Signs To Barrie Will Be Studied DIPPING ONEF tootsie in cool pool is good way to heat the beat Councillors Ann Kearsey la and Linda Bradley 14 share the cooling gll process at vpoolsido with lner Photo students Ross Andrews left and Bruce Caldwell Exam The director of highway plan ning and design for the pro vince of Ontario hlcNee will address city council and other interested groups on the subject of Barrie highway signs Monday night in the council chambers delegation from citycoun cil went to Mr hchecs de partment at Toronto Wednes day Council has received eral complaints regarding adequate directional signs at the approaches to Barrie on Highway 490 Mayor Willard Kinzie said today that the dele gation was well received and Mr McNees proposed visit to council Monday night is indi cative of the departments de sire to cooperate TOURISTS COMPLAIN Local motel operator Lloyd Smith said today tourists have complained bitterly about the confusion which sometimes re sults from the name Barrie not being in plain view at all en trances to the city Many tour ists travelling from the north have driven right past the city and have had to turn back at the Cookstown road he said Mr Smith said that although the name Barrie is prominent ly displayed at frequent inter vals on the route from Toronto to Barrie there is only one Let Pupils Make Some Mistakes lind Face Consequence Teacher Ry DAVE BOWES Canadian Press Staff Writer SASKATOON CF Cana dian te were advised Thursday to letJohnny and Mary think more for them selves make their own deci sions and suffer the conse quences of their mistakes Dr George Flower of the Ontario College of Education told the Canadian Teachers Federation that teachers them selves must break with tradi tional views and set pattern ftar education for responsibil He said this aim is vital if many or any of todays youngsters are to survive to usher in the next century His challenge brought re sponse from Miss Getty of Valleyfield Que that too many teachers are afraid to resume responsibility afraid of principals and afraid of public pl nio particularly as ex pressed by Home and School groups MUST ADMIT Delegate Miss Sybil Shack of Winnipeg said before accepting the challenge teachers must first admit they do not really want to educate for responsibil She said pressures to main tain the status qua came not from the top down but from so ciety all around and we must recognize this before we can ac cept the challenge of education for responsibility in this sense Rev Conway of Ottawa thought students should be al lowed to make rather serious Knowledge Of PHARMACY Is The Unseen Ingredient In Every Prescription Doug Hare Phil Geo Caldwell Min Calhoun Drug Store Cor Owen Dunlop Sta Phone PA Moo mistakes in areas where the would have little success teach BAYFIELD STREET BUTWHERES BARRIE Barrie sign immediately prior to the three existing exits on Highway 400 He said that if the tourist does not spot this he is apt to wind up in Sud bury BARBIE NOT UNIQUE The delegation from City Council was informed Wednes day there is uniform system of highway signs across the consequences of such decisions would not be extremely bad In the address which sparked the discussion Dr Flower said it is not enough merely to preach at youngsters about free dam and responsibility while hemming them in with rules regulations prescriptions and requirements SHOULD TRUST THEM He doubted that youngsters are really trusted enough In Ontario senior high schools still send reports home for par ents not only to read and sign but to fill in an estimateof the number of hours the pupil ordi naréily spends on homeworknho sal Why not ask the youngster instead of the parent Dr Fowler asked While admitting the need for factlearning he said students should not be forced to accept correct answer until they had been given freedom to explore the facts and try tentativernn swera Dr F1 said teachers ing others to be more free and responsible if they are not so themselves an IE CTRIC morons AUIHOIIZED OEA MOIOI SALES SEElllAcnin car Hazel 10an 46 of Orillla province Barrie is not in unique situation they were told but the depilrtment is willing to do everything pos sible to help Alderman Frank Hersey said today this subject has been brought up several times He said thematter is provincial in nature and the council meet ing Monday night should bene fit all interested in the subject He said Mr McNee will show slides and pictures and make the situation clear to all con cerned Part Pay Phone Barrie police have reported the theft of the upper housing of pay telephone from the Vicinity at and Motors here The incident wasreported by Sydney Martin an employee of that firm Oï¬MaNhnKflhd ORILLIALESter Roberts 38 of Drillia was killed Thurs day when biscar went off the road climbed bank and rolled over during arain storm The accident occurred eigit miles east of here on No 12 Highway passenger in the from live to is spend their Stolen Police Say Iis Car Rolls Over was taken to Soldierr Memorial Hospital with minor cuts Her son Michael escaped injury Public USED CARS IF YOU TRADING IN THE NEXT COUNTY TRADES AC LOW VDQWN No GIMMICKS 145 BRADFORD 51 PA 82449 PA82206 NOW 51 WE MUST SELL OUT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF TO SEE US VKRAMERS AREOFFERING THE LOWEST USED CAR PRICES DGET TERMS ll KBllMï¬ll MOTIIIISm COUNCILLOR Nancy Beach to centre has tough time getting three of thechildren at day school to stand still Retardecl Children Splash Play gt In Day Camp Activities llnd Pool Ten retardcd children from the Barrie area have been hav ing the time of their lives for the last two weeks at day camp run by the Barrie and District Association for Retard ed Ohlldrcn The children ranging in age time at the associations King George School on Blake Street school bus picks them up at their homes at nm to begin their day Highlight of the days activi ties comes between 11 and 12 when the children play at the big swimmingpool in Ralph Snclgrovcs garden on Theresa St Their activities aresupervis ed by Mrs Crossland who is assisted by four coun cillors Ann Kearsey la Heae thcr McNabb 21 Nancy Beach 19 and Linda Bradley 14 who is traineecouncillor HATE T0 GI HOME The children enjoy thém selves immensely says Mrs Crossland and the work is so rewarding for us The child ren welcome us in the morning and they hate to go home at night In fact some of their mothers have told me that their children dont want to go home After their dip in the pool APPOINTE The appointment of Wing Commander Alfred Mason MBE CD to the post of ad ministrativc unit command ant at Air Force Headquar ters has been announced He succeeds WC Fired Gaffoey who retired at the end of June Both officers are from Branttord Notice ans consmsamo new parts on sons IN SIMCOE CEPTED PAYMENT GENUINESALE 97 snapsonly ST PA 6665 area was carried out by local for picture Children left to right are Terry RICEan ran 5r Sandro Cochran Ross Andrews the children return to King George School for picnic lunch and games in the playing area behind the school Later they take part in crafts class where they make teapot stands out of popsickle sticks lndian head dresses andnecklaces out of macaroni The assoeiation has been trying to organize day school for three or four years Mrs Crossland says his is the first year of operation and think that it has been great success Barrie Police Find Sports Car Stolen speedy European sports car reported stolen in Toronto on Thursday was recovered by Barrie police early this mom mg Constable Bridges observed the car making an illegal turn in downtown Barrie short ly before em and gave chase The car accelerated to tremendous speed and went west on Dunlap Street with the officer in pursuit Unableto overtake the speed ing vehicle radio alarm was broadcast to other Barrie cruis ers and to the Innisfil police department Some time later Barrie con stable McLeod found the car abandoned on the boulevard at Fcrndale Road near Highway 400 The car had hit traffic sign before coming to bait and the had disappeared across adjoining fields before the arrival of police An extensive search of the officers and OPP but no trace ofthe driver was found Girl Bruises Knees In Brush WithCar fiveyearold girl Carol Nickerson of Angus was treat ed at the Royal Victoria Hospil tal at noon yesterday for abra sions to both knees received when she ran into the side of car Police report the youngster was running from Queens Park and darted between two parked cars into the side of vehicle driven by William Lilley John St Barrie The Nickerson girl was treat ed at the hospital and released They are Richard Braun 26 We Decide Lighter Bricksgi Were ByIIMSCOII They wouldnt let us on the Canadian team for the Iotanat ional BrickThrowing contea so wofoundoneolourowoatlbe Examiner Last night accompanied by two other team members Bill Williams and Harvie Johmtone visited lnnislll Park where the ofï¬cial contest will be held on Saturday The official rem for our trip last night was to get pictur es of the Canadian team workhig out use real reason which none of us would admit was to have scant test to find out just how bad the Dramincr team was SORRY N0 DINNER Harvie Johnstooe was the first up to hat it than the right expression He came hurtling down the firing range faster than anyone had ever seen him more before The brick left his hand with tremendous velocity and went all of 35 feet before plung ing into muddy irrigation ditch Harvie immediately claimed that the throw was good 50 feet and that he had won his wager with Examiner columnist who bet Harvie free dinner that he couldnt hit the 50 foot mark Bill Williams was up next and he let go good one which land ed on the 50 foot mark Unfort unately the brick travelled only one foot forward and about 59 feet sideways whining past the noses of two innocent child rcn who were playing ball in distant corner of the pa Now it was my turn This was the big moment Would throw it overarm underarm or may be sideways saw myself leap ing gracefully to the firing line and releasing the brick which would hurtle so far out into Kcmpenfelt Bay That they would have to mil in deepsea diver to recover it it didnt work out quite that way As matter of fact dropped the brick on my toe The wound is healing nicely however and the doctors at Royal Victoria say will be out in time for Saturday SHOULDWE STOOD INVBEI After our first practise hasty editorial meeting was held and various suggestions were made to improve our teams preformanee Such as Forget the whole thing Use hollow brick Import profess ional wrestlers from Toronto to beef up the team We havent got it licked yet but we think combination of the last two ideas will give us 5050 chance Come out to Innislil Park on Saturday aft ernoon and cheer for us We need all the help we can get NAZIS JAILED WASHINGTON AP Two members of the American Nazi pa were sentenced Thursday to 12 months at hard labor for assaulting Jewish boy 13 year old Ricky Farber July and Robert Gerber 31 BEPlllll lluw PllY illrrll onourhandy Budget Plan Dont delay repairs to your car See us today llhllliEllllELll Motor Ltd 65 Collier St PA $2487 mmmmawmqu RYRDRER CHEAP sis per year or prescriptio bargains You can depend supply the but It ran that may retard recovery medicine Pick up your churn Dong Eare Cor and Dunlap so nieces CAN or EXPENSIVE The greatest pm or the cart or to avenge pree seription drug is usually the army tests and control needed to produce maximum purity There is always someone willing to Mt for less by eliminating most of these costs since the average Person now lpends less than YOUR DOCTOR can PHONE us when yoli need nearby or we will deliver promptly without extra great many plople entrust with their prescriptions may we compound your CALDWELL5 ijDRue STORE Geo Caldwell thr QRDRERVRER MEDICJINES and potency in ll it wise to look for on your pharmacist to price Why take chances prercnptton Ir Ihnpplnl th are To our ELiking REPORTERSTOTT GETS SET TO LET BRICK FLY 16 Borden Girls lit Guide Camp CAMP BURDEN Sixteen members of the Camp Borden Girl Guides attended camp where they did their own conk ing went on nature hikes and gained new experience in the ways of camping under the dir ection of Guide Captain Edga Conrad Earl Rowe Park situated two miles from Alliston was ideal for this type of camping as the wooded areas are compos ed mainly of fir trees and river runs throughout the grest er part of it One of the guides Stephanie White who has recently moved to 77 Queen Street in Barrie received her Religion and Life Emblem at the Tuesday night Camp Fire When asked how she liked camping Beverly Murray sra Somme Boulevard answered It was fun Creemore Council Picks Utility Man Alan More was named utility officer at special session of Creemore village council He will aséume his duties August Mr More was the choice of five applicants for the position to replace Wheldzile ridcy who resigned after several years service to the community The newlyappointed utility official is married and has two childl ren INSURANCE Acrser no DUNLDP sr minim Please yourself with Molsans ErpartAIe BANAnls LARGEST El calico Admin URI