DUB TELEPHONE For Exitnicer Want Ad Tele phone PA one The telephone number to call for the Basins or Editorial Dept ll PA 66537 NATO Forces Flex Muscles Show Strength NEW YORK CPlA force of 53 United States and Canadian ships headed into Eastern Sea board ports today after four days ofmnnoeuvres that tested the NATO fleets muscles Although it may be wee be fore the final score is in one thing appeared certaina force like this one could land Sun day punch on any enemy any where in the world The heart of the striking forces were planes from the US carricr Independence 600110ton monster which is the worlds biggest warship and the Intrepid 37000 tons Helping provide them with de fence from simulated cncmy submarine attacks was HMCS Bonaventure the 2000Nnn Cn nadian ontisubmarine carrier Fleshing out the fleet were cruisers destroyers including HMCS Athabaskan and replen ishment ships to keep the force selfsufficient Despite the size at the force it didnt make big target The ships were spread out over some 30000 square miles ot the At Iantic as thc attack carriers made highspeed run in to ward the Eastern Seaboard for series of simulated aircraft strikes on targets from Florida to Ohio US submarines labelled en cmy stalked the NATO fleet Air Defence Command flew in terccpls designed to destroy the attacking aircraft Tbc fleet planes returning from their land strikes acted as enernymak ing simulated attracts on their own ships before changing their colors to land on the carriers again It seemed good bet to most observers aboard the fleet ships that many attacking planes would have to get through in any shooting war ViceAdmiral Claude Nick etts said he has no doubt at all that force like this one could deliver effective strikes against Russia The commander oi the Strik ing Fleet Atlantic said mobile force like this one could not be considered good ballistic mis site target The enemy would have to know too muchcourse speed exact locationin order to be sure his missiles could damage it This leaves an enemy with the problem ot hitting the force with more conventional wenp ons Its big problem Radar planes with relay fa cilities range high above the NATO fleet greatly increasing the range at which any attack ing force can be discovered Their information is fed back to USS NorthamptonRicketts cruiser flagshipand necessary Planes of the North American Negro Gangs Terrorize Whites Police Patrols Cruise Streets CHICAGO AWNegro youth gangs attacked white man with ax handles and buried ex plosives at two young white girls as racial violence erupted for the third successive day in tense mixcd neighborhood on the southwest side Beeféd up polieematmls oruiscd the streets as the toll of white persons injured by rov ing gangs of young Negroes rose to ill Fred Vaughn told police four Negroes helabored him with ax handles early today as he re turned lrom cigar store to his mothers home He was taken to hospital with head cuts and bruises The girls Linda Rivers 14 andAlice Roman 12 told offi cersthey were sitting on the Ramos front porch when four or five young Negroes stopped on the sidewalk hurled few remarks and then homemade bomb containing steel pellets Both girls were taken to hospital with cuts ROUND UP SUSPEUIS Sixty four Negroes were rounded up by police Friday Police said 19 of the 64 Ne groes in their late teens or early 205were charged with aiding counter action is initiated Twenty juveniles were sent home to their parents 20 others were charged with unlawful as sembly and disturbing the peace and five were sent to juvenile horde Police said 45 of them were 16 or younger Thowiolence wassustirred po lice speculnted by the unsolved lling Wednesday of Matthew Tolber is NegroTolber was walking home from summer school with friends when he was struck by bullet Police spy they still do not know who fired the fatal shot Father Son Die In The Fire of undertermined origin and burned to death To ronto man and his nineyear old son early this morning near Bala in Wood Township Dead are Walter Bereznick 40 and his son Edward aged of 121 Carlton Street To ronto OPP are investigating the fire which started shortly at riot and breach of the peace Believe Meteorite HitProbe LONDON Reuters The Russian Venus probe lannched in February possibly was hit by meteorite Dr Mar Eobrov cluef scientist of ï¬le Astronomiml Society of tile emy of Sciences said here Friday night Arnold Palmer Takes Lead BIRKDALE England AP Arnold Palmer former Unit ed States open champion fired 69 over the par 3636 Birk dale golf course today and took over the lead in the British Open by single stroke with this afternoons lBhole final round remaining His 544mb total was 212 Africans Dying 0i Malnutrition DAResSALAAM Tanganyika mentors former South West African nursertoid United Nations committee Friday that so many Africans are dying of malnutrition in the tory that there will be none left five years Gagarin Leaves For Home LONDON Reuters Yuri Gagarln the Russian space man who evoked almost hysterical welcomes from Britons ï¬t by air for Moscow today after fiveday visit Liberal Senator Dies At 86 KITCHENER 0P Liberal Senator Euler ofKib chener died suddenly in hospital here today He wasllfil May Deliver Goods Soon remove or Perishable goods stalledln port ware houses and on foreign ships by strike of Torontos 550 long showman may be delivered Friday night RuSsian Warships HELSINKI Finland Reuters Russian warships today stopped British French Swedish and Finnish vessels in the Baltic it was reported here Man 35 Drowns In River gt TIMMINS CP Joseph Georeg Cote 35 of La Sarre Que was drowned Friday night in the swiftflowing Mustango RiVer 75 miles northeast of here Cote was sweeping logs from the shoreline for the Abitlbl Power and Paper Company whenvbe lell into about 20 foot of water NUTSHELL ter am and completely gut ted the building Soviet Acad soon union spokesman said Stop vessels AIenscd the text otn letter dated razed fiveroomed cottage oilyLoam ram Barrie Ontario Canada Saturday July 15 1961 Premier Asks Meeting QUEBEC CPIPremier Jean Dosage has made strongly worded demand on Prime Min other federal provincial fiscal conference The Quebec premier told Mr Diefcnboker the fiscal confer ence to study tonsharing agree ments should be called to cor rect anomalies and misunder standings Mr Lesage Friday night July 13 and addressed to Mr Dieienbaker The prime minis ter had written all 10 provincial premiers June 16 The Government leader said he and his cabinet colleagues had experienced cruel disappointment when they read Mr Dlefenbakers let El At federalprovincial confer ences last October and Febru ary Mr Dicfcnbaker set out the new federal tax plan for prov inces ending the old taxrental system and requiring the prov inces to levy their own personal and corporation income taxes ister Diclenbakcr to holdan It Past Master of Allandalc Orange Lodge Paddison placed wreath at the Cent toph this morning Mr Pad OBANGEMEN MARK GEOBIOIIS dison lost his son in the war of191418 The Kempenfelt Trumpet Band also took part in the Canada To Fig UIKI ommon Mdrk urn celebra tions at Memorial Square After the service the hand no composted lodge members to Beaverton Examiner Photo annual Orange HIGH GOVERNMENT SOURCES OllAWA CFPorliaments adjournment to Sept leaves theway open for the government to make up its mind at leisure on three courses to follow this autumn They are Carry on the sessional ready of recogd lengthto its normal conclusion sometime be fore Christmas and start new session in January Close out the session and make an immediate start on new session in September re leyctienUrrrlikely Prior To Mid1962 cessing at Christmas and carry ing on in the New Year Dissolve the 24th Parlia ment and call general elcc tion Highly placed government sources while that Prime Minister Dietenbaker has given them no firm indication of his plan rank the possibilities in the ordernbove NEW 31118 EXPECTED While it now appears likely the session will be resumed Lam notion Mi here The fivefoot10inch blonds town learned tovplay lbut my heart was neverjn it conic can in wen night through rugged mouni tains pintsized gunman sur renderedFriday and admitted he shot four Colorado officers because just didnt want to go to jail Delmar Spooner 25 was im passive when captors told him two of his victims were dead WI saw my chance and grabbed it police quoted him as saying Im not sorry it happened The blonde former soldier was rock near railroad spur at Bond in northwest Colorado State Patrol Cpl Maurice Becker saw the suspect behind the rock gun in hand and called Give it up or lllblow your brains out Spooner hesitated then dropped the lraded weapon STRIPPER NOW ADMITS SHES NOT HAUSFRAU TYPE AP The stripper who marrieda neurosurgeon called it quits and announced hope never have to look at another dustmop So its back to the bumps andgrinds for Irma the Body nitmo after spending 18 months as the wife of Dr James Taren staff neurosurgeon at the University of Michigan vorce Friday on grounds of mental cruelty Her maiden name was Mary Goodneighbor Im going to work up whole new act she said lm going to be tlieriggestv thing in show business The couple inet at Toledo Ohio race track When they announced plans to marry itmade headlines Although it did prove somewhat turbulent lrma says she had little trouble adapting herself to the life of arnali conservative college golfand bridge join club and worked as volunteerat mammal Irma says her realJuture is in burlesque will never replace sexand she believes her divorce Wlll im prove her standing on the bump and grind count think some of any fans resented glad to be goingback love the adulation and themoney seized as he crouched behind strip tease dancer won the faculty she recalled usfrau type Im not just the ght baseball rnbrriage but lint Undei questioning he one and furnished from two days of about the violence lost Wedneslt day inwhich the four officers werevshoth SPOTTED RIFLE Spooner had stopped his car near Kremmting Colo where passing Colorado game and fish department employee Rob ert Hoover35 saw him and of fered aid Hoover beeame sus HERES ONE The omen inns our place had sitdown ke for three weeks last month adolwn strike for three Goodness why dldnt you se it sooner It was that long before We realized tboy were on strike Sepf and proceed in the nor mal way new legislation is lik ely to be introduced cast in the Throne Speech at the opening last Nov 17 which werenot introducedrby the gov ernment before the eight week summer adjournment ey are bills to put the un bring in new legislation not yet out the current session and im mediater opening new one gtbeen rife on Parliament Hill for At least three bills were fore emp oyment insurance pfogram on firmer financial basis to encourage amateur athletics in Canada and to revise the Im migration Act The government could also hinted at by the administration One complication with closing would be in dealing with the ap propriations for the 195162 fis cal year abouthalf of which were left in abeyance when the Commons and Senate adjourned Thursday night While prealection talk has several weeks manyobservers think general election is un likely before mid1962 WHODUNIT HODDONIT wmnson CPtPollce solved whodunivt when Huddnnlt SBldlle done it David Hoddonit 24 pleaded guilty Thursday to stealing radio irom school in nearby Mersea Township and was sentenced to three months Hope Baked For Strike End TORONTO CFt Hopes for an end to the 49day construc tion strike in MetropolitanTor onto were raised again Friday night as union leaders studied draft agreement drawn up by representatives of the Tomato District Trade Contractors As sociation Theplan is understood to in clude acceptance of the arbitra tion board established under Premier Frosts formula but re jects union demands for check off of dues settlement with theassociav tion representing carpentry em players plastering and concrete contractors combined with an earlier agreement with the Ma snnry Contractors Association would likely end the strike Riot Act Is Read Strikers DisperSe ST CATHARINES CPLTito Riot Act wasreadsto disperse 75 members of theSeafarers International Union 1nd picket ing the vessel Northern Venture After Dans Mommies Furnished Mart Surrenders picious when he noticed rifle and ammunition in the parked CRT State Patrol Lieut Hitani Short 49 and Sheriff Chaney vim Pelt 55 arrived shortly and searched Spooner He moved to the car drew hidden gun and began firing All three officers were wounded Short fatally Spooncr fled but his trail was picked up by Sheriff Henry Knuth and Undersheriff John Clark 68 in an exchange of shots which followed Clark was fatally wounded warrant charging Spooner with Sborts murder was filed in justice of the peace court at Kremmling even before his cap ture Spooner told his captors he had nothing to eat and only little drinking water whiletbo sought to avoid searchers ives lailvuntil at PortWeller dry docks Frl day nig Mayor Ivan Buchandn ran the act asst Catharines police chief James Anderson and 40 constables stood by to enforcel the measure The mayor ï¬rstread an in junction issued by the Supreme Court ofOntario earlier Friday forbidding the union from pickcting or approaching the vessel with firearms or explos Wheuthe members who hiivo been picketing the crippled ship since Monday refused to dis band the mayor took recourse to the Riot Act an lath century English law red ring citizens to disperse within SOmiuuta ifa civic official fears riot The Northern Venture owned by island Shipping Company of Hamilton Bermuda and man aged by the Upper Lakes Ship ping Company of Toronto was brought to Port Weller week ago for repairs and minor fl gt the Riot Act was read police anrested nina men in eludinglPaul Gagpe SiU bus ness agent in the Thorold area and charged themwith unlaw ful assembly The nine men appeared in ma gistratea court shortly befor LOCAL WEATHER Cloudy with sunny periods Showers Winds light Low to night 65 High Sunday at For full summary see page two It Not More Than 7d per copy12 Pages 9t Entry Reveal Position In Communique OTTAWA CPD The Cana dlan government has made it clear that it intends to tight any move by the British government to enter the Common Market Canadas position was dis closed Thursdoy in joint com muniqun issued by the two gov ernments following two days of talks between Duncan Sandys Britains monwenlth relo ons secretary and four Cano dlan cabinet ministers The 250 word communique said the Canadian governments assessment of British member slup in the economic communlt ity of France West Germany Italy in Holland and Luxembourg is different from that put forward by Mr San It showed that Canada is fri gid to Britain even entering ne gotiatlonsto join the Common Market Mr Sandys conferred for to hours Thursday and Friday with External Affairs Green Trade Minister Hees Fl uance Minister Fleming and Ag riculture Minister Alvin Hamil ton He also met for an hour with Prime Minister Diefenba ker and plans to return to Lon don Monday Canadas attitude to British entry into the Common Market lcal than that of Australia and New Zeulnnd The communique said the Ca nadian minister expressed the grave concern of the Cimadlan government about the Implica tions of possible negotiations be tween Britain and the European Economic rn nity and about the political and economic effects which British member shipln the European Economic Community would have on Can min and on the Commonwealth as whole Daredevil Survives Trip Over Falls NIAGARA FALLS Ont CF Bronx NY daredevil went over te folfoot falls in giant rubber ball today and survived the stunt without npparentin Jury Nathan Boyer 30 said hap pily from his hospital bed where he is under observation that always wanted to make this trip and now have Chief Edwin Hehfeld of the Niagara Parks commission po lice who Boyerl breathtaking voyage but was powerless to stop it said the New Yorker told him made appeared to be even more crit OTTAWA CP Parliament Hit With Senate and Commons ummer recess has turned to busy round of speculation about Finance Minister Flem lg The main theme given no credence in high government circles is that the finance min ister will resign as an after math of theCoyne case in which he was the main government spokesman leaves the Washington post in fewweeks in the Sena We Fate Of Meaty Subject Two appointman were sug gested tothe Supreme Court bench oras Canadian ambas sador to the United States suc ceeding Heeney who The rumors about Mr Flem ing slowed down the daily round of guessingthe date of thenext election and thesuecessor of James Coyne as governor of the Bank of Canada Mr Coyne resigned Thursday after gov ernment bill to dismisshim died midnight and were remanded in ay it all right and Im happy Fleming cold water on the idea that Mr Fleming might become casu city of the Coyne battle cabinet colleague said It just cant happen Mr Fleming still is highlyesteemed and respected member of the cabi net STAND BEHIND MOVE Another Conservative re marked that his party holds that it was right in seekin to move Mr Coyne from offic Be cause of that belief Mr em ings resignation mi be inter preted as anadmission of er ror It is known that Prime Minis ter Diefenbaker has high re gard foer Flemings parlia mentary and administrative capo bilities They are seat rnates in the Commons and the prime minister is understood to rely more oh the financem is ter than on any othercabinet member with the possible ex ception of External Affairs Min ister Grecn rump BEHOME AGAIN Hobbit Sonimcrs forrner EC forests minister con ed oi briberyrandvcoospirac was retea on prison Friday Hesmilesntt ingly at daughter Ellen nitrite Mrs Somwerllooks on CPWirephoto