EARRIENORTH RESULTS GRADE First class honors Stanley Walker Jane Quinn Patricia Tomlinsoa Brenda tlcllahoa Linda Peterson Ronald Gable Doaelda Nash Mary Jane Hastings lrene Bucklewicz Second class honors Shirley Mlsnn Camlyn Small Waiter Haidie Simon Davis Wayne Mcgdonal Morley Campbell Wayne Wawryk Carol Gil Christ Third class honors Doug MacDonald Cami Stewart Sharon TBIIIIISII Versha Slcza bior Heather Hutchinson Paula Klemenlti David McClymont John Kerr Patrick Bradley Judy Batstone Credit Kathleen Cunnlag ham Muriel McClure Paula Moore Elgin Rugmnn Chris tophrr Sheppard GRADE 103 First class honors David Bohior Drlnlra Grava Robert hicMarttii Ron Brennemnna Shirley Hunter Frances do is Haye Patricia Strsnaghim Timmeleoa Dckker Anthony Guezebroek Eva Ziegler Wanlt da Lees Maureen Goodhead James Barr Hugh Elliott Jean Veenstra Glenn Reid Second class honors Richard Green Norman hlacLood Am lta Campbell Susan itlacLar en John Baxter Bill Simmons Judy Slessor Tod Lovtson Christopher Hughes Joel An derson Graham Smith Third class honors Robert Getow Linda Itenning Judy Emoad John Hutchings Sharv Ion Davie Credit Yvonne Polrier GRADE 10C First class honors Don Gar ner Joan Pedun David Walk er Bill Jennings Ted Ayers David Reynolds Evelyn Holt mar rWalter Petrenko Heicn Binnie Marilyn Eigcnhuls Carol Atkinson George King Second clasa honors chdy Lines Janet McKenzie lna Warren Anne Crook Ken Courlt tis Gerard Van Daien Rod Osborne Murray Fcldman Syls via Biitciiiie David Chappcl Penny Tompkins Third class honors Paul DuA vai Philip Rowe Mary Jane Hagan Frances Ferguson Mar lene Reinhardt John Pearson Bruce Daigic Eleanor Cnraac Credit James Brown Bob Johns ivan McNaiiy Dwight Norreaa GRADE Second class honors King Jeannette Mitchell Third Class honors Manard Pitt Grog Potter Ethel Poole Carolyn Norton Eddie Gallant Joan Suttnh Kathryn Clem mcnts Maurice Wheiua Credit John Coies Jean Emml Carola Forget Bill Noble Pamela Ottaway Sharon Quinian GRADE 10 Second class honors Rertram Terry Smith Brenda lvaa Johnston Dennis Rétcliih Vir ginia Garrett gt lhird class honors Allan Medan Brian Smith hank Bobyk Ricky Black Tyson smith Harry Lowe Paul Mar shall David Madill hartonce Knapp Credit Eric Burnhuo Pant Dohson Greg Garrett Hm Madiay Dick Maugham Gary Straéhan WWII Ward Thom as Wheeler GRADE 10F Second class honors Sandra leachliada Herbert Diana Poole Mannheim Wanda Muir Bonnie Buliay Margaret Kart Third class honors Shirley vigiey Darlene Clement lrene Szyprrskl Phyllis Fraser an an Hulchlaon Mary Shellswell Diane Liberty Clara Herrygera Joanne Potvin Credit Roberts Campbell Carolyn Hell Ioulse MeGil ivray Patrice OHara Joanne Swain Mnrieiio Tracy GRADE 106 First class honors Linda Hodgsoa Second class honors Cami Ney Virginia Jonas Donna Bailey Third class honors Patricia Luck Ron Schlich David Pslk Grace Martin Patricia Cll Don Jones Georgesvetko Rosemary Pearce Credit John Bates Lynette Gibson Madge Pearce Joyce Rumney Frank Sutherland Don munscli Jean Tyson Ken Watson GRADE 9A Second class honors Jim Hayes Wayne Gatlinger Reg Jones Third class honors Mervyn Caldwell Bruce Hobbs Credit Jim Batemln Allan Beacock Brian Benn Stephen Caldwell lvor Corsnit James Dougherty Alen McCartney Doug McCartney Don McLean Alax Oades Don Robinson ian Rouse Jim Whithread GRADE BR First class honors Saladana Second class honors Gordon Barry Pattenden Eric Do Tarlany Bill Bldwell Reginald Morse Jack Symas Paul Da imore Mervin Walt James ray Third class honors Alan Newman Sandra Duncan Joy Wilson Credit Doug Earish Wayne ltiaoKa Carol Shellawell San dra Wl son GRADE 9c First class honors Linda Rae Second class honors Mary Anne Smith Sandra Chappel Rosemary Keast Shirley Sin clair Audrey Anderson Lennie Ted Noordegraai Third class honors Trudi Lapp Lorraine Bright TELEVISION PROGRAMS CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE THURSDAY JULY 20 Junior Roundup itnyRottors News Headllnoa Three stooges Farm Market Report non Jarnialon Nowi Weather Sports Gunamolre The Rebel Summer circuit Checkmate Panda Couner Junction Pear Gunn GIGTV New Tbl Wellhermlfl Today in sports Community New Denny man may 21 Test Pattern Movie Lori Memory Summeramn News and Sport Interviews Cartoons Music caravan Cannonball Naiwl rtedither invisible Monster Daredevil nan Farm Market Report Dnn Jamieson NawsVeathai sports ESE Father Knows Heal Love Lucy Red River Jamboree Perry Mason Daartr Man Have Gun Will Trlvei Tightroar CBCTV News The Weathlman Today in Sports Community News illnvia First Legion sarunoav way as Test Pattern Newr and Wllulei World of sport Movie Burt Code Outside arcamt Rugs nanny mistr Gall New Weather Sports Aiisrar Golf Iart Dennis The Memo The PEOPIQI ChOIEB Sgt allko Sea uunt Great ltlnvler Command Damion Juliette iii iiu awe er iiis neorglan Chlnl Twin atti crime of Passion Murder Without crimt 700 130 300 atu no l000 1030 1100 1115 1135 sisPsssassssrrrr 333g838333833 chocHANNrL roaoNro rnunsnnv JULY so Protersora Hideaway Vhirlwhlrdl Sim it agiu Moments in sport News Weaihar East at the Port Lairka Theatn AK EIIIII Went the Day Well he Rahel Man and the Challenge Lou Aglaa Show News Weather Sports Better Lalo News Weather Sports avuoru huh suntan Fran and Easy cannuoi Theatre Count Three and Pray New amtslurs Hideaway Whitlyhirdl soorrr Magic btnmeatr in Sports New Weather Outdoan have it to Beavar Theatre at aunt Jitterhula mo 1030 00 1125 country soi Hart the blotter Newt warnr apart Better Lat 1225 Friday Night tutu Orchestra Wives 156 Epilflhn SATURDAY JULY aroremrr Party Sparta Chill Boys Gir Houll New Weather Sport sarii Credit Program Channel Nine Theatre Dakota inciduntt Basoblll Wrestllnl EllTima Tn um 86 OBI Weath ntu Space Klnl Glnlm Shuw Telrams wm Naked city than right arm Wsok 1050 Jo any El Show uoo News Weather Shem 1115 saturdoy Nilht Thlltra Rattle Hull 105 Epilolue EEOSESSEES canairafiiissfiain your carrier has not arrived by am PA please phone 82433 And Copy Will BeDellvarcdlvo Your Dalila THERE IS NO CHARGEFOR THISSERVICE VALLEY TAXI naiveyouasrtr CARS AND TRUCKS Sullivan William Maw William Credit Lillian HackEtt Diana Hausrt Sharon Lyons HelenMorris Bernice Starr Lynda Taylor lair lordill Hazel Wilson canon so gt First class honors Ray Sampson Swond class honors Michael Robinson Iorne Spark Tad Pat rick David Mills Linda Robin son Allan Harris Third clan honors Walter Richardson Harry Treadweil Jean Aldeniice Kenneth Batti dry Edna Basse Roy Camp bell Lynda Speer Christine Noble Pat Burhidge Gary Walsh Bruce Wiggins Thomas Barn Linda Kennedy Allan Gravel Wayne Grant Bishu Piotroiiski Nancy Baldwin Credit Sandra Bonsai Cheryl Brennan Joan Rankin Carol Hodges Leonard lneson Norman Inesoa Fred Saunders GRADE First class honors Dwight Tracy Don Atkinson Second class honors John McKnight Merlin Camack Gary Charette David Salem Ronald McKee Robert Pain Third class honors Jose Friend Brent Osacbuk Jo Bristow John Davidson Janet Taylor Ellen Owen Betty By arl Fred Richardson Barbara Pearson Credit JdAnn Carter Peter Evans JoAnae Feilia Reginald Mogridge Brian lilorris ardda Reid Maryland Roweii Judy Siddall GRADE 9F First class honors Linda Bradley Christine Jones Mary Dawn Graham John Craig Gail Nashman Catharina Smet hurat Jasper Vink Faye Brena Second class honors Roberta Deitch Gayle Gardner Donald Cripps Wanda Ormiston Brent Longtin John Dnimmond Glen an Patterson Donna Wauthler Patricia Powell Barry Miles Third class honors Linda Winters Cheryl Coles Barbara Parry Joanne Bakogeorge Margaretha Dekker Michael Sanderson Charles Breakey JoanSmith Carol Tuck Credit Gregory Budge Brian Hamilton Robert Hughes Hun ter Kennedy cums Ca therine Wasa Gayle Wheeler GRADE First class honors Nancy Riootnlieid Jun Farr Heather Brae Juanita Miller David MacNaughlon Carolyn Moore Bruce Jean Gil more Hardy hicGibbon Cathy Steel Catherine Clark Jeanne ldaoon Valerie Brown Second class honors Mari lena Waltw Gary Honegger Danna Fay Brian Edey Ginny Walther Gary Pelkie bola lleal Judy Mirth Doung Srnlth Third class honors Barbara Kelly Margo Patterson Doh Kinsle leoaard Hughes Credit Robert Bertram Joan Daugherty Jack Guess hroelr GeneHandy Bob Jack son Valerie Kilhtlm David Wyndham amt IR First class honors Sandra Campbell Jane logn Janice Knapp Robert Haldle Lee RatA eltite Jean King Joe Wilson Janet Campbell Thomas St John Patricio Jackson Second class honors Diane Huxtahla David Little Diana Totinn Paula Wawryh Carol Bertram Keith Carson Bar bara Munro Betty caldwaii Janice Johns Donna Blakey John Mulchinoclt Third niass honors Tom Adamtau Myrna Campbell Sandra Lewir Credit Emily Boudler Beu lah Goheen Diannis Juneau ilady lickllaaNorman Quin an GRADE II First class honors Diane Rumble Sylvia Rattle Christine Larkiii Jnna McArtiiur Bryon Morris Martin Gault Sylvia Frankoom David Holiler Alex andra McGuire Jamos Swan Donna Cowden Sacond classhonorl Dilne Jonassen Richard Dalna Car olyn Birch George Swan Jo anna Stephenion Herbert Hu iak Dawns Partridge inrralno Harvey Linda McLeanl Linda iiowes Harry McKee Shirley Eowdcry June FergusonMarie Leigh Jean Smith Carol Stew art ihlrdclass honors Judy Thorpe Paul Miller Winston Partridge David Knight Credit Garry Heston Judy Lockhart Wayne Michael Oaks CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER North dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH Hora AIOIO QAKJE EAST can KQJ58 error 45 SOUTH om were 9082 91097 Thu bidding xNorth lint south Won Paas naio an Dbio opening leadtwo at clubs There aremany inferences you can draw from the bidding it you pay close attention to what goes on and dont restrict your outlook only to the cards you see For example here is hand played by Harry Fishbein New York star in pair tourna meat He held the South cards North opened diamond and East overcallcd heart Fishbeio tell he lacked the values for bid of two clubs wnsr om AIOij 4642 at thisrpoint so he passed West jumped right to tour hearts partly for preemptive reasons andpartiy in the hope ol mak ing that contract it his partner hadthe right hand North was conrtdent dial his side could play the hand suc cessiully in one of his three suits but thought that rather than take blind shot at our spades or five clubs it would he cater to double which he did When the double came to Fishhein he decided not to stand or it even thoughhe held considerably more values than had been indicated by his previ ous pass He thought the con tract would be heatenall right but Fishbein also realized that North was not doubling on heart length or strength The vigorous raise in hearts by Wait indicated that North GRANDMA HANK COODNEGG Mi m6 THEY GIVE MEA BHANCST Laciertvuqusa on err 10 MOVIE had at most one heart and pos albly none especially since Fish hein was looking at three hearts in his own hand This in turn led him to the iurther conclu sion that North was wallihceled with high cards in the other three suits or well or length in them no Fishhein bid live clubs on parcnlly from out oithe hlue Wests double Was from hun ger of course and he eventual ly had causd to regrat lt Fish bein made six He won the club lead in his hand rotted heart played spade to the ace ruffed heart and led spade to the queen and trumped his last heart Alter rolling the tea at spades he drew trumps and conceded diamond to the opponents to bring home score at 050 Points Tomorrow The second retold by the opening bidder SellLighting Cigaret Soon On The Market NEW YORK AP cigaret bound to be advertised as matehiess is expected to he in production early in 1962 it was announced Tuesday The Matchless brand said Nicholas Tweei president of Continental Tobatco Company will he selflighting one Tweet disclosed thevproduo lion schedule in signing con tracts with American Machiné and Foundry Company to de sign and build prototype roa chines The AMF machines will tip cigarela with Continentals pat ented I0rmiliaï¬lli apply striking suriaee to both the cellophane wrapper and the cigaret package Tweel said the cigaret tip can he ignited by entiy rub bing it on the spa at auriaes printed on the side of the package niar PREDIEIJZNNSTORMG nouns iN swan EFDRE TM KIDS COME mournmadame Mondley RANNON SLONDIE JULIET JONES CENTURY AUTO PARTS CANADA hell awn IVAR RiJNNiNE MD SHORiYMD DSRDRE WNIETvOIHDLGHT W011er ARGUMENT AND YOU WEBENI GOING TD SEE HIM AEANB SLIER MIL WAT FELLOW WE DECIDED TO GO ON DATING F09 emu oiairr LIKE lN THaLAnéi DBPLITLS COOLINGOFF PERIOD and EfitiN It now vavmroarsommv 55 £3 in $211ng no await end oi Dunlap at FérhdaleRd réanat generators as low as rebuilt water pumps In low as Westinghouse sealed beams 6V radio aerial piec poito walla or auto nopr mate as law an brake may uné sxieset as law as DONALD buck Moons AND snares All new and rebuilt parts milyvguarnnt $850 ex 5550 ex $165 $265 $350 $149 $290 mt rebuilt voltage regulators rebniit transmissions or law as heavy piaatln seat covers radio rear seat speakers as low as topper while and blank sidewalls tour chrome wheel discs set or Ex newlzed batteries 6V 12v year guarantee eed lawer overhead and lower prices PA 66416 BARRIE NI breweries $375 $4990 ex $350 $395 5835 $695 ex $635 ax 3895 ex Vauz SAWYER Wilflkfnls 1le mascots IWI Ml TDJIIEWV on WORKERS ItiT Willi 113W Totsin ou tedious no SNAKES alliance col management AMVsMRflDIRSMiLIKI mm mm swarm armadanaer M50056 ARRVAEAINST nlE MFA IiiliBASKEI WILLS Wiiléil NUMPHS FIGHT