Summer lJlSrlli time he Livin isEasvi rm smalls pxdpiplzn 1de Judy 14 ml REAL ESTATE ANNOUNCEMENTS BIRTHS BUILDEmMr and Int Ed nsrd purdesle Inee flea aura are mppy to admin elzblnh or son on Wednesda July 11 ml In Scarhom acne nor pllai MuMhmsoN AI 16 FRnnl Viclnrin HmpliILraylgnI Thursday July II and Ilrs nlen llumhcridu uueu Ontario oagmul uAPPl octJAsw Wu midi To ID to ldends and aelslr narrlr Enmlaer Clanloads sun are near your leitphone The day or birth Illu 1ch on Thu rlll Is only are thrhs DnvnoALDAt hl Rr General nospllsl onwgdnes st July ll 96 Ethel lzcalrtce Eagle el simvale beloved wlie ol 2er Dryrdale dear rlner ol narnid Eagle oi nurllngto MaudaJMfl demo or Wllber ol sauna Michigan edznnss ol Toronto Resting the James Lynn mineral liorgle simyaleslnr tunerl service on saturday July II at pm lnlerwnrnlllndalc Unlen Cemetery dIllrrIlSuddenly II the home ol my son nWillirovfschï¬lth Simon on on ay July l2 ml wullern South beloved husband ollena Boweh dear lather ol William llerbe uni lily Dunnelle George Florence heyrrl and the late Jsrncs smith In coin yur neluog at the Jennetr ninerai Home barrio Punersi service St Pauls Angllcan Chureh luv ntsIII Saturday July Id at Dm Interment admitting cemetery Casket wlll be open in ebureb lion oclock until 1Imd ol ser vce wowssuddenly 1119 rc suit or drownlugcaccldent at Pan Elgln on Wednerday July It ml Patrick Gerald Woods ol uldhursl beloved can or Mr and Mrs Robert Woolenlid dear hrolher ol Kathleen in on Im year Resting at 1hr Siecklly Ina ral llome SUWDHI street name lor eervIcr on Prl ay July It at pm lnterment Barrio Union Cemetery od nlwl The IN MEMonlAlll roomlo ever loving memory or David Nation Poolewllopau ed away July 15 195i Thorn we love we never lose ror stys they will be Ever near ever dear in hallowed memory Always rememberedh bid lovinl wile and hilly nNGAGnlImNTs and hire Peter Windti or as vvtsh to announce the ornament or their elder daurhler barbrs Arm to Mr momaLwnyoe iner tin eon ol Mu Leonard illsrtin and the late ldr Martin 01an ton Onto The marriage will take pin in hurton Avenue untied Church hassle on Setup day August l2 lpel at aim pm COMING thNls DANCING MY SATURDAY CABARFI STYLE coUPLE5 ONLY Pl NECREST mu couple Per tabl reservations PHONE ElevALE 75133 SALVATION ARMY HOME LEAGUE Bake Sale flare Bazaar Lawn oi Richies Geihons MINETS POINT July 15 230 €530 p111 Admission 250 Roy monsoon New Chancellor ST JOHNS NudicP Pre mier Smallwood ruin need Thursday that publisher Roy Thomson has accé tedille gov ernments invitatth to become the new chancellor ofiMémblial University of Newfoundlhfld The 67yearold publisherof in newspapers in five countries will replace Lord Rntherlnere of Great Britain Mr Smallwoo railed theap pointment the start oia great new chapter inthe progreSS ol the Newfoundland university Mr Thomson has promised to take deep andgagï¬veper sonal interest in burnintgolsity was delighteh lithenhéac cepted said the remier who recently returnedrrhm visit to London where he consulted with Mr lhomgon ritlsh plish with Mr lhomsbn tlshpub llsher Lord Beivetbhoic and George Drew0anadiiln high commissioner tlgilflqdoï¬ about the appointmentr 273 Mr lhnmsonyillprgditle over ceremonies herdEQctAZm Memarlais neaybgflï¬zlï¬nlllion dollar gtCmpufltaldiï¬iï¬Ã©rsity opens officiallyslyllsoLElehnor Roosevelt with the late Uniired States EeFidgnIt will be assumes among those Try An Exalï¬lï¬br rich frvr met Good 1300de stmms OFBARRIE hen pa itility pleasant shrraundlngs Rh ianim REAL ESTATE moresr FOR SALE NORMAN Sheswell KIM EslArzsnoKn Dunlap Street that PA 8996 or PA 68742 COUNTY GROCERY and SNACK BAR Dolor thrivingbusiness on Him way so Nervh urge let It by no lt deco Lots or room lor motel and in pumps Living qunrien on ground hour plus IDLI up Good Income cu Joell wmson lor details BRAND NEW been down split level home bedroom shaped IIvIng room modern kitchen with llanover cup boards colored dxturee In bath room and eeramlc ule All this lor lull bide ol mm and curled lor approximately we monme lncludier interest prin hip and taxesror your inspec luau appolntsnent cnu Joe Lopr iln 0R0 BEACH usoo lull price Large bedroom cottage vvith dreplace Io spacious uvlng room Family aiu kitchen and eunporeh at out Located on waterfront lot with no it irontage and depth ol Aimth too It can Norman steelson Iot particuim mmqs CAIle Jen Longtin PA dam Daren shewll ore ul nowrd Norris PA was Jack wulson PA um Jim lemon PA um Norman shelswau PA ml STOUTT AGENCIES LIMITED COLLIER STREET PA 35901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST SUMMER COTTAGES and Summer cottage Sites HONEY HARBOUR lll WotEH00 Lat ESSS ISLAND Six Mile Lake Lot 100 ow 50 Waterfront Lot At this end DI tEerlath Cm Om known II Film Beachwith two DICK lots and hide room noun Thll is real hullinl mm Behutihll Loudted cot lllo Vlth Ill convenlcnccs on 100 lnkelront clot ItPllm Belch Propn SCI Dunne huntlllll ï¬replace Keenedgpltio Lovely llndscllinz The Best Buy By For In summer coltundo had room cottage we hlveYat Dale II Ell nay Point lust post Lonn wood Lodge Large living room convenient kitchen with VIEW DI the my sun room prtle not and cold running your IX hllh All this well ls dock Int furniture or $16000 At Holiday Acres South at Burk WI hnve roll xenonhie cottuewflh Iii con veniences Waterfront lot 50 150 Fully furnished bodt Ind belt liit ior 37900 MIY We then you this goodbuylodayl ITS TIME You owned your iront door key call us todsyswe have unusual ly desirable prepertywell loea ted on large spacious lets well built homes lurt rd ht lor your lamily BUILDERS HOMES llornea abnost complete lnd homes to he built irons plans All shapes and dlzer Alitprices an In lrom me down to $1500 down MEMBERS or This BARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ETATE noun EVENINGS CALI Merv GourdOrb and Doris NuttycambéPA Hoolv Edith GouldOm and Harry SlessothA m1 Prank CongdonPA 415 hrs on Brown PA 97m HENDERSON REALTOP IV COLL STREET PHONE PA ado WOULD you KNOW BARGAIN IF YOU SAW ONE Well here it is this lovely clue lam built home on one of Blniel best streets completa with ï¬re plsce pulled drive basement spartment render at no monthly So If you would like In inhum lree mortgage phone Parw Port to Inspect 105 STRABANE Chruung pride ion stone shaped bedroom bl lllflw with attached EIllEe and dining room Isbed not room play room rcrms o7 under NHA Cali nitricmire EVENINGS CALL RITA scANan PA Hans PERCY FORE PAa7m Member or Barrio and patriotism Cntlflo Real Bill Bond Try An Ethln ant Ad Phone Phi 82414 LOdgé TO VISIT OURCUOLFSPAJ CIOUS DINING ROOM Allin BEAUTIFUL SURROUNDINGS ONLY FEW IiOMENiS DRIVE FROM ALLANDALE ran Broiled steaks with ndushrooms outhéthfried chicken in bus at Hungari Goulash Europecl cusine Catering to families and groups lower small Mzeciglcan be served at all WW HOPE rh YOU IN THE NEAItPUruIlJ TELEPHONE SIROUD 82523 FOr Reservations or Just Drop In grosses Palm ROOM Pundnllcd Hpuve an 115 Mhslleul ROGERS Psoran Port pm CONNELL REALTORS our DUNLorsrhmsAsr Pint In herrte nonu suesPW to Quality or Service PA 85568 EVENING IL OmitPA um lDGmPA use CLIFF TRUNK LINES SCALL REAL ESTATE PomPA Hm CONNmrPA mu mazes Mmï¬efllmflyml STATE BOARD ROWN REALiUR 51 HIGH STREET EARRIE PHONB PAW PA $0242 loll hillPA ml Inlln ClmpheuPA Vlm Perl GarveyPA Hui Illmberl or the Burio Rral Eltnln Bolrd HENRY ELRICK AND MICHIE 15 Owen St Barrie PHONEPAm REAL ESTATE FOR Consolidation of Bull Home Repairs at NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $l549 at $56 Monthly amen BARRE nnas mun $3544 at $90 Monthly HOMES OF DISTINCTION BY CROSLEY BERNICK CONSF NOW BUILDING Bedroom Homes Attached Gardges Part Stone Fronts Storms Screehs Provided Custom Built Cupboards Exhaust Fans FULL PRICE gt$144oo WITH LOWEST DOWN PAYMENTS EVER FOR THIS In Kitchen TYPEOP HOME $98700 Down Payment FOR INFORMATION BAWIFW HEIGHTS PHONE PA 82672 Bhrries Most Convenient SubDivision 42 Homes Choice Lots Some Wooded Still Available Spacious Plans To Choose Frorn $61500 DOWN To ONE NHA MORTGAGE Bedroom Bungalow 1050 Sq Ft Aluminum Storms and screens Ceramic Tile Bathrooms Attached solid brick gar Allhomes with 11 block BAYVLEW Halal11s SUBDIVIS dgo Solid clay brick structure Choice of decorator colours inside and out basements IS LOCATED AT JOHNSON AND STEEL STREETS JUST NORTH OF JOHNSON STREET PUBLIC SCHOOL TURN NORTH TWO BLOCKS AT TRAFFIC LIGHTS AT THE DOMINION STORE SHOPPING shrillr AND JonNsON STREETS Housing now under constructioncan new be seen In vhrlpus stager or development OPEN House SATURDAY JULY 15 1000 nm to 700 pm For Inform ation Call GORDON COUTIS Office PA 82535 COUTTS CO Evenings PA 616169 OWEN STREET EARRIE ExclusiveAgents For WEST POINT CONSTRUCTION LIMITED CQSQTIS ORecl Estate Broker Owen Street Barrie $10950 Full Price For stone lront liveroom bunga low on n19 llndsclped lot In codeingten St area closdtn put lil school Ind collegiate Term arranged Call Walter Couttr PA 54485 Denial PA 2311 $14000 SlvFOOT Commercial Property Aer flunkd seconle at This property has excellerA possibilities Double bouac In good repair red ably rented re arranged Summer Cottage South side ol 0nLalte no water front And over 400 lest In depth in bevel tillan coltn an x10 heautllul grove of anyearsold pines sandy beach loodflshlnl no 521 Member or narrle Dutrlct Real Estate Bond PHONES Oitioa IA 61485 menial PA 8425 VCONSULT US ON oLow down payment housing pl glitchrigs or Properties oNatlonaI Housing Mina Budinen cppnvtunltlci Propdriy Management SELF CONTAINED commercial hlllEklllEHo SD frail Till ed one auto lor rth lnlermauo built in 1957 In New LowellFuli price 425o sh Closet ores Apply Midiend LAIresldp nzozo PA 5671 Keith IMarshail REAL rsrArs hnom ORCHARD DRIVE BARRIE PA om DAYS OR EVENINGS LOTS any located In new area Can yidrrann tn bulld the home you want LOOKING FOR HOME Many dedilablo one in all palla or the city BUSINESS Well established and ido ted Call Keith Marsh Estate Broker Listings lnvlted Residential Commerclli Industrial Member Barrie ind District Real Estate hoard MOVING Dont target to tangle your INSURANCE did SEE STEVENSONS PA 3520 11 Dunlop SLE IImns hnnnoolvl Bunaalow or role with acre lot across lrom school on Concession sideroad 10 lnnisdl Ap 1y to Mr cor Ian nn Le roy smuo FULL PRICE Rarg terlited wnlcriroilt cott houle drilled wdll Sin plymunt Apply Johnstons tale ahduanalhlrd Colic bo Ion CENTRE AT loca Mal on need extra covertl down shanty Bay village In at er drc CASTLE DRIVE Custom bullt home living room dining room kitchen wlul bullun ltovd Ind oven bedroom bathroom lamuy mom with Am place and den Drapes ï¬replac luun liliu room Finn to main with property Gu builds Inallach ior electric heating Owner leaving town Anxious to OAKLEY PARK SQUARE Semi ml lBVll LI room 11 mm ï¬lm kitch iitkcaom mmmll an 100 with Two am 58 NAPIER STREET Lot 91 nor with cedar hedge lot or lower and lull grown lrnlt trees le room hitch bedrooms been 6th and shower lull basement Pull price lam wltb $1000 down Payments permonih on on mortgage I65 GUNN STREET nrlek bungalow lot 1w room dlnlug room hitch en bedrooms piero bath on heating rlrst mortgage carries ler you Including taxes mu prte ollm with some down NOTE We arrange Vlcibrln and Grey Trust lirst mortgage After hours wane Paddy MilesPA 85200 Bob DwellingPA 35883 CARSON 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the Imperial Thutn PA 6648l member nl Barrie and blatrlet neai ratat board HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 Member or name and District Rcol Estto Bonn EVENINGE CALI won him PA 60416 JOE PALMER PA mo KARI MARSHALL PA mil NonAld nAlKrs Oro oz HAROLD Ponsm PA CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St mm MARSHALL PA 34450 canny PA aside WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LlSTlNGS REIDme submitmom lNDusrRIAL ROSE REAL ESTATE BROKER Id TIFFIN STREET BARRm CALL DA on EVENING PA 82379 Member the Bull and District Real Intta Board FARMS ocoliAGE BUSINESSB BOAKE REALTOR 51 BRADFORD 5mm snnnm PA 85387 OR PA 85883 Still telling terms lllmnn tnr flrmiul clara waiteplanPA Bdfll Ralph RolloPA 6030 Members at Barrie and District Rel Esth Hum 3mm Three bedroom modern brick home on spacious tonmnpe ed grounds located lnqlnlity at trlet close to schools and bus llne Telephone PA b7305 lor details THREE BEDROOM House with all convenlences Irnt 75 200 feet on Concession ICI Lonlsnl Faul plocn Lilo bath hardwood floors large kitchen mil buementoil heated Telephone PA Mun smorm AREA New two bed xoom bungalow Large Iltdhg room kitchen Ind three piece hath Low down payment Telephone sum stroud Apply to Palmer Bowman Stroull BUS OPPORTUNITIES TRAMPOLINES Rounce into new business or not new lile Into on established business with the addltlon ol plotter Canadian made trampol es Standard sure 25 per unit Plltlom lypd Available Financing arranged lor ruporldiblu ptrtiev WRITE on PHONE Ranshel Enterprises Po BOX llz KINGSTON Tel LIFO6995 MORTGAGES 11240 for Author on stl CONTAINED unIurnlrhed Up to 35000 and so months to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT 14 Dunlop St PA 66477 MolnAGuLtt Ind ind bowl laid Ind Imwd Commnhi ludfldeniï¬idnom 11nt on uds ind orb Ill ham PA Cm molars Hortml Low to consolidltu dank pl all lxiliiiu lnortll hotn mvemlntli etc In your pro leou with us Call tor appointment PA weal nurture handing over gmplomsum Bunion 5L FINANCIAL $5000 47c FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR IILI SIMMS PA 60203 MONEY To LOAN ONLY PRESCRIPTION FOR PAYING BILLS Plylnl oil with illsin SOOIIA PLAN LOAN THE BANK OF NOVA SOUIM low$oct RENTALS NURSING Homes DONER REST HOME Porconvalescenl elderly or re nteellent lood rurroundinge lldell people Clean picrant onen lor inspeetlon enyume RAIES $5 PER DAY PHONE STAYNEE II Hopewell Lodge LICENSED NURSING HOME STAYNER ONT Omens STORES RENT omcz sPAcE or rent Five Polnu 600 no It with gflvlte entnnu lnfl tier clephond PA 437 GROUND FLOOR location suitable lor store or otllce 22 feet parklo pll month Very Halted IPace Included 55 Telephone PA been let details central omcz or rent Avallable lm medintcly 900 square feet on sec ond floor Centrally located with Very reasonable Apply hall 52 Darila Examiner APTS HOUSES T0 RENT imltor servlcc THREE ROOM APARTMENT Downtown location stove and re and electricity supplied Privdtb entrance Avalb rrlgeratar bent eble July the per month TELEPHONE PA 33586 Mr Young ADJOINING PARK Beside Lake One and two bedroom apartments complete with stove Ind renlflelr diver ator Use or washer and Redecorated annually PA 61065 mt ROOM Furnished Apart ment Adults only Telephone PA um around or lurther Due tlolllm suanr LOWER bedroom dup lex Available immediately This phone PA 63654 or iprther pul Collins GROUND FLOOR Apartment our room uniumlhhed Heat and wa locatlon Adults nhly Telephone PA lide tel supplied Central tor timber Inlomatlnn AVAILABLE JULY 15 phone Stand 48 ONE AND TWO Bedroom Apm mulls stove relrlgerntur janitor iaciiitiel Renting from soil monthly rclc servlce and laundry phone Leech PA Punmsnlao Aplrtment large li log room bedroom and hitch M70 ctte newly decorated Reasonable reot Parking roclltttev Telephone PAsom fox iurthcr particulars memorials lour room lpxrte ment lor rent heated and sell contained with private bath Pose Immediately Telephone ssm lor lurch session PA 35306 or PA er InrormIiop Amncme two bedroom apart Fully automatic laundry flcifltlur parklng Avail overlooking bay equipped including able Airgun Tel hone PA cull tour room apartment Heat and water supplied 110 per month last end location Available im mediately Telbphona PA 89356 or mother delllll you Alus Ierrnn to discuss your mortgage problems with us wlthout obllagllon providing the genomes are on registered plans or out or city Interest at Prevailing laser can JiArHCoIItIA en older Try An Examiner Want Ad TELEPHONE PA 82414 31X ROOM House on llrle int Immediate Donation or hilltnblu persona 18 Adelaide Street Allin dale Apply to John sooner Hox 10 Wool Bench for ï¬lttllel details can AND Quiet Apartment one bedroom living rcomlrltchen and bath Heated unlurnlrned no enable West end location Sep rate entrance Telephone PA near Ilatell modern unfurnished two bedroom apartment in shroud apartment house No children or pets lcle RENTALS ms HOUSES 10 BEN mm ment to ml run My tarnished Tom one my wan ua Bench MODERN two bedroom mln lbhad apartment cart and Army 1111 laundry argued Inning Whig also on no or runner details AVAILAILI IiiIOU hon Innmen ua nme into Both nit contained Dn childwlioonn Days hono PA mo Inlay PA mm DUPLIX aclovu three room aartmahl all balcony hutod only wifln All for decorated to out not or 313 Im Roold ground floor nperb moot rivan entrance Muslim uno Phrting Avlihhle Jli In or garden Telephone HIM bolero III or alter swam room stove retrtgcrator and anu inrppllcd Coalllldllltlyt flvlto Gtï¬ml Elk an mown ml mop PA Mud raw Decorated one bedroom aparhnenl three place both and Erin laundry room Apply alter Ilareue street or telephone PA who between on was three room unlornlshed apartment with private bath Wne tor and heat supplied Heavy duty wirlna miles avert many 90 Telephone PA um alter ms ROOM App manl nun rd separate ba In new home private entrance PIIHDI suitabla or couple wltb child Clone lo lehoolxhunlPA leo alter pm Amllmvn sell rnntlneo onl bedroom apartment Suitable or builders coil In on and rem entor nipp ed Pension and Vincent streets J15 monthly Telephone PA Mali clNlItAI location room art ment with two bedrooms Ind bath hardwood noon parking space reasonable rent Availaqu July Telephone PA 61715 noun or rent bedrooms Im tirely renovated and redecorated Located at churcblIL Phone Ilan Wroy or iurthcl Intelman on ma noon Aperimeot with rlvsie bathroom hot water oil gelled relrlgerelor and heavy duty stove included bound on gurion Avenue Apply Centre rlJRleIixD lb menl thrrd piece ih heavy uty stove and rehigerntor Hudwood noon Sell contained Available July Apply Armstrongs nerd were TWO noon lurnished artinent hot and cold water Sulava lor one or two adults Available now Telephone PA 37398 avenlnta lur lurther particulars LOVELY VIEW with the hub mllnilinu Three room eon talned apartment stove and Ice fixertor supplied Located In the cut end Available immediately Telephone PA 6109 MoDmN three room xpsrtlhent Immediate eeeupnncy cat and water supphed Electric relllacr atnr and stove optioni separate entrance Garage Adults only $75 monthly PA 57369 NEW AND Modern one and two bedroom Hartman overloom roenio Kempenlolt Ely Hut lu tertdmuog and honor rervlca included Autnmlflewublnl Ia clulles PA 51902 FURNISHED three room mund loor apartment heal Menu not alter and pukan included in rent Large rooms with prlvate entrance One block hom rive Pelsrts Telephone PA m1 moonlit unflunldhed three room Iplnmeni tour piece tile both front Ind hack entrancel Perkins and laundry iacllllles Including dryer North Owen Available Alig ust PA MinaPA Mall mun Room Bachelor Apart ment ior rent partly Iulolsbed or room and board Also garage llelephono PA was or apply 74 315m st Barrie Ibr lnrorma on FURNISHED two room bachelor apartment completely sell con tained ground floor Bflï¬ht HY dro and bent rnpplled Plre lace and urge clncbes closets you able August lgtl£lephone PA 68195 mm Room nnmrplahcd apart ment heat water supplied Looe ted Blake and Dunlop Avalleble Immediately For inrther lnior mation Telephone PA Most or PA 55471 FURNISHED Dascmcnt Apartment lIeot hydro Ind water supplicd 01 to downtown Reasonable suitable ior couple Tele PA on for runner de LARGB bright room burnished apartment Central location two minutes wuk irnm bus IAImIDIL Abstnlners or so Maple Ave or further in tomtibia Tam AND Poms Room Allfl menta stove and refrigerator rupv plied Use otwasher and dryer see these aplrtmentl tonight Telemann PA 75010 Imlacr dctn ma ROOM unfurnished Apart ment separate entrance self com tallied Parking lacultles Newly decorated Avollable Immediately Telephone PA 52770 for furlde intermailed mes Room Apartment with bath on muscle Allandaie Close to bus and shopping Nowly redecorated Ideal tor working couple $55 monui Heat and wa ter supplied Available Allth Phone PA lsoll BRIGHT furnished two room apartment or rent with kllchen and bed sitting Envy duty stove Available Immediately 121 Burton Avenue Telephone PA Hm Telephone PA 56702 In Your Own Home heck the Want Ad RENTALS 1005 Ind maroon Ill mloiahed vtih bathroom hex Ir dl htthuAMlylh lung PP to Bay pond or telephone PA MEI IldoDxxN from Brick Roma room drivoLn hrtee flit new at of ll 00 Owen SL PA um um WANTED TO RENT WANTED by gentleman barhclnr iplflnegf iqunlngedhn centre corona ren oo In Writ Eu ROOMS TO LET rwo Room or not Boa uooaL suitable for two nudging For lurihcr ihlomntion call PA Wampum Room with roe blulnru Xenon Nome privueger parsing only us Sunnldale Road alter pm WRNIIm bedroom to quiet homo east end Avlilnbio now landmine delalls telephone PA mmnmuulee In Red with nnletteuxc e1 gerruerator and waabin machlnc central lurther nlomattoo telephone ruxNIdIiRn hrlgbt housekeeping room lornuil stove and arm dralor Included Ample parking Ipaca lvlllnhle Telephone PA mot lor lurther inlonnallon commmhu Room or rent in 00d home 1an Iocnled Home privileges Renting or 50 perk week Parking taciutlcs lel frmhlline PA um or timber lilo main Housekeeng Room with rdlrigeralor ltnve Ind liolc Would lult one or two billion girls Linen suppurd if desired Tele xmillion PA Mom or Illrlhcr Inton on SUMMER RESORTS POISON IVY PROBLEMS Cottages tk Summer Homes Our Specialty TEL PA 81751 Or Camp Borden 993 FOR ms mm Lon gWOOCI Lodge Lovely playground spacious loo hot and coldwater Very goo nshtn Only one mil lenhlsK court EUROPEAN chm EUROPEAN CUISINE HOME COOKING Broiled Steuks With Mushrooms SOut em Fried Chicken Very rusonahlo Iltos Mali5 Ell be donEd It Ill um or DIILIid EN Weekend lull Ind lemma are welcome close In Allsidel goll course Tel Stroud 62r23 COTTAGES T0 RENT SEAN RAY Lakernm Outta gcs hilly equippcd for he seller log close to Barrie Apply Pa Aqunnl Resort shanty Bay Phonl Orn 146 sea BENTS nus Cottnge at Wae raga Beach Will sleep Refrig entor and range included Apply to cox 5i Barrio Ikamlner THUNDER RAY in miles north on Georgian my nicely situated well IurnIsbed three bedroom wa terfront cottage with all city con venlehces Stone ï¬replace Tele Phone PA 59953 wnsAGA men bedroom housekeeping collages accnmodaln zs nicely turnishedsprlnz ma tserses bed linens blankets hot and coldwater private and cen tral showers flush toilets hilly esturiippetllflutchfns omd with dbl re gen an urge mun Ideal lor chlldxen one street troll lakelrnnt and river stores and amusementsnearby bur passes door Vacancies July 151b $5 to 65 weekly relcpbcne 94 couect hairshc names nos 75 Wecala eec ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Barrle Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST Wm PHONE PA 52421 PATIO STONES ion squar thick wnm Pnoorno uoLolm PAsI Sarjeanl Co Ltd Mary Street cIINIRAL Attractive Dpnrtnlent conialnlnl living room bedroom kitchen both and balcony Priv ate entrance on heating Free parking ï¬nished optional Suit couple lclepbnne PA ECONOMICAL bright clean sell contained comment ideal ior budget minded huelnhs Elila er couple Utiliuu pald Washing incl llter par and yard prlvlege gelsng locaton Telephone PA Pumdnzn two room bachelor apartment Completely reil com Ialned Ground floor alight Hy dro and heat supplied Ptre lace and large clolhes closets vall able August Telephone PA dam lwo BEDROOM Apnltmcnl Avail dble August With Mrlgeratnr stove washer and dryer Large rooms venetian blinds Apply in street or telephone PA ï¬h MODERN two bedroom apart menL Large living room kitchen and three piece hlih Fronl and luck enlnilcu Laundry room In basement One or tlvoclllldren welcome Apply all Bnyneld st or trlupbone PA lo116 NEWSPAPER MATS 11 mild IGBII 01 DIES D5 Na puseet Insulator 25o PER DozsN Ilon lha aarrie mu some Ontario BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE For the beat prices in all CAMPING EQUIPMENT GENUINE WOODS 9x9 TENl $3495 COMPLEIE Alan tarps boot covers Ill eir sxln diving equipment mass 3mm PA 60622 CLEARANCE or Used vacuum Cleaners and Lewyt no Prcsloenigals one Electrolux 32 lie All In pond candltl PA users nr n7 will £3532