mnn Eastman MONDAY JULY 17 1961 ex commas Water Mishaps Take Heavy Toll BIA THE CANAPMN PRESS Water fatalities added to heavy traffic tolls across Cain ada and especially in Ontario during the weekend mm 60W Ontario led the list with 25 at countryme on or least olitfefiiï¬fflnfldï¬ 53 fatalities during the hour um man may wmkuv period between pm Friday poi and midnight Sunday Canadian We snicker so my my by Ponds 67c WOOLWORTH PRICE Prosr may show Wayne and daughter Shawn Introductory At least 23 dedin trolï¬c mishaps Idecrrrsagsthocoun miwgï¬rmgfl Nd after new KoraSlenderllne FEMININE NAPKINS tryn in Ontario seven in Kaien oboe 15 Toronto WOOLWORTH normal deaths industrial fatali ties or known suicides Ontario dead Gordon Purity when his car rolled over him Friday nonr LIST PRICE so Quebec three in Nova ScotiIi two in Saskatchewan nndonc gigï¬fidgid um um each in New Brunswick Manl Philip Nelson 21 Russel who and Alberto Bell 55 andhls wife Beryl ï¬ve were killed In litres Alfred Glacier 5i and his wife car crash north of Toronto and 03mm 53 in my three in another crash Ten PEP lision north of Tomato Sunday sons were domed In Ontario Cpl Floyd Milton Thomp two women and young boy son 24 in twocar collision they mod to save and another in pemhmke Sunday two polmos twillle 55 Mrs Helen Mitchell Cowcli you out who sumved es drowned Saturday in an irri OnlyNewfoundlnnd and non pond gamma Lnngton Prince Edward Islnnd were free of fatnlitics cennectedwith nor Mm MEIy 13th Mom 32 Southgate Mich whcn mal weekend hollday acti ties The survey do not count thrown from car Sunday near Cornwall Rachel Wright 38 her son Gm 142 Wear LIST mes 51¢ SPECIAL 46¢ PRICE MIIYiilt READS RIOT ACT T0 PICKETERS pickctcrs relusedl to disth when he read an injunction Heis flanked by four police NilISllI norcs Mayor ivan Buchanan hold ing microphonct reads Riot Act to picketch after SIU men among 40 called to en iorcc act if necessary CF Wircphotot Jeffrey Edward and Noreen Harvey 36 all of Tomato Police Investigate dmmd Sam be PM Illegal Entry Same Dresses Severn Dione Dignard drowned PRICE 41° Saturday in the Vermilion ilsk Flags Bunting To Give Park Color will he the cone oi the throwoil of the rickthrowing contest when the team representing Canada will try to match three other worldwide teams representing Strouds of our nations Many cameras will he focus ed on this event across the our nations England the Un itded States Australia and Can in order to brighten this scene they need flags and bunting Purchase of some flags hns been arranged but more than just few should be show ing The gates of the park and around the field where the con test will he going on need col or The help of anyonn or any organization who will pitch in and assist with the decorations will be appreciated by the com mittee It has been agreed that next Saturday afternoon will become township field day but it can not be success unless many of the residents are on hand to make crowd BUSY WEEKEND Innisfil tourist areas were filled over the weekend The rain held off well but it did rain little Saturday afternoon Outside of couple of lads who were given night to sleep off drunk and car from To ronto which had been stolen and recovered before the mat ter had bcen reported the pol ice hada routine weekend The stolen car contained three youths and was stopped about 340 Saturday morning for check by Constable Dorian As they did not appear to have an ownership certiï¬cate they were taken in for questioning It turned out that Toronto pol icehad just been notifiedabout the missing car and sent their men to take back both the car and the occupants Readingan advertisement in The Examiner regarding long ood Lodge we were intrigued 13 lodge was new to us lovely playground spacious rooms fishing golf and tennis We decided that we would have Sunday dinner there The place situated in the heart of forest yet on the bay shore is all that the owner claims for HURONlA ViiIN THEATRE PA 86891 Will BENT FflfllfflffEfl MIGHTV anvsnruas av me AUTHOR OF MlGHTYh10tV DICKi PLUS CARTOON Starts ONLY asxnn DONT rams cusps By it and more There to little need for holiday seekers to journey into lur northern reaches to have all that is of fcrcd right in our township Our dinner was well cooked and tasty The surroundings were all that would he expect ed at some at the wellknown tourist hotels The bathing is in the clear hue waters of our hay not into the dark deep waters such as one finds in the north COHAGE DAMAGED Mrs Clark of Toronto arrived at her Nantyr Pork cot tnge in Innislii to find that it had been entered and damaged extensively Damage is esti mated at several hundreddoi lsrs Theciarks have no idea why their cottage should have been chosen for such treat rncnt Foodstulfs were mixed and scattered over the bedding and furniture much ofrwhich was made unuseabie SERVICE IN CEMETERY St Pauls Anglican Church innisfil held its regular morn ing service in the cemetery across the road from the church Shaded by the maple trees of the old schoolyard which is now the property of the church some hundred per sons atten ed the service con ducted by Rev Peter irrint in memoryof the relatives and friends who have been laid to rest in the 110yearold burial pIoL St Pauls hand assisted with the music CLOSES CRUSAPE ST PAUL mp avenge list Billy Graham closed his crusade here Sunday preach ing to an estimated 75000 peo ple at the Minnesota state fair grounds Speaking on the sec ond coming of Christhe said world cvgnts have forced them logians back to the Bible to re consider tire possibility of the end of the world ww MATHAU EARTutY AVPAnmoNari gillItll rm AliillYtI MONROE giltluiiii VANCOUVER CPI Police have opened drich for new evidence in what they say is country wide immigration racket was disclosed Saihday um RCMP oliicers the night before raided the offices of live Chi nese benevolent associations and the homes of two promin ent Vancouver Chinese The 15 officers inciudingtwo Hong Kong policemen on spe cial duty in Canada seized fil ing cabinets boxes filled with membership records lodgers correspondence and other doc umcnls RCMP Superintendent Nevin said the raids were made in connection with crossCon odu investigation of illegal Chi nese immigration from Hong Kong Govt To Meet Economic With Severe ilusierity PrOgram LONDON AmThe Conserv nti government warned the Bri people Saturday it is go ing to have to impose severe austerity program tomcat growrng econormc cnsis At the some time the opposi iton Labor party blamed Prime Minister Mocmiilans govern ment for the Crisis Labor party leader Hugh Gaitst said Make no mistake the re sponsibility for this mess cannot be shuffled off on to the other countries and other govern ments The blame lies hare Where conditions have been fav orable The warning of belttightening came from the Chancellor of the Exchequer Selwyn Lloydin speech to Tory rally at llaw arden Wales am determined that some of the present trends in our eco nomy should be changed he said shall recommend such action as think necessary to secure this however unpopular and unexpected am not afraid to ask the BIG snows Wm rum is pm and pm Adults stun Matinee soc children All Times 35 FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE so scanw on val to Yuan IT ALL ll vol noqu Isms 21 can 1mm us°sss gmmm Ps x15 In normal PlClURES Mk0 STJGE oo ms or RETURN ooYou Esuev manomr ELVIS PRESLEY is River at Sudhury MOSCOW AHActress Eliz abeth Taylor and her singing husband Eddie Fisher chalked up double sensation in M05 cow Soturdoy At about the time Fishers voicowas sending William John Moore 76 Wind sor drowned Saturday in the Detroit River Gerald Cadcau Port Sev am when his car rolled over on Highway 1m Sunday Garry Tompkins Hamil Dixicland around the Kremlin inn drowned muddy in the Elizabeth and actress Gina Lo Grand River lobrigida appeared at party wearing identical dresses By one of those 100000Moi coincidences the two visiting stars showed up for the party honoring the Moscow Fiirn Fes tival in dresses of white cotton eyelet embroidery made by the House of Dior Elizabeth had pale blue sash Gina red one Gina wore flowers on the dress Hilabeth in her hair Elizabeth had nohting to say about the incident but Gina said she found it By British people to bear the neo essary burdens or accept the necusary disciplines designed to securenot just survival but also the maintenance of our pm sition as an uptodate progres sive dynamic inilueocn in the world muons FLIVERS THEAIRE Daniel Walker Lynch i9 Fri day when his sports car went out of control near Ottawa Lloyd Hageity 34 and Carrie Lapiem 18 drowned Sunday in the Indian River near Pern ro Houoavs lYour Car Really Ready VA defect in your car can spoil your trip or even lead to major disaster Let us sorvicfyour ear now You cant be sure at safety it you arent really sun of your car DANGERFIELDS Service Centre Collier 81 PA am MATINsnp pm GEIIRGEIIIIIIIGIIIIEIII elm mm The steel cum Fm Park of Monster NOW SHOWING THE AIR CONDITIONED it Mommas mmWMflF mm mman minnow IMPERIAL THEDEEPEW is wommm oathiimammrm EVE SHOWRAE 100 andr900 917114 HAINB WOOLVIBRTII PRIGE kotiats srAR rov SPECIAL LIST PRICE 498 cIIILns scams Mï¬ETLNEcmilEQND WOOLWORTH or THISTLE TOYS PRICE Ladies Bedford cord gSLIMs LIST PRICE 295 woolwomi PRICE gt Ladies Stretchy Nylon ANKLETS LIs1 PRlCE 45 33c WOOLWORTil mcs FAMOUS son QUALITYsnails CANDIES EVERY PIECE WRAPPED LIST PRICE LB 59¢ FOR YOUR WOOLWORTH PROTECTION PRICE LB MENfs TSHIRT WHITE ONLY LZIST Iqucs 100 WOOLWORTH RICE Twssn imam VISCOSEVRUG NONSKID BACK 11 was