Summertime and he Livin is Edsy In Your Own Home Cheek the want Ada is THE RARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULY Ilill NNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE ulnTus PROPBTW FOR SALE mintAt the Royal Victoria Ilospilal Barrlr op unndxy July ii lssl to ltr and Bruce Slurry Maria street Barrie daughter RONONAt the Royal Vlctuna Hospitll Barrie oo Monday July l1 ml to is and lira Leonard Robson Vlnl succl narrle Ian NAIB All IMPORTANT Chm Lug oam tor your child should be real Iliumlnd otbsra wul not to show your choiea Nama your child as quickly possl on th lndivllglliaiI oAagino Inc rrl miner pun icol rust coil our unaided Do armian give the nets Including name and wui eEvilhush th on or am Noun In lswim Mm or would in loving memory at our sister and aunt Nettle Reynolds who passed way July iii 1959 MumIn loving memory or dear husband Harold ii liar thi who passed away luly II hilly II rooting at int ee ETrvllry tits and troubles are sat la lurnce ha aullcred lo patience or bars Tlu God called him home to cu Ier no more aSIdly mined by wlta Dori MARTINin loving memory oi dear talher harolo Martin who pamed away July 19 loss Goon dear lather tone to rest Away lrom sorrow cm and pain slay you rest In dear lather Until wa meet again 5adly missed by his anally ENGAGEMENTS unmanned Mr and Mrs John Argmt wish to aa iioiiora the carigemrat or their daughter Marilyn lean to Donald George JICOM Ion oi III and Airs Arnold Jacobs or Thornton Iioriricrly oI SI Catharinei The marriage ii to laira place August stb lpal at II oclock in nunlrerroa UnIled Church YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects mlgill be trying to get in touch with you during those lods when your phone service discontinued gt Its the snnlewilll your silver lining People are buying every day Dont let that business pass you by because your Advertising In iilscoutinued CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 wodeused and classiï¬ed adver tisements are inserted at the Pots of 40 per word per insertion Ior one and two times do per word for three four or ï¬ve times and Wu per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96¢ FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 0R $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF CPARGLL PERSINGDEIN SEEnon melts oil cothnchubl Advertisers reminded phons Insertion order cccpb cd coovroleoca Advertiser Themnn the Classiï¬ed Advertising Department requires aIl advertisers kindly recheclr Ihair Advertisement Immediatoly arts nrat Insertion in crdorthat any errors or omissions flu be reported berors am in ndsi that same may be recuoeo tor tba rollowuir days Insertion ordes We wish to point not that The sariis Examiner is rupoaaibla ror only one Incorrectly hated loaaruoii on any advert smear and than only to to axtaiil or portion or ad that Involves rot in Erroli which do not Iesm the value or the advertise nieiit not eligible ror corran door by mike goods Rates and type styles ror Semis display classiï¬eds may ba ob tallied through Tba Examlaar ad veruslnr department Coming Events Sc per wot minimum charge 5150 Birth and Death Notices or up to 75 words lover 25 words 512991 rd extra In Memoriam N0 tloes $150 fifnverse used lc per word extra BLIND Information regarding advertisers using Blind Letter nor Numbers or Replies is held strictly coast antii Re lies to Letter Boxes will he held only in days arte LIST ill of DnDIItalltm Classiï¬ed advertisements and gt notices or Lhese pages must be received by5 pmday pre ceding publication with the ex ception of Classified Display Advertisements which must he In by 1200 noon preceding day BOAKE EALTOR Isl RRAnroRn mm mm PA 55387 OR PA scrim suil selling rum to Iarroara tor taming Clara Wokcman non Ralph soaksPA Member oi Banlo and District Ru Sluh Bo rd NORMAN Sllelswell REAL ESTATE BROKE human suei but PA 89961 or PA 68742 WINGS CALL Louuo PA mu transit shalrweu Om mu Howard Norris PA Hus Jhck Wullnn PA WI Iloi Lemon PA in Norman soulsweu PA um CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St EAST OF BARRIE On plvcd rhndmodem bcdr room home Panoramic vicw or Lake slnicoe Double garage Luge lot sil lrnhtagc Pnnelled living dining and don Thermo pahe windows Pull hnrement with recreation room outstanding value NEW NHA HOMES With ion the lrllcheii lor which the houieollo has been loolllrig large bright and cupboards gai oie Thais compact rive room bun Italowl are exceptionfly well built by one ol the best buildcia Dont lnlla scelns thrie CENTRE OF CITY rour bedroom two complete bathrooms IHKs dlolnll room This beautliully lrcpt home sits on IslKc lot with lovely trees and Is well landscaped Largo suu notch also garale QUEENS PARK AREA Two storey horns with attached garaac Well kept inside and out New lurnace Low tarer sea this Ior sumo Lots At Poinswick Sevzrnl choice buudin lotsi lost art the highway ilAnEL MARSHALL PA Misti counv PA ulna IVE WELCOME ALL TYPES 0F LISTINGS CRISIDENTIAL PARilIs COTTAGE UslNissEs HENDERSON REALTOR lp coLLIER sTREcr PHONE PA 02678 HIGH ON THE HELL slinou Excellent troediocatioh iii the Aiileua araa Three had room ranch rrdhriclr bungalow shaped living and dining room Terms tnxsult buyer the owner will hold an open ï¬rst mortgage Exclusive For nill dctaua cull Rita scandrctt 115 DUOKWORTH 2500 Tail tress rrama this cosy three bedroom unit brick hunss low Laver large kitchen and ilvlnx room brushed rec room slap NRA terms that any ms 75 monthly including taxes Cull Rilu Scum12 nyilutt1s EVENING this RITA SCANDRm PA Has PERCY FORD PA n7un idcmber Bilfll and District and Ontario heal Ratan Roardi HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIEID ST PA 66453 BARGAIN LOT TO YOU OWNER HAS LOST INTEREST iis loot irontsge on paved road 500 feet deep into the woods We have been requested to sell lin oiediatcly Price now only $600 Call notary itlllicr Member or narrla and District Real Estate aoard Hymns CALL EMORY mum PA slim IoE PALMER PA was KARI MARSHALL PA 59917 NORAII RAID Ogo sols MARC SIERAR PA 57585 rooms and billi on good sized lot bow down payment Owner will carry montage Telephone PA basal or eveningsPA Mm LOingWOOdV LOdge RESIDENTS 0F PARRIE ARE INVITED TD VISIT oiJR COOL SPA clous DINING ROOM AMID BEAUTIFUL suRRo DINGS ONLY FEW MOMENTS DRIVE FROM ALLANDALE FOR Broiléd steaks Wllll InuSIiroOms Southernfried cIlicken in baskei Hungarian Goulash European cusine Catering to families and groups large or small Meqlscan be served atoll times lt we llori TO SEE You IN THE NEAR ruTuIlz mEPHONE STEOUD 321123 For Reservations or uslz Drop In rt HOUSE FOR null mutation REAL ESTATE oNEDIINLOP till MOOREPA if ROGERSPA was smith CampbellPA lam ROSE REAL ISTATZ BROKER 7s TIPFIN mm alumni OUT OF TOWN Paloiwlcii three bedrooms living room lrllchen tlicd Piece bath tiled ruu basement lorced air all heating Equipped with alu minum storm and screens us This In the nicest buugn ow that hava been given the op oi tunlty to sell Ior sometime on most roaiie an appointment lo are it now It you are In tho mar sel Ior this type or home nowo payment 32000 and the bahoca M1 and maIIKIKI SHANNON STREET bedroom brlcs bungalow with attached garage large uvlhg room and um large kitchen lull bare mcut with complaier linlrhed recreation room tully lenccd and landscaped lol Apple trees and berry bushes This In very nice homo and well planned and you should links In Involnlmlnl to sea It now WEST END bedroom home plus living and dining ronln kitchen and bath lull basement rorced air on heat ihs Located on Iarllc lot 72 21 Down Payment 15001 BLAKESTREET COMMERCIAL LOT commercial lot located near the east end variety store it its Could bs used ior ariy commercial buiihcrs ST MARYS SCHOOL AREA slzsoo Piva room bungalow plus bath lull huemenl pill onc Illlt Ishcd room and toilet oll hull Inc rustic paved drive hilly landscaped lot This Property is In uxcellollt condition Inside Ind ogl Large down payment requir CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Blnlo and Distrlrl chl Estlo Board HOUSE AND LOT for ï¬le at Eirn valc Por lnlormatloo telephone struud Mm Family surname Ac Date of Birth Nome Childs Name Address can omen To ADDRESS ADBOSS Rim Mix Elbe Eldon bird Conan in Sdsnlrlolln 51on unmounted capital Is God of we Honest Change secret Ellouch nymhob duha IE Shlpn Genlln If bum mlk WIPE fish Repelills again 12 Tanned 16 Prohoun 19 Monday 2Elictt 29Apsrt Gilmore lenses 323mm peoao 38Rodlum mm uniform try Urge cask PROPERTY Iron em ROGERS CONNELL TORS STRELTEASI him in sinis some SailsForemost to Quality at Scivia PA 85568 TRUNK LINES EVENINGS CALL POSTERPA In CONNEHA H1 mans BARBIE nIsTnItrrslsAI milrs qunn CLIFF BROWN REALIUR 31 man 5mm small PRoNEs PA 6m PA mu Join bogPA csral Pergui CsrveyPA hm Member oi the Elm rteal mal hoard PRATT LTD Constructs HIGH QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECTHOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA em on PA om CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to tho imperial Thetn OAMEP BORDEN ROAD 00 down Comlortablc itvo room ome 33900 lull price month you Russell Ulrsou PA Hm PA Midi sitar NEW HOUSE Sacrlhre This hour has been rc duced Irooi slum lo slinw 1an room brlch with attached liii on Rose 5t near North Callellllo call Russell Carson PA WI or PA Isl alter PA 66481 hinmbcr or Barri and District Rani Ertato Board PRIVATE SALE room bungalow with attached so on quiet strut Largo fluv lslled basement area so nutntund log lcature $15900 with 81700 down Apply ios straba Avai or Illephnnn PA um MOVING noot torgat to transth your INSURANCE or lily klnd SEE STEVENSONS PA 8521 113 Dunlap St 15 KXCELLENT vulw ovar like salt or town on paved road Modern bedroom home slrcii panelled den living and dining room IIeited double mirage Largo lot MInY uxtrns Reduced tor quick slle OWHI Jones PA ours or PA ltmI suns FULLPRXCE Barga iiw terixoo waterfront cottage boa house drilled well Smhll down payment APPIy Johnstons Cot tage Pshduana third Conces sion ro shanty Bay villaga PA oddIi Erarulner Wont Ad manna Pa 32414 Announcemsniv If you have Birth announcement you wlsh publlslmd llll in this 01111 and return to The Barrie Examiner Hospital on to Mr and Mrs charge tor niliii Notice $150 DAILY Coosswonn 103mm lino 22M cosy Vision Contend tor moon Vlumo YoIIWI him 31 slight loam birds errors of prey 35Depnlt ALRodcnla 43Knock Shoslio nom Ir 39 Maple uuuuzuuuuuh HIIIIIIIIH unluuulll and it you need extra caverns REAL ESTATE Pnorhnljr Iron sass pardon Turn Roma with almfl cent view ms nu Luna liv ing room with srepiare roll width picture window sea two bedroom bathroom and modern iotanso many extru on ground rlooy Iml open ilairway leads to lawn lsvrl containing unndry ilorerooio bedroom rs and bath Uuhlllflt Ind hull plnl paaaiird recraatiou room with noun level erll to beautirully landscaped Ieoecd yard Apply to box harri hummer PROPERTY FOR SALE OR RENT RENTALS ms HOUSES 10 RENT Two million Wintcrtred cot tage who runth waler Indoor convenience At inneia Point Telephone PA 52914 or PA Inuit Adults only Telephone PA used around lor lunher par urolara Timn Ioolli Apartmenl or not In Llale our Cam harden Tclt pooaa New Loer bass mm RooM furnished apart rivatc baiti beat hydro and an sup iled CeninL Trio phone PA 545151 anytime IIV 800M Bungalow All coo vanicucu norn Ioduded Larg lrunt yard retired lo One child welcome Selling at sumo Rcht st no monthly Telphon PA until LOTS FOR soon Nitth ml LtYI lie lect by Io tact close to achoou also on bus lino Apply Ids Pool strut Esme FANS FOR SALE HOUSE BARN Ind 50 ltfll or Isle Remodel Improved home your orchard Convenienthall way between Bilhwn 400 Ind median Rand ltd ML Sitlily Bay Telephnnl Om nu Ill pm PROPERTYWTD TO hint HOUSE WANTED Rave ruiiot uiring home oul stda Barrie uat hava coovsnl one call Corry Mallory OFFICE PA soul svmlNcs PA um FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY ilc Poll WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE Z6 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR IILI SllllMS PA 60203 MORTGAGES MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation oi Bllls Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $I549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 months to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT Ill Dunlopsf PA 66477 PRIVATE Money for First and Second Morlgages WRITE BOX 60 nAItRlE EXAMINER mooTuAuRslrt and zoo bousht sold and arranged commarclal soil ruldentlsl oiciiayi loanad an existing mortsarea Borrlo him gags uroxara PA H504 llluunnlAln Mortgage Loan to consoudata debts pay or existing mortgages boma Imrnvcmdnts etc Discuss your pm lenii with iii Cali ror appoln eat PA mi Mortgigs Fun over Slmpsonsishn HP Dunlap East RENTALS NURSING HOMES ARK EDEN Nursing Home NOW OPEN BED AND UPPATlENIS AND HOLIDAY GUESTS 8th Concession STROUD 691R4 OFFICES STORES RENT Business Oppprlunily RENTALS ethics or stoic space soil idiom tact on ground floor micauaot loc tlon Clean weu located body and paint mop Immediata possession Used car Lot rorreiitr Diflce and llghltl Included Excepuooilly good den FOR INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE OPPORTUNITIES coNTAcr HAROLD 55 DUNLOP ST WEST TELEPHONE PA 82427 APTS HOUSES TO RENT THREE ROOM APARTMENT Downtown location stove and re irigerator heat and electricity in piled Private entrance Avail able July soil per month TELEPHONE PA 33588 Ivlr Younl ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake Onl and lwo bedroom apartments complete wllh stove and raisins atornUsekoi Washer and dryer Redecoratrd annually cPA Mood THEE DOM Home On lnkeiroiit estate Would rent iumlshcd lor the bi aoca or the summer Apply IE wuso shanty Buy Tnitnn Roots well built home gt piece bathroom hardwood floors ou heitlor to Fruit in IenscA proximately sou Retired coups prererrad Apply ELVV Wilson Shanty FURNISHED Apartment overlook lughly Modern lell contained tiled hnlhroom with shower Down town 129 Dunlap SI Elsi over sini across suit busIaeai ex co Adults PA 5099i mun ROOM sell contained apart uls pcr month Apply Hardware Dan Rood Al Ior turthcr inland uo DUES room lunrwnl Iln lumilhed Him hmom not It In HI nice belch Rulllil or we monthly Apply to its iaty Ely Rudd or Iciephnnl PA ï¬lm Pm DUPLEX nucleus thrce room artmcht with Iron healed ravy du wiring All re decorated Ielep oils PA lilo mcal hours or evenings ssir coNiAnlul Apartment or rent to stroud Largo bcd sitting room modern ulchcn utility room Separata entrahco Rent Tclrphons 31 Strand RENTALS ARTICLES tar SALE WANTZDTOW Rich ICHOOL Teeehar wants three or tour bedroom boosr by September Pieteri nice district or outmna Apply Box Barrio Examiners uNrIIINIsInD ihraa room spart meot with bath waotrd in st Monica School arr lor uglier by August Approximately 10 60 per month Rclcrooru no 57 Barrio Damion Two on Tang Redroom houu wanted by August in Harri are all heating preterred Rea ionable rent No mail children Telephooo Lclroy lulu altar pro mall on Poun Bedroom Ap mcol or house either In hurt or within rcxwriahle diilaoca nom Clmgtflnrdlllnmumd ancr July it loohona loco Csmp Borden Loni ult between std Rooms To LET YUBMHIBD BOOM with usa ol kitchen Linen supplied On bIIl route Telephonor PA Willi for timber inlormauoo rumsnsu Ho eirerplox Room with raogctie rdrlgentni and washing ma htuc Central Par lurther lritormatlon telephone PA Hoax ON AND TWO Bedroom Apart menu Eton rctrigorator iuiltor icrvica and laundry acuitles Renting Irom soil monthly 1er phone Leach PA 32670 AVAILABLE Immediately one Iiirulsncd apartment oua uoluro lshed nolh sell contained Ono child welcome Day Phone PA H270 evenings PA 34808 Timex ROD Inseman uoriirn lined Iplrtmcntr suitable or buslneir couple Close to North Colirglnle chl $60 monthly Tcla phone PA Mm iner pm AmAmvB rell roritalrlc one bedroom apartment suitlilo lor purines coll lc stove retrig arator supplcd Panclnng and SI Vincent Struts I75 monthly Tclrphoiia PA 513 men 100 Aoirtaical with rlvita bathroom hot water all rated rerrlxiriior and heavy dulletavd Included Located on burlap Avenue Apply to Cent Street CENTRAL Location Time room uniurnlshcd ground rioor hpllll mcnl lor rent Prlvntc hat Iiy dro and water includrd arillrlx rpacc Aduili only Tclcphonu PA Maia alter pm mmslluu thrca room apart merit ihrca picce bath huaVy duty stove and rclrlgcriiior Hardwood rloora Scli contained Avaliabla dilly Apply Armstrongs Harm war Two lion luriilshad arlrnent hot and cold water Sulnhlo tor one or two adults Available how Telephone PA 81396 evenings Ior luriher particulars lIilIlIIATE Posscsslori Rcutrd rurhished oiia bedroom partrilrril Scpalhte oolrsnco Use or swim ming pool No chlldrcii or pets Telephosa stroud All HEATED Apartment Ior rciil Large living room bedroom dlii rtte and kitchen with slovo and rcrrlgcriitor Cenlnl Business cour ole preterm Availhie lmmeii ally Telephona PA soars our CONTAINED riirnlshad apartment badsltllng room kll chcn and bath Heavy duty win lng Good location suit two busi nuss girls or cooplc iii Pcal St or telephone PA coon LOVELY View wlth checrlul sur roundings Thrca room soil con Ialhcd apartment Slova and PI rriseriior aunpllcd Located in tha cast end Avnlloblo lmmcdlatcly Tclcphona PA oloy NEW AND lllodcrn oils and two bedroom lIPhrlmeIlts overlooking scenic Kempeolelt Bay auatwa tcr lurking and Janitor scrvica Includnd Automatic washing cllities PA Mum EXCEPTIONALLY clean three room untumishcd healedapart meiit Including stove and rcIrlE orator Throa blocks from Post olllce Goad arilihg 55 per moot PA MODERN unlurnlsheli lhlel room apartment iour pieca the bath trust and back entrances Parking and laundry racultles Including dryer North oweii Available Aug ust PA was osisl uuitNIsmzn two room bachelor apartment completely sail con tained ground floor Bright Hy dro and heat supplied Fireplace nnd large clothes closets Avail able August Telephone PA H195 THREE ROOM unturoished aparb moot heat water suppllcd oca ted Blake and Duulop Ava labia immediately For Iunher lnror motion Telephono PA uosi or PA 477 UNFDILNISHED our room an rb mentlor xenLHeateli and sail contained with private bath Pos session irnm iatoly Telephone PA 35306 or mu tor turlh er inicrmatlon sELP CONTAINED uorurnished iour room apartment Heat and water supplied 37 per month East cod location Available Im mediatelv Telephone PA 39850 or Iurther details TRREI Ronni unlurnuued apart rocnt separate entrance self cou ialiied parking racliitlcs Newly decorated Avallnhle immediately Telephone PAo211o tor iurtlicr Information PRIVATE ENTRANCE brlglit clean onaa bedroom aparuaeat Ideal In business girls or couple Washing lucilltins Utilities paid Available now $55 monthly Telev phooa PA oiiol MODERN two bedroom apartment available August Iltitrhuo with refrigerator and stove Laundry room with washer and dryer Ap ply izll cook street or telephone PA E7119 THREE AND Foull Room Aha ments stove Ind refrigerator suplt piled Use or washcr and dryer Sear these apartments Innis Rhona PA M150 for lurttier MODERN two bedroom unrurll ished basement apnrlment Private enhance and hnlhroomr 65 mon tbly heated Close to shopping pis za Available August 10 Telephone PA 35324 THREE ROOM limited uhruriilaiicd apartment Private bathroom and erltlnrlcc on ground llnor Private veranda washerahd dryer sun plied Appliances optional Free parking Telephone PA 50931 or PA oloaz hlonurrN two bedroom apart mum Larga llvtni rpoin lrltchsn and three place both Front and hock entrances Laundry room ln basement One or Itwo alilluren welcome Apply 331 eayhald 5L telephone PA com THREE ROOM unfurnished INA meal new Close to schools and downtown Private entrance Tiled bathroom stainless steel sink and loads or cupboards Iu ldlcliaa Bongev Ind rcrrlgorntor laundry racilltlcs Garage Heat and wa ter suppilrd Telephone PA Maul TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS SUMMER RESORTS POISON IVY PROBLEMS Cottages do summer Hollies Our Specialty TEL PA 61751 Or Comp Borden 993 FOR FREE ETIMATE LOngvaOd Lodge Lovely pliygroiiiid nclous rooms but and cold wi Very good liming only one mlla to all and tennis court EUROPEAN cm EUROPEAN CUISINE HOME COOKING Broiled Steaks With Mushrooms Southern Fried Chicken very roasonhble mos IIIeaia can he served at all times tor ouutd en Weekend guests and ramilles are Ivelcoinu Cline to Allandale golr course TeI Stroud 62r23 ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Barrle Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 755 DUNLOP 51 WEST PHONE PA PATIO STONES odour tlilclr WATER Piloorun cowuu PART Sarjeonl Co Ltd Mdry Street NEWSPAPER MATS Slzel mill Ideai ror lining heii bouses attics girages atc perlect insulator 25c PER DOZEN Apply Tho narria maminar Barrie Ontario REFRIGERATED COUNTERS Sell rervznlost and dairy noun tern double deck Ind out secs lionscull beIflille Sell serve frozen and countefl Hussmnn Tyler Anti font sections modern and red defrost £118 Self serve Produce Chunk Russo mlll modern Wnlk III boxer high and temp custom built are complete groceterih Ind butcher stare outï¬tters low NATIONAL REFRIGERATION BOX42 JACKSONS POI ONTARIO or phone Sutton PA between and FILL YOUR FREEZER with tho lineat RED and BLUE MEAIS ETC 100 Guaranteed Quality Budget Telml on order $5000 and over compiela Ltoa or FRESH MEATS AT TlIE LOWEST PRICES are availaqu to than who fwlrh to purchase their orders daily at your IltLEER1PAIlt FOOD STORE 45 TIPPIN STREET BAititlic PHONE PA 6050 Free DeltVery Open Friday till Inn SKIL OSCILATING Sunder Tol Edn Computinflnvhlte enamel Colm Scale 10 lb cnpnclty Plat arm Scnlo vilh 500P 250 lbs Clpnnilytl nisn William Gigs Trumpet good condition hp mill Ind Illou Olsollnl hi ILIII Tale nc Ivy lim RETREADS Port SUMMER DRIVING AT DOMINION TIRE STORE zl MARY 51 BARRIE ASPHALT nnlvswmrs Iclepbona PA 647m Duhcpiamod united Gluis RICYCLR or sale zoliich lramr In good eoadlliaa Telr Phone PA Mm allrr 131 usm Iqu Duplicating Machlhs For Iurthrr iulormatlon Pluto telephone PA soul puttmic cAbII Register or we 37 Apply Ioin Girrlcli llilr styb bu so uipla Avenue narrte RULLuozINd AND Grading Plan Pond construction 14 Dirt PA Hm my Rbumlc no or arti mcnt sin burners clean and in good working condition selling reasonably Telephone PA om PIANO Pon sALR upright oa sliomcr with bone HID complete In good condition Telephone PA Aim Io lurliier lnrormatlom PALlusIt PIANO tor isle in good condition hciionahly priced Ap ply lo school street camp harden or telephone on camp Borden coAI FURNACE or nit Gllxoo gravity now In good roodlllo complete with autoratic contra Priced at TclcphonePA How lor lurlricr inlormaUuo GARDEN TRACTOR Waterloo No 10 with cultivator and plow In good condition Telephone PA um alter mo WALNUT Dining Room suite plan also splice iolid darlt oiilt dining room suite both In crocll eot condition Telephone PA not alter for lolormailon RANGE or sale lour burner pane ins 21inch In good aoodL tlon Telephone PA auis ror lur thar particulars cAR TRAILER test in go condition asonable Ioh lloor Pollshlr ilogla brush on st no Telephone IBM stroud details CLEARANCE or hell vacuum Cleaners One Luwyt Prcsldent 15 our Electrqu All In good condition Telephon PA Mm or 37 hiapln Avenue coNTleNiAI lino ror 10 disc iiiit spring niecirolux Vap uum aleoar Powur Mower Play or Plano All In good condllloii Ronsonnhle ror ouicir sale Tel phooa PA Host Pawnmns Portables or low as 359954 yoar guarantu Terms 54 down $3 Pu weers stir drnt rentals rcpalia star wrlter co It landlord 81 56595 0N3 USED 20 Ilil Electric Match phase 23o volt pcrrcct cnndle tlon aha lol point JIIDII vanabla speed Preoii 12 York cohdenslnr unlt new surmise Talepliona PA WLor PA bios cvchlocs NEARLY NEW nirnllure Ch ttrllclds Davaoos odd Chairs Chests Drawers Bedroom Pur niture also Retrlgeraton ahd stoves Apply Rursoll Church lilo all Homes In nurian Avenue Barrie BOATS MOTORS DONT PASS UP THAT BOAT BARGAINI Buy It Now with Low Cost Lils vIrinilcd SCOTIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA CASII LOANS$500 at on per mDfllhl Tclephona PA Mm ereszcht Finance 26 Duolop st cs PLonoD noAT for rule iuoot trailer and up Johnson motor lngood condition Complctc mo or best orlar Telephone PA Hose Is IIP EVINltullE now slimPal arborough Aluminum Boat anot rcgulsr 3255 how 5m seaGlid en Prorasslanal warri skis re duced Spam Haven PA slulil cRuIsErt Puit sALE outboard 22 feel used one season fully equip pad with or without mntul Must aarltlcc Call PA u77u alter oNR ALultlINuhI Trailer Co sleep tour Nearly new Cupboa llnlr and oIIIIIr equipment 75 cash Telephone PA 50981 or aven ings PA 64012 BOAT TRAILER with winch for sainin new condition No reison nhlc oirer rcliisao Tclephona PA from anytime Ior riiriber particu air 13 RUNABouT Boat ï¬breglass bottom up Elto Motor with For turther lriIormatlon write controls Trailer wllh tllt bcd Contact Cord sleerist so clavo Loop Climp Borden 25 HJ JOHNSON Motor 16 not moulded plywood boat with wind aliioid lights tarp paddles lira savers sponge rubber upholstery etcA lo Tee Nee helvy duty trailer complete Telephone lvy ISRL BOAT 0103 Trailer is long ï¬ll beariiriilly equipped with lights battery controls siren bloa leatherlopholstery lull seat and pocket salts or no Eviurude Electric ccmplale woo Can be men also anlleill St or telephona TA H185 ARTICLES WANTED WANTED REFRIGERATORS FOR SUMMER COTTAGES HIGHEST RADEIN VALUE Co McFadderIs FOR PRICES PA 89288 LINGUAPHONE cortlnu or other Garnish language course wanted in good condition ApPly to hair so Esrrle Examiner WE WILL PAY CASH or good used tumltura or any good used article Individual or content lots Phona PA nuzl uAuvs PLAY IEN wanted also drop ieat dining room table Must be In itood condition Telepiioiia PA Mm alter pm LIVESTOCK cIIoI IIoLsTEiN cow in sale ya old Iresh with heifer III III toot Telephone PA osm Huh sIlAnELAWN FARMS ollcrlug liP tn serviceable age Yorkshire Roars and Solve priced to sell Apply SprnuiepSluilldpnl laiapooua inï¬ll strou