition ApplyIo Box 66 Barrie Examiner wt Wm PAT CASH or road used luiniture or any need used srtiele Individual or content laLL Phone PA Mm CLEAN nuritioLrLATons wanted or our summer cotiare trade hohlrisoni llsrdwurn telephone PA owl PERSONALS Tum WANTED by lad $111 West as time in Adrian or to my all ol expenses Pious eoatsei PA Moss pm nauAuLn wurui without chil dren to live In new hunllicv with widower Could hire some furniture rent ror tutorin Uon esll PA 31m WOMENS COLUMN UNWANTED HAIR Vanished easy with SaraPolo ScnPeiu is Amman1t does not dissolve or remove hair from the rurme but oeoe sin and re tsros rowtn oi annealed heir Loeprer Leo Ltd Grr ville Vancouver sec to HELP WANTED FEMALE HELP nPlaT or local man business shorthand and knowledra oi boob kerptnr necessary Good employee benenis day week Apply to Box 66 nsrrie Examin MALE HELP si 5FARMER5 MARKET LIVESTOCK GUERNSEY cow or sale slro 11nlste1n Cow Apply noun Melted ale urban or telephone Ivy 11m CORRIEDALE RAMS tor sole lrom noisiered alock Apply Allsn Lennox Palnswirlr or ielephone aorta Sirnud RAM cunumDALn toi le rel iered born 1901 01 us esn be seen Apply to cedar Penn or telephone Bra 4013 YOUNG 1112511 Holstein cowr rrulslerod usted seereniled Also Yorkshire Sows Arst litter elm hle or registration Apply Camphtii dr sons stroud ONI Puss Reitlstered Nolsleln cow and Call nine years old eellent mllkcr Priced $300 Ple ielopnnne Cooksiown 654101 or turther iriiolmtlun MAN WANTED to supply lun Irlsh Products to consumers In Dsrrte Good time to start write hawlelnhx Dept 12618 toes Richelieu lam sALnn represent Iva requlreo lor Georgian Bay district by esttr lished mlnulaclurer ol huiidlnl maintenance and unitsuon on dusts with national distrioullnn llequirrs rerulsr tonlselr with hospitals schools Initllntlons and industry Apply to your local Nata lonsl anloymeIit Olflce MALE 0R FEMALE OOKKEEIEII required for local huslncss nepiy statine telephone number er erience and sale de sired Appy in nos 46 srrie Examincr ElmLOYMENT WANTE WILL LOOK AFTER Children ill my own home will roll Telt phone PA 61530 FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cree New Holland navio Brown aesliy ram Equipment 176 BURTON AVE PA 02373 HARVESTING EQUIPMENT commas SWARIHERS GRAIN BOXES GRAIN AUGERS BINDERS THRESHING MACHINES CASH TERMS TRADE SHAKELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY STROUD PHONE 73R21 Manufaélurers allele Conveyers Portahid Docks 03point hitch etc BUY DIRECT ANP SAVE BOG FEEDER l7 door Ell Huskey one and oneheu ton Capacity Just Lisld one summer AFPlY to William ileNIven all pro Sis tlon Ontario comma model 25 John Deere PTc drive seven loot eat and pieir up 1n good condition Tel phone in noose Franklin 111s 81115011 tractor earlI211 use NC at ENGINE Drive eut Combine with grain tank scour kleen pickup attachment reel at tachment and clover rereens used years in perteet condition Phone PA 60682 days or 1311 Elm vaie nights AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN 17 GOWAN STREET PA 56488 1955 111112ch or sale automo tic with radto ioui door body and engine in excellent condition Telephone PA 60111 1910 PACKARD sedan hlack die and whitewslk 41000 miles ï¬ppiy to to Maple Avenue Ear LTD 1554 coNsuL motor overhauled new brakes good tires Also heavy duty set of sockets onethch drive to inches Tellphnna PA 09355 1551 CIiavrionnr Sedan nood tires running well with good hat iery Prieed reasonshly For fur ther internintion role none Lorne Arener mmvale iortie vaATn lssirflulhll Deluxelut omatlc custom radio 1954 blue flame engine In good running or der $100 or best orrer Apply 55 Blake Street Apt 103 isss pLTluoum Savoy Sedan unenwner ear 41000 miles new paint Al condition throuhgoui 5775 Must he seen to he apprecia ted Telephone 1110 H95 Angus 15531hanuit station Wagon 3110 excellent running condition se huilt motor standard transmission Telephone PA M306 between and 1030 morning or veninzs Shirley Avenue TRUCKS 80 TRADERS Timedrim 1549 Mercury Truck rehuiii Hinton325 tires all good eed transmission zspeed rear all lieiaot piatrom Full oriee sass Downtown Motor Sales aorosstroni Firestone Starel Telephone PA 113500 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT oNa ALulurNUhl Trailer Could sieup iour Nearly now Cupbulrdl link and other equipment $215 cum Telephone PA 00901 or evune Ines PA 01031 HOUSE Titlile or sale sleeps our pcnpielllliy equipped hy dro wired First class condition Can bu seen It 119 Henry Strut or tdtphflnl PA Hui in 110011an Acenuntnnt ro Llred on enslon sites 10 years service wth loesi ilrrn seeking hill or arttime employment John Lainr High Street Telephone PA 03 FULL QUALIFIED Slenuflaphrr presently employed desires hotter position Fourteen years erperi 011cc good knuwiedue of all cities procedures ineiudinr bookkeeping For lurther particulars write Box 55 narrie xxaniiner l2 TENDERS TENDERS For Construction Of Municipal Drain Tenders viii be received by the underslflnud clerk up io 12 oclock noon Monday Juiy 1951 or the eonsiruetion oi the nowney Municipal Brain in Can 12 and 13 Vesore Apnroximsto iennth 12500 lent mrtn cxuvallpn 1051 11 ms Exuvnted materisi to he removed at least teat rroin drain and spread not over toot in depth Work must he done to the satisfaction the engineer in charge and eompieted hy SepL an 1901 Ceriined eheeue ior or hid to Accompany lender mo iher particulars re speeuieetioor £26 from LhE clerk WE 0iI any tender not neeesseriiy reeept EARL RICHARDSON CLERK l7 OWEN ST BARRIE TENDER Wanted Tenders to supva iael oil to VESDII annship Arn eohoois lrom Septemoer 1051 to dim so 1962 ARTHUR SMITH Seeretary iiiiDHURST TENDER Wanted Tenders tor repairing rant and lowering ceiling to 11 leet and to strapping and mine section or wall with Donsltc Also to installing sir trooi twotuhe iinoreseent ï¬xtures Wakeileid and hi or Peerless at Creniei School Partiouiars may he ohtsined irons Aimnm 51111111 Secretary MIan 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Household Furnishings 01 MRS HERB MCCRACKEN is EIJZABEIH ST ALUSTON SATURDAY iULY 1961 PM No reserve as house ts rented and Mrs MeCreeken is In poor health TermsCash JOHN BALL Ammaon HE 556110 ALLISloN CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adver itiseinents are inserted at the rate of 40 per word per insertion for one and two times as per word for three tour or ï¬ve times and Wen per Word for or more insertions 10 addr tional charge it not paid within FOR ANY CLASSIFIED ADA VERTISEMENT IS 95c FOR 24 WORDSWITHTN 10 DAYS OR $100 FOR 24 WORDS 1F CPARGLE PER SINGLE 1N SEETIDN Canons on CoanECTmNS Advertisers Art reminded that Iii phone insertion orders are aeee ed as Iconvenienca to you to sdverther Theretoro the Classitied Advertisin De artmenti require all advent sen kindly roehsels their Advurtlsemant immediately utter am insertion in order that any erron or omissions may on reported hetora srn tn imier that rane may no reetiiied ior the ioliowlrisooya insertion order We wish to oint out that The home Exnmunr is responsible ior only area ineorraeitv pruned insertion on any Idvertisemant Ind then only to in extent or portion or ad tint involve in nilprint Errors ahan do not lessen the value at the advertise 10 days THE MINIMUM COST roent are not eugihie tor eonno Lions by talk node CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER South dealer Both sides vulnerable 1mm QBSI SCSI EAST Anon 1010 105 41a norms AA OLD QAKE AQI 1110 flitting Baum Wat North INT PI Pm Opening lend jack clubs This hand was played in team match At one table South opened with two 110 trump which North laced With aclose decision decided to pass Vcst led the jack at clubs Daeinrer won tho king with the ace and playedttle AK and another diamond West took the queen and shifted to the king of spades hoping to find hole in declarers armor and East signaled enthusiastic ally with the jack gt Dociarer ducked and West continued with the queen also ducked and then allowed wilh third Vspade which South took wi the ace Declarcr now cashed the queen of clubs and exited with club West forced to Win the trick and leit with only hearts in his hand returned the tour Declarcr put up the queen from dummy and thus made nina tricks consisting of spade two hearts three dia rn0nds and three clubs At the seoend table the bid ding was also opened with two nutmmp but here North rais ed to three notrump Again the jack clubs was led and again South won and pluyui thm rounds of diamonds West took the queen and also shined to the king spadu Fast signaling as at the first table But hens came it part ingoi the ways West realized that it he continued with spad he would be subjecting him sell to an endplny later on So he played the ten or am in order to stay out at tmuhie Dcchirer could not cope with this arsighled defence Ha did the queen and returning club but West won With the nine and reverted to spades by playing the queen Declarer was now in trouble whether he took the queen or not it he ducked West would continue with another spade and wait for the setting trick while it he took the queen 01 spades Easts long suit would become established and there would be no way of making the contract So South went down one as result at Wests imaginative dcience Monday Another tumour hand presented by Mr Becker Baby Suiiocates Inside Plastic Bag OTTAWA 21m0nlh old girl was suffocated in her crib Friday nitcr she got hold of nplaslic bag and somehow wrapped it about her head Mrs Gilles Pierslatte said her daughter apparently man aged to rock the crib across the room until it came against dresser The hahy pulled open drawer and draw out the plain tic bag it was the second such case in Eastern Ontario Friday At Cornwall the three month 0ld daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert LaHeur was lound dead TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL iiAltRis SATURDAY JULY 22 ilovie Gun Code outside Broadcast Bugs ounny Allstlr Got News Weather Aiisisr Goii Part at Dennis The hienaea The Peoples Clinics set pinto Ses isant Grant Movies Command Decision Juliette CBC News News Weather Sports Georgian Chins Twin 0111 Crime or Pullout Murder Without Crime E2288 sports rrnwrï¬smvyv SESSSE NDAY JULY Li Test Pattern Popeye and Pals News Weather Sports Good Lire Theatre We Eye Conn Calendar Holiday Edition News sineaelne Naked City nohin Hood Notional Veivei Sumo at These my ad Sullivan Siow GM Presents Bringing Up Buddy Meet MEGTIW CBC Tv News Weather 1000 1030 1100 1110 News 1115 Movie The lied Pony iimNnAv JULY 24 115 TestPatiern 130 Movio Man Who Loved Redheads 300 surnniernrna News Sports CrTo CHANNE SATURDAY JULY 22 200 nsrehau 4111 wrestling San Hl Time 630 Sports 540 Magic Moments in Sports 545 Weather 550 News lllen into Space King Gannns Show lwo Faces West Naked City Fight or the Week Johnny Etaw Show News Weather Sports Saturday Night Theatre nettle Hell Epilogue SUNDAY 1qu 21 Youth and tension stories for Sunday Around the World News Package Bravo Theatre Douglas Falrhnnks Presents Channel Theatre Man In The Iron Mask Inter League easehau Rin Tin Tin Glensannon The Real McCoys The Donna need Show Academy Portorrnanca For Me and My Gal lutemisslon Academy Performance Part 11 Palladium Photography Is Fun sports =9 no rustedA Fr 8288 Interviews cartoons lilusle 10 Junior ilounau 530 Loni John slver 559 Nows Headlines 000 nert Churchill Bert Churchill Farm lusrktit Report Dun Jsinlrron News Weather Sports Wyatt Earp slnzalonz luhlln splka done while Were Young The Flintstulinl case For the Court Alter supper CueTV News The Weatherman Today In Sports CommuniLy News 1115 Married Joan mission 1qu as 115 Test Patten 130 liovie Dangerous Journey 300 Summernrna News Sport inierviews Cartoons hrusie Lao Junior Roundup 530 Cartoon Party 1100 News headlines Three Stooges Farm Market Report Don Jamieeon News Weather Sports Wanted Dead or Aim AliSiar Theatre ironeoeitr Hall Hour Jake and the Kid Holiday Lodge Manhunt CloseUp CpCrv News The Woathorman ï¬redy in art Community ews Cdn Open Gull HFFFPFPNHE ssssssssa oi riFspsaenfossn assssasasu 1105 TORONTO MONDAY JULY at 1100 News 11115 Free and Easy Channel Thutn China Gate News proiessors Hidnawly Whirlyhirds Sports Magic Momentsin Sport News weather Wagon Train Theatre At night Whistling in the Dark The Rilinmnrl Wanted Dead or Alive The Third hlan News Weather Sports Better Late News Weather Sports 1110 Epilogue TUESDAY JULY 25 1100 News 1105 Free and asy 200 Chonnei Theatre New Faces 055News 400 Proiessors Hideaway Whirlyhirns arts ogio Nutrients in Sport News Weather nuesiward Hot Wyatt Earp Thesire At night lizerrnudr Artslri Route 55 Harris neat News Weather Sports netter Late News Weather Sports Ago 2013 ea Pin 594 333$ == EMS nsns 51s 52 News Weather sports Epliorue GRANDMA TELLDI BUYS AT 114 SHACK lM AV SUPPER FOIZEM TluioimpLEAise Epllozuo lD BETTER GET RD aF EM BEFORE THEY SPOIL INABIGNAETY mum LARRY BRAN NON TWDNI BESOBAD AFTER GET USEDTO JULIET JONES It Mass MIT my SPKEaiEIV 1133015 lNWBONESITHISONEQ WickMADE reams THERES WINGEYS CAP IN FEDNTOF cure HOUSE Irs BEEN THEEEALL ETTA KETI AND JUST MAIL 11 TO HIM HERE WHI DOESNT iiiis DAD PAV HIM BI Ciieclc ROOM NO 1142156 ï¬g 1W1 Twig KKY NEE BHF YOU NNT GUILTY WS HM Milt Kg HHNKIN INTO end oi Dunlopnt Fcrndale Rd rebuilt generators as low as rebuilt water pumps as low in Westinghouse sealed beams 6V ladio serial piece poito walls Set 01 nuto floor mats as low as 5950 ex $550 ex $105 £265 $350 5149 brake lining one axle set as low as $200 All new And rebuilt parts fully guaranteed lower overhead and lowerprioes CENTURY AUTO PARTS PA 66416 BARRIE rebuilt voltage regulators rehullt transmissions on low an heavy plastic seat covers radio rear seat speakers as low as topper white and black sidewalls four chrome wheel discs set Ex newlzedrhaiterles 6V 12V year guarantee 5375 $4990 ex $350 $395 $695 $595 ex $635 ex $395 ex YOU EVER HEURE OUT wlWl DREAM5 ARE DONALD DUCK ON SCREEN lNSlDE YOLIE HEAD an ROJECflONI THE PNieHT OFF VIE wMï¬AVESARE YOUR TRUE LIBERATORs BUT YOUR VlLiAGE EWERS REFUSE 1D FAY WES 1D OtiK EMISE 5° DOWNWiTii will ELDER DOWN WlTii YOUR VILLAGE Contran BUZ SAWYER sex iuu rut Queenie wound Inland AND REAR This UNLESS TAXES ARE RAID 10 U5 WiiHIN WEEK THREE OFWUEEEADE WILL THREETME 11mm in MEALTTEFWORKERl MUGGS AND SKEETER OIMMSURE uo Nor rammedrm HELL MAKE TH JUST TILL You RUN 115 Mg mug euros HAMBURGERI 5T TgikMANENTLI