19332 lo HARM xmmu FRIDAY Innisiil U9 Girade Sandra ugh Lin Marrow Bob Linda Vestmnn Grade Sebastien Gaudette Nienke ltloosterman Jadesanr der Linda Nmpornwski Grade 1heonatGaudettE Doreen Jamieson vltehther OConnor Susan Tomporowski Grade JohnliyBast Laurie Blackstock DianevMah row Wayne New Mary Schmidt Grade Cami Hdu Palsy Tompomwski Grade George 0Conhor Ellen Roush Davi Sand Janet vestmon Grade Frankie asta Steve Basta Pat Henson my OConnor Linda Roushh1ar garet Schmidt Waiter Tompor owski Mt St Louis School MOUNT Si LOU not closed tor the holiday ball game and races for the children Parents and pupils assembled at the school for cooper the children assistedh music teacher Mrs eli and received their awards as follows Highest percentage in WI bunches are sponsoring Lewis Stone GP To rade drn Crait etty Ellis Jackie Jaciunan Anon Maw LindaMcCartncy Michael Woodstock To Grade Beverley Ellis Merrillee Hay es Denise Holder Karen Jack man Danny Lewis Magili Christina Stephen stone mon Winters To Grade Harvey Bowd ery Terry Craig Brenda Ellis Leonard Green Ashley Holder Kathy Jaekmnn Ruth Kellogg Brian Kopltoskl Wnyne Hopi toski John Lewis Mona Rob son To Grade Jerry Elliott Billy Ellis Jana Halpenny Bryne Vokeman To Grade Leslie Cameron Allan Faragher Rosemary Gallin Billy Magill Bob Potter To Grade Beverly Brooks Charlotte Ellis Heather Gatlin Sandra Holder Sandra Kellen Shirley Lewis Matthew Schotanus Bryan Watts Vespra 85 Ron Elliott Alex ROOF Jsmli Denyiood Centre Fins Saufln Colin19 mortar Silver MapleVan Memes aluy Craig Eleanor Schaniiec Shawne Wake Paul Watts Barbara Kathy Magill Wilhelmina display at the coming Elmira failin September ljhertolloi log btanches are Crosslsnd Vlack Waverley and New Wyev It will consist the play by an institute of display of aprons andtwo rugs one hooked val onebraided Agricultural Society boardsot directors are planning few changes to improve the race track for races at the Fall Fair and Mrs James Brun ning and Miss Mary ofChip pswa are visiting relatives here Miss Margaret Cumming left Maiton for tour of England and the Holy Land Mrs Rankin of Midland ls spendllg row weeks with her daughter Mrs George Jordan and Mr Jordan Mr and Mrs Baverstoclr and Miss Sharon ï¬sh were guests at the end of the week with Mr and Mrs hlellRowat Sharon remained for holl day gt Mr and Mrs Raymond Mclt Fadden and family of Barrio spent Sunday with the form ors parents Mr and Mrs William McFadden beta is visiting Mrs William Fiemng Sincere sympathy is extend Mrs Farley Ritchie ornrr To Grade Dnvid Beasley the seniors Gail Tinn Tinnoy social studies book Mary PottageG ney Michael King Richer Tinnoy Annette Beinnger Bill Pottage and JoanGrlene Science notebook De punctuollty Donnie Barr Mary Pottage KentP tage Gerrard Belanger Eileen Buchanan Richard Grenier and John Buchanan to Vancouver last Eastor FlosVespra school 35 No hrldfg Promoted toGrade Bradi Debbie Collins Sheey Lee CraltI Charlesmg ley Collins Mars Darlene Dwinnelisharon Elliott Denise Hayes Jackie Hill Janice llubbert Davis Ma Larry Marshall Barry gill Maw Linda Quick To Grade Mars Glen Fraiick Bob penny Roy Kellogg Nancy Limiter Eileen Landry spoiling Gail Iéotc e15 anger Elva Pritham Cars eon Buchanan Peter Belanger Lynda Woods Mr and Mrs Harveylaiiis showed some veryinteresting pictures oi places oirimportan cc in Ontario and 0itheir trip Hoe Heather Bcesley Warren Bmwn Bill Galbraith Heather Cameron Terry Frankcom Jenny Goodhand Philip Gra ham Karen Hutchinson Mar lene Miller Douglas Polzin David Rugman Margaret Talon Robcrt Talon To Grade Ilonald Brown chlindis Eekhardt Richard McCartney Stephen Poole To Grade Suzanne Brown Ian Goodhand Arlene Hutchin son Gerald Kopitoski Beverly Woods Andy Talon So Sr Grade Edward Brown to the relatives of the late Mrs Frank Bishop who died July at Penetang Gen eral1d ospital Mrs Cecil Tinney and chil dren and Mrs Paul Rownt and children with Mr Jackson of Winghnm spent few days and Mrs Kenneth Mr and Mrs Albert Bevan of Toronto spent Sunday with Kurt Graham Mr and Mrs Smith and daughter Rita of Chesley Mrs Oldfield ci Owen Sound wereSunday guests of Mrs Stoutenburg Malcom nahat lclt arr Sun To Grade phmp Anarossl day or Ottawa where he will Neil Brown Juhh Buckley Anne Poole an Polio Sally Ann Simms To Grade Linda Boesiey Paul Frankcom Lewis Hutch inson Joanne Rugman Eliza bath Hutchinson 01 lo Grade Uta Eckhardt Larry Miller Mike McCartney Kenneth Andruss tCl To Grade Peter Bertram Laureen Brownlleith Buckllty Blake Foy Ellen Blundell Linda Hutchinson Barry hank com Ingrid Voerl To Grade Jonn Andmss Shirley Baker Sharon Gab braith Nancy BolrzinuLisétte Talon Kathleen Woo II Ma Church met Mrs Robert Martin was made tor the bale be employed at hydro work HILLSDBLE Mrs Banner and son Ken neth of Oshawa spent week here with Mrs John Banner The MS of the Presbyterian at the homeot quilt The devotional was led by Mrs Stewart Jamieson and roll call was answered by verse on Beauty Plans weer made for bake sale July 15 Miss Bes sie Rowat reported on the Min sion Study Lunch was served by the hostess The United Church WA was jo OPEN UNTIL 10 1111 TONIGHT AND summon How LONQIT WILL TAKE T0 MELT our rshsoN oMlNloN TIESTVORESH vs 110 BRADFORD STREET llullr Miss THESE lllltll 34th Annual Reunion 0i Family he at the Draws Kristinion To Midhurst Zfteimééhlli $271325 Martin presided over busines STARS 0E STAGE TV AND RADIO The 34th annual reunion of part at which bake sale for the Coutts family was held at Midhurst Park July The president Dr Wallace Coutts of Detroitinlhisopen ling remarks welcohled thOSe from distance Io particular he mentioned Pete Malmberg 4144 East Second Street Tuc son Arizona who iiaalltrailel led 25m miles tohb foresimt at the reunion iliszmobters maiden name is Olyve Coutts daughter of Card Coutts Walter George Coutts wife and tamin of ltsarPeoples Road Sault SteMarie had made quick triptoiattend Mr and Mrs MulFarquhar son RR Gormley Ontario and Jack Farauharsonl were present Telegrams were receiy Les Cunningham of Burlington and also David Coutts 6i Ed monton sending Vthci eis at being unable to attend and extending best wishesJo all President Wallace paidt bute to the local ganization which so ably Hanged the meeting for him he mention ed that his father was one of the original organisersalvihe Coutts reunion in the success of the pended upon the cap the young ladies who so carefully looked alter the xenon permitting wives to be lreeto enjoy are aiternnop wlh families their Val 11 pita and passed aï¬adziiimo forall to signI rwishing her speedy recovery Robert Coutts to entertain the young as wellas the old he well remembered ba lodd years or so when Robert used to give recitationsiï¬at the Su day Schoolr concerts and pi nics that were jh ld atxMid hurst Bobert was helltcali on to give recitdtlonl Aghe HEALTH res Periodicai medien Examine ations are compul for all workers under 18 yttar old in factories in Britain cousritucrlon can Barrlo PK 10 Love Thee which was well received by all The youngest to sttendthe reunion was only two weeks old He was John Norman Coulis son othtl andMrs Duncan Coutts of Cookstown This was ahappy occasion for Jack Couttsoiï¬ cookstown whose birthday celebration oc curred on Julys President Wallace called on Jack Farquharson to make few remarks He said hevwas pleased to be back and become acquainted with many oi his own friends He reminisced considerabiy on the period of so years ago and thanked the dies for the efficient manna the banquet Ron Coutts chairman of sports statcdthat he and Aub rey Miller had set up aspec iai program of sportsaad to as sure that all Would be on the field there would be special prize olfered for the ï¬rst to be on the ball park diamond At the diamond they had races or the young tugofwar base ball and horseshoes July 22 and August 12 and 26 were planned Lunch was sere vod by the hostess assisted by Mrs Gordon Thompson Mrs Lorne Nelson and fam ily have returned from France Mr and Mrs Ron Thompson spent the weekend in Toronto with iriends Mr and Mrs Harold Dunn and family Mr and Mr Tex 135an and son Lionel spent the weekend at acottage at Orland The VacationBible School at Hilisdale was success Eighty children were on the register At the close was served picnic lunch wrnr DRAFT 3000 WASH1NGTON AP The army plans to draft 8000 men next month to help bring Alt up to an authorized strength oi mo00 The August draft call announced Wednesday byKthe defence department is the highest since last December when it also was 11000 Army manpower at the beginning of June was about 856000 Officers elected or lasz were preSldent Waiter Bi Coutts Barrie Vicepresi Murray McMaster Utopia secretary treasurer Jack Coutts Cooks town sports committee Ron Coutts Walter Carluthers and Aubrey Mill FURNITUE THE BEST IN PRlCES SELECTION SERVICE gBARRle FURNFIURE LTD pl Hm Jtll rlolonlli WV lNSUltllNCE Anrwcl Lru DUNLOP sr mm lioquyis is Your Car Really Randy fa defect in your car can spoil your trip or even lead to major disaster Let us service your car now You cant be sure at safety it you arent really sure of your car DANGEREIELDS Service Centre 65 gamer St gtPA $2587 name an rous lllll PROBLEMS to Barries Local ï¬du slve hunter who makes and sells for only rams alumna to anneal molt Nothiiu to pay to enter lure answcr simple quorum Open to FIBRDGLAS INSULATE ornei nee 1195 tor gt DOMINION lllRE as fTHE ERNIE LiNDELL SHOW Starrng Lovely Candy Lindell franiormz Saturday son cam You ca WW JgQTZER urnE Palm BELOW Borsor GIItLS slams OPEN Vro nipples on PICNIC was heady pourlnz spout Beeline vtnlee re thalIIodrthmfeliee put scams oowuu week STI Next TojPork Motors Yes lrrrlng curlopening SAVE $1500 TO BIG 18 CYCLE reel type on war ovens impulse start $5250 slows ovens recall Zmrt chn RADIOS ulin $4995 PORTABLE TRANSISTOR CLOCK RADIO gt Reg $7195 for $3995 with batteries Elecrnrc FRY pansy nerulrr silss 1dr $1595 BIG SAY NGS ONALUMlNUM cuhlll Yes during uuropsnln5 zwosflgltgioar RA Ilserlsniygaieii rea chardnun ms 51 nowN $1 AWEEK ANY SIZE on crop uy wwzfffli Mute Salety maize on