Mantle Ties In SwatDerby 5G soars ANOTHER PAIR BY ED WILKS Associated Pr Staff ertl New York Yankeecare back on top in the American League pennant race thanks to three way bomber battle of home runs between Mickey Mantle and Roger Maris and Babe Ruth Mantle unchallenged as the Yankees present day Ruth un til Maris joined the club last season lied Maris for the ma jor league lead with 35 by wet Ioping pair Tuesday night as New York bent Washington Sen ators 53 and regained first place by hail game over Detroit Tigers The Tigers slipped to second on Jim Genlles chance home run that gave Baltimore Orioles an 87 victory in lo innings at Detroit Mantle caught Maris who was Mom at the plate with two run homer in the llrst inn ing and solo shot that cracked 33 tie in the eighth It was his ltlh game winning home run at the season Mantle has belted six home runs in seven games Maria has ma MICKKEY MANTLE hit only two In that time Both lost one when Monday nights game at Baltimore was called oif because of rain in the fifth inning Mantle and Maris are 17 games ahead ot Ruths record 50 pace with the 1927 Yankees Theyre also two games ahead at Bank Greenbergs pace In was when he hit so for Detroitl And theyre one home run he htnd Ruths slate of mu when he belted 59 and Jimmy Foxxs pace ot 1532 when he hit 53 or the old Philadelphia Athle cs Boston Red Sox beat Cleve land Indians $2 Chicago White Sex edged Kansas City Athlet cls +3 and Los Angelcs Angels defeated Minnesota Wins in other games Mantle batted in threemnl with two homers both oft loser Joe McClain 79 and edged within one of Marls Ieagur leading total of Initials Relief ace Luis Arroyo was the winner allowing only one hitin his three innings The little southpaw has string of 20 shutout innings Gentiles homer came on 52 pitch by losing reliever Bill Fscher 22 after he had been calledout on tap by the plate Gentile got his extra swing when third base umpire JohnFlaherty reversed plats umpire Bill Kinnamans call and ruled the tap foul ball The Orioles came lrom be hind with six runs in the sev Cincys Lecld Trimmed By ED WILKS Associated Press Sperm Writer Are Cincinnati Reds begin ning to crack or were they caught looking ahead to the two game showdown series they open tonight against the second place Los Angeles Dod tiers Whatever the reason the Reds have last four of six since the all star break and their National League load is down to £le games after last nights 128 defeat by Milwau kee it was onlythe sixth suc cess in 11 games with Cincin BASEBALL RECORDS By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS National uasue PctGEL 56 34 622 52 37 583 36 47 41 534 43 39 524 41 42 494 11 42 45 483 12 Chicago 33 425 17 Philadelphia 75 59 313 2611 Nesdays Results Milwaukee 12 Cincinnati Chicago 35 St Louis $7 Only games scheduled Milwalkee Wiley and Todays Probable Pitchers Buhl 541 at Philadelphia Ma haffoy 711 and Ferrarese 15 Chicago Ellsworth at Pittsburgh Gibson 74 LosAngeIes Padres 1M at Cincinnati Purkey 114 San Francisco McCormick 89 at Stl Louis Sadeeki 75 Thursdays Games Mil at Philadelphia tN Chicago at Pittsburgh Los Aug at Cincinnati Saharan at St Louis American League Pct GB 58 30 659 14 Cincinnati Los Angeles San Francisco Pittsburgh Milwaukee St Louis New York Detroit Baltimore Cleveland Chicago Boston Washington Los Angeles 59 32 643 50 41 549 on 49 43 583 11 46 47 495 141 44 48 41516 40 50 444 15 so so 413 21 Minnesota 37 53 411 22 Kansas City 33 57 367 25 Dlesdhys Resultl Baltimore Detroit New York Washington Boston Cleveland Kansas City Chicago Minnesota Los AiIgeles Thursdays Genres Boston at Cleveland Baltimore at Detroit Only games scheduled international League Pct GEL 58 35624 50 35 562 47 41 534 8V2 48 47 505 11 43 44 494 12 43 45 439 12 Richmond 41 50 451 16 Syracuse 52 347 26 Tuesdays Results Rochester 13 Syracuse 64 Buffalo Toronto Columbus Charlestonlo Richmond Jersey City Columbus Charleston Buffalo Rochester Toronto Jersey City Todays Games Buffalo at Toronto Rochester at Syracuse men at Jersey City Columbus at Charleston Thursdays Games Bulfalo at Toronto Rochester at Syracuse Rich at Jersey City Only games scheduled nati this season lor the Braves who rolled up 25 runs while sweeping thetwo game set It also tagged three game losing string on the Reds who have been roughed up for 41 runs in the last six games while scoring 27 The Dodgers idle Tuesday go into Cincinnati with +7 record against the Reds Theyve picked southpaw Johnny Padres to lace Cincin nati right handcr Bob Purkcy in tonights opener withDon Drysdale likely to oppose the Need TieBreaker At Bisley Shoot BISLEY England Reuters tiebreaking shoot will be held Thursday in Blslcy camps 900 yard range to decide whether the Aggregate Chol leage Trophy will go to Canada Pte Sorenson of heme Alta and Maj McCaw of the Innan llifie Brigade Rangers former Queens shot tied with an aggregate 192 out of zooone point below the record scorein Mondays four service rifle events for the trophy In the StuckExohange Ag gregate based on Mondays matches at 2001 and 500 yards three of the Canadian team were close to the top score of 145 but here the com petition from seasoned Eisley shots was intense The trio in eluded Lieut Ouellette of Deep River who was alst Reds ace Joey day Thursday prize winner and leading Bislay Is It Start or Slide It would be Drysdales lirst game after afiva day suspeu alon and 3100 line for his knock down pitchtng against the Reds at Los Angeles CARDS TAKE TWO St Louis swept WI night pair from Chicago in the only other NL games scheduled Tuesday beating the Cubs 53 and 75 as BillWhita tied Ty Cobbs 49 year old major league record with 14 hits In two consecutive doubleheaders The Reds collapsed as Mll waukee scored four runs in the second inning and five in the third Five singles and walk gave the Braves the lead in the second frame and three hits two wild pitches and walk wrapped it up in the third Lew Burdettellos won it in relief Milwaukee had 13 hits all loser Jim OToole 843 and live relievers but didnt get an we Iru base hit until the eighth inning Ed Mathews closed it out with solo home run in the ninth The Braves also stole livo bases ingnne inning three iv the record That was in the sixth when Hank Aaron scored erg triple steal White tied Cobbs record of 1912 by collecting home run two triples double and two singles going 3for4 in each game The Card first baseman was Horn in each at Mondays games against the Cubs and added so points for 317 aver age with the fourgame splurge The Cardinals who now have won nine of 13 games under new manager Johnny Keane came from behind in all tour games in the series sweep Larry Jackson 58 and Bob Gibson 76 were the winners each going all the way been estimated at $12600 the man called baseballs great Maris enth inning They chased Tiger acolrank Lory in the rally which included two run homer by Jackie Brandt Al Kellne and Rocky Colavllo hit more home runs or Detroit nvt Wilhelm 74 won in re lief pair oi two run homers by Gary Geiger gave the Red Salt 41 lead in three innings at Cleveland and beat hludcat Grant 84L Rookie Ron Schwall gave up to hits for his third straightvlctory Nellie Forwho had just one hit in six games was Zior8 against the Athletics and put the White Sox in the lesed with we run riole in the sevA two run triple in the sev enth inning That hung the loss on reliever Jerry Walker Hi Juan Pizarro 63 was thewin nor although giving up to hits The Angels grabbed eighth place from the Twins as Lee Thomas and George Thomas unrelated rookies hit home runs behind the sevenhit pitch ing of Ken McBride 9A5 Pe dro Ramos MI was the loser McBride struck out men Ramos l0 Agase Showed Cookie Didnt TORONTO CP Argonauts coach Lou Agase sat in his of ties most or Tuesday afternoon awaiting the arrival of Chester Cookie Gilchrist so he could make an announcement on the status at the errant fullback But Cookie didnt show up Late in the evening Agase said he would say nothing about Cookies position with the club until meet with him later Gilchrist told the team two weeks ago he did not intend to sign contract Agase than ruled that he must sit out rather than play outhis con tract option In Canada player signing contract gives his employers an option on hisservices for the following season Should player refuse to sign new contract in order to be come free agent at therend of the second year club under Canadian Football League law is required to pay only so per cent of his sary In Gilchrists case this has Private Funeral For Bail Great CORNELIA Ga AF Ty Cobb whose flashing spikes and thundering bat placed his name many times in baseballs rec ord books is to be buried to day Private funeral servicesfor est player by many persons are scheduled at luneral home Burial is to be in the family mausoleum of nearby Royston Cobbs birthplace Cobb died Monday at 74 He had suffered from cancer dia betes heart trouble and arthri tis rHunsoAY also stir mm enrcd our PRICE REG silo ago tum ovn rmca am 620 BlackandWhIte uANSCOFlLMf 379c Alison Reg 490 Movie Chrome Our Price 299 PROCESSING INCLUDED EBlllilEllthililiSIllia WHENYOU FRIDAY MENS AND LABIES aEAcH5ANDAI9 49 TABLE sETTlNGFOR PICNICS COMPLETE 22 PIECE PICNIC ssr 71° REG 139 OUR PRICE BiéRite DRUGS slMcoagsHoermc PLAZA JOHNSON so in awe no Polo2429 AND SATURDAXSPECIALS NAME BRAND FLASlIBULBS 7M2 oi Adi Reg $144 doc Our Price 88° KODACHROME VBMM MOVIE FILM REG 490 ROLL OUR PRICE INSECT acceptably Nousxulh Reg s1 idol Ottilfi 612 All Prices Etfectlv July 19404122 Mix Em or Match Em YORK CREAM FANCY STYLE 011 PEAS PM 29° is tins GRADE age3 lb AVERAGE ROASTING on FRYING TABLERlTE CANADAS FINEST NED BRAND BEEF Blade Bone Removed OR SHORT RIB ROAST LB cadss cur RIB ROAST on BONELESS SHOLDER ROAST Freshly LEAN MINCED BEEF FOB TABLERITE WIENER his 39c PORK TENDEROIN my 95V No Waste II1 ROYAL GUEST eOrATO SALAD 29° ROYAL GiIEsr COLE SLAW 113229 Lucas DRAW ELEchIc DRAW WILL TAKE PLACE SAT AUG12th It 11111 antry Blanks so crnImyuu his muse the silent to Llnus Quintturn IGA SALAD DRESSING 29 CHEEZ Ville 59° APPLE JUICE 33° oESSERTPEARs 29¢ Kraft Regular Is as Jet IGA 48 Tin $100 Exrnil s3400 BONUS TAPES Receive 600 Bonus Tape With Globe Choice Treat White Two zitoz Tins WHOLE POTATOES vsr LAWRENCE CORN OIL NESTLES OUICK dainflflftn PUREX TOILET TISSUES Recevle $400 Bonus Tape With ROYAL GOLD LARGE EGGS Gm Receive $200 Bonus Tape With 15 az Tin Coloured Rolls nor Donald Duck 13 or win otnut Pkg OZ Fk FROZEN ORANGE IUIcE suNKIsr LEMONs TAELERITE COOKED MEATS ltllc Cheese cntcken Pickle rtmentn Dutch gt is so or on wan