Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 15 Jul 1961, p. 6

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Matthew Converted Pphlican momma sauna scaooi As Jesus passed forth lie saw man named hiat thew sitting at the receipt oi custom and lie salul unto him Follow Me And he mac and followed RinaMat thew 99 And Levi Matthew made hidingreatfasstlnhllown house and there was great commonly SERMON Excuses May From Heavenllnd God By REV MILAN BABEL Church oi The Good fiwheni iLnulersn Time after time men becoma so engrossed by putting all their time into their business homes cottages good times and earthly goals They are so involved in the things of this CPVIl that they are ready to God aside with any ex cue that comes into their mind Their excuse reveals where their treasure and heart really lies Their excuse reveals who their god is We dare not place our bus iness ambition family or any thing else before our God and the ctamnl life He offers us if wedo we will not be numbered among the believers in Heaven SUMMER SLUMP As we begin nearing the end of July we see what we call the summer clump be ginning to wedge itself into our lives and more impdrtant into our Church livas Once more the mountain peaks of Christmas and Easter are gone and the lowlands of spiritual indifierenco become the dwcll lng place at holiday or every other Sunday Christians Dur ing thescSundilya of the Trin Season the lureoi the lake is often stronger than the pull of the pew in the period of vacations many excuse themselves from their church vocation and st taodanco Now this isnt the isuit ofths Church Year and would not recommend mov ing Easter into July or Christ mas into August to stimulate lagging Christians and their weak faith instead wouldrecommend that today we consider mat ter that seems to be most pressing at this time of the year but actually Ls with us in spring summer fall and winter namely the tendency to excuse ourselves from our responsibilities to God and to His Kingdom All Christiana know that God requires that they hear His Word worship Him regularly not oyery other Sunday and use His Saeament frequently They know this because the Lord has given His command ment that this be done CANT TAKE EXCUSE Every pastor is interested in knowing the reasons why his people are not able to do this However pastor is not able to accept an excuse when his people neglect doing what God has commanded and what their own spiritual welfare demands The servant otscod in this case the pastor has no num ority to excuse those who are not doing what the Master oompany oi petitions and others sinners that sat down with themLulra 529 When the Pharisees critidn ed Christ for associating with He answered hydcian mind 11 sickMltthrw 03141 Later Christ callsd tollthlr No thanks want no part Bar wants done have always felt that people would be much better off for not fulfilling Christian obligatiqu and res ponsibilities and there would be lesstemptation to offer cx cuses for nouuilllilng them it the matter were iirst taken up with the Lord Christian friends if you can give your excuse to God with dear conscience so that you know He will accept it you can rest assured that it will be acceptable to your pastor as well People should realize their exceptions to fol lowing Gods will are to be cleared heforeGod fist of all Then they would likely drop them and tha pastors would have much less difficulty with the familiar too cold in wint er too hot in dummer loo rainy in spring and too nice invfoll typeof excusa MAKING EXCUSES Man or human nature being what it is has irit of re belllou against which seeks to avoid meeting with God There is on the part of same people in the world lit tle feeling for God and virtuah ly no desire to be in Gods company Therefore when an in vitation is extended to these people it is not unusual that they try to justify themselves in their own eyes and heiore others by making excuses which try to say politely but firmly Sillicon HOLLowS Visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Ray Smith were Mr and Mrs Dawson Mr and Mrs Daw son and family all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Jack Jordan and Aileen of Weston Mr and NMrs Roland Jordan and fam iyo Rexdale Mr and Mrs James Smith and family Michelle Smith has been vis iting her grandmother Mrs Mcbarney in Toronto Mr and Mrs Bowden called on Joseph Matterley in Barrie on Thursday They also visth Mr and Mrs Allen Bowden and children and Mrs Kenneth Young of Shanty Bay Mr and Mrs Bill Mills and Patsy John and Sharon Sum mers all of Toronto Mr and Mrs Milton Bowies and baby of Bradford Mrs William Vernon of Gilfnrd were visitors on Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Joseph Vernon BELLE EWliili Visiting at Lazeubysare in land Mrs JStanstield Mr and Mrs Don Stansiieid and Penny Glenn and Ronnie Judith and David Cooke are with their grandmother Mrs Fred Reid for the summer Mr and Mrs Von Jack and family are at their summer home Bill Sturman was at his home for the weekend Mr and Mrs Dan Jones of Lakeview spent July holidays with Mr and MrsJames Reid The funeral of the late John Johnston who died June 28 after prolonged illness took place from the Jennett Funeral Home to the Sixth Linc Cemet ery Rev Gordon Walker of First Baptist ChurchBarrie oi flclated Pallbearers were Jam es MncNeill of Queensville Jack Torrens James Reid and Wil liam Hadley of Belle Ew Georgc Sanders and Bob Vi ers of Lelroy Those attending from dist auce were Mr and Mrs MacNeill and Duncan of Queensville Miss Anna Dew of King City as well as fnenda from Barrie andlefroy The Lke sale sponsored by the Boy Scouts was distinct success in spite of the inclem ather EIt vi expected that ahake sale will be held by the Bapr list Church Ladies Aid next Saturday in front of Miss Laz enCiliugratulatlons to lau John stou who hnasuccesshlliy ogml pleted hisylclar at English acheia Co age teeadi inKlllyleagh lnnlsfll Also successfully completing their year at PeterhoroughTeachers Ann Weston onto spent theweekend With COUNTY NEWS College are Paul and Walter Bailey WDZ Robert Henderson Mrs Henderson Heather Bobby Craig of Halifax Nova Scoia are spending the month of July with his parents hit and Mrs Sterling Archer Belated congratulations to Mr and Mrs Jack Torrens on no euiring grandson John Nor man Coutts proud parents are Duncan and Flo Coutts all of Belle Ewart Also to Mr and Mrs Sterling Archer who have new grandson Scott Sterling Ferguson proud parents Ken and Neva if Lefroy STEELE CORNERS Mrs Jack Rumble attended the funeral of her uncle Seth yidemau on Monday at Germ ey Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Dales were Mr and Mrs Elmer Dales Mrs Harold Dales John Ronnie and Heather Toronto and Mr and Mrs Archie Adams and Carol Mr and Mrs Ernest Bell and John visited friends in Stain esSunday MrsJRowefand Donclda Tor BOII Miss Brenda Bell Toronto Spentlast week with her grand parents and uncle Mr and Mrs Ernest Bell and John Weekend and Sundayvisitors with Mr and Mrs Suth erlandwere Mr HerhSuther land Mr and Mrsjred Taylor Elgin Milla Mrs Hamid Rich mond Toronto Bill Rimand and iriend Windsor Mr and Mrs Ken Richmond and son Button Mr andersJack Taylor and girls St Pauls saxmil Mr andMrs Broekwell and little daughter of Coiling wood spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Walkom Mrs Bovair and son Rob erto Colwell visited Mrs Denncy on Sunday Mr and Mrs Clayton oi Markham visited Mr and Mrs Gauley Jr on Sunday Mr and Mrs Linwood Sturg sophomores inane Nev are The American Telep one Tele graph Compapy tiled citdl suit Wednesday Foaling $1750 000 damages fiom two men charged with blastingrnicro wave towars in the Utah and Nevada desert Bernard Broua 51 and Dale Jensen 73 oral awaiting trial on charges of set ttug oil explosivesyMay 28 at three stations in the remote area The stations have beenrev built granddapghter Sylvia Stranag gang spent the weekend at their me BRADFORD Mr and Mrs Bracken have retluned from motor M0 because the is that these people do not want Gods company they feel no need for Christs dying on the Cross for them When this is the case it does not take much trouble at all to invent iol excuses for turning down Gods invitation TRAGEDY CONTINUES it Under this kind at circum stsncus any excuse will do the yrmurn st basilica iam IIy rest or recreation and what obligations the and for avs you Anything will do to an ex hard set Jesus found this to be fact when He walked among men to bring them the mes sage at peace between God By liliredi Buescher ROMAN GlilliOLICS SAY otliclally ll disciples and gave them power against unclean lrlta nod to heel tthewdou GOLDEN TEXT Luke 310 and maWa have to look back into the history of His ill to no how our Savior was despised sad rsiectsd among man So the tragedy continue today The massage luau proclaimed in Christ is still offered as worlds only Saviour the invl atioa still goes outl But thousands manufacture their excuses and politely or not so politely turn their sells on God Some are like the Governor Felix in the Bible who said At more con venient season will hear thee but to many the answer will come for the lut time for it will be the last time the Master ls landing ills ser vant saying Come for all things are now ready TRINITY CHURCH Collier Street Next to the Pest otiioe Tammi v11 800 an1 Holy communion 030 amHoly Communion and Sermon 1100 sumMorning Prayer and Sermon Broadent Rev Geo Sherrlnl 100 pmEVENSONG Sermon Mr Ben Pansh trip along the St Lawrence Seaway on and MrsG sum well and family have gone to London Mrs Blackwell Keith Blackwell of Rexdale on the same trip and will continue with them to Sault Ste Marie to visit her daughter Misti Graham Mr and Mrs James and Katharine motored to Sault Ste Marie for weekend visit with Mr and Mrs Ken James and Ernie James Miss Edith Belfry flew lo Florida for vacation torea cupcrate from is recent stay in hospital Glad to report the safe arrival of son at thehome of Mr and Mrs Gordon Bateman Mrs Stone is confined to hospital We hope she will soon be able to return home in good health WONDER VALLEY Congratulations toail the pu pilalof Oakland Hill School who passedtheir exams Mr and Mrs Handy and daughter Mrs Craig and mptviiie Ottawa On return they visited Mr 33¢ Virs Handy at Codring on Beverley Smith of Toronto spent the weekend with his par Beverley Smith of Toronto spent the weekend with his par ents here 7How To Henry holler Wirh Or Without Hearing Aid Do you know can by sitting in certain part or room you mi hear better Do you know how gunman to personnlvyvho mumlt you are sum lvhesriug ther sn mug you can Ilell better without 11 In medisulcai assistance As Ilblic lerVIcl Mateo has pfeplred booklet filled with lilnt ns tips on how to get in most out or the hearlnl you have Its valuable booklet and its yourslt wan mail it to you in plain envelope innm innn Maicos 850 Yonge St Toronto Walnut 4am Piossa no in bonus All Are Welcome THE ALLIANCE CHURCH Berqy and Dunlop streets George Ross Pastor 945 nanSunday School 1100 im120th Century Gods 100 pmEvangellstlo Service LUTHERAN CHURCH OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD Steel St on um 11 MW MILAN BABEL an 6163 1100 mm DIVINE WORSHIP Sunday School 945 can The Church or TV fills Is Tha Life THE BARRIE firORMEo CHURCH Rev Cornelia Boas Minister Phone PA 01024 SUNDAYMORNINGi 1100 SERVICE or wonsulp in Dutch language 1100 SUNDAY BCKQDL FOR CHILDREN no in THE ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA DIOCEEE 0F TORONTO Theflt Rev Wilkinson MM MA DD L1D Lord Bishop of Toront Church of St Giles iii Cook Street The Raw Biddel Mrs Sinclair Organist and Choir Director TRINITY v11 mi HOLY COMMUNloN Iisere will be minute address at this service 1190 momma PRAYER and SERMON COMPASSION lion moron Special welcome to our vacation guests in the area Roman Catholic sr MARYS cuuacu 15 iuuncsnrcn sr PA 32935 SUNDAY MASSES am am 1015 am 1130 EVENING DEVOTIONS Sunday pm Wednesday at 730 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST rumors MASSES 730 and 1115 8111 coo p111 Au CHURCH lioness MUST BE or 12 NOON ON THURSDAY FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORM CHURCH St Vincent Street Rev Jae Gauzebroeli pastor Phone PA MIME 151 Shanty Bay Road 1030 am may Henchman Newmarliet REV ll EABEIIMAEL Dutch To be held in St James at Crown Hill YOU ARE WEDCOME sr ANDREW5 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Owen andWorsley St Rev Adan aA Minister1 Raymond Daniels NO SUNDAY 3011001 pimple HOLIDAYS The Church or 743m To God annr anon mgrm Director ethane TOE lull LnEvening Prayer 17111 mam SATURDAY JULY ll Morality Needs TO Advance Too Do you like to see science advance So do Catholicsbut they believe that morality too has to advance along with science otherwise science is likely to produu ruin Instead ot happiness Take look at the modern isetory with its mass produc tion its quite scientific ad vases to turn out conveniences and necessities by the hundreds or thousands every day lnmd lded years ago it couldnt be Morality didnt advance ll fast as invention Nsuit some employm paid insufile tent salaries demanded ovar burdsniag hours of labor and took little heed inhuman working conditions For rnany years and even now to some extent this ad Vance in science meant hard ship not joy to millions of people ADD TO HAPPINESS Now we have the atomic bomb standing upright and complete alter pecking its way through the laboratory shell is it going to add to the worlds happiness Not unless every na tion develops sense oi moral ity Unless the rulers oi na tions have conscience the The Anlllun Church of ST GEORGES AMANDA Burton Avenue at Granville Street Organist MrsG Shaw ATCM Choir Leader Mrs Smeihurst Sc to be conducted by TI heevarend Charles Milne of Moosonce TRINITY VII The Lord Round About none 11 amMornlng Prayer District Orange Lodges will attend this service in their annual Church Parade invite you to coma and worship with us WILLowoALIz UNITED CHURCH steel sugarcane School MR ATKINSON Minister 1000 11111 MORNING wonslnr Rev DOUGLAS TOMLINSON NURSERY SCHOOL at 1o mm new cuuacu SERVING NEW DISTRICT nvnurolva woman CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY I50 COLLIER ST Services Sunday School Ll am LIFE Reading Room on premises Wed 21 Pm All are waleama CHECK TIME AND CHURCH FOR UNION SERVICES FIRsf BAPTIST CHURCH Clappertou at Worsley MvGnflI0iI walker Pastor Miss Elsie cquinley Director of Music 10 to mannaay Church Schobl S1 ANDREWS UNION SERVICES iNEIIlSt BAPTIST CHURCH papilla MONTH all summer 11 TI1E LAMP AND THE BUSHEL 11111 alzamo Mona rnan ONE suns The Friendly Chlrrch Mo to Warm Welcome bomb is going to drop on than ands oi innocent it will spell ruin not happ cu was Is urn0 In other inventions Consich III automobile its comlort utility need in some instanc es Because the consciences of many people are not sufficient ly keen we find irresponsible drivers causlngsmadiupa Ind striking down pedestrian We would expect some so cldaatsubut many mailed sclt cidents are not such They ha on because morality has no itept pace withinvention Borne drivers are not sulllclent Iy aware of their moral obii gallons towards other people arms DISCORD SoIt with file Inth most remarkable invention Unless it submits to the laws or morality it wont bring on happiness It will help in break ing up homes stirring up dis cord among lscos and nations and giving bad example From the Catholic viewpoint more sclentillc advance is not enough Happiness will dopmd on how people use the latest inventions if they dont use them according to right rea son and the laws of morality BAPTIST or means 51 35 BURTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE in JOENSOH ST SCHOOL STUDENT MINISTER Mr Jame Ferris ILA 930 mm MORNING WORSHIP 930 SUNDAY SCHOOL avaayonn WELCOME Ilpro Pupils of Victoria and Aplo schools with their parents colored iolnt ionic at Spring watcr Park are Closing the Miss Bolton has gone her home and will continue her studies at Teachers College in the Fall Mrs Lucaswas in Toronto for day this week Mr and Mrs Qulue and Billy oi Everett Misc Janet Lucah of Tomato were at the Lucas home for the holiday Billy Quins is remaining for vacation pleasant time was enjoyed as relatives gathered at the home coca arson on Sun July to visit Mr and align Vic Carson of Alberta There were over so present including guests from Eimvale Barrie Sunni daleand Ms Krembul and Wright remained to visit for few dais Air and Mrs Carson return to the West this week Mr and Mrs Gerard Moran and children visited Mr and Mrs George MacDonald In Ba ria on Saturday Mr and Mrs Reynolds and daughter sham and Miss Joan Moran Toronto were hol iday visitors at Gerard Mor an Mr and Mrs Paul Carson and children attended the Ma Master reunion at Utopia on Sunday then science will be here not blessing to the human isrnily 01mm L91 lief limit uniin CHURCIlor CANADA Collin fiat Militrh tilllliitl iiinnii niil innn nuors iIIlIl innn illmm UNION SERVICES Collier St and CantrelUniled COLLIER ST CHURCH duringthe month of July Churches Preacher The Rev Gardiner Skelly MA BD may ammo escortma minim VISITORS sun newconm coronary wnacowln BAPTIST EMMANUEL CHURCH PM OUTDOOR CHURCH in picturesque St Vincent Park on No 11 Highway and the shores of Beautiful Kempentelt Bay 11 am Worship Service 945 am Family Bible school pRESSYrsRIAN UNION SERVICES AVENUE nNuEil cannon ESSA ROAD BRESBYTERIAN CHURCH mdil Burton vAvenUe ChurCIi ll WHY any BELL an 930 nmChureh Sunday Schools 1100 amNuraery and Kindergarten The Salvation Army Citadel so Collier Strut Sr captain and Mali Gillespie Corps officers SUNDAY SERVICES 11m and pm Sunday School 045 nni welcome awaits you Mr and Mrs Ciar

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