Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1961, p. 9

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EXAMINEBIIOMEOF an caveman GARAGE IZ9ZIZ DINING KiTCIIEN Vx0° LIVING lzsxlfig Will Announce Leader Of New Party On TV MTAWA CPI Convention planning calls for the name of the New Partys first leader to be announced first on television about eight hours alter the ba toting Aug The Building Editor Tbs Barrie Examiner Barrie Ontario 5st pics find 81 Barrio Examine nv honours ma look Plans Entitled ll now HOMES FOR CAN ADIAN Pleasa nuke mwwhtclbl mnmu Custom type builtvin Notice attractive front to back livingdining area with oversize comer windows and fireplace shelves line wall beneath picture win dows extending to fireplace practical as well as decora tive feature No large bed rooms and convertible study will meet the requirements of the growing family Kitchen is convenient to both dining Isrco back door and basement Also to all other portions of the house Standard Builders blueprints costing 5975 set are obtain able inCanadn for this Design No fins The procedure set out in the convention program is parallel in many respects to the i953 an nouncement of Lester Pear sons election as Liberal leader which resulted in confusion on the air and criticism in the na tional press The Liberal convention ballot was taken at 144 pm counted by about 330 pln and an nounced to the televised conven tion at 811 pm Meantime howcver dctailcd figuresof the vote result had been carried by The Canadian Press and broad cast by radio seven minutes be fore the formal TV announce ment Stniey Knowles chairman of the New Partys national com mittee said Thursday the an nouncement of the new leaders name is scheduled for mo pm to fit in with CBC television coverage starting then Ballot ing is to start at noon This is based on the assump tion it will be twomnn leader ship contest between Premier Douglas of Saskatchewan and national CCF Lender Hazon Argue CITES REASONS Mr Knowles said there are two main reasons for the big time gap between the noon bal loting and the 830 pm formal TV announcement of the re suits if there are only two can didates It is being arranged so that the announcement of the winner can be made to the max imum number of people possible at the same timesIo the delta gates at the convention and to the people of Canada who will know in advance we will be on TV at 830 pm and that the announcement will be made at that time We are leaving sufficient time in case there are more than two candidates and in case more than oneballot is neces sary If there are only two candl dates as everyone expects the noon ballots will be locked in ballot boxes and the convention officials will allow as reasons ble tlms to elapse before the 50mm balloting anmittee is instructed to start the counting NUT ARTIFICIAL DELAY There will be no holding back of the new Mrr Knowles contended it just wont be available This isnt an artificial delay Theres slight possibility the announcement of the new leader will be made without waiting for Frost To Take Broil Bill To Conierence TQEONTO CP Premier Frost said Thursday he will take draft bill on portable pensions to the provincial premierscon ferenco in Charlottetown in Au tust ire told press conference that several premiers have show on interest in the pro pose legislation being drafted by special committee oi ex perts which be appointed last year The draft bill ls expected to be completcd in few days Ontario government officials hold that portable pension scheme could ho operative only on notional basis Mr host also said the ques tion of serving alcoholic bever ages in Ontario hotel rooms is still under study but the prob lem isnt one that is easy of solution The problem involved wns the creation of another drinking service without any moons of control At the some time recog nize the undesirable feature that you cnn buy alcoholic bever ages and take them to your room he said Crash 0n Lawn Men Are Killed TILSONBURG CF Iwo men were kllled Wednesday night when their light aircraft crashed on tho fmntlawn of Tillonsburg area home The plane hit about 10 feet from the front porch of the home of Mr and Mrs Leslie Bogor of RR Iillsonburg The TV That would he in the event of there being more than two candidates Counting of ballots would have to start at once to decide whether second runoil ballot is needed if it isntii one man has the required overall majority on the firm ballotMr Knowles said there will be no attempt to keep the rcsut secret There wood be pressure from dee gates to know the result and it room he amost impossibe to guard against leak to the press But ltlr Knowles indicated that if second ballot ls needed the end of counting on it would be timed to coincide with the 530 pm TV broadcast THE IAItlll EXAMINER No Stool Pigeon Refuses To Tell Sillme CPIA man with bullet buried in the back of his head was sentenced Thursday to it years in penitentiary for his part in $2000robberx at the Canadian Imperial Ba of Commerce at St Williams in miles south of here June as Thomas Ritchie 47 of Wind sor plc guilty George Powell of Lanng received similar sentence last week for the some charge Police said Ritchie was found to have shattered revolver bullet under his scalp but that he had refused to explain how it got there Defence counsel Arnold Tsya lor of Delhi said Ritchie has his rods and doesnt want to be stool pigeon msmnl IIIsrALL IIEIII HEIIIlIlIi EOUIPMINI Dont WAIT TILL lTS TOO LATEI 5e answer of norms st DUNLOP sr PA 83770 Shown an illustration and abla to you These homes Incorporate wealth of modcnl ments with the aim of lncnnh in comfort convenience and elliclcncy to the izrcatest roa CUSTOM BUILT HOMES TO YOUR OWN SPECIFICATIONS plan of ono of the models avsu improve insr AID FOR THE HOME gt Bogars with their th ce chi By ROGER WHITMAN INSTALLING CABINET QUESTION have to install kitchen cabinet on wall It is recessed in back for brack ct How should this winch cabinet be installed for nor mal weight load without future fallingdown ANSWER Use level to make sure the cabinet is hung true Wall cabinets usually hang from brackets screwed to wall studs Or use flangetypo fasteners for hanging things on plaster walls These are avail able for various weights at harware and variety stores to gemer with instructions foruso RUSTED NAIL SPOTS QUESTION We have recent ly built Ia new home using cedar shingles on the outside We painted them with primer and let it go at that through the winter The nails uscd are galvanized but have rusted How should the rust spots be treated before applying the final paint coat ANSWER Derust nail heads with liquid rustremoving preparation available at point and hardware stores following label instructions or use steel wool Then apply shellac or inhibitive paint to the nail Then cover with final coat WHITEWASHING FENCE QUESTION am thinking about whitowashing my fence this year What can put in whitewash to make it stick to the fence ANSWER For good adhes ion of whitewash all of the old whitewash thats loose should be scrubbed off with astlff brush and warm water When applying thencw coating darn pen the wood first with clear water so that the coating viii dry slowly Then apply thin coat thin enough to see the surface through the film while wet Fairly permanent white wash combo made by dissoIv ing 12 pounds of suit half pound of powdered alum and one and quarter pounds of sugar in 10 quarts of hot water Stir vigorously while mixing the so lution Thoroughly mix 50 pounds oi hydrated lime and 15 gallons of water combine the two solutions stirring vigorous ly If the mixture is still thick add more water Another good formula for use on wood surfaces 12 pounds of salt and six ounces of powder ed alum dissolved in about four gallons of hot water add one gallon of molasses to this mixture Then thoroughly mi 50 pounds of hydrated time with about seven gallons of wa ter Tothe lime mixture add the clear slution stirring vig orously when thoroughly mix ed thin out with more water to the desired brushing con sistency When first applied the whitewash will havea yel low iinge which will disappear in few days PROTECTING CEMENT QUESTION What is mixed into cement so that when rack salt is used on sidewalks and steps it wontharm the se merit ANSWER Nothing is mixed into the cement but the follow ing treatment protects the sur face against erosion from salt Brush or spray on using pressure garden sprayer warm solution of equal partsol boiled linseed oil and turpen tine Because of the fire baz ard do not warm this over an open flame but put the con tainer with the solution into very hot water for aboutzo minutes Allow the almost coorless coating to dry for about eight hours then apply second coat Outdoor temper ature should be abova 50 de grees for best results prUstcsans URNER gt Vlliltl TUNElip 5800 VACUUM FURNACE AND airmail BASE DISMANTLE AND canon on human mommies AND ADJUST nonrandom CON rROLs son SAFETY ANnEOONoMY CLEAN AUTOMATIC cannons animus mums ANY DEFECTIVE ram EXTRA TOWN sons MILEAGE CHARGE MADE FOR OUT OF HEATING pent Got On Board MONTREAL CP Harry Itlcllwrnithe Scottish young ster who came to Canada as Stowaway on transatlantic flightwas sent homeqihursday night by the immigration de partment The 14 year old adventurer boarded flight that left Montlt reals International Airport at am EDT for Prestwick and London He arrived here under escort earlier Thursday from Gander Mid and announced just wanted change but Ive had enough Enough was 350omiie transatlantic tripfrom Glasgow to Montreal Part of which he made as angunscheduled pas senger aboard BOAC airliner the rest as guest of the Ca nadian immigration de partment The stowaway discovered WHITE SET COMPLETE SPEQIAL coLoun SETS PINK GREEN BLUE SUNTAII 259 maisrrr so Stowaway Nearly Went Daft Wrong Airliner Wednesday in washroom high over the Atlantic was taken off at Gander when the plane landed there SAYS LITTLE The slim youngster dressed in khaki slacks black and rod checked wool shirt and loafers had little to say As he went to an airport waiting room to wait for calliromhis father he was asked if he expected spanking when he got home Harry nodded gt Did he think he deserved it Harry nodded again stewardess Mary Rose Boseis said he told her that when he hidaboard the plane at Prest Wick thought the plane was going from Prestwick to London or France When heard on the public address system that It wouldnt stop until it got to dNewfnundland nearly went aft sumIvIER SPECIAL Now lN FULL SWING Po IIIIIIIIIIIIIM SET WITH CHROME PLATED FITTINGS asrr memos 17 19 Vttteous Chtna Iqu with one ping chalnland stopper trap Yitreoua china hm coupled toilet with neat 05 ft steel enamellcd recess bats waste and overflowchsin and plug centre aet mice with tub one and $10900 $171995 PLUMBINGAND HEATING DEPT SECOND FLOOR OF SUPPLIES BLDG PA 66531 dren and friend Zoltan Gone of Tilisonhurg were in the din ing room at the time Mr Bogur said the plane exploded like bolth and burst into flames The nirctaft owned by Hicks and Llawrence Limited of Os trander crushed about 830 after taking off from the airport at Tllisonburg Vslblo hegree DENIS Poinswick SHEAR WE WILL HELP ARRANGE NHA tr PRIVATE MORTGAGES LTD Phone Collect Stroud 68 Worm Weather ls Ideal Improvements or Outside This is the time of year toget out and make all the necessary minorrepairs around the house There are many things to be done such as paint ing the fence or repairing the screening Be aura tonrop Ln and get detailed information on all your home improvements and repairs We will be Only too happy to be of service in your plans for brighter more cheerful and attractive home You may arrange for low cost home improve ment loan to heipyou carry out all the needed repairs now and you pay later LOOK TO Us FOR TIIE KIND or FRIENDLY EXPERT SERVICE THAT HAS BUILT OUR REPUTATIOIv Be Sure Of The Litmost Quality Insist That Your COmpieto Stocko CROWN DIAMOND PAINTS Bariram Broth rs Products fiycvvonle our ih you about

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