a9 SMMER TONIC Eon ms in BLUE MOUNTllIN CAMP 0001 cool water attracts Carl Webb of Bradford who uses the slide for quicker en try Carl is shown above with Camp pool swimming super visor Mary Singlehurst at the Blue Mountain Camp Coiling wood Crowds attended the iVBurns =MiinY HAWORTHSiMAIL Girl Chases Boy IWith Hopes Oi Catching Him Dear ltlnry Haworth We are college st concerned about an involved situation es pecially as it affects good friend of ours boy and girl lnour college wcll call them Joyce and John have been going steady for more than year Both are popular and everyone admired their beautiful romance and ex ccllent behavior Then the second semester John took an apartment off campus with another boy an old friend who wanted peace for study place to plan his own meals and freedom to come and go at odd hours of work The apartment was declared out of bounds for girls but soon the girl friends of both boys had supper at the apartment un cbaperoned and then it became regular thing Joyce was pushing this more than John Her parents knew she was going to his apartment but seemed to think sheis depend able and he is gentleman KNEW ROUTINE Towards the end of the year students closest to them knew about the apartment routine but there was no gossip The near est thing to it was voiced by boy who dates one of us Off hand he said that the apart ment idea seems to be the thing and if he gets one next Tuxedo Suit On Feminine Lines NEW YORK ANCell Chap man the designing friend of girls who like to glow after dark has come up with new costume idea The tuxedo suit for evening Miss Chapman showed it Mon day in the opening fell collec tion of Press Weekfattended by more than 200 American and Canadian fashion writers The long flannel evening dress under reversible man tail ored jacket followed dazzling parade of Swinging fringe dresses satin suits with em broidered tops headed and se quined gowns The tuxedo was shown in two editions Gray flannel with white satin overblouse andmid shiplength jacket and one piece brown flannel with rovers obla jacket of flannel and white silk satin Another favorite of the fash inn writerswas demure black evening dress with daring neckline slashed to the waist Miss Chapman in her full lection thought up unlikely com binations Casual shirtwalst and sweater dresses shlldly covered with beads debutante gowns ln Christmas red long evening dresses withytrains bordered in fax to trail on thef1oor light weight sequined chiffon evening dresses that can he wedded into suitcase without quahn high surface metal hrocades for tailored coat and suit costumes shallow draped dresses with necklaces embroidered onto the fabric lowtlie knee le tbs hit lustgbef year will we come to see him Now for our questions To what extent doesmodem etiquette acceptgiris going to boys apartmcnst Who is really to blame in the instance cited as John is 21 and Joyce is still minor though more aggres sive jealous and possessive What can close friends do when the parents know but dont oppose the situation Both are from fine families who would be shocked and hu miliated if Joyce and John lost their good reputations WC Dear WC amnot posted as to etiquettes latest edict in regard to girls going to boys apartments but should im agine that any sensible views on that subject would he hedged around with good many ands and huts designed to put the venturesnme girl on guard against personal folly and pub lic scandal in your letter here con densed you mention that John seems to he backing away from getting too involved with Joyce but doesnt seemto know how to cope with her proprietary drive Well according to what hear from people with problems this appears to be par for the annual open house held atthe Camp by the Ontario Society for Crippled Children Sun Virginia Hughes Wéds At Oriilici St Plull United Giurch Or lllls was the setting for the June 14th wedding Luisa nu ginla Lee Hughes and noont William MCIWiden The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Stanley Hughes Oriills The bridegroom is ilhe wnotMr andeJWliliam McFadden Barrie Rev Alan McOunlg flclated at the afternoon we mony The bride was escorted down the aisle by her fntherEer Door length gown was of white brocaded taffeta fashionlt ed with scooped neckline illypolnt sleevu and full skirt pillhox headrests of match ing material held her veil of nylon tulle edged with scallop ed lace She carried white Blbe decorated with red roses sfnphanotls and streamers Brldal attendant were Min Jo Anne Hughes of Cardiff musln of the bride maid of honor and Miss Beverly Hugh es the brides sister was flower girl The attendants were gowned alike in street length dresses of blue brocaded taffeta fashion ed with softly rounded necklin es and bouffant skirts White picture hats with streamers and while accessor THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW This days stellar influences while not overly stimulating are on the whole cheerful and en couraging Some gain is indi cated in finances and through rash promises dny Photo by Michael course in adolescent steady dating nowadaysnamely girl in unabashed pursuit of hesi tant sometimes defensive but not disobliging boy Minis Givas CHASE As it is in the nature of the male toglve chase when truly interested aridto value the prize in proportion to the difficulties of attainment it seems prob able that the girls pursuit of the boy is doomed to and um happily one way or another Either he will escape her eventually or they will become entangled in lliiclt complica tions or if she catches him withoutcomprornise he will be bored restive and vaguely re sistant for the duration of their partnership What can close friends do to help fellow students ward off mistakes of this kind if parents take donothing attitude Very little it seems to me It is almost impossible to stand between another individual and his or her lack of judgment foresight and social discretion The best you can do all said and done is to liein word thought and deedthevkind of person you would want to have as friend MH FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that the next 12 months should bring satisfactory achievement Job prospects started at the begin ning of the year should take tumcfor the better as of late October and your ï¬nancial chart shows an upward trend beginning in early December and continuing at least through mldvlm Social and domestic affairs should be generally hannonlous during most of the year ahead but boon guard against anxiety and emotional tension late in November and in midFebniary Avoid extravagance and specu lation in late March and early April Sentimental matters and travel will be governed by gen areas influences during August September and October and the earlier months of 1962 should prove highly inspiring snd prfitable to those in creative lines Achild horn on this day will be endowed with faith and com passion and will be natural leader gt Studies Effect Of Elastic Garments TOKYO ReutersiA Japan ese woman haswon her doctors degree by study of the stresses and strainginflitted on the human body by elastic in panties garters shorts bras sieres and girdles Mrs Hana Horl 40 man sistant professor of domestic science at the Shiga Prefecture University of Hikone received her doctorate from the Gifu medical College for thesis en titled The effect otzRubber Bands on our Health and Pbyr siqua For five years with some 200 university students acting as guinea pigs Mrs Horl studied the pressure of elastic on the human body To determineths comfortable zone in wearing apparel she made her students dance to music for different pe ii GIFi FOR JACKIE Mrs Howard Edmondson wife of the Oklah the govern or holds Fre ch flavored portrait of Mrs Jac ueline Kennedy painted by rank DeBruin Valerius of Toronto Mrs Edmundson submitted the portrait to the Kennedya for Valerius prior to their de parture for France in June 1961 The portrait is entitled Yankee in Paris 10 Photo AirianANcn pimps CALGARY ca 0fflclals of the Calgary Stampede an nountod Sunday gtthat as persons attended thevdnnual day show15508 less than tended last year For Hair Style Of Distinction me icon vgorrick Ara STYLISTS PA BAYCIIY UPIIOISIIRIHG ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautiful Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 83148 BARRIE Uphollfnrlng Is our Businessth Just Idell jriods to find out whether and where the pressure of the clan tic irked elem Mrs Horiused all kinds of elastic ranging nl width from ccihbout it inch to about in es Her eitperimentsldisclosodt Elastic with pressure of not more than so grams square centimetre 0155 square inch was the most comfortable The maximum pressure ad visable was 40 grams uaro centlmetre for women ter ested in trying to maintain NAM writings but do avoid making 66TO compsrspouasas lea completed their ensunhles Thomaid of honor carried bouquet of pink roses white baby ham and daisies basket of pink roses and white baby rniims was carried by the flower girl Groomsmen was William Mc Fadden brother of the bride groom Donald McFadden Bab rle and Robert Hugbu of North Bay were ushers The wedding music was pro vided by organist Harold Demp sey Orlllll and soloist Min Yvonne Lamont of Barrie sang the Wedding Prayer The reccption was held at the home of the brides pan eats The brides mother re celvcd guests wearing blue and silk shantung with white acces sories and corsale if pink ros es The mother the bride groom assistedwearlng pink linen suit with white accessor ies and ink rose corsage The br des travelling costume ton white accusorlas and red rose carnage Guests were frcm Bancroft Jordan arry Sound Toronto Cailender Sudbury Kirkland Lake Charlton and water and Barrio Upon their return the couple will reside on Lakeshoie Road Jam RADUTES rhdlss Helen Marie Kittmer was among the graduates of thd 1961 classof mkeshore Teachers College She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Kittmerlonathon Court Miss Klttmar is on staff at Camp at Wainfleet for the InSeptember she will travel to Flirt Arthur where she has accepted pos ition at the Prospect Avenue School trim waist with tight fitting clohes Mrs Hori intends to her studies hope next she said to pursue studies on what effects the various kinds of clothing and their color have on the hu man being It will incorporate various classes of people of various ages continue was green figured satlnized cot Lakewood Crippled Childrens Shanty Bay WI Complete Plans Ear Annual Toni SHANE RAY Eb meeting Sianty ay mens institute was held at the home of Mrs Kendall with 15 members present irrent events were read by Mm Taylor about Pioneer Village Upper Canada The manual tour is to take place an Aug 10 to Dlel Park Pioneer Museum he theme for the meeting was Safety with several timely articles being end by the members water suer surety on me fann polsodous plants mad ufety beware thewind The meeting was brought to close with the singing of God Save the Queen Hostesscs were Mrs Simp son and Mrs McCracken BY IA South dealer EastWest vulnerable Noam Qlloz virus 9100 assr our one 49 sonra on 91053 on axons nobfdding South West Noni not Dble pain Pen 30 wasr sss our skim Opening lead king of clubs This hand occurred in the match between England and the United States in 1955 With Konstam South for England and Meredith North the bid ding went as shown Rosen mode light double of the diamond bid and Mathe doubled spade Properly enough Mothe later hld four spades but he was defeated trick when it turned out for change that Meredith had the suit he bid At the other table though this odd sequence took place The American NorthSouth pair whose names are charit ablyomitted were playing the unusual notrump convention Souths potrump overcali after passing originally was equival ent to takeout double indicat ing good support for the min ors only Reese playing with Chaplro doubled North relieved of the obligation to respond in min or suit passed knowing that South would rescue himself and Reese doubled again North should have bld two diamonds now in saveiSouth CAMPBELL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van blues PA 66555 South naturally hid two clubs few cocktail gowns shoppe ESTABLISHED I397 WITHOUT ANY OBLIGATION ON MY PART DATE Womens and Mlsses Late spring and apportionmen es 15 Price One of kind BITTER DRESS 44 Dunlop saw no 83984 PLANNOW fo ArrENoTius ssprEMpsn BARBIEBIISINESS colitis YOIlB GATEWAY T0 OPPORTIINIAY gourdsmear BARRIE FOR GENERAL OFFICE AND BUSINESS PIEASE am ME Funnmnnmns snow younsonoon 19 tTEE BARBIE mumps MONDAY JULY 11 Epped In Waist Out Of Place In Fashion Preview For Fall NEW YORK ap The nippedin waist and tightlytitles bodice are still out of style the Rudolf Gowns spokmim said in ï¬rm tones at the midway point of Press Week You go all around the fig ure but you dont net it he explained Wednesday Then he nodded for the next model to appear CONTRACT BRIDGE netth from an obviously had situa tion but he didnt As result South played the band at two clubs doubled Reese led spade and Scha plro took the king and return ed the queen of hearts West won with the ace and led buck the nine of hearts Dccinrer played the king fromdummy and East ruffed East rctum ede low diamond West win ning with the queen West cashed the lack of hearts and continued with the soven East ruffing with the nine overruffed by the queen had won and heeventually took only two more tricks The out come wos that he went down five900 points Egnland thus gained 1000 points on the deal Obviously the American NorthSouth pair had their wires badly crossed but strange things like this seem to hop pen periodically even in the best of company Tomorrow Test your dummy play Gal Frorn La Named Miss USA MIAMI BEACH Fla AP Sbaron Brown fivefootseven beauty from Mlnden La Thurs day night became Miss USA of 1961 winning the title over 14 other contestants in the American phase of the Miss Unl verse pageant Sharon 18 was student at Louisiana Tech last year She said she plans to transfer to Louisiana State University where she ill major in speech The succasor to Linda Be ment of Salt Lake City Utah Miss USA of 1960 was reign ing Miss Universe has measure ments of some She has brown eyes and dark brown hair it was the first trick that South She wore quiet little mid night inneen number with nip waistandtlghtlyfitted bodieced The more than 200 fash ion writers gathered for the couture group showings bunt into applause Shrugged the spokesman Theres something for every one And that succinct fashion clilt che sums up 1961 fall clothes if the collections shown so for this week have any influence on what women wear its true that the predominant silhouette to no ones surprise is body conscious and flare is giving the formerly start sheath and straight skirt an easy swing All skirts reach to Just under the knee Glitter for evening is still blinding Brown is em erging as favorite color MOVING DOWN But heyondn few generaliza tions anything goes anywhere this fall For example the some Rudolph interpreter sold his col lection had more concentration at hip level than at waist be cause things are moving down To prove it were satin hip branding tiered skirts dropped wnlstlines intentionally uneven hemlines KITTY HAWK SAILS PHILADELPHIA AP TM US Navys Kitty Hawk larg est aircraft carrier in the world left the Philadelphia naval base on its shakedown cruise The $25000011 carrier was eased through the Dela ware River on route to the At lantic The 60000rton LOWfoot ship is so large that the Dela ware had to be closed to all other shipping for two hours while the Kitty Hawk moved downstream ray in EXAMINER won an PHONE as 32414 For Commercial Or Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing CALL SMITH STUDIO as main at PA suta to Buntl 500 gnflons of auï¬hhkri adayv NATU with RAi GAS eHMHWIR HEATERi CONVENIENT wnvsrqpwu IIHTI roaslo15 oNLv MONTH For information call any 13 FOR ONLY osisurrsersiCflasQ 61 TORONTO STREET sAnius PA 5655