Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 14 Jul 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONE For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA The telephone number to call for Use Business or Editorial Dept is PA 66531 97th YearNo 163 BRITISH lOMMIES GO NATIVEllN KUWAIT British army engineers in luwalt find native headdress and earthenware water jars COMMITTEE MAY Recommend Govt Control iOfV Cd Insurance Rates TONONTO CF Provinciafn Treasurer James Allan hinted Thursday that the select col mitten on automobileinsuraocc may recommend to the gove ment statutory control of car surandce Rates under the signe ris lanM in AllanPtold mailing the committee of which he is chairman that he is not in in vor of the premium structure in force todayi When you the government sayeveryone has to be sold in sVurVance then you have to have some control of rates he saiL Joseph Linder consulting actuary from New York City said financial liability law is better than compulsory auto Vinsurance plan House Adjourns just the thing to heat the enervating heat in the Middle East sheikdom They are ouilding rest comp hr He suggested the committee look at the possibility of charg ing uninsured drivers on amount closeto thecust of an urance policy At present nsured drivers in Ontario pay $5 fee sadiyearinto the WWWmuuudmsaid Mr Sopha Elmer Sopha Liberal mem ber for Sudbury criticized in suraace companies for selling auto insurance over the counter of department stores This committee should have look at Allstate to large in surance company and see how its operating in Ontario he said Allstate wont defend the ac tion theyll menace the third party deny liability harry and Longest Session OTTAWA GP Parliament went on an eightweek summer holiday todayi The vacation break came at 1042 EDT Thursday night but it was an anticlimax weary finale to withering day of ra pidfire events Prime Minister Diefenbaker proposed the summer adjourn ment on this the 157th day of the longest session up to this moment There was gay abandon as MPS broke into song when the House adjourned until Thurs day Septi Never before in Canadas his tory has Parliament sat so long or adjourned on such drama tic note Thursday will go down in the records as the day James Coyne quit of his own accord as governor of the Bank of Canada his honor and integrity upheld by rebellious Liberal majority in the Senate The governments bill to fire him died inthe Senate The 50yearold errgovernor of thecentralbank promptly an nounced plans for holiday few hours later MPs and senators were freed for sim ilar vacation Because legislation must be approved by both houses of Far liament before it can receive royal assent and become law the Senates action killed the oil outright The bill simply vanished from the Senates order paper and no message Was sent to the Coral mons But many may be girding themselves for campaign on the hustings in anticipation of general election later Vthis year The session was adjourned on an election note with EC MPs makingswamsong as as rs of the Cooper ative Commonwealth federa tion challenging the government go to the people immediate The CCF MP5 will return to the House in September as New Party MPs following the foundi ing convention later this month lot now left wing political body The GOP and the Cana dian Labor Congress are setting up the party PsyChiatriStlloomedBYCancer Convicted OfSpying For Rossia NEW YORW APDr ert Soblen already doomed by blood cancer was iconvicted Thursday on spy charge that could bring death chair sen tencc But the judge who presided at his trial plans to send the 61 yenmldpsychiatrist to some in stitution that is ableto afford humane and decent medical facilities Justice must be lint says federal Judge William Herlands The judge directed medlcnl specialists to recommend to him today on where to se it Soblen The psychiatrist and his eyes and turned chalkywhite as the jury found him guilty of spy ing for Russia during the Second World War He writhed on the leolinlng chair he had used much of the time during his lourwecktrial Soblen whohad taken pills fre quently during the trial and sucked on ice cubes did not take the witness stand to defend himself Directors testified for the den fence that Soblen has lymphatic leukemia and has less than year to live key witness against Soblen was his brother Jack Sable 57 who was sent to prison for years in 1957 for espionage The brother who spells his name dif ferently pleaded guilty to head ing an espionage ring that was closely connected with Soviet embassies in many countries The brothers born in Lithuania asked another committee mem him as DRIVER lic Church described as per haps the major problem of the Barrie Ontulo Canada Friday July 14 196 desert village for comrades guarding the oilrich territory against threatened lrdq ag gression AP Wircphoto harrass and renege obligations What abouttho other onel on their ber StateFarm is much the Presenting personal brief Mr Sopha said that if each un insured driver paid $50 year into the fund there would not be the necvssity for recovery of the monies paid out Mr Sopha charged that com pensation awards in many cases are imperfect to the point of being ridiculous He said he could7not see the social justice or logic in cut ting down the compensation awarded to passengers by the percentage that the driver of the vehicle is found negligent Surely the passenger who accepts ride from Sudbury to Toronto and encounters an ac cident in which he sustains broken neck enroutecannot be taken to have adopted the method of the operation of the motor vehicle or the aberrations of the driver and so far as the third party is concerned he is completely innocent of all blame he said Yet as you know if the driver is found 60 pa cent at fault his recovery is cutsdown by that amount Mr Sopha suggested the standard limits of the unsatis fied judgrnentfund be increased to $20000$oo000$5000 me present limits are $10000 for oneperson $20000 for two or more persons and $2000 for property damage Honor Vindica Elbe flame examine scattered lbwerslohlomlinw tonight so mu Saturday so For full Not More Thuifltfijcr Copy14 Page Coyne Quits Deputy Governor Violent Explosion Rips Up Pipeline Near Gravenhurst GRAVENHURST CPlA Vi oleot explosion and brief but spectacular fire Thursday night ripped up an underground pipe line and cut off naturalgns to this hfuskokn district town The bushland blast rocked huitdingsfor miles around but there were no injuries or prop erty damage other than to the line inelf it was the second explosion in less than two months on the main line of TransCanada Pipe Lines Limited which carries Alberto gas across the north shore of Lake Superior and into Nothern and Southern Ontario company spokesman in Tor onto said it was too early to assess the total damage or pre dict how long it would take to restore the line Control valves spaced every 15 miles along the aoinch pipe were shut Volt north and south of Gravenhurst to prevent fur ther leakage No other commu nities were deprived of gas The flow was maintained southward from North Bay and northward from storage facilities in South ern Ontario FLAMES G0 HIGH Theblast sent flames shoot ing into the air near Highway ll about its miles north of Gruvenhurst which is 24 miles north of Orillia shortly alter 11 pm EDT Provincial police said ono motorist reported he was almost lifted from the highway by the explosion The fire died down quickly as escaping gas burned itself out or dissipated in the air First reports indicated there were two or three exploslons but com pany spokesman said later there was only single blast The burst tore section of the pipe out of its sixfoot deep trench which crisscrosses fligh wny 11 from North Bay to Tor onto Traflic was halted for tlrne as maintenance men along with firefighting crewsfrom Graven hurst Bracebridge and the On tario Firs College here sped to the scene Polling Rains Brighten Hopes OlFaflllérS In Drought Areas swisnansounxness Felting rains have fanned the hopes of Prairie farmers in some areas hardest hit by one of the dryest years on record Prospects brightened for the first timein more than two months when clouds that doinped up to one inch of rain on sunbaked Manitoba crop lands early Thursday returned to drop second supply later in the day The rain was beginning to make itself felt Manitoba Pre mier Duff Roblln said Itvdidnt come soon enough for the ma jority of farmers but Agricul ture Minister George Hutton said the rains have pumped new life into dying crops and have increased livestock feed pros pects He said the rains were very helpful and an increase in hay supplies could be expected ram nannsnonrnon Less optimisticwere some Manitoba livestock teeders and doirymen whD Said Thursday they may have to look outside the province for feed supplies mier Amintore Fanfanis gov ernment rejectih Socialist motion of bacon silence 31s to 241 unless cress insihe ezmvlnrsy mate startling recove downpour of inches within two hours Wednesday drenchodlhe llamiita district 200 miles west of Winnipeg But many points reported lit tlc or no worthwhile rain Southwestern Manitoba south ern Saskatchewan an the parched southeastern corner of Alberta continuedto wither unv der mercdas heat Alf GleavegVpresident of the Saskatchewans Farmers Un ion said recent attempts of civic leaders and businessmen to min imtze the effects of the drhught on the Prairie economy were unrealistic THIEF STEALS LEGS MONEY HARTFORD Conn AP Peter Petrlllo lcglcss New Havenrallroad crossing at tendant told police Thurs day someone stole his artifi cial legs and with them his life savings of $17800 which he kept in the hollow legs lheloeycarold man said he distrusted banks and used the artificial legs as his own private bank One of the artificial legs be said contained 0000 and the other $7600 all inV $100 and 50 bills PetritloVsaid that when he Vwoke1up Thursday morning the artificial legs were miss ing Also missing was bill fold which contained 3130 andrhisrailroad watch The doubleamputee drag gchhimsclf to the door and called neighbor who called police Crosswalk Mishap Kills Woman 66 TORONTO CP Mrs Ruth Chadwick 06 of Toronto died Thursday night of hoadjnjuries suffered when she was stnick by truck Wednesday on pedestrian crosswalk Hitr husband Fred 68 who was also struck died of shock Thursday Mrs Chadwick was the 19th crosswalk fatality since thesys Victor Brown 39 the truck driver has been charged with careless driving Incs our stewardess to plane passen ger dont know how it baplt pened but we seem to have left your wife at Melton Air pdny Passenger 5Woll Vthank heaven thought had gone deaf Soviet Asitrclmaut nines With Queen LONDON AmSoviet space man Maj Yuri Gagarin laundry worker before he be came an astronaut lunched to day withtheQueen at Bookings ham Palace The handsome son of Rus sian carpenter sat beside the Queen Across the table was Prince Philip the White The luncheon was in and Gold 1084 room so called because VCzar Nicholas dined there thth year Encvcncni mm Pope Reaffirms Of Private Prépefty By man nonuno VATICAN CIT YfAPlPopfi John XXIII info mammoth new encyclical on the social prob lernSnf the presentday world called today for cooperation be tween the advanced and under developed countries The popesaid justice and humanity demanded that pros perous countries come to the aid of other countries where large segments of the popula tion suffer from misery and hunger The encyclical longest in the 2000 year history of the Catholt modern epoch relations be tween political communities that are developed and those onthe way toward development URGES BIGGER SHARE The pontiff also tion by labor in the productive Reaffirmed the rights of pri organlzatinn name to this countva 1841 Called for greater particle vale property describing it as an element that cannot be sub stituted in an ordered and pro ductive sociallife He made plea for social jus tice between different economic sectors within nations flitled Mater etagistra meaning the church as mother and teacher the encyelical was issued in commemoration of the70th anniversary of the Rerum Novarum of Things encyelical issued by Pope Leo XIII May 151891 The Forum Novarorn is the basic document of the Roman Catholic churchs modern atti tude on social problems FOURPART DOCUMENT The new encyclical is divided into four major sections The first Vbrlelly reviews action lln the soeal field by Pope Leo XllI Pope PiusXl and ope riuixn The second sectionVisde te topritiato property and the in tervention of public powerlmd organizations in the economic field the processes of 56¢ tioo and economic development man assvis and tli active presence of la borers Ill productive organize tio Thet rd section considers so The space man were his 504 viét Air Force uniform With him was Soviet Ambassador Alexander Soldatov About 7000 people stood in front of the pal ace to see his ear enter the gates SALUTED BY GUARD The palage guard gave him salute The astronaut was shown through the gleaming marble grand hall to the luncheon room This was one of the Queens meet the peopleluneheons which she began giving three years ago and palace spoke man Vcommented as to the Bri ishguests The lunch is for people the Queen wanted to meet and not as has been suggested for group of people who the Queen thought Maj Gagarin would like to meet He exp ruined the Quee pla ed fore was decided that would come tobondon as the guest of the Sovi trada When she beardtthe space she de An interpreter sat jus behh the Queen andGagarln cial questions in broadterms with the plea for social justice between different economic communities and call for ctroperation between developed and underdeveloped countries ture was particularly th Pope saying that today his in depressed slatd in nearly all of 2the world rencycllcal getting its from its first words In the former catego Mother and teacher of all no tlona the univeisal church Ro Eman Catholic has been inst tVuted by Jesus Christ 50 that all who lnthe long course of con turies eomd to him loving em brace may find fullness of higher life and guarantee of onlvationl Good Weekend forIdaimggf Tonon roe weatherman today pm good weekend for going to the beach or loafing at home if youdont mind taking eha oagettingwet The Weekend weatheroutlook party three weeks 51 Its Best Bet By ALAN DONNELY Canadian Press Staff Writer OTTAWA James Coyne storm centre on Parlia ment Hill for 30 days stepped into privatedlfe Thursday night With him he carried verdict of no misconduct from Sen ate which had rebuffed the gov ernment and wiped out its hill tofiretbe firmwilled Bank of Canada governori litre Coyne in resigning de clared himself satisfied that his personal honor and the1 integrity of his office had been vindi rated It Was the of one of the capitals mostrring battles But the action of the Senates Liberal majorlty in asserting its control of the upper cham her forthcsecond straight day may have firedanother shot in abattle thatcould affect the fu ture status of thé Senate itself Wednesddehe upper cham ber refused to back down on its amendment to the governments tariff billa refusal Prime Min ister Diefenboker hadwarned could lead sooner or later to general election fought on the issue of Senate reform surgeons hangar rebellious Senate vote of 33 to is on party llnes Vaffirmed the Senate banking committees report that the Coyne bill should die ltalso supported the com mittee findingthat Mr Coyne did not misconduct himself in office Finance Minister Fleming had accused the governor of seri has érelictidnoffdiity The vote was decided at 437 pmEDl Mr Coync ache had prom ised he would if the Senate struck down the bill sent his resignation to Senior Deputy Governor Scottieand the other centrallbank rectors ef fe iveatsmo Beattiefiunder the law immediately assumed theduties of governor Speculation is that Louis Ras rriinsky deputy governor and expert on international fi nance stands the best chance of being namedas Mr Coynes successor Ill Job Less ban an hour after his resignation Mr Coyue and his attractive wifewalked out of the Abanksheadoflice He said he had no last words no re grets and no prospects of an other job Ransom fonoeoor Senator JeanFrancois Pouliot LQuebecl told reporters he had teliable information that CNR President DonaldiGoidon former deputy governor of thej bank had been offered the the $5000thasyear BEATTle Acting Governor minn GORDON Men wncdFor Post governorship Informed sources threw cold water on the idea Oppositan Leader Pearson is suedastatement saying Mr Coyneghas been personally vindicated the charges levelled agai him He said it has been an unhappy tragic Ve sodaone that need eghappened Torrential Rain Greets Paraders BELFAST rflleuterslA mil lion Protestant Orangemenfpar radcdin torrential rain at 19 centresthrouglinut Northern fre land Wednesday in their tradi tional celebrations the glnrl nusjfilbvevlfth Theday public holiday in predominantly Protestafit Nortb ern lreland commemorates the 1690 Battle of the Eoyne in which Protestant supporters of peerage King wu liam Ill ot England defeated Roman Catholic followers of his fatherlnlaw King James grsHELLi sonny suspended PHILADELPHIA APV vl The Pennsylvania sfateathletlc commission today suspended Charles Sonny Listo No heavyweightchallengm indefinitdy forqcfl detrimental to boxing and the publith PomerlMinisier Is Paroled orrawa ca manners foriner bia lamk and forests minister an timber ish Colum executive Wilson Gray have been pamlederom lfeadvprisonchairman George Streetof nationalparola boardzannounced today May Weaken Commonwealth inks NEWDEVleII can Indiahas warn jarnan thatbyjoin vggaftnnnaoani loan Gornmonw mcm eon rnmon market it the eoononucs of htwéaken Common eloping countries PM me Wine in st and help seek salmonof the KasbnnIlssue in Southern Ontario is for partly udy vskies near Bodegrée ernperaturesV and scattered undershoweps likely for Satur day Easternseotions niayv get thunderstorm or two Sun dayss well nght temperatures at pecth to bcvnbout 60 celebration the

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