SPORTS TYPE By suave Joneson Sports Editor OUTFIELD DEPTH Last summer Iorgis Automotive hadthe biggest and strongest outfield in the Barrie and District Softball League There was Don Johnston in centre who could throw ball like no other George Feaklns who could hit run and throw and Frank Rawn hit andrunner with nottooaccurate but neverthe less strong arm The club lost Feakins at the end of the season It retained Johnston and Rawn Monday night Johnston wasnt around but the Automotlves still boosted the biggest and strongest outfield in the league Rawn was in his usual right field spot Jimmy Edwards first baseman in softball was in left field and John Christie normally second seeker in centre The crowd wowedlto their exploits They made fine running catches Their throw ing arms earned the respect of the baserunners They were valuable at the plate Another similarity of this three is that all are baseball playersand we believe all signed to play with Thornton of the South Simone Baseball League Johnston is also baseballer as is seldomused third sacker Lou Morrow Because of the number of baseballers in the lineup this reporter made it clear earlier that Torgis shouldnt have too great season These guys have proven us wrong Players usualiyflnd it difficult to hit in both games in the same season good example is Jimmy Edwards He always gets good wood on the ball but because he employs abasebail stance at the plate while playing softball he lofts most of his shots In baseball hes linedrive hitter The ball comes to the plate differently too In baseball the pitcher stands above the batterand normally the pitch is movingdown In softball with rare exception the pitched ball is rising when it reaches the plate good fielder in baseball is an exceptional fielder in softball good thrower is good in either game hitter has to adjust and judging from the clutch blows that the above three versatile per formers are delivering complete adjustment is not too far off But adjustment or no the other clubs in the league are probably wondering how Bill Browning continuously crimes up with such great outfields always different JUST NOTES Information booklets containing entry forms to the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters BigFlsh Contest reached this deskyester day Anyone interested insarne can pick em up Theyll be lying loose Molsonsannually present few thousand bucks to the anglers nabbing the prize catches lack of water centre fielder Don Rich of Bristowsof the BDSL is thesame fellow who played goal for Guelph Biltmores of the ORA Junior series three years Weslock To Take TORONTO CPllhe cream of Ontarios innateur golfers go out today with two goals in mind The provincial amateur championship and qualifying spot in the Williogdnn Cup com petition The top golfers andties from the Ontario amateur champion ship which starts today and the top 20 amateurs andtics from the Ontario open championship held last month will be eligible for competition in the Willingdon playoff The amateur champion at the and of this compeljtion will have played seven rounds on the Lambton Golf and Country Club layout As opposed to previous years however thechsmrion will not automatically be ven herlh onthe team which will repre sent Ontario in interprovincial competitionlle will haveto Join the others in lheiplayotf at York Downs on July as for the 36 holes which will deter nuns the fourmantearn Wm nnnucnrmm This tournament which will run four days will see about 200 golfers leave the first fee to day The field will he reduced to so for the first round Thursi day and 16 for the second round AVCollingwood boy Don is working in town Is Picked Amateur Friday the field will be cut to eght and then to four Semi finals and the final will be held Saturday All butthe first round are match play The Lambton course is in the best shape of the year officials said The course is relatively flat well trapped with sand and water and with number of trees lining the fairways Par for the 6280yard layout rs 70 and most tournament offi cials expect to see it broken several times ARE FAVDRED Likely to be well in front dur ing the tournament are Gary Iowan of Kitchener Nicklles lock of Toronto Dave Morland of North Bay and Bob Fair of Toronto The four finished in that order in the OntarioOpen Cowen top amateur in the Open fmlshedwiih 212 just eight strokes off ï¬le blistering P599 set by winner GeorgsKnudson of Toronto The Ontario GolfAssoclation running the tournament has ruled that tie in Willingdon playoffs wili rsuslt in an ink mediate suddendeath match EarlyGame Runs Win FOr Borden RCAF Camp Borden Fiyerl defeated Thomas Electric 14 last night increasing their hold on third place in theBarrie and IDlstrict Softball Rogue slsudlnss it was Piyers eighth win of the season Their ls poinls is Just one less than secondplace Brisiows Plumbing and Heat ing lots and four behind the leadinl lbrgls Automotlvu llyers were in the process of running away with the decision when the visitors called Don Dyksira oil the bench it was the third inning and the bolls already had winning margin by virtue ol four runs in the first frame and two in the one Dykslre whiffed the remain ing two outs in that inning and got total of 10 for his part of the game Starter and los ing pitcher was Rally Corner Billy Henderson making one of his appearances as pitch or this season went eight and twolhlrds innings for Borden He gave wAy to coach Bill Thornton with two out in the finale Two singles walk sacri fice and Gil Gilhulys home run gave Flyers four first frame tallies 0f the winners elghl hits Ross Home who look his turn behind the plate had three Willie Ransom had two of Thomas six hils Doubleheader action is for ped for this evening at Queens Park Minesins plays stew arts Lunch in lbsfirrt some and RCAF plays Brisiows Sundial Pu Torsis Bristow RCAF Stewarts lilinesinx Thomas Thomas Ransom Quinlan of Jackson to Forbes 2b Hastings Dykstrs Dykltra Corner 1b Anderson ll Corner cl Totals RCA Glngras 2b Sheppard 8b Home Goyetclio rf Gilhuly Kelly cf Bouoher lb Bagley if Beale ll Henderson Thornton Totals 31 Corner Dyksira and Dykslra Quinlan Henderson Thornton and Home Umpires Pat OConnor plate Harold Kettle bases can onkuoomnomaag himuusnsususg aooaeuvHHw containstech actIon sol ooeonuuuuom ai HaaHIorOONE ons Prairie Drought Will Hurt Hunting By JACK VAN DUSEN Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA CPlLDrought on the Canadian Pralrlssibecon ilnents major breeding area for wild duckswill put severe crimp into North Americas fsli duck hunt this year Reduced bog limits are ex pected as experts report duck ling survival on the parched Prairie region at the lowest point on record Youngducks are dying by the thousands for Norma the WNWsquare mlle nes ngarea in Western Canadaproduces 70 per cent of NorthAmerloal annual hatch of wild ducks Hughie Schultz biolo gist with the Canadian Wildlife Service and one of the men re sponsible for setting Canadian waterfowl bag limits under the annual migratory bird regula Virginians Win Hurling Duel By ran sssoorsrsn prinSs Frank Carpin of Richmond Virginians and Marshall Bridges of Jersey Cityderseys wove some oldfashioned pitch ing magic in the International League Tuesday night but the Virginians broke the spell with fiverun uprising in the 18th inning for vlclory The loss was heartbreaking for Bridges who had allowed only three hits until the 13th while striking out 15 men Columbus Jets blanked Char leston Marlins 44 behind the fivehit hurling of Tom Sturdlv vent Buffalo Bisons itopped Toronto Maple Leafs $4 and Syracuse Chiefs swept double header from Rochester Red Wings and 43 The Virginians clinched their second victory in rowover the Jerseys when Wilmer Shani doubled with one man out Pinchhitier Sam Miley sin gled Shani home KURLS SECOND SEUTOUT Sturdivant $1 pitched his second shutout of the season against Charleston to put Co lumbus ahead of the second place Marlins by six games He was helped by home run in the sixthinning by Roman Mouse his 12th Hurlers Ruben Gomez and Dwight Jiebier combined to halt hitting streak by Leaf centre fielder Law ack son at 17 games Don Mincher paced the Bisuns with his 10th and 11th homeruns of the season lions says the situation looks serious The weather has been as destructive for ducks as lor crops said the Myesroid na tiveof Hespcler Ont today as he mumhcd through reports from the Prairies The sprawllt lug nesting area covers most of southern Manitoba Saskatche wan and Alberta Federal and provincial biolo gisk now are working on new bag limits as result of the drought The season may not be short ened but there will like he substantial reduction 11 the big Hunts in most of the prov lnces especially in the Prairies British Columbia and Ontario Mr Schultz said Cuts in limits will also be con sidered by game authorities in the United Stateswhere the limits already are below those set inCanada combination of light snow last winter and little rain this spring produced very little rum off into sloughs and potholes the main nesting areas for wet erfowl The result has been that the production of ducks in the area normally considered the conti nents duck factory is the low est it has been on record Mr Schultz reported ln era Saskatchewan the heart of the duck country an aerial survey indicated the population will he cut by 37 per cent from last year Saysllalings Helpedlioyd NEW YORK APiTony Pe honalls chairman of the Na tional Boxing Associations rat lugs committee defended the rating systemluesday and said heavyweight champion Floyd Falterson never would have won the title if it wasnt for the rat mgs Promoter Tom Bolas who plans to stage the Patterson Torn McNeeley title light in Boston this fall called the NBA ratings asininefllast week Bolaninade the charge after David0tt NA president he littied McNeeley as an mponent and gavePalterson un sept is to sign for defence against one of thoJix toll contenders named by the NBA McNeeley of Arlington Mass is gt not ranked inthe top 10 by the NBA IsJulyao ProHm Golf Oopsl bus to an unforeseen invils tioo golf toursmonth Rod ester NY the Parade of Champions originally scheduled for Barrie Country Club Sun day will beheld July Many of the fine shohmilhs that were to appear here will be playing in Rochester How ever they have agreed to come the following week Willows Defeat Newmarket 87 Varcoc Willows won In 07 decision from Newrnuket in Barrie District Ladieo Softball League game played at Queens Park last night Willows took an early lead scoring six runs in the first three frames then had to hang on tightly Newmsrkst scored four times in the last frame to fall just short of the mark Janice Ripwcli pitched the victon for Willows allowing 10 bits Willows had ths same number of safellel with Linda Miller gelling three and Mary Berthclotte pair NEWMARKET AB Swaile 3b Preston of Bonn 2b Totals Sheenanoes in Miller of Fortune ss Bishop 3b Berthelotlo Elliott if Colo 1b Bishop Corbett rt Hipweil Totals Scott and lanaiy and Barthelolie meantH9819 so iHHMouoyo QHHHuMiIou 3i Collier Tramples Chr Reiorm Collier Unlted scored in evervinnins1nst night to de feat Christian Reform in in an Interdide Softball Les sue game played at Shear Park Vic Lindsay and Carry Me Cielland shared the pitching duties for the winners Al Hammers pitched for the vic tims Al Moffat Brien Cooper Sid Evorton and Garry Palmer had three hits apiece for Collier Aussie Neiter In Early Bounce CHICAGO AP Austrailas Bob Mark top foreign seed was first roundxvictim in the us national cleycourts tennis tournament Tuesday but other seeded mennlayers generally advanced with ease The dejected Merky the No amateuri his country was weary after ivlng late Mon day night from Dusseldorf Ger many lle wastaken so 61 by Juan Arredondo playing in his first major tournament outside his native Mexico VAOHON AIMS CHAIR AT KASABOSKI Rocco No Quitter Fine Proves It 3111 LEADERS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS National League gt AB Pol Clemente Pitts 822 51 us 357 Robinson Cinel 815 1s 107 340 Moon Loo Aug 255 45 340 Altman Chicago 250 45 01 330 Honk Pittsburgh 258 Si 87 337 mm lilays San Francisco 80 Rum baited inCepeda San Francisco 81 HitsPinson Cincinnati and Clemente 115 Doubles Coleman Clnclnlt mall 18 TriviaAltman Roms runsMays Z7 diolea huesAaron Milwau kee ls Pitching Padres Lol An geles 1M 833 Birikeouls KoulaX Lo An seles 150 League as Pot 210 31 7B 376 American Howard NY Cosh Detroit Brandt Belt Plerssll Cleve 297 45 99 833 Mantle NY 109 01 98 328 RunsMantle ill Runs ballad illMaris New York 34 nibKubek New York 109 DoubieFKubek 15 TriplekWnud Detroit Home runsMantle and Maris 85 Stolen bases Aparicio Chi 172 50 92 333 cage 81 BALI STARS Hitting $111 White St Louis Cardinals tied Ty Cobbs la yearold record of 14 hits in two consecutive doubleheaders by collecting home run two triv pies adouhla and two singles ineight trips to the plate as the Cardinals heat Chicago Cuba as and vs Pitching Ken McBride Los Angeles Angels struck out ii men and allowed seven hits in 41 victory over Minnesota mus 1949551 iiiiil OWNERS We will installo genuine FORD Re built exchange motor for only $22200 COMPLETE 90 dayï¬r 4000 mile warranty Nationwide warranty protection Allasy terms available an alumnus ts manner so enema rs M526 ASK vouu 208 69 106 856 Rocco Coiumbo is no quitter Hard wood is harder than some hard heads Blood is thicker than water At Barrie Arena last night in the moi nevent oi the pro fessional wrestling card Col umbo called quilier by Ter zan Tourville provedhlsstay ing power Rocco absorbed terrificpun ishment but didnt quit in fact he was so eager to stay and lighivthot it will cost him few bucks After beating Tourvilie into submission by running his op ponents head into the ring posts side of the ring and on the arena floor Rocco look af ter reisree Joe Dempsey Joes little heavy to be thrown too much so the beating had to be administered for small area it was As he left for the dressing room Joe could be heard mumbling Thelll cost you money Coiumbo Itll probably cost Tourville more for repairs including stitches and bandages to close deep gash in his forehead Rocco probably feels the money was well spent As for the wood bit 35 Larry Kasaboski still suffering from head ache and little wonderi When his young tag match partner Roger Franeouer was injured Larry elected to go it alone against Paul Vachon and tlaeid Germaine lie did well it was Larrys idea in pull the chair out from under an nouncer Del Darling it was dont lles Please yourself With his idea to race into the ring avféh it Heck he needed some Alter flooring ye olde rclcrcs Dempsey again Larryo went after his opponents While giving what fer to Ger maine Vaehon recovered 111d furniture and whom You guessed it Larry should have remembered that discretion is the boiler part of valor Columbo still hot from his victory although disqualified in the officials eyes came to his huddys old That caused an even greaterystir No one knew for sure who was fight ing whom No one seemed to care el thsr It was lot of fun SOCCER STAR SOLD LONDON AP Centre fon ward BrianClough one of Brits ains leading soccer players was sold by Mlddlesbrough to Sunderiand Friday scnoor AND sorrmas Complelo Equipment Frce Instruction oCerunsd Air Station PlNANC PA 319 Vansde Molsans Export Ale our wcitrus PAINTS WALLPAPER assertions FRAMES so cusroM sumac Akrlsrs surplus rLooLAzr PAIN oasis Lsrrsr minis isms Pea McLeans BREWERYONTAR10 LTD oceanosnrsaswsns slNcs 1786 REES wd ScenicDome rail travel AllIndualve fore including meals hulk ole Reduud fem for group lrnvel owl Steamship Nitl Greet lakes and Alaska Irrulsu Halal and resorts Heron Canada Airline isrvine mu Canada linking confine lnlonncllon and renovation from commons on so szrzs riwmaunsrj ONT El HEilllllli EQUIPMENT in ITSTO LATEl