Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1961, p. 13

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hennunsnnnnsgmnn CRAIGHURST Leeann Bell of Streetsville spent last week with ironic and Beth Ellsmere Mr and Mrs Bert Gaston at tended the Prowten lFraser wedding in Thorold on Satur day Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Ernest Eilsmere were Mr and Mrs Bert Ellsmcre of North Boy and Mr and Mrs Murray Bell of streets rt est rry rope in owv forth in patientltn Barrie hospital The institute trip to Barrie will be on Tuesday July 18 It 130 pm Mr and Mrs Lewis Carr viu ited to Brechin on Friday plusrou Mrs iom Forbes and dnu ghter of lulington visited her parents Mr and Mrs Harold Moore Miss Marilyn Moore of Harrisburg also spurt lint weekend at home Mr and Mrs Bob sin or Sarnia spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Clarence Brown Miss Barbara Salisbury of Barrie and Miss Heather Mc Arthur oi Cobalt spent few days with Mr and Mrs Geor ge Salisbury The community picnic will be held Saturday July 22 at Bass Lake Provincial Park Sports begin at pm Mrs Addie Peacock of Bar rie spent Friday with Mr and Mrs Harold Moore Wayne Forbes and Steven Watson are at camp this week Mr and Mrs Maurice Baldv wick and family of Utopia spent Sunday with Mr Frances Williams cooxsrowu Mr and Mrs Newstead of Toronto spent the weekend with Mrs Newsteada parents Mr and Mrs Currie Rev and Mrs Adam and family are spending their 221d in Boston and Mont Mr and Mrs Riley and Mr and Mrs Riley at tended the Reid Conn wed ding on Saturday at Creemore Presbyterian Church Miss Nancy Airth daughter of Mr and Mrs Airth of Deep River and girl friend left by motor this past week for the Southern States and Mex ico and will return the latter part of August Mr and Mrs Jack smith and family of Oshawa spent Tuesday with Mrs Smiths mo thernMrs Patton Mrs Miller spent sev eral days last week with Mr and Mrs Bert Harman of Bracebridge Merwood Burling of Niagara Falls NY spent last Wednes day in town and reported that his mother Mrs Ed Hurling is well and contented in her new home in Newmarket Mr and Mrs Dave McFad den ot Torontoare on holiday in town Mr and Mrs George Fil Lynn and Debbie left on weekend to visit friends and relatives irrFort William Mr and Mrs Patterson of Toronto and boys spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs McKii lican Stewart Berties soninlaw of Mr and Mrs Kidd left for his home in Edmonton on Saturday evening Hs wife and family will remain to visit while longer before returning home Harold Russell of Schomber was recent visitor of Mrs Russell Mr and Rutherford of Bolton visited Miss Mellow recently KIDD KLAN PICNIC The Kidd Klan held their an nual picnic at the Bond Head park on Saturday July ll Due to the rainy weather most of the visiting and events of the day were held in the hall One hundredand nine relatives lami edoutlo enjoy the reunion of old and young with lame Fear receiving prize as the oldest man prest and Mrs Jim Smiththe oldest woman Mrs Bartles received lov ely painting done hyTruman Kiddfor coming the furthest distance Races were run in the uppm part of the hall and picnic SUpper held in the and Mr busementrofticcn for the coml log your are President Jock Kidd first vinepresident Kari Kidd cometary trcagunc Mr Ogden histoianglrtnnnn Kidd editor Charer Baker and Kidd Eight dea were reported in the four birth an en Klan members come from Florida Edmonton Allislon To main Atherley Cookstnwn and Tonewanda USA Gamma Mrs Pinkney Sr and Mr and Mrs Bruce Pinkney on Sunday attended the Christen ing of the baby son of Mr and Mrs Lyuil Pinlmey in God erich On Sunday at St Johns Un ited Anglican Church Cooks town Ronald William son of Mr and Mrs Riley was christened Godparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs Ril ey VISITORS Miss Ferelith Taylor Reg and Miss Pat Summers of Sam la spentthe weekmd with the farmers parents Mr and Mrs John Taylor Miss Wanda Toy spelt twoweeks insarma and London Captain and Mrs Kenneth Ma yes and daughter Joanne of Halifax NS are on holiday with the formers mother Mrs George Mayan for several weeks UTOPIil number of residents from here attended the South Simme Alllston allatar game at Allis ton Sunday Mrs Matt Parka returned to her home in Toranto Sunday after spending weeks vaca tion with the Allen Millers and other friends Mr and Mrs Veryl Dins more Sault Ste Marie spent Mrs George Ellis Miss June Brunskiii left Mal ton byTCA Monday to spend month in Europe Mr and Mrs Dan2McFad den Barrie and Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis spent Tuesday with relatives in Grand Valley and Orangevllle Arthur Dobson spent the weekend with friends in Stayner Mrs Roy Lister and sons of Sudbury are on holiday with the McCanns NEW LOWELL Mr and Mrs Bill Tompkins of Toronto Mr and Mrs Len Tompkins of Wasaga Beach Mrand Mrs Gordon McKen zie and children of Richmond Hill spent the weekend with Mr ahd Mrs Bill Tompkins Mrs Don Dqu and Bob flew tow Calgary to visit Mr and Mrs Bill Duff Mr and Mrs Lorne Arm strong spent the weekend with friends in Langton Mr and Mrs Cliff Plaxtloh of Angusand Mrs Paddlsnn of New Lowell attended the Hughes Nell weddingjn Col lingwood gt Mr and Mik Nobleoi Newmarket Mr and Mrs Ar thur Mumberson of oakville Rev and Mrs Newberry and daughters of Sudhury Mrs Koker and Miss Newbury of Albany NY Visited Mr and Mrs Mumbersnn Mr and Mrs Wes Kee of Florida spent the weekend with Malruand Mrs William Tiven Bahama Mr and Mrs George Shep pard spent the weekend with their son acre and daughter lniaw at m®ummg Miss Velma nails in spmd ing the summer as swimming instrndor at slmcoe Presbyt uvCamp at Mi The Kidd familim and the Adair families both held their reunion on Sunday Miss Addie Orr offioroato spent the weekend with her brother Wilbert and family Mr and Mrs Delbert Syku of Barrie Mrand Mrs Thom os Pinco of Bradford were recent guests of Mr and Mrs George Sheppard Mr and Mrs Charles Houn some of Cookstown and Mrs Robinson visited Mr and Mrs Norval Young Mrs Switzer spent few days with friends in Toronto last week gtMrs McPherson has recover ed suttlclently to be brought back from Tomato to Alliston hospital where she will be patientfor several months Visitors at the homepf Mr undMrs Joe Noble were Mrs Evans Mrand Mrs Bert Seller and Debbie Mrs Irena Bell Charles Sturgeon Mr and Mrs John Buichelor and Wayne Mr and Mrs Tom Fuller and Mrs Art mans and fam ily group of women gathered at the home of Mrs Dan And erson to med Mrs Margaret Shortridge During the afternoon she was presented with purse oi money to buy watelru reminder of the many friends in Bond Head TOTTENHilM On June Mr and Mrs Harvey Simpson entertained at dinner Mrs Simpsons parents Mr and Mrs James Fry of Nobleton It was the occasion of their golden wennlng anni versary They were joined by their daughter Joyce and husband Mr andMrs George Proctor of Toronto as well as Don Mills also of Tomato who made his home with the Frys for many years Miss Susan Hammetl oiBeet on Danny and Bruce Matheson of Camp Borden were recent visitors with David and Teddy Culgin Miss Susie Rogers of Mount Dennis spent the past week at thehome of her niece and nephew Mr and Mrs Harvey Simpson Mrs James Henderson spent last week with Mrs gtC Creighton of Midland While there they held family par ty in honor of her with birth day wich will fall July 28 Mr and Mrs Harvay Simpson spent July weekend at Honey Harbour at the cottage of Dr and Mrs Breithoupt Mrs Brai iiboupt was the former May Simpson Mrand Mrs Laird of Osh awa visited Sunday with their cousin and=family Mr and Mrs Fred Laird Miss Susan Hammell ofBeet on Danny and Bruce Matbeson of Camp Borden were recent visitors with David and Teddy Culgin The benefit euchre and draw held in the Leisure Hour Rec reation Centre on Friday even iny July was well attended There werefil tabls The priz es as follows Ladies Mrs Ms Relws TV SERVICE 12 humor ST EAST OPPOSITE EATONS SERVICE CALL $250 ANTEnNAunSTALLATIONS AND REPAIRS 20 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN ELECTRONICS 21 PICTURES TUBES INSTALLED $3500 Guaranteed 12 Months Complete Overhaul Any Make of TV $750 Plus Parts 10 Off All Tubes SATISFACTION GUARANTEED TnnMdMAy an ARRANGED you MAJOR nErAms usnn TVs IN PERFECT CONDITION rnoM $3995 TV neurons $500 PER WEEK For moiedlate service can PA s5728 II an II Iv MlonnlaIAMPipNsiilps AHTORACE Home Sanctioned BIG EVENTS LAoissn JALOPJES TRACK CHILDREN FREE New raven mummies ii III II II STsreeovaY no7HienwAY Tomorrows19 UNDER 12 Yrs rie McKeuna and Mrs Hilda Helicon gents Vince Kenny ad Walter Spiker annotation Lily Graham and Basil Hnmre ban door prizes Edith McKen on and Dave King draw rug ar 100 lbs Kelly of Beet oo floor lamp Kelly lawn chair Kearins groceries Ev elyn Egan chair Mrs Rom nan Jim Tough and Bill Stephen son won the mens doubles bowlingtournament held July on the Breton greens Ray Baxter and partner were high forrtwo wins rinks of lad len trkzies howled in Stoufivillo on Thursday Mrs Sinclair Mrs Ede Palmer and Mrs Belford won the Simpson Trophy iottenham ladies triples had rinks fmm Slouifville Kitchen er Allandale and Beetoo On Saturday the Kitchener rink skipped by Mrs Ambrose won the tournament Mrs Claridge Mrs Delaney and Mrs Walsh were high for two wins Mrs Nodweil Mn Service and Mn Letts of Beeton were high for one win Hallows Weekend visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs Wright were Mrs Mary Carr and family and Miss Betty George allof tendon Ont Sunday vis itors at the some home were Cb lea Wright and friend of St tharines Miss Vlvlenne Wright of Lon don spent the weekend with her parents Mr and Mn Williams of Kirkland Lake are spending holiday with their daughter and soninlaw Mr and Mrs Art Wright Mr and Mrs Phil Wright and Mrs Wright attends ed the Gould Carr wedding in Cookstown on Saturday at which Miss Pbyllw Wright was bridesmaid caosSLnNn Mrs Wendell McElwain spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs Watchorn Strath roy Visitors during the weekend with Mr and Mrs Joe Strath were Mr and Mrs Shave Aurora Mr and Mrs Elgin Spears and family Mansfield Mr and Mrs John Cooper and family Sheffield were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Barnes Friday evening friends and neighbors of Mr and Mrs Vernon Boyes nee Vanda Hunt er gathered in the Commun ityHaii Mrs Andy McGinnis master of ceremonies assisted by Mrs Lorne Archer and Mrs Robertrstroud presented the newlyweds with two stepup end tables and coffee table Both thanked for the lovely gifts received They invited ev eryone to visit them at their home near Meaford The even ing was spent in cards after which the ladies served lunch Mr and Mrs Russel McEl Wain accompanied by Mr and Mrs Roy Minty of Allenwood attended the Watson reunion at Tottenham Sunday MIDHUBST Mrs Mary Fairfax and Mn King Ind daufihtcr of Tots tantrum spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Dangio Mr and Mrs Milton Hornby and son of Timmins spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Palmer Mr and Mrs Duogio and Mr and Mrs Fairfax of Tottenharn spent Sunday with friends in Huntsville Weekend visitorth Charles Bowdcrys were Mr and Mrs Anderson nnd Sberrnn and Mr and Mrs Wolttr Eodway and Gail of Tomato Sherrnn Anderson rand Gail Rodwayof Tomato are spend ing few days with their grandfather Charles Bowdery mono group of Womens lnstlti ute members have Just com pleted splendid paint job on the cupboards and washrooms in the Community Hall which adds greatly to the basement appearance Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt and Mr and Mrs Arnold Bant ing of ivy attended the op mlng night of the season July at the Red Barn Theatre at Jacksons Point Miss Janet Sproule is pa tient in Toronto hospital large congregation worship ped at the United Church Sun day morning Rev Jenn gave helpful message on Personal Vaner Lam bert of Lurk assisted the church choir and also sang solo walked today when Jesus walked The sacrament baptism was given to Rlcb ard Wayne son of Mr and Mrs William Brady The flow er in the sanctuary were in loving memory of the late Wal ter Sturgess and placed there by his son leopard Sturgess Mr and Mn Herb Black and family attended the July celebration in Grand Valley on Saturday and visited fills in Hillsburg Mr and Mrs Cliff Miller left on July for holiday in the London and St Thomas area Mr and Mrs Elmer Pratt attended the funeral of Mn Prattl uncle Mr Plowrlgbt on Friday in Huntl villa Another lolly evening was spent in the Community Hall on Monday July to when eight tables of eucitre lain tried for top honors Lndies prizes were won by Mrs Len nox Black Mrs Moore and Mia Jewison and mens by Lennon Black William Gleary and Gnndnn The next con test will be held on Monday evening July 17 Mrs Frank Cownn was host ess to the Presbyterian WMS TEE BAH EXAM WAY JULY 14 illll members for their July meet ing on July Miss Green was speaker Mrs John and BruceCownn assisted the hostv es in serving lunch Mrs Hand is on holi day in Lyndon with her lister Mrs Agnes Robertson Mr and Mrs Coch rane and Mr and Mrs Dwight Nelson have returned home from holiday in the USA Congratulations to the follow ing Stroud students at Barrie Ce ntr al Collegiate who won these honors Bend girl Janet Ayerst leading citizen Elino beth Beatty highest average in the school Margaret Cowlm most valuable basketball play er Elizabeth Realty and best boys platoon Boss Campbell THORNTON Mr Jamieson left it the first of this week for holi daywiih his brother at Hunts ville Mn Johnson will at tend the Beckett July is Mrs Lucille Prentice left on Sunday by motor to visit relatives at Hudson Bay Soak BC to be with her son Bruce and family till the end of Aug ust Mrs Frank Kindle is at pres Switzer wedding at Drillia on Saturday ent visiling her daughter Mn John iluzyk at Singhampton Last Thursday our and Mr and Mrs Angus Camp hell were in Allision to attend birthday party for their aunt Mrs William thinningbam who wayAS years old on that date Mrs Cunningham who is well known in these parts was the recipient of many cards letters and gifts from her many friends Mrs lame Clarkson of Boll on formerly Margaret Camp bell has been with her parent here since leaving the Orange viiie hospital with her new baby boy last week Miss McLaren of San Jose Calif spent few day lL wuk with Miss Green Knowledge of PHARMACY Is The Unseen Ingredient In Every Proscription Doug Hare Phil Geo Caldwell Plane Caldwctls Drug Store Car Own Dunlap at rhea PA Ask Justin Motors Why Its Common For Owners To Report 90000 to 100000 WITHOUT MAJOR REPAISS Here in luxurious Spnucnger car that practiaiiy NEVER weurs out It is common for Volvo owners to re port 90000 to 100000 when and more without major re pain Ask uhy Volvo owner about this and hell merely smile and say My Volvo is just nicely brokenin Whatl the story behind this remarkable cnl The story is simple Sweden is an enormously technical nation And Swedish engineers go to fantastic lengths to achieve perfoctioru Every moving part is subjected to thousands 01 hours of brutal fatigue teststests so harsh they stagger the un agination Fully Rust Proofed Seven Coats of Paint On top of all that Volvo is built from famous Swedish steel the toughest alloy in the world And built to last lifetime At the factory the solution inside Then the entire body is dipped in rustproofing and out It is given seven coats of paint underside is coated with sealing compound This makes Volvo practically impervious to Hist JUSTHI 23 Bradford St Powerful 85 bp Sports Car Engine 1The key to Volvos extraordinarily long life in the em gine Most cars in Volvos class have 35 to 45 bp engine But Volvo has powerful as bp engine that has enabled Volvo to win major races and rallies throughout the world This 85 bp engine has big margin of reserve power You can zoom up to no miles an hour 0r hook up to standard house traileer and pull it with ease All this without straining the engine And youll still average as nliia per gallon 5Passenger Family Car Volvo is family sports car Big enough for pasengora with all vacation luggage With four forward speeds synchromesh From $2195 Including Underneath Prices start at just 2195 price indudesundemoa signals and padded dash additional cost Volvois the ULTIMATE in fine car rtimnlng display of engineering vntnnslry in overpowering for the so bp model we heaterdefroster ou get authese extra at no and like of which is seldom seen in the world today 7°35i ENJOY THE SPIRITED ALE own

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