summertilne and he Livin is Edsy In Ydur Own Home Check the THEBARRIEWR ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS amm At tho lioyal Vio torlu Hmvltll Built on mud July it not to Ir sod Kn Iiruca butler lll cook at barrio daughter lllAD In tho Royal Victoria idospilal Barrie on TiltMay July 1061 to Ir and airy Peter Albert Head trier Gwendolyn Jana Hobron partial RR Butte son Jnnn Franklin THURSDAY JULY 20 REAL ESTATE rnordnn mnsam BOAKE REALTOR zrl bulime mm limit PA 55337 OR PA 55513 sull roiling tarms ra indoors on latrkulnu PA um PROUD AREN THENEWS ii is LivPA bow at lboBlessed Event can be venibfir oi Bim soo Dhlrtn annauncee in your trientls and Rat anal hand relative the only 3150 Jut telephone PA Es CARDS 0F THANKS Jammhlné¥ln urvira BRYDNl wish in express my COOKE CARTAGE aincrre inankr and appreciation LTD to my many Irlendg and rel ives lor their good wirnervlaita and YOUR ALLIED VAN hm AGENT gllii Also the stall and doctors oi Sunnybrook Hospital Toronto ior their kind care during my rv or bus lid parno PArkway 5557 PA 68125 cent tllneu chuck byron 700 Strilters Fired Hotel RETAIL7m Esra1 aiming TORONTO tCPlllle CPR OUT OF owned Royal York Hotel Wade nesdny lircd about 700 striking fggwï¬flhï¬ï¬nmgï¬m mfmg employees who did not accept tiled lull basement arcod air all heating Bqul ped with alu gfuzaanï¬fflfms mlnum rionnr ni screens an age This is tho nicest blmnTow Angus MacKinnan that havo been given too hp York manager indicated that lilllr3 Tsintlrgï¬t gggggiggg 5gegilfcggpg iii bribing swarm employed us jobs become avail able Thehotel snd 300 other payment 32000 and tho alanro on all mortgage strikers returned to work ear lier SHANNON STREET The Ontario Labor Relations bedroom brick bungalow with attached gauge largo living room and extra large klicnrn lull baro Board is in hear an application Wm WWW 15 Auto 15 from the Hotel and Club Employees Union CDC or per mission to prosecute the hotel recrbullon room lully leased and landscaped lot Applo trees and berry bushes 1m very nice home and well planned and you rnould make an appointment to The union contends the hotel violated the Ontario Labor Re lations Act by using the threat of dismissal to compel employ ees to abandon legal strike The hotel hns been operating WEST END with 900 new employeesiand bcdroam homo plug living and alarm room kitchen and in tall basemoat lorcrd all on not log Located on large lot 72 it Down payment 11500 strikers who have returned The dlsmlssals came alter the end of company deadline for employees to resign or indicate their intention to return to work BLAKE STREET COMMERCIAL LOT as jobs beeome available Onolrio an int secretary commerclnl lot located near the east end variety store os 155 Could be used lor any commercial business business agent of Meal 299 of ST MARYSSCHOOL the union said he had replied AREA to the ultimatum on behalf of the strikers stating they can alder themselves employees of the hotel until the strike is aet slzsoo rive room bungalow blur bath lull basement plus one on tled and collective agreement negotiated For irhed roopr Ind toilet on heat ing garage paved drive fully landscaped lot This property is in excciirnt condition inside and 05 Large down payment requtrv CLASSIFIED LPTYsgaiim ADVERTISING Member or the Earth and humor TELEPHONE HAROLD PA 824l Condensed and classllled adverA FORSTER REALTOR 98 BA YFIELD ST rate of do per word per insertion for one and two times per PA 5645 word lortllrce tour or ï¬VB times and 292 per word for LAKESHORE or morelnsertions 10 addl PROPERTY 0R0 tiolial charge it not paid within Tm QTEMHSTRL lunb gorgysmgllré cosr Zaiiiodlniénrr 1t milipriiing ro ro in VERTISEMENT 5519 303 two bedrnoglns an TulfrTlshaizg 10 equipment and dock to El with $106 run 24 wonps IF this house Cr ARGLL PER SINGLE 1N SERTION ERRORS on commons advertisers are reminded that all 2510110 insertion podsr ims accept as canyon once ioyoutho advottirer Therotoro tbs classirled Advertising Deparimcn reouirer all advertisers kindly recheck their odvoriisemaat lmmediateiy alter iirst inscrtion lnordar that any errors or omurlonr in be applied borers murder same may he rect tbe iollowiag drys lrir tliigegidol We with to point out that The Barrie Examiner vregpumlblb tor only ono lncnrrczty prhted Insertion on any adrcrtixemont and then only to or Extent in portion or ad that involves rb mlsprlot Errors which do not lesson tho value at the venue ment aro not eligible tor correc tions by mako goods Rama and type styles tor semi dispia classiï¬eds may be ob thine through The Examiner ad vertlslng department Coming Events St per Word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices fol up to 25 words lover 25 words be per word extril In Memoriam No tlees $150 tii verse used ae per have other lakeshore properties to show you ranging up to 355000 Cau Norah thku Oro 40m VALUABLE Commercml Property room home In cnmmeltlal area In excellent condition Four lud mnms upstairs with place lth Three large rooms and piece but downstairs Shower In bare merit 011 hot Inter 112111111 Hardwnnd Hunts throughout Good garage and cement driveway Only 530 down payment One block from downtown For further Infor mation Elli Jon Palmlr PA W1 BUILDING LOTS On Coxmill Rd Four lover hulldlng lots These lots are level and good size 75 200 You can buy one or on our Contact Joe Palmer PA 50863 ibcmbrr or barrio and District Ru rststo boird EVENINGS CALL EMORY MILLER PA M476 JOE PALMER PA sodas KAiu MARSHALL PA b9917 WDld extra NORAH EAJKES Oro tour BLIND Lblrlm amiss MAriG SHEAAR PA 37555 inrormsuon regarding advertisers using Blind Letter our number PRIVATE SALE whirling held tmetly enono allelic 11 ii Egaiyo trig 331 Two bedroom bungalow with largo corner lot Handy to school and paved highway Pull prlco $4200 last day of publication Classified advertisements and names at these pages must with SL200 down and balance at be received by pm day we mum mm 556 ceding publication With the ex llousb FOR SALE consisting or eepllon of Classified Display 14 100113 mad bath on gfoduslzed own paymon wnor advertisements which must be Wm um mmyge MM PA 50981 or evening PA 54031 in by 1200 noon preceding day 5L0ngWOOd Lodge Good Food hospitality pleasan1 surroundings crziiirésdiï¬nfif iiiaédiiiir Wilma BEA IF sviuloim mas NLY FEW 110 iii ALLANn 170R TO VISIT cult COOL SPA MENTS DRIVE FRO Broiled steakswiih mushrooms REAL PEOPKRTY FOR SALE ROGERS CONNELL REALTORS oubblmmpsrhbrrrmsr First In barrio Blue suesrath in Quality at Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES 155 HAPPERJON SIREEI ZBEDROOM BUNGALOW ESTATE BALE IMMEDIATE VACAN POSSESIONI mm realistic prie with osceurnt terms on this very located amali hum length guns and paved pflvau drive Living mm separate dining runny kitchen and illed bathroom convict the main floor plan run basement with tabs oil nilam and paoohrd ganitsroom dominion The ground here or ploarure to hire lower beds and lovely mo arbourl This is ideal tor couple or small lamily use cash is rtqulred to ilnglo open owls mortgage norluaively with noggin or Conaeu PA om BEAUTII ULle TREED IDCATION BUNNIDALE ROAD DISIBLICH 111000 sci tn wit Irld grounds luurtrll perleet privacy this is mori ottraetiva lwrtoxey Coloniti plan wiib bay wlndnvu down and dormers upstairs The house wu built in lost and tr ApoUeasl its true atxroonser with mt living room lovrly displace and tart dining room with on names tinaat rweeptog vlewr licm this high elevauoo rho gara is attached Irtth walktn enlrsoca to brromrnt It pro city or beauty and real camrort ad exroert torma aro ob ialnab lo inspect immediately piere cau PA used air Rollin 24 SHANNON STREET FACING SOUTH FOR BUNLIGHII $141 TM threeyum red brtck bungaan cl excellent Ian situated on beauittuuy kept deep lot it In line llndsclptnlpg ads trceo carport and enclosed pauo The mt Llylnl room has lovny alone iirrplaee the kitchen is perltciiy planned with largo dinette dry bright pouredewlll bxrerncnt compieto laundry section all beating and combination aluminum storms and screens complete the picture ol lamlly comtort hero awnin tranrlerred alien exeeUept telms tor quick sale with 32500 down Phone PA MN MR STONE LOVER The beauty of stain wlth tLl awn 11nd bl elItIllle We Ullnk this LI real value and will sell quickly cupboard space llvtng room mlh mm Alumna Items ltg Mum Inna bungalow with double 8900 MR DOCTORS Howl your patiencal No you bava been looking at but lnrposriblo homo and Vlu vcua 11th In Hantoa bettcr atreott ideal kept MR GARDENER Lot to 221 with well estiblLrhrd garden airea laoted Larg ll bunt homo with many extras included MR THRIFTYMAN Yen to live in an exclusiva neighborhood with the but oi neighboursl You can do this and pays living The brim or duplex and lot lltwa ltl MR OR MRS PROFESSIONAL PERSON We havo rare oilering near the Yacht Club in narries East end So perieci or you Pour bedrooms lded kitchen mmatttm mom would havo to to appreciate Call details REAL ESTATE raorbnrr eon soul REAL ESTATE RENTALS BUS ormnrmvlms APTS HOUSES IO RENT SiOull Agencies Ltd coLLlEn 5mm rs ssool emu omnnlos unarm REALTORS it has divided kitchen with lots at booksare divider nice bedrooms men Ind door mludcd In Lit 3117 low 921M cl pun intended We didnt mean patients it houses that are good tor protenlorr purposeo then this is tol you Gracious two storey home on one at or your Dmun 352 ill alt grounds This is rut pleuun to show tbla older Ibut modern brick an inroma looor you can build your own and have an income lrom both parts or the uplex This couldnt be in bcttor location lbr either renting or lor is only 311000 Sec tth to be largo uving room with lircpiacr dlvA attached ga go and many cxiras that you yoho at PA 56901 lor more lYEAROLD BRICK BUNGALIOW WITH GARAGE SELLING AT OWNERS ACTUAL COST sluoo threebedroom plan that lr universal iavourlte slunblb kitchen with cupboards in natural lovely ceramic illad bathroom basement in bright lully pointed The owner here ls leaving barrio lne bargain with lrnnrcdiato pouassioal iivlngdinlng combination wood single 67 NHA mortgage EVENINGS CALL but at MOOREPA 55101 ROGERSPA H582 MEMBERS bARbiz Er Disalcl iiEAl ESTATE BOARD CLIFF IBROWN REALTOR 82 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA 60241 PA 54724 LARGE CORNER LOT irontxgo on No ll Highway 591 on No in guartcr rnllo lrom clty llmlls Can be used lor Priced to roll ECONOMICAL HOME older to in east end oi the city on idea trcea lot kitchen and three bedrooms Priced at anti$8500 LOOK $800 DOWN lit Guthrie on Highway No ll room bungalow lust years old Nico lot 15 200 Approximately acres 345 sldcroad ol lnnlsfll commerclul purposes ages smith CampbellPA Mm 006 LOCATIO TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PAT9398 on PA om Fergus GarvcyPA Mrs Members of tho barrio beat atria board PRATT LTD HIGH QTTATFITT HOMES See Us For NS MR RENT DONOR Your monthly payment will bo less with piece bath on heated two 1er any terms Full price $4000 Has largo very dry and alien this gen Verylow down payment to MR FISHERMAN FOSTERPA 8510 CUNNELLPA M735 winter home you this duplex now MR TOWN LOVER for your garden Just as it is Call us now or MR YOUNG MAN Tm fld rlrrt come ï¬rst Juli llsted now wau drtva you out in see it MR NATURE LOVER Living roarir the pomloris ot city home home In or near Barrie hesitates will and Soul on the loan LangPA $5751 lilerv GouldCiro 2516 noris NuttycomboPA 3590 Edith Gould0rd 251a TAYLOR REALTOR lb CLAPPERION sr BARRTE PHONE PA 61731 HIDDEN SGENERY so ocrcs clare to barrio suit all Highway ll large streams mixed bush wall leaned lor only $5200 with low doivn payment $1000 DOWN so acres close to barrio oli tugb LOW DOWN PAYMENT COR Phone PA 8Z4l MABEL MARSHALLPA 34450 OWEN JONESPA 37927 wr WELCOME ALL Tillm or LlFllNGS mismnyiiiii iNDUSTEtlAL CoMMmCiAL BY REAL ESTATE BROKER FAIIMS way 11 New modern bungalow three piece bath Also new cement block building 21 40 Duly $1000 down payment OPPORTUNITY as acros close to panic Just on paved road Good land small burn and stream Only smog lull price REDUCED TO SELL ocrcs hear Edgar tully modems lied home all conveniencns Good barn Nico garden Pull price 85500 with only $1700 down 93 Dunlop St COREYPA 5546s CDTTAG musmmsm 11131 CARSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOPST Next door to tho lmporial Thertra PA 66481 Member or barrio opd District Real mate board EXEELLENT VIEW over lake east or town on paved road Modern bedroom home Birch panelled den uvlng and dining room Heated double garage Large extras Owen Jones 07937 Many Reduced tor quick sale PA 07475 or PA MODERN BUNGAIDW Crown llill uni lovoly modern bedroom bungalow car gar Ige large lot baantitully land sï¬ged carries ior only 75 mon MOVING Dont torgai in tranxler your INSURANCE and ii on need extra coverag any SEE STEVENSONS PA 8520 113 Dunlop SL s1x0ll HILL Pnicb Bargain Wiri terizod watcriroutcottage boat house drilled well small down payment Apply Jo tans Cot toga at Pahqubnl slop Oro shanty bay Villag PA 5371 cobnwsrrblt ll room resident ial solid brick house rilversldo Finished basement nicely lands coped lot Apply nemleo William son Box 162ColdwatcrAgent lor Langevln broker BLAKE ST income property situated on bloke Sh one block tram the lake largo privata upts all rented in Al eondltlonTllll is excellent in come property Only $6250 down payment with good terms EAST END Modern bedroom bungalow in immaculate condition Close to schools shopping ate This home is only years old Dont delay can now to inspect this one NEW BUNGALOW bedroom home largo llvlng room and kitchen pieco bath DAILY CROSSWOBD mar 28 Skill AOBOSS Egog medicinal ox 1233 rye 18Quleiz 16 Sound on belts 16Qu3vered 1DA1nerlcaia soldier 2014 63 21th an 24 Prescrip tlon term 25love 26 Loud kiaa 29Put ortii unhappi IIIhu ill Ill 31Conaunie EZSCIELCIIBK out Jainbag pub 370mm nickname SEMIEA bind 40Gir1s noer 43 cut ohad ooi marches Biblical Southerri friedrhicken in baskeft Hungariari Goulosh Europedn cusine Catering to families andgroups Iurge or small Meals can be served atyall times kwr HOPE To tilinvou in run NEAR vulunb TELEPHONES OUD 62R23 For ï¬esetvhtlonbyol Just Drop Inf woodV moniker 49Germnn river DOWN Larueeiul dance Tougher Firm ti Gold Tour Peer Gyntd mother met 10 Compile ucm 14 Sneak oil 17 Epoch 13 Achieve 22 Barbers OK 28 Rob may 24 Skin 31 GreatLat quantity lots at cupboards good sized lot only 31000 down payment Good terms Evenings can roslmlm brass mixpr mod noon Mano Member Toronto and malaria riral Eitatu boards NORMAN IT sWe 11ml ESTATE BROKER Dimitry Street Eu PA 8996 33 $5 or PA 68742 work 41 I57 COOK ST mm bedroom brlcir bungalow living my room modern klchen plus room apt in basement $40 monthly plus income lrom apt and you can own tbh lovely home Call Jack wtllson 125 CODRI NGTON badroorn brlck Large modem kitchen good sized living room ï¬nllheii rec room in basement plus covcred patio at tho roar Allinlcbly landscaped $12000 with 51000 downpayment Will carry lol 05 monthly Call isclt wil son or ncu mfl 294 The Orient 9055 31 Maria nick name 11053 as lop anode drama Cam petltor 35 Sour 10 air 3mm nr mlt lt dnndmm nir mnpnnmu wmrp mo low gt mac mx 11 ZC4 nm Yortudqo Jul 421mm IZHI amusem lol Longtin PA bone Everett Sbolrwell oro solo upward Morris PA our lack Winona 34511 Jim Lemon bit Norman sheirwell PA moi nous AND LOT rule at Eim valo For information telephone siroud lllu or AneExumlner Want Ad rboaojra 32414 bungalow on Creswlck coun Garage meat are only few or Ihe many aracniiier ln Ihls brick home Can we show you this listing with monuin payments or only $9114 which lncludu principal lnIbrvst and taxes Vacation at homo on bcautiiiil Kempenolt bay when you own this lovely alono duplex at barrio Terrace wall Arcplaco and and glass wall with part has thrco bedrooms living room and kitchen with dining area We think Hill is torrid valuo whcn you consider you yo and one Apt to rent We have largo older home in rmau town with plnnty of ground The home could be duplcxtd qutte uslly or lived in mono InformHail An opportunity to own your own roamed homo on the Village or Churchill Lot 55 207 MR MAN OF ACTION nuplox an plrke street rvilbupper rented and lower ready to move tn We have nestled In among cool trees on stream an adorablo bcdrooni brick bungalow with ï¬ropiaco and all The owners want to build lhelr own would cven accept lot in trade He who in EVENINGS CALL luayllllms OF THE bArtluE AND DISTRICT REAL STATE BOARD nousb um and on acres or than rent ln lnlr extra large second bathroom and tllcd ba Eacli living room has and stone sweeplng view or the Bay Each summer home all in one package Let us ihow paved road in Full prlce only $1500 wa lhtnk Its itrritlc buy Call tho bank at owilt running Call us today Harry SicssorPA boon Orca BrownPA $7255 Frunk CongdonPA ems OSCAR BATES REAL ESTATE THORNTON PHONE IVY 291m 43 ACRES over 2m rods on maln road sprlnz clerk 50000 plne mm 10 ID l2 yen Near VllllKe 110th nl nrrrlo EVERETT Three room home inrido convcnl races large lot Morztlerctt Ask lali $4000 Tornu NEW LOWELL Prams building in to reel with lo 20 building attached Over hrod door op main highway in New Lowell Buildings in good repair Priced to sell FARMS Farms tram 70 lo 250 acres with good terms Oscar bales Mrs Eleanor Maw HENDERSON REALTOR lo COLLIER srlzbbr PHONE PA $2678 WOULD YOU KNOW BARGAIN IF YOU SAW ONE Well here it is this lovely our tom built home on ono or Bantes best streets complete with tire place paved drive basement apartment mating at $70 monthly so it you would like on interest free mortgage phonui Percy Ford to inspect SIX ROOM HOME Monthly paymcnts only $69 includ ing taxes This homo is only two years old and in good condition Ono car garage close to down town and schools Call Percy Ford PA 37960 RIGHT DOWN TOWN lovely three bedroom and den older style home immaculate and lure dolls house Living room soprrato dining room plus ï¬nished room In basement 311700 Terms bore aro excellent as the owner will hold an open tlrsi mortgagn New excluslvo Listing Call Rttk Scandrett 101 RODNEY Sea tar yourselfone at our nie est brick bungalows in axcellont location Three bedrooms up ed uvlng and dining room with stono areplace separate dlninz area in kitchen Carries or $85 monthly including taxes Call nita Scandrelt nvmnvos can RITA scmum PA 84855 PERCY blur in 571230 hichiboi or barrio and District and Ontario lioai Estato Boards PROPERTY FOR SALE on RENT ml ROOM Bunghw All conv veniences Garage included Largo trout yard mood in Ono child welcome selling $0000 bent at sillmonthly Telephone PA 81061 LOTS more SALE N112th man tombs root by his rest close to schools also on bus line Apply 145 Pool stroot barrio FARMS FOR SALE ralo Remodeled improved home young orchard Convenientboll way between Hlflhwn on and Lakerlrore Road am on snooty bay Telephond are 2624 altlrd pm ment Rum decanted madam restaurant tor rent uatsspprox lmatoiy so people Acted on busy highway with or without Nulplnufl yearly tumour proximately 360000 writs an barrio Examiner MORTGAGES MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE N0 BONUS Pumenh Injured llllnfl accident sickness dealh CRESCENT FINANCE DUNLDI 51 W51 BARBIE PA 602m PRIVATE Money for First and Second Mortgages WRITE BOX 60 DARRIE 1mm ilonToAstlrt and and burial sold and arranged commircla and residential nonvys loaned op oxiyung mortgages barria ldort nil broken PA sued nimbnlAru biortgaga Loana to cooroildato debtr pay all extrung mongucs homo imrovemcnu etc Discuss your pro icon with us Call lor appointment PA moi Monrage hindlnl over SimpsolnSun 129 Dunch st East RENTALS NURSING hornis ARK EDEN Nursing Home NOW OPEN BED AND UPPATIENTS AND HOLIDAY GUESTS 8th Concession STROUD 69R4 HE OFFICES STORES RENT Business Opportunity RENTALS oilico or store space 500 aqum loci on ground floor BiceUcnt location cican well located bad and alnt shop lmnrcdiato vanadium Uled Car Lot for nut Ollica and lullhHHJIcIIllted Kxbeptlnnllly good ca FOR INFORMATION on THE ABOVE oPponlUlvlrlbs CONTACT HAROLD HILL 55 DUNLOP ST iVbsr TELEPHONE PA 32427 APTS nousns 107nm ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apartments complete with stove retrigor ator Use or washer pd dryer Rcdccoratcd annually PA 51068 EM THREE non house on lakclront estate Would rout iurhlshed or tho balance or the summer Apply whoop shanty bay Formulan three room apart Three piece bath heavy duty stove Sell contained Apply ill Dunlop st loi rurther inr formallull 4x THREE bedroom brick bungalow tor rcpt Pull basement on host cd Close to scnnol Telephone PA 87067 utter pm tor rurther details at TWO room apartment with bath muy furnished Heat hydro and water supplied Three minutes irom downtown Clean and newly decorated Telephono PA baao minimumgal possession bcated unturnlsbed two bedroom apart merit In stroud apartment house No chlldren or pets Telephonc stroud 40 hlonEbN bedroom house one mile on Highway iloConvenlcat to Camp Borden and barrio Hard wood and tile floor throulhnut Telephone ivy slut binairr turnished two room apart ment or rent with kitchen and bedsltting room Heavy duty rtove Available immediately Apply at 127 Burton Avenue MODERN bedroom brick bun galow place both lovely kitchen large living room Avauablo Nov ist For rurther minimotion wrltejhox as name lbramlner THREE E0031 well built bnuse piece bathroom hardwood floors oil heating to rent or lease Ap proximately 550 Retired couple preferred Apply Wilson shanty bay FURNISHED Apartment overlook ing bay Modern sell contained tilcdbothrobm with shower Down town 125 Dunlap st East ovu SImpsonSearr suit business ex ecutives Adults PA 50931 MODERN two bedroom nunmish ed apartment Near East laid Plaza Automatic laundry inclutler Venetian blinds and bamboo drapes Parking area Telephone PA 81829 AVAILABLE September in mud ern tour room apartment plenty or closet spiel private entrance lieidgerrtar and stove opllonar sso monthly255 hayiield street Telephono PA 33229 mbb AND Palm Room Apart ments stove and retrigeraror silk plied the or washer and dryor see these apartments tonight Telephone PA 34750 lnr liirtbcr details MODERN two bedroom unluiw ished basement apartment Privaio entrance and bathroom sod mun thiy hesicdclose to ahopplng pia za Available August 10 Telephone PA 35524 TIIREE noolvi heated nnmmisbed apartment Private bathroom and entrance 0n ground tloorPitvaio veranda Washer and dryer sup plied Appuanccr tlonal Free arking Telephone amt or 91012 MODERN two bedroom apart merit Largo living morn kitchen and three piece both Front and back eotranrec Laundry room in basement One or two children welcome Apply on bayheldpat or telephone PA bolls mulls ROOM uunlrnlshed apart merit new closo to schools and downtown Privato entrance lilad bathroom stainless steel sink and loads cupboard ln kltclierl Range and rrtrlgerator laundry taclltics Garaga Heat and wa ter summed Telephonl PA am mks local Apartment for rent in Lulr nekr Camp Burden Trie phoae New Lona ma mg anon lurnirhed apart menl private bath hut hydro and water run uea Central Ielp paoaa PA 54351 aoyumr mint 1100 cell eooiuned lplnr inan $61 per month Apply Ai lknualo Hardware Essa mud Al landalo or mnher inlormatlon noun rooms and runroopa un rumlxbed with bathroom not in Eu ilk heath Renting or as monthly Apply to 155 Shani bay mad or lelapbono PA 51 urrbn DUPLEX spacious thrca rooai apartment with balcony healed bu ding wiring All re drcoraicd elep ono PA 54510 meal noun or events L2 CONTAINED Apartment or at in stroud Large bod tilting room modern kitchen utility room Separate entrance Rent Telephone mu stroud AVAILABLE immediately 0n mrnlmed Iputment on unnam iabed hath sou contained aria chud welcome bays phoao PA 55270 evenings PA was gimu noolu basement unlurn lrbed apartmcni Sulubld or business rnupio Close lo North Collegiate Rent $60 monthly Tele phonc FA $722 alter ATTRACTIVE rel contained ona bedroom apartman Suitable lor business couple stove and rcirlg crator supplied ronarang and st Vincent streets 75 muntbly Tclephono will Tum non Apartment rivals bathroom not walor ou gelled remnntnr and heavy duty riuvo included Located on nurtora Avenue Apply centre Street drama Location Tbrco morn unlulnlihed ground nonr apart ment Ior rent Prlvlto bat Hy dro and water included arking space Adults only Telephone PA Mm alter 1711 gmmlsirzn threo roam apart ment tnrca pieco Ilth hcavy duty stovo and mlrlgerato Hardwood floors Solt captalnc ailablo Tuly Apply Armstrongf Hard ware Two boo lurnlsircd apartment hot and cold water Sui ahia or one or two adults Available now Telephone PA Misti evenings tor rurthcr particulars IMMEDIATE Possession Helled nirnisbed pub bedroom arlmcni separate entrance Use at lwlnr ming pool Nd children or pets Telephone strnud ta HEATED Apartment for rent Largo living room bedroom din eitc and kitchen with itovo and rcirlgqator Central business cou plc prelorrcd Available immedi atly Telephone PAoesu SELF CONTAINED thrillsth apartment bedsitting room kib chen and bath Heavy duty win ing Good location suit two busi ness girls or couple it real st or telephone PA 011 LOVELY Vibw with chcertnl sun mundings Thrco room rolt con tained apartment storm and rc trigerator supplied Located in the east end Available Immcdtrltcly Telcphono PA 61091 NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom apartments overlooking accnic Kompenlclt my Heat wn ter parking and laniior servlcn included Automatic washing ta culues PA 902 bxbbmomtw clean thres roomnniumlsbed peatcd lpart moot including stov and retrlg erator rhrcc blocks lrorn Post oilico Good gnrltlnl 555 per month PA bis Monblm uniurnisbed thrcb room apartment tnui piece tile bath trout and back entrances Parking and laundry acLlJtler including dryer North Owen Available Aug ust PA MawPA b5131 FURNISHED two room bachelor apartment completely soil can tnined ground noor Brlght Try dro and heat supplied Fireplace and large clothes closets Avail able Auzust Jelepliono PA H195 THREE ROOM unturnlshed apart lnent heat water supplied Loco ted Blake and nunlop Available immediately for further inton matlon Telephano PA E8054 or PA bum UNFIJRNISHED tour room Iplrtw meat or rent Heated and sell contained with privato bath Pos session lmmedlutely Toluphono PA assoc or PA oasis tor turin er lntormatlon abbr CONTAINED raished rour room updarlgiï¬jnt eat of water supp per man ï¬rst end location Available In mediatelv Telephono PA flash for turther details THREE noon unlurnished spari ment separate entrance soli con tained parking fucllltles Newly decorated Available immediately Telephone PA 02170 tor author information more ENTRANCE bright clean and bedroom apartment ideal tor business girls or couple Wuhlng tlelllfles Utltltles old Available now so monthly ele phoae PA elm lilonuuv two bedroom apartment avauable August Kitchen with rerrigeraior and stove Laundry room with washer and dryer Ap ply 120 Cook street or telephone PA b7119 WANTED TO RENT mall sclmol Tenchar wants three or tour bedroom house by September Preters nle district or outskirts Awly Box 45 Barrie Examiner MANAGER or local llrm requires tour bedroom house with garage by September Please wrttcgtvi lng details to box sci barrio ax amincr UNFURNISEED tiirco room apart ment with bath wanted in st Monica School iarea or icachu by August Approximately 51o 530 per month Reicrcnces not 57 Barrie Examiner TWO on malt bedroom houso ted by August in Barrie area 011 treating preteried non ronable rent No small lidren Telephone Lcrroy lulu tor pm ROOMS TO LET FURNISHED ROOM with use of kitchen Linen supplied 0n hul mutanjrolephope PA Milo1dr lurthei intormation rumsup Housekeoplng Room wlthrangnttg use of reirlgerotor and washing machine Central ror iurthcr intonnatlon telephone PA shoe CENTRAL location bright hed rnom and kltehen torrent hilly turniahed reasonable rent with heat and lights included ideal ior couple Telephone PA 33593 hovcimlsn 1N THE BARRIE EXAMINER wtth ant Ad 56