Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 19 Jul 1961, p. 4

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barrio Examiner 16 Bayileid street Barrie Ontario WEDNESDAY JULY ll 1M1 Pm Clip Wings Qt Senate Make Commons Supreme The need of Senate reform has be come quite apparent since the political storm in Ottawa over the Coyne of fair The spectacle of the Senate holding up and then killing the bill to fire Bank of Canada Governor James Coyne has shocked Canadians into the realization that the House oi Commons is not the sole legislative authority federally in the nation The Senates power of veto has made this quite plain The fact that the senators acted in accordance with their own judgment which was right in the eyes of many people is not involved in the argument More important is the hard reality that body of legislators appointed for life can throw out bill passed by elected representatives of the people The Sen ate is not subject to the whims of pub lic opinion take to the hustlngs every four or five years to appeal for election They re ceive their substantial stipends$10 000 yearfor life and they can vote as they see fit without fearoi public retaliation at the polls True they are subject to party discipline but this is much less serious Consideration than the ballot box The Canadian people have generally believed that the men and women elect ed toParliamont make the laws of the Cap Please thing that newspaper editors en counter all the time is onetrack mind By this we mean people who are dedic ated to one activity They attach little or no importance to any occupation or ser vice or club other than the one to which they have become dedicated They feel that their own particular subject should rate priority over all else in the pub iication There have been many instances Sport is prime exampleSome feel that only baseball should be publicized and so on throughlcuriing golftennis football etc And there are the service clubs and the fraternal orders And there are in fact in greater measure BARBIE BOYS 0N NELON HUNT Heading Mercury fails to touch ion in not spell The highest point reached was 9lion two days and 97 at noon for the Orange parade to 98 for five hours On the same page of The Barrie Ex aminer 3i KY boys on treasure hunt July 14 1936 for bigwatermeltm with trail of 11 hidden messages leading to it Each message found entitled the finder to share of the melon later VLuck ones were Edwin Knapp Nor man Bell Glen Ramsay Mac Mills Her bert Chapman Norman Pringle Doug las Taylor Francis alarmey Norman Coulson andMorris Meet The trail was up Poyntz street from Bayvlew pbrk to Worsley then cast to the two RAISE CRY 0F FOUL Detroit Free Press The flap in Washington over Jap anese baseball gloves is another ofthose incidents that make one wonder whether the brilliance of American manufactur ingfproduction and marketing has lost its luster American makers of baseball gloves facing spirited compptition from the Japanese want tariffsboosted What particularly rankles American manufac turers is that the Japanese produce as azstatevDepaitment said supenb mitts Four members of the United states Tariff Commission want the tariff jump ed irom 15 to 30 per cent of the value of the mitts The other two favor trip ling thelitarif to 45 percent such levies should be Very onerous There can hardly be any question that Authorized on second immn son cum napmmeneoumr holly sandy mfl Shhtors Eolideys excepted mum WALu nun BRIAN swanr General Manager oi Mormon Mnnnm mm cums wanes Business mum aonanr sharks acvmmn man JOHN sown Circulation Mung labial on nu daily by carrier1awnml all Jilin 25h lyrics buuideonigno 39 origin lam new year Offices 42s Universin Ave Street Mootre 115 West ver Torunt em Cathcart éeorgla Etr Vancow nu Newspaper his an Press and lb ciii in nu re on on DIP rfllslhd to it or Till Asso lied Press or Ionian and also the local new publish Members do not have to The Barrie Examiner land The Coyne affair has helped to change their thinking The Senate has proved that when the chips are down it can upset the political applecart if as in this instance the Liberal Opposition holds majority of the seats The right of the Senate to amend or kill legislation must be taken away similar situation was rectified in Bri tain as between the Lords and Com mons Under the Parliament Act of 1948 the House of Lords cannot change gt kill or long delay any legislation passed by the Commons money bill passed by the Commons becomes law within year providing the Commons passes it twice in two successive sessions We need similar constitutional chang in Canada This could be the altern ative to abolition of the Senate There is move in Canada for abolition as many people feel that the Senate has long outlived its usefulness It may have been important in colonial days but now that Canada is fullyinde pendent power the Commons should be supreme legislative change would be middleoftheroad course which most Canadians would probably support further safeguard as The Exam iner suggested previously could be the limitation of appointments to 12 years and retirement of every Senator at the age of 75 EVerybody the cultural groups These particular people who are the bane of an editors life cannot seem to realize that there are other people who couldnt care less for the subject to which all this import ance is attached As long as we have democratic so ciety people are free to join or attend or study whatever they find of interest and pleasure It is newspapers functon and duty to duly record what is of inter est to everybody Naturally then the most space is given to what is deemed by the editor of interest to the most read ersThe editor does try tocover andre cord everything of valueand interest to the community but without prejud ice or favor to any one given subject Donn Meniory Lane The Barrie Examiner of July 16 1936 gave an idea of the important place held then by the steam engine 0n front page was notice that Thousands of engine whistles will sound on Tuesday July 14 1936 Centenary of Canadas first train This also marked the commencement of another century of service by Canadian National Railways It was at noon on July 21 1836 that the Dorchester first engine in Canadastarted from Laprair is for at JohnsQueon with the first passenger train over the Champlain and St Lawrence Railway the first link in the chain oirailways now part oi the ONE system Just one hundred years later the en gines of the system echoed that start ing whistle whether running on lines or in the yards and for full minute Other Editors Vievirs the Japanese would resent such action and that others would find it cause to scoff at American free enterprise Such levies should be very onerous There can hardly be lowering of bar riers that exist in foreign lands against United States goods In the long run the American econ omy cannot prosper in everexpanding world trade by erecting defeatist tariff walls TheUnited dates and its advanc ed economy has an unusual opportunity to further expand its markets if it avoids the trade isolationism that would result from giving short sighted and futile pro tection in indust ies unwilling or unable to compete SOME SAVING st Catharines standard Theres lot oi fear about discount stores moving into Ontario Comparison shoppers in Toronto compared prices on seven brandlname electrical appliances at downtown department store and suburban discount house Biggest price differenceon items ranging from $1150 to $3495Wss 12 cents NUCLEAR DETERGENTS Milwaukee Journal Efforts at agreement to halt nuclear testing and to limit nuclear arms seem There is at world leadeiis ought to give someattention to in the interest of all mankind SirlJohn Huxley says this Oui government leaders callnuclear weapons errents prefer to call them detergents ause we must notaiorget their awesome capability of cleaningfi us oifthe earth pure water NEARING THE RING liq QUEENS PllIiK Economic Survey Crammed With Data By oonoanamv TORONTOThis years edi tion of the annual economic sur vey of the province by the de partment of economics is off ilie press And greatly enlarged There are 337 pages of itaud weight is about the same as good size store catalogue Part of the enlargement cov ers firsttime venturea his tory of the province and its gov ernment There was some political re luclance about tackling thisno two historians agree on history let alone two politicians But courage came to the fare And the 65 pages devoted to the history seems to be job well ne dates from 1904und isfuil oi discrepancies Just one of them tevcm pays 25 per centa distillery 125 per cent Practically cry one has agreed for long ti that it should be cleaned up and per haps scrapped altogether But this would mean interfer ing witli municipal revenues And nobody wants to do that other bodies have tackled the tax in the past They got nowhere Perhaps this committee will But one cant have much hope SCHEME NOVEL Another potential new devel opment from the sometimes fabulous Ontario Research As usual the survey has colx Foundation umus of figures on population manufacturing tourism and many other topics it is distributed by the de partment of economics Prov ince of Ontario Parliament Buildings Toronto And itvcosls you $2 bill The select committee on mu nicipal affairs is tackling the question of local business tax It was directed to do this by the government And lord help This business impost is the most curious tariff in our whole Canadian tax structure It may have new use for cheese whey Whey at present is one of the main causes of pollution in our streams The 011iI has developed process for converting the whey into highAprotein feed The catch is in get plant insliape to proc 55 It is proposihg that there he travelling plantswhich would semiprocess the product while enroute to malnfactory Tbe travelling plantslarge trucks7won call at chcasa factories on regular basis REPORT mom or gt5 Finds Unexpected Source Of Water By MelNlYRE HOOD Special hndnn England Ar Correspondent For The Burris Examiner DARTMOOR Devon chance stroll across the moors not far from the famed Dart moor prison by an engineer of the North Devon Water Board has ended the fear of drought in large area of Devon On this walk Kenneth Young Southern Chiefcngineer of the Board found an unsus pected and unfailing source of great water supply Itwas two years agotbat Mr Young took his wife out for awalk on the moors near Dartmoor There his expert eye found some evidence that lot erred him Before the walk ended he hadllmde the dram atic discovery that underneath the barren surfaceof themaor at Taw Marsh aboutm miles from Exceer and 1170 feet concealeda ga under ground sponge filled with water Covered with an overlay of peat there was nothing on the surface to indicate to the un initiated that there was any water underneath WELLS srmx iNro rr Mr Youngs chance discovery sent his engineeringstaff into action Their investigations showed that some 14 feet uncl erneath tba surfaceih not ursl basin that extends for 180 acres was lake of sparkling New often two years work water from this lake is being sent into the boards pipelines fromowells that were soul by its engnleers to top this great sourleof new water supply The outflowvinio the pipeline bssnow reached capacity of 750000gallcns day although the work of tapping the lake is far from being complete it will probably be another 13 months before the scheme said to be the only one of ik kind in the United Kingdom has beencompleted WILLISAVE MONEY Incidentally the discovery of this unexpected source of major water supply will result in considerable financial saving for the ratepayers cf the coun ty of Devon The nature of the engineering work to tap the lake has been substantially less than the orthodox means of securing water supply Apartvfrom some unpretentv loos buildings to housepump lug equipment there are few VlSllile signsthat this barren mom is providing oneof the mostvimportant supplies for water board responsible for ser vmg larger area than any other board in the country Fihs surface of the moor is not be ing disturbed in any way other than at the pumping points and it is still available for Sunday afternoon walks by the residents of nearby villages Chairman of the board 0rms by Allliusen says do not know where we would be without this supply today and do not think the people appreciate suifioléotiy the importance of this chance gicovery of an underground OTTAWA REPORT MP3 Can Be Undigniiied Ii Thenyhoose In House Patrick Nicholas is on vacation ilk guest lawn vlsi lad is Emmas Conservatlvs for N9 ulmo ac UilAWA Patrick an son in his fearless way has asked inc to write afm column leaf Supposin Supposia vanilla ice cream lied kick like double horse teum gt All the topers In town Would be sloppin it down And then have in be thawed out with steam Report Desertions In Iraqi Troops NEAR KUWAITIRAQ FRON TIER AWReports of descr tions among troops of Iraqi Prey ruler Abdel Knrim Kassem are filtering through to advance units of the joint BritishKuwait defence force Kuwait military sources told this correspondent Monday Ihat disaffeclion in Iraqs Basra gur rison apparently reached peak two weeks ago when Kassem twas building up his troops on the frontier Basra is the main iraql port at the head of the Persian Gulf These sources said desertions have confirmed and may have been factorln averting threatened Iraqi attack against Kuwait No reason was given for the rt ed discontent among the soldiers RESUME TRADE TALKS LONDON AWBritain and the Soviet Union announced to day they have agreed to resume negotiations for treat of and navigation Wliile am very much against amateurish attempts of mem bers of parliament in the writing of news columns am always willing to try and help friend Mr Nicholson has made this provisq that it must relate to some aspect of Parliament and that is just what have been waking up for some months now So here goes Some of the geniiemenol the Fourth Estate that sit up over the throne of Mr Speaker have been giving 16 member of Parliament bad instills sloa They have been cornplain ing about the attendance and alsoabput the way some of the members have been acting in the House in other words there is no dignity to the Par liament of today That ralscsthe question has there ever been dignity in Par llament at all times in the Far liament of any country NOT ALL DIGNTIY learuedwtiile in Japan that their Parliament is not all dig nity They had quiet galleries but noisy members an the floor of the Assembly Hall Applause and rude remarks from the back benchcrs The House of Representatives in the United states has for years had its shouts and cat calls France has been am told noted for disagreements on the floor that have at times led to duel in the House of Commons here in Ottawa it is just 16 feet between the front benches this being copied from the House of Commons in England found out that this distance was set to give members if they disag reed room for swordplay So there was not always dignity in Englands Parliament cauwcll remember reading about luck of dignity in city council chambers in many parts of British Columbia and over period of years whether they are worse now than they used to be is debatable VWe can also all remember lack of dignity at service club meetings at baillgnmes at is crosse and hockey games and it is not always the players that Hockey rum guns in Mani real the fans wen worse he dignity HAVE CHOICE One good thing about Canada is that we can express our selves we can have our owl ideas and we can be undllol fled if we choose flie Members of Parliament are cross scales of the people of Canada they come from all walks of life They have differ eat religions different theories different outlooks in life Some are from wealthy families well educated some are perhaps self educated and the thought is that grbaps it is good thing that Were notallperfecinot all superman intellectually if they were we would soon be ost Because these members of Parliament are cross section of the people of Canada we do have dlifercneel of opinion in Parliament and at tirnu things do get out of hand until the Speaker can restore order This does not mean that there is no dilnlly in the Chamber all the members are notrude it is true that there aretlmes when there are only few mem bers in the Chamber but then there are many committee meetings while the House Is sitting After the question period many members leave to go to these meetings As matter of fact the gentlemen of the press also leave when the question period is finished leaving at times only one reporter on duty it is true that these reporters can read all the speeches the next day in Hansard but then so can the members it is also fact that many members have an usellent rec ord of attendance in the House and do all of the things that are expected of good representa tive of the people Soon To Establish 3Year Licences CORNWAL CF Ontario Transport Minister Rowntree nicsday predicted Ontario driv ers will soonhave their licences for three years at time The threeyear system would eliminate the present yearly term but would require drivers to lake tests at the end of each period Mr Rowntrec said Before my term of office is complete hope to be able to announce the establishment of are to name went to hockey due program he said the game in Hull one afternoon and some of the ions not all of them got out of hand and it was necessary to sweep the ice of programs and rubbers seven times thought this would not happen in the big league but when attended National BIBLE THOUGHT The way of man Is not in himself it is not in man who walks to direct his steszeremLih 1025 We humans need guidance Only divine guidance will do We are not smart enough to find ourowu way opening of new driver exami nation centre here Mr Rowntrec urged munici pal officials throughout the province to set up vehicle in spection depots to check fcr mechanical troubles QUESTIDN REMORINO BUENOS AIEES APlJeron lmo Remorino foreign minister in former Argentine dictator Juan regime was picked up for questioning on an rival from New York Tuesday but later was released Authoriv lies did not say why they took Remorlno into custody Follow ing Penns ouster in 1955 Rem urine was listed as fugitive by Argentine officials dgo Adamsdistilled 29 great vyhiskies each vvitli itsown distinctive characteristics and then aged them in special oakcaisks Now Adamsgas married these 29 rare whiskies to create the superb flavour of Adams Private Stocklhis custom blend is presentedsin its crystal decanter at popular pricetp PrivatekSthk ScusroM BLENbED cnNAolAN RYE wHIsKY Thamls Adorn Distillers LtdTaronto greatwhiskies

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