NEWTON ROBINSON Vtsltors during the week with Mr and Mn Gordan Breedoa were Mrs Hartley Brendon at Alliston on Wednesday and Mr and Mrs Mervin Randy and Myrna of Brampton on salts day Mr and Mrs Lloyd Cobora Raul and Peter spent Sunday with Mr and hire iorne tile meat or Penalex Mrs Cob orn is remaining for weeks visit with Mrs Clement Miss Juiis Saint oi Ottawa was Sunday guest with Mrs ueson Mrslierman Leanox oi Tor onto was Thursday visitor in the village We are sony to learn that Earl Rowa is patient in the Tomato General Hospital We hope he may have speedy recovery WMS met at thshorns or Mrs Ben Steerson Wednesu day with Mrs Dan Brown in the chair Arrangements were made or the August meeting which is picnic with the Mission Band The treasurers report was read by Mrs Connell Mn Gor dan Halbert gave reading Mrs Steers attended to WA business and Mrs Copeland and Mr and Mrs Don liar vey had the worship period Mrs Stevens of RB Brad ford gave splendid talk on the church and the Bible int erspersed with readings irom the Bible by Mrs Copeland Mrs Dee Chantler Mrs Connell and Mrs Don Harvey The meeting wasiollowed by picnic on the lawn number from here attend ed the Meher reunion in Earl Rowe Park Alliston on Satun day Holly Ward of Huntsville is on holiday with her aunt and uncle Mr and Mrs Allan HouEhton Mr and Mrs Roy Brooks and family at St Catharines are on holiday at their home here Jimmy and David Jackson oi Peibrook are visiting Mr and Mrs Copeland Mr and Mrs Norman Tripp oi Eirnvale were Sunday visit ors with Mr and Mrs 11 Copeland Recent visitors at Gordon 11de were Mr and Mrs Watson Dunn oi Russell Man ttoha number at Orengeinen at tended the celebration at Grand Valley on Saturday Mr and Mrs Glenn Chanti es Mr and Mrs Chant ler and Paid were Sunday vis itors at Gordon Halberts Mr and Mrs Don Brown spent the weekend with friends at Fenian Falls Mr and Mrs Don Munroe and family and Mrs Monroe Sr oi Oshawa were Sunday guests with Mr and Mrs Gren Hai bert Gail liaibert returned to Oshawa with them for two week visit with Graham Mend roe is on holiday with Larry Hulhert TELEVISION PROGRAMS cxyn CHANNEL same FRIDAY llY 30 Caravan Cannonball News Headline idsi rm urns Don Jamieson News Weather Sports lathcr Knows 3m Love Lucy Red RivIr Jamboree Perry Mason Dlnlnr MID gantry Will Travel 61 NOW Weatherman Today in Sports Community News Movie The Great John Iarunnau runs is i4o Test iattein News und Wssther Wimbledon Tennis carmp iunxnio Movie ltontlel Crusader Canadian on Get News was er Sports Film Pro sin Dennis Menace EichniannBlsstsNaziKillings Clings TopSniallCog Contention JEKUSALEM Add Heir mann toldhis trial today that the Nazi extermination oi the rm was caret doc reteat grime in human history ii is 43 an ssi up cross mnuuon mm Eausner slashed at Elcbmann would have committed suicide with idem um his deputy ordered by an superiors to 301 Gunther ooerkd In can deal with therextarmination or 11mm lying 320 mtg dud seaId Wu 3d deliver tons oi the special The Ilhan laced detendseg M100 gas developed or dun 11 ï¬fï¬uï¬mw that cutor oonironted was more is one in in mg Nu new Eiehmann with bispretrtai in chm mm terrogstlon in which he said he bible tor the death 01 millions oi dimmed what Gunther was Jews as charged by the prop doingandtbathe railed at him ecution How am to explain this to Eldsmaaa said he begged to the head of my otiice He will be allowed to write book alter Dd 10416113 the trial as deterrent to the Said Eichpisnn resent generation and the corn it is clearly obvious that my ones mind at that time was waiter nousr TELL EVERYTmNG mm Then he added that Illa chief Presiding Judge Moshe Lan hunched yum Get Heinrich Mueller must your duty to Gusnther behind things you would have written in that book to call spade spade it is your duty not to hide anything Elehmann rose stittly hali turned toward the bench and said gravely Yes after you call on me to give clear answer must declare that saw in this mur der to the extermination oi the Jews one oi the greatest crimes in human history Prosecutor Gideon Hausner the Israell attorney general questioned Eichmann closely on tether or not be regarded the What would you now bid with mass murder oi Jowsln Europe as crime Eichmenn exclaimed that be regarded the breaking oi ones oath as the greatest of crimes Hausner greater crime than the murder of 8000000 Jaws including 2000000 chil drea1 Elehmann of course not but did not deal with eater mination Had been or dered to deal with extermina tion believe would have com mitted suicide by shooting my se Under crossexamination for two hours the exSS oiiicer who directed the transport at the Jews to the death camps refused to accept any mponaihllity tor the gassing and several times declared My mind was wetter ol contusion nor baard one as so You are South neither side vulnerable The bidding has Two spades player who passes originally denies having the values tor an opening bid But since he will occasionally pass hand that was close to an opening bid he is under some obligation when the prop or circumstances arise to ident ity his maximum pass This he can do by making jump shlit to another suit Without previous pass the response at one spade with this band would be automatic Such response would be 100 per cent arcing But utter passing originally the best way at identifying the gamegoing pros pects of the hand is to jump to two spades Counting the moderate heart tit which is already established and the spade lit which may also exist there is good chance that the hand will produce game The jump shiit is therefore made to alert partner to the possibility Canada Finance Mapping Project OTTAWA CHExternal A0 iairs Minister ï¬reen announced Tuesday that Canada will hence $1350000 aerial survey and topographical mapping proj ect in Nigeria lie said in the Commons that the project to be conducted un der Canadas special Common wealth Atrican aid program pee spade Here also we will be the first Canadian cep made maximum pass But in ital project in Nigeria since it became an independent mem ber oi the Commonwealth am km Self nneerjoht eaten mannerisms in 7mm Freedom 10mm WEB 1W SEflliï¬o AM new 130 The Paohlll Choice 300 Sgt nun can an Hunt 000 Grllt Moldl Tell Chloe 10M Yuustte 100 CBC News 1110 Newt Weather artI Halli mm China gal 140w 15me 930 letter notion nuns points 173iameea nurse coin reuse Egniblieal Boas name Lemur in Paradise $333 19am surmav sum is abbn 2017106 us rm grimn ZAatringent 21Mextm zoo rusty and Pain mic the News Weather Sports Lao our ms mo rd in 212A shout soo sinusy Edition 290perate News Nialll Naked Cl 530 Robin flood 700 National Velvet 730 some of Thou Dlyl 800 Ed Sullivan Stow 000 GM Presents moo nrisxins Unaudda 1010 Meet McGraw so we EV GI er 11 Movie You Univ Live one am 30 Cantorms 82 Low Ilianth 33mosm Hourly 36 European Rita 38 Compass point shim Amlntemed CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO MAY JULY Proflflorl Hideaway gmimsrm In II Oman bfll Nam Weather Outdoors Leave it To Beaver Theatre at light Connery Hart DI Matter Nev Wes er sports Better Late Friday mm mm Epilogu IATIYRDAY 111le If ioso Professors rm sports ouum Bays ulrla House News Wilmer Sym social Credit fromu cesium Nina nests Corsican Brothers 3ng res us iii Tim arr is ts in Speck wmsau men Into Space Ki Ganam Show sso Two Faces wm Naked moo 1000 the Walk men so Esau Show 1100 News anther Sports 10 Slttlldly Night Theatre Fairth To Java Digital swear MY is Youth nd maxim Stortes or sunsy Around the World Around ms was News Pachgl ems Thestre Db 19ktan mum itchim van dfltkmhrl sn lteal McCoys The Donne need show Academy Paflprmanes Count Three and my intermission MIG Parlormuses rmvn seas comes GRANDMA tissue Miss You your narrler has not arrived by pm please PA phone WWII SEEM HUGE WAYEHMILDN SHE HAGl copy Willnepeliversd io XourJlome nurse is no CHARGE roernis sealice VALLEY TAXI Coyne Called Bed In Sheeps Clothes BOBCAYGEONJQ Bank at Canada Governor James Coyne was desaihed Wednes day nlght as minimist in sheeps clothing by the Gen servatlve member or Puritanrent for Victoria Clayton Hodgson made the reference to Mr Cayne when he addressed an Orange rally at this resort centre near Peter borough When the highest men in the Bank of Canada comes out and tells the government what they must do than this man is Communist in sheeps clothing Mr Hodgson said He said Mr Coyne was tak ing hierarchy powers by tell ring electors what they should do and not do This is form at communism Mr Hodgson expressed con cern about the activities of Com munlsttype groups in Canada particularly because they were attracting not only the small people but also some oi our bet ter people He did not nuns the groups CONTRACT BRIDGE BECKER this case because at the mis fit in hearts and thewcak ness the spade suit we res pond only one spade Partners heart bid diminishes the over call value of our hand and game prospects are uncertain desplte the 12 highcard points The previous hand thoughit contained only 10 high card points was or more promis ing or gamehecausea heart lit at thevcry least had al ready been established Two hearts litany players would bid two diamonds hut realizing that partner might pass before the heart ï¬t was revealed it is better to an nounca the heart support im mediately This might induce further bid from partner on hand with which he could prop erty pass two diamond re sponse The two heart bid is sure to raise the value at part ners hand or points and thus might induce him to bid again while two diamond re sponse could leave his values unchanged and cause him to pass Four hearts This hand ranks as lull opening bid considering the guaranteed heart fit and the distribution The rule that an opening hid facing an opening hid means game is thereiore applied by going right to tour hearts raise to three hearts would be incorrect The double raise is not forcing when made by player who passed original ly it urgwnhut does not com pel the ener to bid again Tomorrow The art at deiense DAILY guesswoeo 21m 20m stock am box Sine hot 39 0mm 40 Girls name SHE Mietn warrr usr new CARRY THAT etc BASKET Ydoiiooll 63AM DMA LARRY IRANNON BLONDIE JULIET JONES ETTA KETI cEnTURY AUTO norsALn DUCK nu svaen MUGGS AND SKEETER HER M5 DESI 5W IB AT THE MY megaw His rouse HAVE BUILT mei lF wa MAKE PLAY weu GET ianen To ASWIM gem TMKIN IK Np vii 3amva FE you 1H ngg Vi HEARf FRI NP DONT was an idling rise51 punishments as low as rebuilt water pumps as low as Westinghouse sealed beams 6V radio aerial piece porto walls set of auto tioormats as low as brake liningoneaxle set as tARTs PA 66416 BARRIE rebuilt voltage regulators rehth transmbsions as low as heavy plastic seat covers radio rear seat speakers as low as topper white and black sidewalls tour chrome wheel discs set of end of Dunlap at Ferndale Rd $850 ex $550 ex 5165 $205 $350 $149 329 year guarantee All new and rebuilt parts hilly guaranteed lower overhead and lower prices $375 MCKEOIliithS mmmo we coma suéeaiusmsarorrma swagmanure am 10in ELL ELIID Qttltérï¬dglfliï¬ disclaimer midsummer