Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1961, p. 7

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AROUND SIMCOE COUNTY hlm fa gathering was held at the home of Mr and Mrs Arthur Cooper when they entertained 53 descendants ol the late George and Margaret Constable Relatives were pres ent from New York City Parry Sound Mealord Elmvale Bar rie Skoud Gillord and Aurora telegram was received from cousins inVancouver and Ed monton who were unable to be present Regret was upmsed that Mr and Mrs Russell Con stable the farther patient in the Royal Victoria Hospital Barrie were unable to attend PICNICS The Presbyterian Sundly School held tlielr annual picnic on Wednesday altemoon July 12 at Allislon Park 35 dtlend ed and enjoyed swimming ra ces games and delicious supi per The United Church WA held Its picnic on the lawn of Mrs Paul Stein on Wednesday July 12 short business period preceededi games contests and bountiful lundi served to 24 ladies On Saturday evening July is an exciting ball game was held at the local park The game was played between the Juven lies that played within the last five years and this years team The score ended 1M tor this years learn Another game is being planned for sometime in August Organizer of this game was Gordie Lemmon coach of the Juveniles and assisting him were Lloyd Hughes and Jim Nay Mrs Normnn Baker along with so other women from Bar rie Aurora Bradford and Churchill spent an enjoyable day last Wednesday on bus tour to Toronto The trip was sponsored by the Churchill Wolt mens Institute and included visit to General Foods where the ladies saw potato cooked on an electronic range in minutes visit to High Park entertainment at the OKeete Centre where the musical West Side Story is being en acted an hours shopping and dinner out at large restaurant in north Toronto Dr Wilkinson and Miss Madeline Wilkinson were recent guests of Mrs Broley Ralph Broley and daughter Bev erley of Ottawa visited over the weekend with Mrs Broley Mrs Thomas Kay at Willow dale is spending few days with Mr and Mrs Williams Mrs Walker visited for several days with friends in Guelph Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Lemmon were Mrland Mrs Jack Lemmon and family 091terth MmtAW Lemon and Miss Francs Lemmas Mr and Mrs Ken Ooults spent the weekend at their homesInown Mr and Mrs Roger Reivn of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and hire Reive and turn 91 Mr and lllrs Frank Living ston of Barrie were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Bert Merwood Mr and Mrs Bassingth walgbte ind Mr and Mrs Earl Bassingthwdgbte and family of Tomato spent Sunday in town Mr and Mrs Fildey nd MissBetty lildey spent Satur day in London as guests of Mr and Mrs Barrett Mr and Mrs Norman Baker spent Sunday at Pine Beach with Mr and Mrs Rennie Waltz and daughters Misses Dawn and Peggy An derson spent week at the home ol their uncle and aunt Mr and Mrs Green in Fer gus Mrs Anderson visited in Wabaushene for several days last week as the guest of Mrs CT Pope Miss Sherry Green ol Fergus ls vlsltlng her grandparean Mr and Mrs Better for few weeks Edward irvine Colin and Bri an at Valparaise lndiana USA visited friends in town over the weekend Mrs llchaster Miss Irene Mcillaster and Mrs Miller spent Thursday in Hunts ville visiting with Mr and Mrs Jack Findley Misses Helen and Margaret Davis ion on trip to Fort Churchill on Wednesday where they will visit their sister and family Mr and Mrs Mc Lellnn Their trip will be by Jet plane to Winnipeg and then by train to Fort Churchill Mrs Glass hu re turned to be home in town after being away several months suffering from broken hip Misses Vérne Cole and Di and Crawford spent their holi days at Edmore Beach Mrs Pat Beech and son Rich ard have returned to their home in townafter spending pleasant holiday at the Lake Head Mr and Mrs Frank Broliey have returned home alter pleasant motor trip to the West Coast They visited Victoria motored West by way of Can ada and returned home via the States GOULDCARR St Johns Anglican Church decorated with baskets at sum mer flowers was the scene of TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE ralDAY runs 2i girth in Maifa 410 Caravan 2on es he no Cannonball 20 Sat niiiro eoo News Headlines 03 San Hunt Invisible Monster mt Movies mm Command Decision rmn Market Radar 3100409 Mk mlifl iiio gsngWIiner Sports 309 p323 Viflwiraffim iiss Georgian China Twin aiu 70 Love Lucy Crime of Passion 53 gas in unison Mulder Without Crlmn anon on on Man summons iooo flav oun Will Travel Tut Plttem ioso Tightro zoo Popeye and Fall 1100 cac News us News Weather soon 1115 washrmm no Good Life Theatre Today In Sports 300 Eye To Eye Community News no country Cliendu iiss Movie gensyummy owl ulna tFlrst Legion Mm gas um no 13 ma National Velvet iss News mid wtliner 300 World am am no Sullivan smw am ciu Presents 40a Movie Gun Code mm mm up may ooo Outside Broadcast mam 530 Bunny 00 car New Austnr Golf n1o News Weather Sports on News Weather Sports iiis anla sac Austnr Goll ran The Red Pony moss sun It moo Men Into 5m Prosnon Hideaway wniriybiror Sports Mnglm Mmnnntl In sports News Weather Outdoors Leave It To Beaver Theatre si Blane Jitterbugs Country Style Hart of the Matter News Weather Sports Better Late Friday Nightnonro Orchestra Wives hilosua garrison run 22 Professors Party Sports College now Glrls noun News Westhcr Sports social Credit firearm Chennl Nine Theatre punt Incident Baseball as Hi Time one all Monaenta in lpnrts Weather Newa Fin assess 82833 28 oun ooh EEE payers gasses ease PA omvnvouassir CARRIER its You It your carrier as not arrived by pm Ktn Gansm Show TwoFsces wm Naked City ht of the Well do any Elnw Show News Weather Sport Saturday Night Theatre Battle Hell 106 Epilogue suNnaY JULY as 1050 Youth and Rnflllnn idso Stories tor suns lino Aroundthe Wnrl 12m New Packag¢ os nrsvo Theatre Douglas roirosniu Present Channel Theatre Men in The iron Mask internal arsonii niuJin Glsncnnnon The nui McCoys The nonnn need show Academy Personanu For and My Gal Intermission Academy Performance Part is Palladium Photography is run News Weathersportl Ellllnlfll 99 FHSPPP 3288 88 838388 82 FIE phone 32433 And Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE wVALLEY TAXI has AND TRUCKS pretty wedding on Saturday July to Margaret Ann Carr eldest daughter of Mr and ltlrs Earl Carr at Cookstown was uni led in marriage to George Campbell Gould son of Mr and Mrs Harry Gould of Schomberg The ceremony was performed by Rev Adam and the wedding music was played by Mrs Ramsay who also accompanied the soloist who sang the Wedding Prayer be fore the ceremony and Per fect lave The bride given in marriage by her father was attired in gown ol white falling into merimlst silk trimmed with Fronds lace iridescent se quins and seed pearls round neckline short alcoves She wore single strand of pearls and tiny ear rings to match Her headdress was jowellcd crown shoulder length veil of net with sequins Sha carried bouquet of red roses with white streamers and rose buds Margaret was accompanied by her sister iilrs Walter Kor chuk of Toronto as matron of honor and two bridesmaids Miss Phyllis Wright ol Glilord and Miss Lelia Lloyd of Brad lord Their identical gowns were lime green brocaded silk waltz length bellshaped skirts short sleeves headdresses were hows ol the same material The attondnnts bouquets were white shasta daisies with yellow and brown centres Don ald Bonnhm ot Aurora was best man and the ushers wereDon ald McCutdheon ol Schnmberg brotherlnlaw ot the groom and Walter Korchuk of Nronto bro therinan ot the bride reception was held in St Johns Parish Hall with the mother of the bride receiving the guesLs in pale green linen dress corsage of pink and white roses lifts Carr was assisted by the grooms mother who wore beige chiffon mauve accessories and corsaga of pink and white roses For honeymoon to Western Canada the bride donned beige dieath dress with green and beige accessories On their return the newlyweds will make their home in Barrie Outertown guests at the wed ding were from Toronto Schom beg Palgrave Tottenham and Barrie The Kell Family Reunion held on Saturday July 15 was ob tended by 75 people from Stay ner Oshawa and the surround ing district The picnic was heidatinnisfil Park with sup whiie accessories and per at 530aod after the rain sports were held Prizes were given In the nldat person pres ent the longest married couple and the person coming Irom the farthest distance MIDIIIIRST STN Paul biannen has gone to Huntsville to be swimming in structor at the Kiwanis Camp there Mr and Mrs Vern Coleman and Larry of Beeton spentSat iiiday at Mr and Mrs DAn gios lilr and Mrs Mickie Collins and lamily of Angus visited on Sunday with Mr and Mrs Collins lllr and Mrs Welter Rodwey of Tomato spent the weekend with Charlie Bawdery Mrs hlunt and Mrs Woods and daughter at Toronto spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs DAngio We are glad to report that Dick Brown is home from Bah rie hospital alter being patient there for slx weeks and he wishes to thank his many friends for their nice cards and flowers and also their visits while he was there EVERETT Many from Everett and dis lrict celebrated the Battle oi the Boync on Saturday July is at Grand Valley Everett Lot 270 engaged the file and dnim band from Duritmon for the parade Mr and Mrs iton Monroe and children of Toronto called on friends in Everett on Satur day Belinda Swanwick of London called on friends in Everett on July Mr and Mrs Harold Moon have remodelled their place at business and will be operating as post office only They ex pect to have the new oltiw open in week Mr and Mrs Alex Burns left on July for an eightweek vacation to England and other points in Europe They will visit their daughter and sonin law in Paris Already Everett United Church has missed their presence and good work in the community In the early part of June Mr and Mrs Burns daughter Sans dra was united in marriage to Mervan Cauthers at Mansfield in quiet ceremony at their hnme Mrs Moons father and mo ther from Toronto are visiting her for few days CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY You are South neither side vulnerable The bidding has been somn West North East Pass Pass Pan you What would you now bid with each at the calming flour hands plans our use 4AM KQIooz 454 games KQJ 1094 12 was 4535343 133 08 010 Three heans obviously partner has good hand since he made two forcing bids and the only question now is to find the best contract Three bitk can he considered namely three hearts three notrump and four clubs The notrump contract should be ruled out first because the diamond stopper is tenuous and second because partner is angling for suit contract if we can possibly go along The support for hearts is certainly not robust but it is adequate considering that North is prac tically oertain to have five healm possibly six and the suit will therefore be playable There is not much point to raising clubs despite their excellent quality since the goal should be tentrick rather than an elevenmelt game Five clubs Thls hand it lustrates the fluctuations of value that sometimes take place depending upon partners re sponses The two heart bid took BECKER lot of wind out of our sails and reduced promising hand to justan ordinary one but the three club bidmore than restored the original evaluation It would be improper to bid only four clubs Partner might look upon this as showing minimum hand including club support with the raise being given only because We were forced to bid again Our band warrants for more enthusiasm and at the same time has slam possibilities Both of these rnes sages are delivered by jumping to five clubs Four spades Game is prac tically sure in view of partners strong bidding since it is hard to conceive of four losers with this layout We dont need spade support and can probably make ten tricks even if North is void of spadeslha club support need not be shown since the spades are selfsufficient Four hearts This hand is far more promising for game even with only 11 card points than is Hand No above with its 13 highcard points The difference is one of fit In Hand No We started with minimum opening bid and it stayed that way through out We therefore did nothing more than give simple pref erence in hearts But here with better fit in both rsultsI and the highly important sing eton diamond our hand has gradu ated from the minimum class and jump preference is given toshow these added values Tomorrowriarslghted defense GkANDMA V55 ROBERT Man or AW GEEGWNDMA MEAN CANT YD snouLD HIVER NEVER Fla iiiofifii JULIET JONES EITA KETT POGO DONALD DUCK Muses sun sxssrsn LARRY BRANNON HENRY CENTURY AUTO PARTS Westinghouse sealed brainssv our SAWYaa BARREEXAMINEB PRlfiAY JULY 21 1N1 GOODBYE MRS mm mm 5w wmmo hlm DRIVE scum WW MIERJHEN we wiLL FLY 10 ONE CROSSED IN FRONT OF ME WHEN WAS WALKING HQM wssraaoov BANK CALLED AND 5ND MY CHECKING THATB OKAV ISLEEP ON My SIOMACH WHAT ciovou no WITH ma PIECE or WEDDING CAKE Pur ir waste YOUR PILLOW AND SLEEP PA 66416 BARRIE $375 $4990 ea $350 $395 $695 $595 5635 ex 5895 ex end of Dunlap at Ferndale Rd rehullt generators as low as $850 ex rehullt water pumps as low as $550 ex $165 $265 $350 rehullt voltage regulators rcbullt transmissions as low as heavy plastic seat covers radio rear seat speakers as low as topper white and black sidewalls four chroma wheel discs set of $149 Ex newlsed hfltkrlea 6v 12V $290 year guarantee All new and rebuilt parts fully guaranteed lower overhead and lower prices radlo aerial piece portowalls set of auto floor mate as low as brake lining one axle set as low as onto no no SEEle summon nonsense aims in omsm GEM TN NECK ANDTME mm is m5 so Will TIIFMONGOOSE DESTROY YOUR llilFLESSWPPET GOVERNMENT SIII NOTICE MW RA ITIIKE ANDTRIICIu AW IIOWTIIE alum ALWAYS JllfloltloF HARMS COMRAVE WORKERS WATER HOLD ill MVllANDS THE TINY MNSOOSE THE EIMIDL OF WHATIM AND IN THE BMKET TIE NORA WHICH LIKE YOU 53WGOVEKNMEM vou TillllK KING OF ltiE

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