PRESIDENT canines de Gaulle left talks with est German Caancellor lfoarad With them are West German Adenauer rigit protocol chief Sigismund van in Bonn Braun and West German press chief Felix voa Eckardt Common Market Lands Take Political UnityStep Cl from APllcuterl BONN The six European Common Market countrieS al ready bound together by eco nomic ties have taken step toward formal political unity nieir go era rn en chiefs agreed Thede to meet regu larly in the future to give the unity of their people statutory character witlhn the shortest possible time The six leaders also directed working group of officials to prepare European statute to give their new political co operation legal basis Prelt sumably it will be submitted to the countries parliaments for ratification The agreement by the heads of government of France West Germany ltaly Belgium The Netherlands and Luxembourg left the door open for other Western countries to join in the effort toward closer political co operation resolution stressed Only united Europe is in position when united with the United States and other free peoples to meet the dangers that threaten the existence of Eu rope and that of the entire free world French President de Gaulle West German Chancellor Ade nauer and the premiers of the other four states reached the agreement in oneday Little Summit conference They will meet next in Home in October Though the accord was gen era in nature and did not com mit The six to meetings at fixed periods it was considered step forward Conflicts among The Six have long delayed closer political cooperation The agreement also held out an obvious invitation to Britain and the other members of the sevencountry European Free Trade Association to enter the Common Market but without any concessions it is the wish the resolu itousnid that other European countries may enter the Euro pean unloaproviding they are ready in all fields to assume the same responsibilities and obligations as the present mem bars The art government is un der strong crossfire on the nuns tion of joining the Common Market There is strong pres sure at home to get at West Drropean markets to help Brit ain out of in current trade crisis But Commonwealth members fear theunions tar iffs will cost them their trade advantages with Britain if Lon don Joins The Six will be able to con sult with Britain Aug at the meeting of the Western Euro pean Union in Paris Paid Inspector $75 For Plans ErrResident Testifies At Probe MIMICO CP Miss Mar jorie Kay former resident of this Tomato suburb testiï¬ed Tuesday she paid Jack Book building inspector for the town $75 for set of building plans he purchased for her It later turned out she could not use them she said Book is central figure in the probe into Mirnico building affairs sparked by charges lev LOCAL AND GENERAL Ramsn WITH ramsr thirsty Thornton radish bur rowed its root foot under ground gardener from Thorn ton reported today It radish was just an ordinary size Mrs George Holt of Robert Street re ports She and her husband dont water their garden just let the Lorddo it VISITING COLLINGWOOD The Royal Canadian Navys frigate Lauzou is in port at Collingwood this week having arrived from Windsor July 16 and is scheduled to depart July as The ship has crew of 10 officers and 150 men It will be open to the public Saturday July in midafteraoon for two hours MP 1N HOSPITAL Hon Earl Rowe of Newton Ro binson MP for Dufferinsimcoe is patient in Toronto hos pital for fewdays He con tracted virus with resulting high temperature and doctors ordered hospital treatment and rest ELEVATOR ALMOST FULL The CPRelevator at Port Mc Nicoll one of the largest in the British Commonwealth is al most full with grain gtNine balk lake carries have been unloaded since the lastiof June One day the longshorrnen unloaded two boats atthe same time feat last accomplished 10 years ago REPRESENTED CANADA Commander Kenneth Grant Royal Canadian Navy who was commandant of the JABC School at Camp Borden for three years until his trans fer year ago to command the frigate Cap De La Madeleine represented Canada at the open ing ceremonies of the We Ia dles Federations new artiï¬cial harbour at Barbados recently elled by the Mlmico Ratepay ers Association Miss Kay also testified Book told her municipal building per mits cost $400 This apparently involved cost of services she said it was not bribe Miss Kay testified the land she owned was eventually sold to Joseph Kastelic Limited through her real estate agent Earlier Tuesday exmayor of Mimico Gus Edwards testified Book was under tremendous pressure during the apartment building boom here SAYS IN MIDDLE Mr Edwards mayor when Book was hired said Book was the man in the middle between one pressure group trying to stop apartment building and an other tryiog to promote growth The former mayor said Book did an excellentjob under the circumstances and his com petence and honesty won my very high opinion The inquiry discovered dis crepancies between an afï¬davit and its text as published in the Toronto Star by columnist Pierre Berton In one alteration two words were inserted that changed the meaning of the original affi davit signed byGiadys Kay former Mimico resident Sanford World Mr Books lawyer read the affidavit con tained in May 24 column to check it withMiss Kay The affidavit dealt among other things with the purchase of building plans by Miss Kay from Mr Book Ratepayers Ash Put Chief Back BRADFORD Special delegation from East Gwrllnn bury Heinxts Ratepayers An maroon led by David Smith appeared before East Gwiilinr bury council last night re questing huring and pos sible reinstatement for ca polico chief John Hutchinson Garza lnider the police not we laid minstmbflutchlngn Ila Fe rulry sequen submitted his resignation Council unanimously agreed they were not legally in posi tion to grant hearing since Ithis charges laid were with drawn when the chief resigned and charges no longer existed Mr Smith said the rat ere were not satisfied wi tne councilr decision Hutchinson now civilian cannot present his case to the police commission he said This means the only alterne tiva now would be presentation to the attorneyqenerals de partment Minets Residents Discuss Problems regularmeeting of the ML nets Point Property Owners and Ratepayers Association was held on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr and Mrs 14ch gor on Southview Drive Mrs Alisa Ingram announced her husband indicated he wisho ed to resign as president This however was not accepted in the hope his health would im move The trensurers rdport show ed good balance on hand and was adopted as read Grass cutting in the park was repor ted dlflicult because of heavy growth this simmer Fred Pi iher agreed to oversee this work again Also discussed was the ques tion of opening the road at the east end of the point to the new Tolleodal Road to avoid the steep climb out to the high way from the park Mark Containers Dairies Are Told The Simeon County Health Unit has advised dairies in the county it is contrary to the Public Health Act to distribute milk in unmarked containers The unit reports they have received number of com plaints from members of the general publlcto tire effect that they have puchased milk in cartons not labelled with the lproowsors name and address In some cases the milk was of unlatisflnctory quality and because of insufficient label lingit was impossible for the consumer tolodge complaint with the plant in which the milk was processed WEATHER Synopsis Most of the forecast regions of Ontario are reporting of thunderstorms extending from Northwestern Ontario to central Iowa is moving slowly eastward and will reach the western regions thw afternoon and the eastern regions of the province Thursday Lake Erie western Lake Hu ron Algorna White River Coch Sudburyand Saidt Ste Marie Sunny clouding over this after noon with showers and thunder storms beginning late afteran and continuing Thursday not much change inhtemperature winds light Haliburton Eastern Ontario Timagami regions Sunny to day ding over tonight Thursday not much change in temperature winds light Georgian Bay region Wide spread fog patches in the mom ing partly cloudy today Cloudy with showers and thunderstorms tonlghtnnd Thursday not much 1change in temperature winds light Marine forecasts valid until 11 311 Thursday mare Ontario Winds variable 10 knots becoming southeast 15 this evaning cloudy Showers and thunderstorms be ginning tonight Lake Erie Wiods southerly 10 to 15 knots Variable cloudiness with and thunder storms Lake Huron and Goorgian Bay Winds southeast 10 to 15 knots Partly cloudy Scattered showers and thunderstorms be ginning late afternoon Foremst Temperatures Low tonight High Thursdayt Windsor s5 St Thomas London Kitchener Wiagharn Hamilton St Catharines Toronto clear skies this morning band rane regions Windsor London Cln dusky Teachers Hear Sharp Protest On Suggestion SASKATOON CF The Canadian College of Teachers heard sharp criticism of royal commissions on education at its closing session Tuesday Molar criticism centred on some recommendations of the Manitoba commission during panel discussion Dr LaZertc of Moon ton who headed royal com mission on education in Prince Edward island said he was bitdismayed at some of the imgllcatloas of the Manitoba ro Dr LaZerte regretted that we should have provincial report that tends to minimize the role of teachers in the lower grades ilesaid the first school years are of extreme lm rtanca and tohavsanydi oninths status of teachers is mag He suggested the college should look at the existing status ac corded teachers and see whether there is any reason the public should think it ap parently does The Manitoba report was also criticized by Mia Agnes Mac STOCK MARKET Industrials Rise Utrhties fOBDNlO cmToe stock market was down during early light trading today Although the industrial index showed onthe upside prices in most is were generally lower Utilities took the worst losses In the steels Algoma At las and Dominion Foundries and Steel also had fractional falls In liquors Distillers Seagrams Canadian Breweries and Corbys all were down One notable aspect of liquors trading was 1point jump by John Labatt to 10 on volinne of 1102 shares on news that sharehold ers will be asked to approve threatenone split at the com panys annual meeting Aug 25 On index industrials rose 01 to 57083 golds 19 to 8425 and base metals 25 to 19660 West era oils fell 4o to 9042 The 11 am volume was 398000 shares compared with 468000 at the same time Tuesday in the senior basemetals Steep Rock Ventures Gunnar and Denlson all dropped frac tionally Gold trading was light with few changes In poor western all trading Central Del Rio and Pacific Pen troleum both dropped few cents The market dropped in light trading Tuesday Refining oils steels and foods led the way these repo donnid of Winnipeg former presldant of the Manitoba Matron Society BEARD N0 EVIDENCE She said the commission had made recommendations without evidence or meat There were many indications of an attitude of distrust for the public school teacher however good and of something akin to contempt for the oluneaiary teacher however qualified and competent Miss MacDonald said many teachers were gratiï¬ed that many improvements forwhlcb they had fought were realm mended But Manitoba teachers hadbeeo arbitrarily separated into two groups for salary schedules The commissions opinion that anyone who teaches grades one to aim is hardly worthy of respect is evident mushout the report Pluclcbnlrman Bolton of Peterbomugh OnL laid Lets hope more comes out of rfs than came outpl Ontarioswhich has gathered dust now for 10 years or more Lose In steels Steevaompany and Dominion Foundries and Steel fell and In foods Incl Lohlaw BSalada Shirritf and Weston and all dropped the last two reaching new lows of 17 and 19 respectively MasseyFerguson turned over 10735 shares and landed on the daily most active list on news thatqï¬oo employees will be laid off for the month of September because of the Western Cnna dian drought The layoffs are ef fective in the Tomato Brant ford and Woodstock areas The attack lost 34 Thesday and closed 11 PRODUCE TORONTO CF Churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today The egg market was unsettled with offerings in excess of light demand Country dealers are quoted by the federal department of agriculture on Canada grade eggs delivered Toronto in fibre cases large so medium 46 small 2349 and grades on market Butter prices Canada first grade Ontario tenderable noutenderable 6mm in light trading western 62 nominal TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 98 Dunlop st Barrie murmur Asbestos Ablflbl Algebra Steel Aluminium Alberta cu Atlas Steel skewer 53 Bell Tel 495 811 In Gt mes Gut Pow EA 011 RC Power Cdn Bk ed com Cdn Brewermg 43 cm imp Canada Cement hm cm Chemical Lrbrtt Curr Paper Consumers GI msch mm Gunmr rr cmp Chib Knlltn8er Ceu Del Rio Con Dentson Con El Sullivan Irlconbrldu Gan Mines Lamrqne Norman Opemlsh Dom Found Dom Store Dom Tar gt Equationltd Fimoul my Burlap sexmi gt Home Pit Home on anusannulus ImpTohncco ma am Inter Nichol Int NV Pi nka can Mao Powell Riv Manny Furl runny KerbAddllon Long Lac Maritime Nor Ont no is more core 5m Orhawr 3111 Pacific PefI °cu so mt Mali am 15 56 75 in steel or Can Steinbcrg Tor Dam Bk Trans Can Pl Trans Mt muerr Fin Taxon Union Gll Wllklr GLW Quemont Sher Gordon Steep Rock United on Ventures MOST ACTIVE STOCK Dist Seanm Lnbbntts Massey Eamon NW Rosco Rodin DDWJONBS NEW roan AVERAGES Industrllls down 87 Rolls down Utllltlu down modem amen Home max Industrial In 01 Golds lap 19 nun up Dill down 46 we MUST sum om omt sums sroox or usan cans in you ans constipation MING IN ran NEXT raw Arson sun TO SEE us KRAMERS and awesome This rs BARBIE mwxnnsmr JUL CAPSULE news Investigation NRDNTO CP wn dark provincial pollce com missioner has ordered an in vestigation into pamphlets that two hours elapsedrfmm the time car was noticed driving errat ically on Highway 400 Sunday until it became involved in cash in which five people died commissioner fhmn Illlrimblu in churn of the invertisation raid agile rat Iuled every thing pass was done to stop the driver He said highways in the Vic lolly were covered by road blocks but there are any num ber of ways he could have eluded than Seek Freedom CHICAG OfAPlTbe United States government moved her day to obtain freedom for Emil Saddleaoso Rook who has served 25 years lnpriaon on confession ruled invalid Rock whose disfigured nose was repaired by plastlc surgery while he awaited release was sentenced to 199 years in prison for murder The vs Court niled his confession was gained through coercion and are dared new trial Rlcks confession was the main point of the case and now that it is inadmissible the state is out of business States At toruoy Daniel Ward slid nresdny indicating retrial would be futile City Editor Dies CORNWALL OP Harold Iogan Hal Lee city aditorof the Cornwall Standard Free holder for the last four years died Tuesday Eighth hospital at the age of AT Born at Mount Bridger be was educated at the Winchester public and high school about to miles north of here He served with the Hastings and Prince Edward Regiment during the Second World War and was member of the Com wall branch of the Royal Cana dian Legion Mr Lee played the piano with several bands in eastern Ontario and was charter secretary of Local 800 of the American Fed eration of Musicians CLO Funeral arrangements were incomplete early today Cede Power MTAWA CPIA group dedi celed to achieving world peace through strong world laws asked the government Tuesday to cede to the United Nations its sover eign power to declare war ini der any circumstance NOON DOLLAR MONTREAL CmThe US dollar was at premium of 332 per cent in terms ovaana dian funds the Bank of Mont real reported near noon today Tuesday the noon rate was Loo Pound sterling 987346 up 16 NEW YORK CFCanadian dollar 516 lower at 97 in terms of 15 funds Pound sterling it higher at $273 1116 ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY am to pan PAsmi Brodt Team Trims Codrington 1410 No home runs whacked by Dennir DjBrien helped Brock Park beat Codrington 1510 in the game between Brock and Ideas also won by Brock Brian Oirtil pitched threehitter In addition Io flieir baseball victories the Brock Park child ren busied themselves in mlk in pirate hats swords and daggers hiking swimming and walking the plank ï¬re best dressed pirates on plrates dry were Gail Dag nesult and Brian Porter Dur ing the walkingtheplank epi sode Moron Simmons fell into the drink Two Men Charged Alter Calf Killed BRADFORD Special No local residents have been charg ed by provincial police with theft and falling to report an Iccldnnt Ronald Snyder so and Arthur Band 42 both of River Drive Park will appear in Bradford court lfrlday Policesaythebodyofayear old calf was found partially hidden hygrass on the 10th accession of West Gwitlim bury lbwnshtp Sinclair nlsht The animal valued at $150 and owned Lby Clarence Knee rhaw 12th concession had ap parently been injured by car and then had its throat cut Police believe the suspects inlendul to take the animal home to eat WINNERS in RODEo DAYS comrer at the ABARRIE SHOPPING PLAZA JULY 131415 WINNERS OF THE ROPE SPINNING CONTEST bxeiui wmwin MW mwlrd sweep in Blyflcld so Barrie Thema Denis Barri gs Bea st Xnne datam Brlur Sweeney at Bnyfleld 5L arrm WINNERS OF THE PAST DRAW CONTEST denrd sweetie so Bayneld st Barrio earns one erlnt Ginb s1 Hemlock clue INlnCy McQucn Ferrt Lane BIan 00011131 11th go Ont sync 48 Ann st Banh NOTE Number of Names Signed for wmxm RANGER runner canes 935 Children ur new TELEPHONE BOOK has many new and changed numbers 91 Savetime and trouble Avoid wrong numbers Look themupl Jot fliemdownf Dial careally Ensure to bring your Elite 8691i TelephoncNum bard up to date If youd like new bookletsregulnror pocket sing give uss hall at the Telephone Busi ness Ofï¬ce or dr in for them Theyre rm MI ILL Illuflofll COMPKNV GMAM aloe sinnun cl ammo inwduetwy Ml olyour throllou Baal aneoooeoaowooom Peterborough Trenton Kiilaloe Muskoka LOWEST user on anions 1Nsuucon COUNTY assessesacce runes ream tow DOWNPAYMENT BUDGET TERMS sic GlMMICKSV GENUINE sate sarcasmrams as HOUSES cotLIiPSE KRAMER Mailm jm Philadel arawhous homes in the west Iv ï¬nalised in mi Lha Is tho W9 145 smronn an or ananaonn sn nd cree used asa wer as Firemen founda little appmg ntieas our girlburied under the debris PA $2449 IPA 86852 persons early Tuesday The hours after the collapse and 6r ca rwrtlro mln or9iknluries Harbiontiiser blind if WONT stodgl feared buried ex Eeorae Davies CONSTRUCTION an