facilities According of the stamps lonasllcllng scale arm Examiner frslrhblishod by Canadian Newspapers unites is Boyheld street Barrie Ontario IRIDAY NIX It mlPul Barrie its Novv Ahead Glylng Culture Activity From our obsoryatipn games cultur al facilities are well ahead of the average for communities of similar size and ha bit in Canada It is true of course that this city could standinhwe an auditor ium of some 1200 071500 or more com fortable seats and proper acoustics and also for outdoor events large band shell in one oftheparksor on the wat erfront But then again who pays for these They are costlyfbtfuctures for limited use Take the bandsheir Because of our weather it wiiiildbocloscd almost nine months of the year Even then we would like to have one would be proud to pro vide this faculty futonbands and other openair entertainment But it would have to be erected bythe city out of public funds and have we not heard loud shoutsof lamentation ovar the munic jipal tax bills recentlyl The indoor auditorium may well be on the way to realization if approval is gained and proviriciaffunds obtained for the addition tensors tDistnict Central Collegiate Otherwise to erect what is wanted would mean he taxpayers would be digging insggins Stateinents hagebeen made this week about culture in Harrie cultural Mme dlc ionary the culture we are talking about is defined as the enlightenment and refinementgv of taste acquiredibytfzintellectual and aesthetic trainin Earrie need take back seat to ivéry fewin meeting this requirement Culture is not onfined to music Ear from it such as the arts and crafts club munitiesjoi its rise in the country There always has been citizeos band here varying from year to year in its status andmany fine musicians have been developed in the community over its 108 years of incorporation But par ticularly the Barrie Collegiate Band has sained not only national but interna tional fame and recognition it must be remembereh that no one can ram culture down peoples throats in free society CEO has been trying this for years with little success In any given community such as Barrie there are only Just so many people who would be interested in opera the ballet the symphony or concerts on the cultural level Many can be educated but it tak es time We can remember trying to give away ticket several years ago to dramatic performance here without success Here are some facts to ponder Barrie hasayflommunity Concerts Association formedhn 1946 which provides three and four concerts each year featuring somenf the worlds greatest musical artists singers and instrumentalists It is nonprofit it is open to the public and yet every year it takes concentrat dweeks campaign to sign up the requiredloovmembers to keep the associ ations concerts going Barrie Collegiate Band eacirwinter has series of Con certs lcnownas the Canadian concerts featuring theiband itself and well lrnowripanadianartists It is not the easiest thing to get this series soldon to seating capacity The Canadian Players usually open each season with performance in Bar rieand th Natlonalv Ballet of Canada plays her most every year We usual lnglude too the mlsmatics socie In fact if there is club extant we have it in this commun ity It has been said often not without some truth that mug is clubbed to death Barrie is one of the most musical com Help For Nee lsameisanother matter So IOne of Presidéi Tfrgcnncdys earlyf promises dealt plan to make better diet available to the needy in the United States through normal retail channels It would also provide inng proved distribution of foodstuffs and thereby help solve the problem of cm barrassing great surpluses of agricultur al products The plan has nowbeen put into effect in some highlyrdepresseesareas It inf volves the issuing tstamps to families after screening eed If family is 3unalble to pay theyreceive the stamps for nothing but if some income is re ceived they mustpay part of the value The stamps may be used at any groceery store like money in exchange for food stamps cannot be used foralcoholic ibeverages coffee tea cocoa fresh ban anas and other imported foods Local grocers who turn the stamps The employment picture across Can ads is showingsomejmprovement quarterly survey made by the Manpower Services Ltd inthe key cities of the Do minion indicate that the Job picture will soonbe on the upswing London other nos the brightest of the cltles Survbyed Closely followed Vancouver out on the West Coast Thir tythreeper cent of the London firms which came underthe survey reported that they expected to increase employ ment In Vancouver30 per cent of the firms checkedsaldthey would be taking on more hlep while one quarter of the flrms in Toronto alsolookfor increases in thevnumber that is now beingem month lisherl Association Audit Bureau of Circulation gaze year Sin sinners By mu lnOntarl so you Sircot Montreal mew van Ire Exammer gIIIEEDllII class mn ï¬giuugeni omw grammar nousy ucephd on wanna Publisher our ensicmpyepem Mungii Megan dog Minus Editor exams my ï¬le some Manager aonnizr 1W savernun sinner roan aoLnnn Circulation Manager Subscription rq siiy=oycmiarasso weekly mm ménlhsi lOutside Ontario Ids $2000 year as Universit Ave Toronto on nichere 0mm deem siren more $250 three months 90 year outsid diln Daily Newspaper Pi member legs Canadian Fress and the The CanadianFresrls exclusively million to of use for re nonelien of all news dierllflilfl in this lied to it orThg Assoc lied Pren or 252253 also ï¬bjochkbam published Illruin lthe rum in the United States ly ave anpperetta by Gilbert and Sui ivaneschvyear at either one or both of the collegiates with student talent landï¬lllaw while somewhat debat able as being in the culture class made its debut in Barrie this year There is nolack of culture in this conimumtylacilitles for presenting is the sub jeet of paying for them nlis into banks to obtain cash are cocperat ing enthusiastically with the program It is expected this additional food pur chasing power will will increase store sales considerably woman in hardhit coal mining wn andvhcr nine sons feasted the first ask of thefpian on pot roast chicken milk fresh eggs and forareal watermelon for desserta wel change from canned pork and groovy milk and powdered eggs doled outtpreviously by the federal gov ernment Her purchases came to $56 in food stampsior two weeks but she will pay 20 of this in cash because her hus band works three days week Another family received 05 in food stamps to which they contributed hothing lhefatheri in this case coal miner withls children has been uneme ployed for year except for an occa sionskodd Job The overallproiections for the cities were approximately the sameas those of year agobut lipShme from pre vious surveymade earlier this year honking insurancebeverages con struction department stores and truck ing and warehousing were among the most optimistic industrieswhile cloth ing manufacturing chemicals foundries metal working and leather goods were little less buoyant in their outlook furnituremaking food wholesaling machinery products paper products pe troleum public utilities printing and food retailers saw business continuing for the remainderof the year at about the same level as it is today Thiswa3 the 14th quarterly survey of employment by Manpower and was coin cident with similar survey taken by OTHER EDITORS VIEWS roo successor Rundschau Cologne Franz Konz former tax inspector as been sentenced to 17 months in pï¬Ã© son sinfusing what he learned during his employ in the government to defraud thegovernment His advice to busineasr nvonxhowto escape taxesflcost the yernment moreï¬hah $100000jjn copiesci the incriminating tie book of instructionshesdld are how bringing Liantastic prices THE CllliN pTriiwa REPORT Back Bencher Is Tops lls Chairman Dr PATRICK NICHOLSON One of the most competent and widelyliked members of our House of Commons is Alan Mane naughion the native of Napanee Ont who has made his name as lawyer businessman in Montreal former Crown pros ecutor the 67yearold Liberal has sat in our Parliament for 12 years He was widely tipped for cabinet but the merrime mlms ter Mr st Lauren went outside parlia ment and brought in is member of the Quebec legislature over his head Alan Macnaughton deserves plaudits for showing patriot ism which is deplorany rare Having taken full ad antage of the opportunities bpe in Canada to set himself up economically andenjoy the good life hennw dedicates hisahillty and much ï¬rms to the service of his fellow Canadians in Parliament at con siderable ï¬nancial sacriï¬ce to mmssu Asa backvbench member of the Opposition he makes rare but constructive contributions to debate But in less publicized field be has achieved immense stature and shown worthwhile resultan Alan Macnsughion this session has even more than in recent sessions shown himself the most conscientious and the most suc cessful chairman of committee of the House of Commons Hels chairman of the standing com mittee on public accounts The purpose of this committee as Liberal Leader Pearson told Doctor Adinits Giganiic Profit MONTREAL CHDr Ale cideDlonne board chairman of the noribend Fleury neral Hospital said Tbursd he bouglltrtiie hospital in Septem ber 1st for $130000 and sold it to private hospitalcorporstion fourmonths laterJot $205000 Thentbe corporation of which he was chairman sold itto publlchuspital corporation last mg for $414000 Dionne was testifying be fore commission appointed by the Quebcc government to in vestigate thehnspitals financial admlnstratirm st some years ago the Home is to ensure that money is spent as parliament intended it to be spentnameiy with due economy and with pra priety To this end this com mittee was substantially remod elled by Prime Minister Diefen baker At the opening of his admin istration Mr Dlefenbaker de plored that hitherto tlus com mittee had been unable to ex aminesny mutter except those dashed by the majority in the House In other words any ex penditures possibly associated with lack of economy and with improprietysuch as perhaps graft or patronagecould be and were swept under the carpet by the preponderant voting weight of the government majority iiils unsatisfactory state of al fairs was ended by Mr Dlefen baker who thus voluntarily dis pensed with tbecluak oi con cealment which previous govern ments had held ready to protect themselves am now asking that this committee be made effectvie Mr Dlefenbaker as new prime minister told the House want to see that an effective committee is formed not just body set up for decorative pur poses We intend that member of Her Majestys loyal Opposi tion be chairman of that com niitteein order to ensure its ef fectiveness Ollawavlllalor Pretesis Tali oirnwn cmMayor Chan lotte Whiiton said Thursday pub lic transportation buses should census rank People Will Drink find Gamble ByDONOEZARN TORONTO his question of legalllerl nmbiins in and lotteries must now given serious consideration in ordering run of the practices iiiother diction AttorneyGeneral Roberts has given signal that be at least and possibly the government also is giving deep thought And in appointing Professor Desmond Morton in conduct the survey be also has indicated he would like favorable report For Professor Morton teacher at Osgoode Hall has mods bis viewsknown through magazine article they are strongly in favor of legalizaiion Any attorneygeneral who has tried to enforce ourpresent laws on gambling is bound to favor legalized bonitoraking rv runisc monstrous NEl SWIMMEB Alan Mooneughion was the member of the loyal Opposition selected as chairman his latest report shows how effective he has made that committee in ful filment of Mr Diefenbakers wish Working closely with our new auditorgeneral Maxwell Hen derson Mr Macnaugbion steered his committee through the more signiï¬cant items of the most thorough and longest audit of our public accounts Flghiinl even against opposition from the Conservative govemmenta fl nancial spokesman Richard Bell MP Liberal Macnsughlon en sured that his committee fully used the teeth given it by Prime Minister Dlefenbaker He hit at extravagance in the spending by our national defence department he expressed criti clam of the freewheeling aciiv ities of Crown corporations he pointed an accusing finger at specified malpractices associ ated with our sadly depleted un employment inburance nod and he waved red flag of warning over the huge and costly variety of government subsidies There is much meat for digestion and the means to future taxsaviuzsf in ihh praiseworthy committees work For the public will by us ture and temperament drink booze so will it also gamble And it is an Impossible task in try and curb the huge volume of undercover betting that now goes on One of the main deterrents of course is that the public really isnt against gambling as such Cnisadsrs are however And no matter how practical change might be ihey make it difficult to bring about if one really faces facts fiaily of course the really logical on war would be to have govern ment betting offices The government takes tax from racing new so why not get into the betting business itself Too Tali would do away with the root of the matutbb ection to legalized betting miw is that some living what is muesli public weakness Howevér public opinion in our society hasnt advanced to the stage ysi whereit would coun tenance this The yallsbf honor would shake the heavens Let this ideal the test of the worth of legalized book maklng would be how it was bandied Particularly who got licences and how much profit they were allowed to take The licences would be plum And if they got in the wrong bands they could lead toworsa conditions than there are new For instance the menus from them if they were held by fronts for criminals could support highlyorganized vice in were possible to see that they were in rapectable bands and lightly administered how ever they might considerably lessen the incidence of crime BIBLE THOUGHT Then will gather the rem nantfmyilochlfwill bring them back to their fold Jeremiah 185 ft is remarkable what God has done can still do with remnants He can gather up the ragged scraps of our wasted lives and make wlioie Bar ment THE QUEENS HOTEL SPECIALIZES IN BUSINESS MENS SPECIALS CLUB BREAKFASTS BANQUET CATERING WEDDING RECEMIONS SALE MEETINGS OFFICE PARTIES IF YOU WISH WE HAVE JOMPIIETE FACILITIES FOR HOME CATERING SERVICE IN COMPLETELY RELAbe ATMOSPHERE TREAT YOUR FAMILY TD SUNDAY DINNER OUR MODERN DINING ROOM VERY MODERATE PRICES FAMILY DINNER RATES ARRANGED CHILDRENS PORTIONS RESERVATIONS OR INFORMATION can on 82424 QUEENS HOTEL BARRIE ORGAN mmnnvnns NIGHTLY mom pm an near onunonim sun or RADIO AND Ty In test aftertestafter test seagrams on City BuSes be exempted from Ontarios threepencent sales tax She told heard of Control sbe hasr written Provincial Treas urer Allen to argue the case She said MrnAllau earlier had written her sayirigvsucb move was not possible Miss Whitton said she will seek support of Ontarios may ors and reeves DELlA ACCEPTANCE ANNOUNCEMENT Dr Dionne said he acted in theadvice nfhis lawyer whom be was not asked oname and that the changes is hospital ownersip were not planned In advance eases the szyearold Dr Di one said he bought Fleury Hospital because was inter ested in operating private hospital 3411unn wee out OIWOII lit May 31 OTTAWA CP Oubofwork Canadians numbering 341000 at May 31 collectedunemplayment benefits totalling $58700000 in Lhemantb The Dominion Bureau of Sta tistics reported today ibatihjs compared with the 364300 who coliected$52200000 in May last year gt acres Cansdaé spontaneous Avspeclalfst in womens dis ABiil Galiaway Mr ii Dannecker VicePre sident Delia Acceptance Corpv oration Limited is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr WJA Bilit Galloway as new Assislant Sales Manager rl Mr Gallaway has had extensive experience in the finance field and Will hejespansible for sub es in number of Deliavofflces Before introducing Seagrams Star Seagram tested this great new brandof rye whisky from coastto coast against the three leadingbrands in its price class and Canadians liked the taste of Star best Next time try Seagrams great new brand with the Five Stars on the bottle Teetsd underwlhsbï¬cial supervision of is leading mum Organization rand Bestj