me smcor COUNTY Nrws Ccmcer Pqtients Aiiisron mammmmn maxmrsnml MY mm HiLDAMY L1an tut in on leted ions WP GiRLI MSW for bus trip tn the immens iWastirtg Moriéy By THE nssocurno mass Americans afflicted with cancer are buying hundreds of unproved methods of treat ment Including salve plan tors and diets based on lemons grapes carrot juice herbs and birch ashu in tap water declares the American Cancer Society it is utimated they spend as much in 00000900 an nually for professed cures says Dr Ronald Grant of the ACS The society has mapped states where it says new and Improved cancer treatments have been used in the last it years The alleged remedies included bee venom cosmic rays asphalt raw vegetables and various eloctronicxde vices HEAT STROKE US Army doctors say good treatment for heat stroke is to infect two drugsdipy rone and chlnrprumazinehy vein They not only reduce body temperature but reduce the need for oxygen and slow down metabolism They recommend sponging the victim at intcrvals with water at room temperature and soy ice and ice water should not be used TB AND SPORTS Strict complete bed rest once was the accepted treat for tuberculosis when anti TB drugs along activity was en aged at the proper time partly as means of helping the drugs reach TB gems in lung cavities Now US Army doctors have encouraged TB patients to begin cnlisthcnics pretty early while iaking streptomy cin and then when they were noninfectious to play basket ball volley ball or to swim golf or bowl Men were left in hosoital for year and continued taking the drug for six months after ward One hundred out of 106 were declared fit for military duty and ï¬ve were temporar ily reLlred The sports were vigorous One man broke his is an other broke his ankle One of Bmiastop cancer researchers Dr Zilbcr of Moscow 15 amongthoss who think viruses trigger the growth of tumors Vlnises invading lth cells may transfer some of their own genetic information to the cells altering them so they become tumorouS he thinks lllrs Prank Hackett is conval uclng in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Alliston attu aa 171 critters Mrs David Banla Gait in visiting at the home of her par cnts lie and Mrs Homer M6 Mann Alliston Mr and ltlrs Gordon Hend erson and their two sons expect to leave Aliston this month to take up residence in Niagara Falls where Mr Henderson will take over the management of tire store Both Mr and Mrs Henderson were born and rails ed in Alliston and have been active in community affairs for many years To date Mr Hen derson has worked with his father and bmther in store here The Alliston Womens insti Canadas Skindiving Population Includes Half Million Amateurs There are more than half million amateur skin and lung diver devotees in this country plus an equal number who par ticipate occasionally in this fast growing water sport Equipped with fins masks and Snorkels or underwater breathing equipment the skin divers spear fish study marine life explore wrecks of sunken ships and photograph the bea utiful sights to be seen only from beneath the surface of the water For shallow diving or spear fishing down to 10 or is feet all that is needed is is tight fitting face mask with glass window flippers to help the diver control his movemens under water and breathing tube to breathe while floating It is not necessary to be crack With some practice the beginner will learn to hold his breath for minute or more while he swims down To stay under longer or for diving deeper than 15 feel lung or selfcontained breaths ing apparatus is required For diving with the lung an ad justable weight belt is needed to adjust to body buoyancy Your Shoes May Hold Secret Of Successful Vacation Trip 1th bell as well as the lung should be held on by quickre lease type buckles Strongly recommended add tionai items include strong sheath knife depth gauge and watcrp of watch protective garments for wear in cold wet er and an inner tube or float with an anchor line and weight The standark tank used with lung holds enough air for about one hour under water near the surface Most sports diving is at 10 to 40 feet or less At such depths marine and fish life is more abundant the water is warmer there is usually en ough light for good visibility and the diver does not need to worry about decompression problems srnnNuous Skin diving is strcnuous sport and calls for considerable exertion under water But exv in good health need not hesitate to try it Just be sure to observe the safety rules Here are just few Have ple physical checkup before diving with lung Never dive alone use the buddy system Know where your buddy is at all times Master diving with tins mask and snorkel before attempting lung diving Familiarize yourself with all equipment Practice Vithit in shallnwwat ports say that anyone who is Waterloo area They plan ning to participate in tour of some of the most important in durtrlai factories in that area Mr and Mrs Paul McKelvey Allistou left Malton airport by Tim Set for Europe may can pect to visit many countries on the continent and are planning on an extended tour party was held at the home of Mrs William Westlake Al liston to say farewell to hirs Gordon Elolset Henderson who leaves Alliston in thenear future with her husband and family to take up residence in Niagara Falls Over 40 women of the community gathered to present Mrs Henderson with beauti ful wrist watch and cigarette lighter and to express the teem in whlch she has been held Hostesses were Mrs wort lake and ltfrx Frank Evans Airfaod Mrs Percy Foster of Alliston and Mr Fosters sis ter Mrs Mabel Toby of Tara have returned to Alliston after trip in the Bracebridga dist rict hlrs Toby expects to visit in Alliston for short time be fore returning homer BLONDIE Believe Hepatitis Caused 15 Deaths TORONTO CPilhrce times as many cases of infectious heplt atitis were reported in the prov ince in the first six months of the year than the same period in 1960 the Ontario department of health said Tuesday Hepatitis is believed to have caused about Is deaths in the province this year There were 1554 jaundice cases compared with 504 last year spokesman said the disease has not reached epidemic prolt portions He said much of the disease may be due to better diagnosis and reporting meth ads The disease caused by vi rus generally affects more chil dren than adults Adults who have jaundice may be off work LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES AWAY PM it five or six weeks CANCEL BOAC FLIGHTS TORONTO tCP Scheduled BOAC flights in and out of Tor onto lnternntfonnl Airport have been cancelled as result of strike by maintenance workers at London airport an airline of ficial said Tuesday He said Nor WINGEI HE $AID Heu BE Tnue TILL Whatever your plans for mom eliminate all moisture Dry feet tinningyour feet and the shoes are more comfortable and IFS they travel in often hold the likely to attack by athletes secret of successful trip foot and other fungus diseases lna good days walking Your feet work as hard as your heart OCCASION and take more of beating than When yo Pack Wu imtel most other parts of the body To Wardrobe be momde shoes for every occasion Shucs keep the bestbehaved feet at make all the difference in your ease and gunmen you me costume and your comfort most from each days sightsee walking shoe for sight ing here are few tips prepar seeing is always fashionright Ed by font Specmhs and light afoot in leather New BEVERAL PAIRS est is the spectator shoe on Include Several pairs of well flexible leather sole and mid fltted leather walking shoes in heel it boasts distinctive de your travel wardrobe The pli tailing and variety of fresh able leather upper flexes to ac leather treatments and hues camodaté the moving foot and White is the color leader in the flexible leather sole gives all summer leather footwear full support as it cushions your Most popular is the newly de feet on the roughest surface veloped washable white that Breathing through millions of can be freshened with soapy natural porcsleathcr air con cloth White is also favored in ditions your feet in the hottest combination with most colors of summer days as well as with classic brown Bathe your feet nightly If and navy Yellows pinks and or Use only quick release buck les Practice getting out of them quickly when using underwater breath ing equmment breathe slowly Never hold your breath when historic interest scenic views surfacing from any depth BOAC charter flights already arranged will continue from To ronto for Ihe nextfew weeks Charter flights will land at Prestwick Scotland instead of London Grounded passengers are being rescheduled on rival airlines CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAY BECKER uybu WTHAVI egg MW GKTINABOHT Li WHQHIEMI me owner Ml our LAY Down 95 THEIR 1F we 1r maduispasubiï¬i Nprth dealer Both sides vulnerable He leads heart to the ace and returns spade from dum my Ean plays the nine Now if South thinks that East start ed with the KaiMot trumps he should finesse the ten But if he thinks Easts spade hold ing was originally KM he has to finesse the queen to make the contract The proper play is to finesse the ten not because it happens CENTURY AUTO PARTS new PA 66416 BARRIE 108 SOUTH Rd toes Dust with foot powder to mum 1de so theyre really tired add bicar bonate of soda or epsom salts and let them soak Finish off with cold spray Dry care fully especiallybelween the tans will also be seen afoot this summer When you take your case be footloose andtfancyiiee in pair of the latest sophisticat ed casuals TELEVISION PROGRAMS cxva CHANNEL 13ARRIE monsoon was is Lso Junior Roundup 510 Huckleberry Hound 500 News Headlines Jamel Bros Missoufl Farm Market lieports Dan Jamieson News Weather Sport The aw mom Bachelor Father international Zone My Three Soul 1mm Mystery Theatre The Superior Sex Explorations CBCTVNswl nu Weatherman rum in Sparta Community News Not For Hire Tavnsnnv was 20 115 Test Pattern Lso Movie Road To Denver Summanmu rum spurts interviews Cannons Music Junior Roundup Roy Rogers News Headlines Tom smug Farm Mirm nepore Don Jamleson News Weaflser Sports Gunsmolre The Rebel summer Circuit CETO 99 363 EE Professors mdsswu muriybirds from um Moment in Sport Nun Wrath Jim moron 77 Sunni strip 7de Nirht Theatrl Hound of Fame ather Sports Better Late Nevu Walther doom Epilogu 11oo Fran and Easy 100 Channel Nine Theatre one in Million News Profeuorl Hideaway Whillyhlrdl irons slic Momenta in Sport Il Walther out Post men Thetn At aim Wm an ms were who at 1o1o 11m 1125 1215 colony was 21 1109 5Sn 9349 page sasc mo Checkmate v30 Parade 1000 animus Junction 11130 Peter Gunn 11no OBSTV News 1115 The Weatherman gods to Sports opinion New 11ssncoy FRIDAY mm 21 115 can Pattern rso Movla hug Memory poo Summerma Newsvand Sports interviews Cartoons Music Caravan Cllmnnblll News unnum invisible Monster Daredevil Don Farm Market Report non Jumlcson News Weather sportr Father Knows am LoveLucY Red niver Jamboree Perry Mason Danger Man Gun Will Travel Tlghtro CEO New The Weatherman rosu insom Community News Movie First Legion 11135 cnANNsL TORONTO wnnwnsnlm may 12 40a 730 Thl Rafael Ch an an lief Lou Agars snowa News WEBHIHSFDXKI Better Late News Wanner sports 1210 Epilogue Fran and any Channel Theatre Count Three um Tray News Professors Eldnw Whiriyblrds Sports Magic Moments In Sports News Weather Outdoors Lem it To Bllval Theatre 2111 sinuousi Country styl Hart of the 11mi News Weather Sports Better Llla Friday Night Theatn Orchestra wives lfluolll 200 355 an 44421075 06 ¢74 410 The bidding North Em South West Plans 11 in Pas Opening leadnine of clubs Good card play by declarer is mostly matter of figuring out the cards held by each oppir nent Once declarer knows how the defenders cards are divid ed he Will seldom havo diffi culty achieving the best results Here isan example of how the declarer putsrto work knowl edge he gains from the bidding and play West leads the nine of clubs which East wins with the ace East returns his sin gleton diamond West takes th ace and plays adiamond which East tufts This is the third trick for the defense East returns the ten of clubs South wins with the king and now must take the rest of the tricks to make the contract GRANDMAv NLGRANDMA MAvr HAVE scams NOW aaoura raw ovcunz DANWCOOKIES6RANDMA VII4 mond four hearts and conse to work in this hand but be cause South should be able th read that East started with four spades and West with none Declarer already knows that East was dealt singleton dia mond He likewise knows that East started with at most four clubs This knowledge he obtains from the previous plays Declarer then turns his at tention to the bidding which also proves to be illuminating Since East opened the bidding with club on fourcard suit it follows that he cannot very well have had fivecard suit or he would have opened the bidding with heart Hence East becomes marked with at most lfour hearts Easts original distribution was therefore four clubsone Idia quently four spades Thedou blc finesse is thereforeniarked to succeed After winning the ten of spades South ruffs club re peats the spade finesse and thus makes the contract Tomorrow Bidding byear GEE GRANDMA ID LiksAcoomisll BUZ SAWYER end of Dunlap at Fernda rebuilt generators on low as rebuilt waterpnmpsar low as Westinghouse sealed beams 6V radio aerial piece who wait Mail $550 ex $165 $265 $350 $149 $290 rebuilt voltage regulators rebuilt transmission as low as heavy plastic seat covers radlo rearseat speakers as topper white and black sidewalls our chroma wheel discs let of Ex newized batteries 6V 12V year guarantee 4375 $4990 ex $350 $395 5695 5595 ex $635 ex 5895 ex All new and rebuilt parts fully gliaranteed lower overhead and lower prices NT YOU TOCOME IiERAND 5E WFRï¬T CREATION mammal HAVE 1er narrows ownqu am nrmroms prams umrcu mum muss 1o WWW solar mmmuswmms mats To WE tou 11Eme mwumiï¬ms flaw MusesAND SKEETER THINK rrmsirr as soon 75A