PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRIESING Enrol now in InI mew133$ thorouth tnlhed in All grandInna or many editor For Womflen In DEWIN WEBSTER SCHOOL ll COLLIER man all PHONE PA 39 Exam SHOP Ceidnvel camera hummruin your own home Phone Bernch It PA new or PA Mm mini An you interested in new Ioundsliou urinent men und to your size in your own home Try than thu time For lvwihLment PA Hm =2 LOST 5FOUND snout lionNu lunlll lost in tho vicinity ol lllldhunt towers to the limo em elem Ieio goons ur Edwn Plltusflll PA ID HELP WANTED FEMALE new corners Housekeeper or run inor eottsu sell mm No took int For inlornution pielo leis poono Lenoy inn LIABLE LADY required or motherien llm honIr Modern conveniences close to town ieie hono Breton RI between end pun or tumor psrticuius mmcw part time wait reues wanted or hayvlew Tol nee shanty my Rosa hlust be neat elun and pleasant lian in rtehon to Mr Mans MALB HELP SALES TRAINEE Young men with Junior matriculation or better to train as sales trainee Salaried position with thorough training pro gram Generous fringe benefits and holiday pay Apply to v1Lniss Canada LTD BARRIE ONT MALE on FEMALE EDOKKEEPEE required or local business chll stating telephone number enenco and rainry de sired Anny to Box 46 Barrie Examiner lor tiltilti vmicuim writ Box in HELP WANTED handyman Super Market PersonEel NEWIIGA SUPER MARKET oerqu WILLEE SHORTLY IN BARRIE We have openings for people with super market ex perience in theiollowlng positions Grocery Clerks Jr and Sr Cashiers full and part time Meat wrappers female Assistant Meet Manager Meet Cutters Senior produce eIerk APPLICATIONS from High School students will DGJCl cepted for part time positions as Stock Boys and Carry Out Boys Only Experienced people will be interviewed It you are presently employed and wish to investigate change ill Jobs please feel free to talk it over in confidence INTERVIEWS WILL BE HELD AT CANADIAN LEGION HALL BANQUET HALL 75 Colller St TUESDAY AND JULY 18th FROM am slam coum rsouued to work on loom hm Live in Work on monthly buts No child ren pleou Telethon PA was nytisn tor distal umeoIENT WANTE uANnYlIiAN vunu work oi my kind Reasonable ntes carpentry work Plumblnt Pain Ind numeroux odd Jobs Telephone PA 57356 RELIABLE urnL sixteen requires er loymeht Experienced Wonflntuu and in dplnl housework For urthlr internin uon telephone Ileeton ills FULLY UALlElBD Stononapher prorentiyqemloyed duim hettor position it your ewerienge oood knowledro or all oliice ro cedumr includth hookireor no 55 Berri hammer TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates Telephone PA $2414 Roofing Siding insulation Driveways and PAVING C0 so DUNLOP sr EASEJJAEBIE PHONE PA 87532 CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT rah RENT rents and Turns Camp Cots uiti Stoves coolorr BARRI TENT Er AWNING co LTD at EAYFIELD STREET TEEPEONE PA 56431 BARRI GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE For the best prices in nu CAMPING EQUIPMENT GENUINE woons 9x9 TENT $3495 COMPLETE Also tarps huat covers ills juk ets skin diving equipment ROSS STREET PA 60622 CARPENTRY ENTER CONTRACTORS Alterations Renovation and Kitchens OLD BUILDINGS REMOVED JAMES SON Phone ResPA 66800 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FiNEST DIAPER SERVICE iwica weekly plcitu deiiv ii FriANCIs 51 37 PA 53551 Les than pack or cigarettes d1 EXOAVATING Ii GRAVEL 0P soii SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Exemvltinl and Gradinl WIRE neuveiy crushed stone nail Yud eaekhos tor like DENNIS MORAN to Anna Street PA mm PAINTING AND PAPEREANGDIG EIDWARD SMITH ANDSON Painting Ind Paper Hanging Spny Paintlnl Service Blnce 1920 RR BARRIE PA Mose REFRIGERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 38 Glennaion st PHONE PA M552 SANITARY DISPOSAL DEADANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have oeon lieuma torelnovo your dead and enppiso minuti null under the above an FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT ARRE PAikWIsy 83617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE soon Barri EEAE SERVICE By Month or Year SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRI PPLED HORSES CAIILE HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrio PA E7751 Long distance Zenith new at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 69061 SOUND CAR SERVICES SOUND CAR SERVICES ror PICNICS PARADE SPECIAL EVENTS mo ADVERTISING Reasonable Rites PA 60818 UPEOLsrEEv UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND ODrapeIIES lSiip covers roadlooln oCommercisl furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOISTERING AND BUG co oi EAYElELn sr PA 54611 PA 99931 lawncall CDIIGC Complete rule or fabrics shown in your home UPHOLSTERY Chestertields chairs Chrome Chairs Boat Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 15 YEARS SERVICE IN BARRIE FREEESTMATES AND PICKUP BARRIE Tent And Awnlng co LTD 34 BAYFIEID ST BARRIE PHONE PA 66437 CLEANING For fine furniture and rug cIeaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE irrIEE lmAiEs PA elm PA mu WELL DIGGING WELL CLEANING How ion rinosyou eiened your well YEARSlt10 YEAns YES WE CLEAN WELLS Walla pug Deepened Repaired Wt ulso still and Install Euro shnuow and Deep Well Pump Phone or write KEN Witness MARIA STREET BARRIE dust north orm Huhwsy on BayAeid PA was COPY lor Want Ad Section accepted until pm Day before puhiicetion Phone Pn 82414 reel Barrie WEDNESDAY and 19th Till pm EMPLOYMENT WANTED noomm Aceountalst ttred on Pension alter yenrr service was Iotni Am th ml or glflllmn employment John Lllhl Elli Strut Telephenl PA on II LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS ANDx OTHERS IN lIIIE ESTATE OF VIOLA SUSANNA KINDS also known as BIRDIE HINDS Deceased Au noiu havl claim slut the meta or Id Vloil Susanne Hinds who died the City or sinlo on the nth du ill ioel hired to tile oroo or the who wl the under tuned Administntor with Will annexed on or helm Inn in day of August ml Mlcr last duo the Admlnlatntor with Win In flexed will proceed to stribute the said But hurlingEl gm only to the chime which air shall men on land notice mm st roronto tall 4th day ol July mi CEARmED TRUST comm King Street West Toronto Ontario 37 stown Elk Mmrk and Mills its roueiton horeln CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE MONDAY JULY 11 45mo iunlor ooundu 5511 News Headlines 500 out Churchill nert Chunhlli Farm illrim noonrt Don lmioron News Weather Spam wynti Eup sinesioue luhuo Spike Jones While Were Young The Flintstones Case For the Court Carrion Canadl one1v Newr The Weatherman Today in sports Community News Married Juan TUESDAY JULY is 11 Test Patter isa Movie wintertime 300 Summerdma News Sports interviews Cnrtooni hiusio 430 Junior Roundup son Cartoon Psrty 000 News uendunes Three stooges Firm Market neport Don amleson 525 Newr Westher Sports 100 Wanted Dead or Alive CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO NDAY JULY 11 ir birds iii Magic Moments in Sport News Weather Wteon Train Theatre At Eight The Hippieat Years of Your mo The Riflemln Wanted Dead or Auvs The Third lion Newl Weather Sport setter Lite News Westher Sport Eoilozus msnAY JULY ll 1100 News 1105 Free and asy 200 Channel Theatre liin Pun Alley on News Professors hideaway Whirlyhlrds orts sills Moments in sport News Weather Guestword nol Wyatt Earp GRANDMA WElL GUESS MIGWAS rule5m sashes Fonoor Tu NERVE Toma USUALLYTAKE serous sowNONE cTIiese AFFAIRE Long John var 12 TENDER THE HYDROELECT RIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO EUGENIA FAME ERAIING STATION SUP AND DELIVERY ONLY 0F GRANULAR FILL FOR RECONSIRUWION 0F DAM NO Unlvlfll Av nuor at on tuio or who Mawdig mom son summit arm Dunlva ONLY UP TO Wï¬ï¬oig lam mm or oltANvutn use onAiN mom FALLS CS will be received In 400 oclod um Elston Dim Tim on MONDAY JULY 31 Mei Im the lu Ind dour Dal of up to Iggm ions at znnuior oil Ind up to 10000 tons oi ulu blue drlln to the ll 01 the tunnel commotion nl Dun at Mania Pails 63 no green Iihl mo and Tim Canoe oin Arum ownsni any ColinU Province 0n rie cool ol the ienderlnl docu nints my be downed on or slur July is ieoi It the neat oil the nilactor o1 su ply no Uni verdty Avmue oronto rele hono ou uiliu to be directed idea ioesi 2w Tendzflnt documents will lLIo nullhi lol lnlpectlan It the above ad drcu end or the Dlllv commer eill News Toronto Tho lowest or my tendr will not necessarily be occupied mail Secretary 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND COLWILL LTD momsmills PA mu VICTORIA HARBOUR some fern itqu Plus Advutisiiu Prolssloual service Satisfied customers YOU WOULDNT DISCONNECT YOUR PHONE COUPLE OF DAYS WEEK because you know that good prospects might be to get in touch with you during those periods when your phone service In discontinued its the same with your adven liking People are buying ever RY Dont let that business pass you by because your advertising is discontinued BLONDIE Milu Theatre Hancocks Hull Hour Jolie and the Kid Holidly Lodz Manhunt CloseU CBC News The Weatherman Tody in arts Community owl Cdn Open Goir WEDNESDAY JULY 12 LIE Test fittern 110 Movie The Final mt 300 Summerma News Ind Sfaits interview Buildinl Wlll Halh Cartoons Music 430 Junior Roundup 530 Huckleberry Hound 500 News Heldllnos Jamel Bros of Missouri Farm Market Repnfll Dun Jlinlelan 675 News Weather Spnrll 700 The Real McCoy 780 Bachelor FuLhei 800 Intomltlonll Zuni 830 My Three Soul 900 Kralt Mystery Theltfl 1000 The SIIpanqt Sex 1030 Exploration IM CBCTVNewe 1115 The Weatherman Today In some Community New 1135 Not For Hire 800 Thoma At Eight Storm Over The Nile no Route do 1030 Burris Beat um News Weather Sport 1125 Better Lats 1215 News Weather Sports 1220 Epilogue weoNesoaY my in News Free and Easy Channel roetr Panic in The struts News Professors KldeIWIY Whirlyblrds arts aglc Moments in Sports News Weather Jane Wyoun Brothers arsonsad 77 Sunset SKID Wednesdly Night rhestro Homeward Bound Nicknluner or Fame News Weather Sports setter Late sale SE E32 rvP 5550415 sssseess us News Weather IIIth Epilogue gt BIRTHDAY PARTIES Do TAKE ru ETARCII our OFA FELLERAN DOUELE DOSEO LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES ETTA KEIT HerssorA museums will YOUMERFADYTO LEAVE MW IMLL MV2AMAN DNVEXIITHEKL YOUR NIELWILL DE UNDER NUIABOUIAKHING Emffme BE raucous ï¬NE5usy CHASING BOYS SOUND LIKE DATING WAS MY HOBBY 02 SOME THING 01225 WELL LEN Lacie Ii up THE DicrIoNAlav Hens insHaney SOMETHINswu Punsu FOB AMUSEMENT CENTURY AUTO PARTS end of Dunlap st Ferndsle Rd rebuilt generators as low as 5850 ex rebuilt writer pumps as low as Westinghouse reeled beams 6V radio aerial piece out wallsyset of sulo floor mats as low as brake lining one axle set as low as DONALD DUCK 8550 ex $165 $265 $350 $149 $290 rebuilt voltage regulators iobuilt transmissions as low as heavy plastic seat cover radio rear seat speakers as low as topper white and block sidewalls ions chrome wheel discs set of Ex newizcd batteries 6V 12v gt year guarantee All new and rebuilt parts gully guaran teed lower overhead and lower prices 5375 $4950 ex $350 $395 $695 $595 ex $635 ex WHATRE mu MAKING LINax DONALD euz SAWYER Muses ANo SKEETElt Sills seer imam MAElilNE MKWV so WHAT MISERABLE osy To ee THIS ruva II gumu mmnvezousnsnr mupmsiisuoremutommumsr mquIIlmLLtoiiItImsoos wuvlvsbonewetmmws WE ARE GAMING STREMIII IN YGlIFZ lEA with WT OUR MERIDKS EELIEVE TIIETIME M5 COME FOR 5140me IN SOUTHVIEFNMLWE ME AS WILL DRIVE TIIE WWETG WOW TH