rial When you buy products nurtured and grown in the rich soil of near by tields you enjoy the ï¬nest quality produce money can buy PSI Homegrown fruits and vegetables give you special hoursfresh taste and natural goodness that assures your family fullmeasure of nourishment and enjoyment Arriving now at DOMINION are colourful and appetizing truck loads of your pick of the crop favourites scrumptious crisp Through expert handling methods and constant quality control tech niques DOMINION maintains 100 GuaranteedFresh variety Yvovzevlzlant tor superb summer salads Come for special ONTARIO N0 LONG GREEN SLICER SPECIAL °°M° reiiésï¬iiiiiocucumnlannm15c TEEEIEIC VALUEBONELESS 120an SPECIAL QNIAIZIOV r194 WEEHGEEENw SPECIAI STEAM ROAST 69 mussus 25 RUMPROAST ml 69 slomuioes L5 29 DonflNIONS OWN FAMOUS CORNED SPECIAL BEEFCUTS 49 swmm Qï¬gflï¬grroisz MINCED BEEF 39c REG $349 am CALDWELLS SKINLESS If $298 WIENERS 89 Loox WHAT 10= wILL BUY SPECIAL SPECALFWRES WEVECl ASSORTED ï¬giï¬f$imgws 1mm JELLO REGULAR JIFFY LUNG BORDENS STARLACérliVssï¬ Y5 Punnmas Er Iriosjomarolulcr 106 Reg UP T° 129 FOE 11014 boos on HANIBURGERS SPECIAL SAVINGS Alf TIME OF PURCHASE 15 QFF SEECIAILgt4 in IV 106 FAB DETERGENI 65 59 HEINZ PREPARED mus ONTARIO N0 ERESH GREEN TOYS SPECIAI EXCELLENT VALUE INSTANT SKIM MILK SPECIAL 55 WITH GRAVE LEAVEE SPECIAL CEEAMETPEs EEAmr cm SPECIAL 19 ms sewsHm Musmmums 10w mumm 10° AT DOMINqu oNLY sPEcrAl OURFULL LlNEOF me NEW SEASON PACK Airman OFF SPECIAL INFLATEDBEACH TOYS 0F 12 BALLET wnrrE ToILEP SPECIAL APLMEE Juarsz SPECIAL STRAWBERRY 1AM 39 492$ 7795 TISSUE 10° BAGS 10 0F 20 00an now SPECIAL GOLD RIBBON DOG FOOD if 110 CHEM SPECIAL LYONS CIIIQKENNOODLF SPECIAL cATIooo 1OTSOUP Mlx 10° YORK PORK AND BEANS 10c LmBYS FANCY SPECIAL mum warm SPECIAL EcrrvEIN ISAquE mm 10 oz 12 oz 10c ATUBDAY JULY 22 1361 TIN BOTTLE MLNIONSTORES LIMIT AggiggmLIhmmamla1mmllxmmslnizmmswgnuwmmaussraw