rmr osorlsurs HOME Flames gave wrecking crew an assist at uncertain value at no unoccupied home just west of Anna Street be tween Letitia and Shirley estreots at noon yesterday iIIc building in final stages ot demolition by Toronto craw was quickly consumed Fireman stood by to keep it from spreading Gary Vang Hamburg said he and his bro thEr Edward had stopped for lunch and low minutes later they noticed that the partial ly wrecked building was in flames He gave no estimg ate at the loss in saivageable material EOrqngemen Toast ELOHQ Dead King By run CANADIAN mass Thousands ofOrangemen loyal to King William Iii Prince of Orangewho died more than 250 years ago Wednesday drank toast to the wearing of the Northbrn lrish green Across Cannda members of the Loyal Orange Lodgeorig inally formed by irlsh Protes tants but now containing large numbers of sympathizerscele busted the Glorious 12th anni versary of King Billys battle at Aughrim FranceMost believed it wasthe Battle of the Boyne they were remembering That was on July They raised their tankards and recited the semi official toast talhe glorious pleas and immortal memory of the great and good King William who saved us from popery slavery knavery brass money and woo lien shoes There were few celebrations Wednesday Most lodges preler to hold ohservances on Satur 1dikesl near the actual Glorious JAM Ivronnrsaunc Some 10900 Orangamen jammed into Morrisburg for cel PROMOTE chP BORDEN orrIcrns FLT LT ofnnenAwsou Group Captain It Hilton CD commanding oilicer of ROM Station Camp Borden has announccd the promo tlon of three flying officers to the rank of flightiieutem ant Fit LiautJ Mel anson is food services officer FURNITURE THE BEST lN PRICES SELECTION SERVICE AT BARRIE FURNITURE LTD is Mulcaster at soon was no calculi son ehratlons today however nvo thousand oi them were irom Ot tawa About 7000 whooped it up at Smith Falls and 5000 at Max ville Pembroke held parade and several other Ottawa Valley ci ties and towns celebrated Wed nesday Seventytwo members of Maui itoba lodges flew to lrelund Northern naturallyfor special celebrations They celebrated with the Scottish Protestant last Saturday Orangemon back home in Win nlplilag marched last Saturday as we NET renames THE CANADIAN PRESS Shop and Save 1957 Lid year ended March 25 1961 $323745 37 cents share on 871201 shares 1960 $772655 33 cents on 829715 shares Standard Fuels Co Ltd year ended April 30 1961 sinnoro $13 share mo $121064 71 rm rr wnsoN Vat thecamp and lives at 55 Maple Drive Camp Borden Fit hty FJWilson is an armament ofï¬cer on of the Airborne ARMSTRONG HARDWARE JULY SPECIAL MAXWELL POWER MOWERS 11098995 Reduced r5 Rog9995 ReducedTo LAWNBOY Mownk Cling 8250iieducedTq lisp 9250 Reduced To TRONG ARI Am About see more telephone diredoriu will be needed to serve Barrles growing popula tion this year than were re quired year ago Copla of the root edition of the Barrie Coilingwoodhieaford directory med arriving here early this There will be 10575 dim torlea distributed here this year compared with 10016 copies of the 1960 book line Donald Bell Telephone man ager here said today Total circulation throughout the area served by the directory will be 46237 up 1590 over last years distribution figure NEW LISTINGS Mr MacDonald advised cus tomers to start using their new directories an moon as they are received He said that con tinued use of the old one may lead to wrong numbers since the new cblock contains many new In lng listings The new directory contains uvcniiguro numbers for Mid land and Penetlnguishenacus tomsrs This new method of listing telephone numbers is gradually being introduced in all Bell Telephone exchanger languishene numbers will be other North American telephone companiu because of the need to greatly increase the number of telephone numbers in Cm IdI and the United States REPLACE TWO LETIERS it is important to recognise that Midland Ind Patelanguish ene numbers have not been clungai unsuschde said lheso sevenilnre numbers are basically the same num her as appeared in last years directory We have merely re placed the two letters by the corresponding ï¬gures on the dial For instance in Midlandthe exchange letter and Lukeslde have beerl repla1ced the figures an other five figures in the num berremaln unchanged This means that Midland and Pene dialed the same way in their sevenfigure form as they were under the twoletter iivefigurc system of numbering The BarrirCoiiingwoodMid land directory also serves Camp Borden Crecmore Smut Eeeton hieaford Alliston Therobury and the surrounding water in Lake Huron day Add 550 Telephone Directories lama swarm To Serve Population Oi Barrie Midhurst Yout Drowns In Lake Patrick Woods student It Barrie DLrtrid high school and resident of Mldhurst while on holidays at Gables Beach near Port Eixin drowned than in eight lost at Wednes According to on saunas ert Woods who retrieved the his son alter about 15 Rose Show ï¬eld At Trinity Hall 1961 Barrie Horticultural So cietys rose show was great SUCCESS despite twoweek postponement society secretary Ind in than of most of the territory TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop at IL Harris INDUSTRIAL horn Found Dom stem Dom Tu noulsito Pld Famous Play at lab on Pow Hardo hum Hornl Pit Hom ou Hudson Bullln any gï¬blecn In Acce inland Err Nickl pa lockw cIuh 14bit MIc Powell Riv Manly lerl Nornan m0 gumsr ll our KernAsdiun Lnnuoue Don Lac Maritime ll Normctal Openith Alberto ï¬gsnméta $10 OLiIIwI Plcilld Pal Porn Pt Que NI Rot an no nuns Rani Bulk st Law Co ï¬ght Bill ions nation arm or can numbers Tor Dom BI mnmcaitii as Traders Fin Texaco Union ï¬ll Waller new Bell Tel HrIxiiiIn aA on RC Power CdnBXo£com Cdn Ilnwaflol CPR Canada Ccmlnt gun gï¬emlcfl an Corr Min Ir In con Paper consumers GII Dix out EEï¬ massacres assists iéï¬i uemont tom i111 amid ou Ventum will CI Hulk Chi Cen ILRiD Con Durith Con Hall SuliiVIll Falconhridll Geco Minn iaeEEE nrosr Acme arncxs VI Cmpblil Ditto Cons Halliweli Elli Halrue hitch Llnliil NW2 now own Raw YDILK Avnnaons Indulth in PM Rail ï¬lwn 90 Utililill down TORONTO INCK EXCHANGE INDEX ind dawn Lu Golds down 39 hhtnln down 09 STOCK MARKET LiQuors Ledd Market Slump ronourorceI The stock Otis dons One liright aspect oi liquor our LT NICHOLSON market fell sharply during light trading Wednesday with foods liquors papers and secondary constructions showing the way down on index Foods were the worst and the most cousistent losers oi the day Dominion Stores Lohlaw Weston Salado Shirriti Oshawa Wholesale and Har dee Farms all fell in the 1k to 55 range in moderate trading Oshawa Wholesale turned ovér 5050 shares and wound up on the daily most activelist trading was the point gnin hy Brights to 59 on volume at 50 shares Papers were also poor as Bathurst and Consolidated Paper lost to respectiv ely while International fell Among senior base metals Falconbridge turned over more than 2700 shares but lost point while small losses went to Gunner Noranda and Consol idated Mining and Smalting La brador rose V4 DEDICATE carrm BOND HEAD Ont CPLA memorial cairn honoring Sir William Osler the famous Can adian physician was dedicated Wednesday on the site of his birthplace as former friends looked on Mrs Harold Mrs Jun Gable said todsy The show was held at Trinity Church Hall on Collier Street There were 22 exhibitors and 119 exhibits and ill ty of the bloom was arcel ant she said The judge Ind speaker nt the event Keenan re marked that he saw some or the most beautiful Kordes Per iecta yesterday Mr Keenan is Tomato horticulturist hleharen of 140 Shanty Bay Road had the champion rose of the show Mrs anls said that youth days attendance figures sl cecdcd those of previous shows this year Mr Keensn showed pictures oi European gardens he has toured Convener of yesterdays show was Mrs Helen Mclrarcn Vehicle Plunges Bradford Canal BRADFORD 5pcclulBrad iordlycï¬al claimed Inothvr cu sar morning John Alfred Bdch of Oak ville driver oi the vehicle is in York County Hospital in Newmarket today alter police found him lying on the side of the Canal Bank Road west of Bradford little datmatibn puppy was found dead on the back seat of the car when it was pulled from the water later this mom ing Bradford OPP were called to therscenc Ihy Mrs Marie Zig euner who first sighted the man lying on the roadside Pol ice say the eastbound car rolled over went across the road and plunged into the water The road is on the north bank oi the canal Bradi police have been plagued series of car plunlt ges in the same general area during thapast iew weeks One of them was fatal acci dent Sgt Pat Poland of Bradford OPP said this morning that McGuire has been charged will caréi mischiai ess driving and public PRODUCE ronouro CP Chiirnlng cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today The egg market was ï¬rm with oiierings inadequate for fair demand Country dealers quoted by Buroham 34 of Grimsby who served the doctor at the John Hopkins Hospital inBaltimora spoke at the ceremony community just north of Tor onto tha federal department of ag riculture on Canada grade eggs delivered in ï¬bre in this 4a small 2713 and grades no market Techniciana School and lives at 54 Maple Drive Flt It Nicholson who lives at 28 Cedar Crescent is an en gineering officer 69250 7959 RUN lt cost Everyda 259 ST morguewank FhAsHl Your Cnop FROM YOUR COOP SPECIAL MESSAGE TO EVERY FARMER WITH DAmY QB BEEF HOGS ORgPOULlEY Most people are now aware of the market price images that have taken place recently in grains and proteins None of us in the Feed Department of your loop can recall similar situation taking place in recent years Market price for both grains and proteins have increaseti it is the llu cere hope of everyoneassociated in any way with agricul ture that the Western Provinces will soon get adequate moisture otherwise our agricutlmi economy could be set iously affected for many months Whatever may happen the following fact will continue to hold true in this country and in every county in Ontario There are hundreds of tannars who now know that 0001 Feed will give more eggs and at lower feedcostperd918u moiagain at lower cost on cattle turkeys apd broilers Lowe teedcostperpig and higher milk production at lower we meet farmers who have realized that price is only one small part of the real vulue of feed and that uncalled cheaper price per ton than CoOpis not as profitable feed as loop for the lancer 0n the other hand you can pay more but nonthcr feed at any ice is better than Coop Another important reason for con tlnual increase in the number of fannets iceding CHtp is that on the Coop feeding program you get the extravod vantage of aIrperIorquality combined with wists Ind scientific service Your Coop at Barrie is here to inpply every farmer with consistently high quality iced that profits you more For highest profits you need the right combination of reasonable price superior quality real service the Coop Feed Program COOP FEED IS BETTER VALUE PA 86551 nawur cannon ior buuum disinfect whittans kills flies ls economical cases large 4748 medium cw had gone down to tho beachand were wn tho boys John Cougars former reli dant at Islam and younger than our son Hr woods related They play together all the limo at beads Synopsis Warrn humid weather will continue across most of Ontario today and Fri day Cloudy skies showers and thunderstorms are forecast across the province Friday Lake Erie Southern Lake Hu ron Niagara western Lake Onv tario regions Windsorlandon Hlmilton iloronto Cloudy with Isw runny intervals and scat tered showers and few thun derstorm today and Friday Warm and humid Winds light Nordiern Lake Huorn eastern Lake Ontario southern Geor gian Bay regions Sunnythis morning becoming partly cloudy afternoon Scattered show ers or thunderstorms be this afternoon and continuing to night and Friday Warm and hu mid Winds light Northern Georgian Bay Hali hurton regions North Bay Sud bury Sunny with few cloudy when the boy was brought in but iliouving practices riled PItriek had done will chooithisyllr Hewuin termed in Ideniiilc misled and war studying Spanish at home Robert Woods born lathe USA bu become natural ised Canadian since World War 11 when he ratiopod to Canada with his wife and son They have one daughter Kathleen ll Patridl liner Funeral will be held from Buckleys Funeral Home Frlv day Iiternocn at pm to Barrie Union Cemetery Mrs Woods sister is expected toiar rivslirom Cheltenhun and Mr Woods brother will be there from the runny home in Hol ton Maine MEET no cannon nor intervals today Partly dandy with few scattered showers and thunderstomIs tonight and Friday War In Ind hurnld Winds light White River Tlmagaml Coch rnna AigonIa regions Seuit Ste Marie Variable cloudiness with few isolated showers or thud derstoma hem this after noon an con tonight on Friday Warm today turning cooler Friday Winds light Marine forecasts valid until 11 am Friday Lake Huron Georgian Bay Winds southeast 10 to no knots clouding over with fewscat tered showers and chance of thunderstorm beginning this aft ernoon Fog patches tonight Lake Ontario Lake Erie Winds southeast 10 to so knots Scattered showers and chance of thunderstorm Fog patches tonight Forecast Temperatures Low tonightand high Friday Windsor 66 85 St Thomas Mndon Kitchener sessscsnceneen ssessesseeseee WAYNE SPEARIN Wayne Speario Grade 10 student at Barrio District Cus tIIi Collegiate thinks high school teachers must have well not an easy lite but not too hard either carrier boy with The Barrie Examiner the ldycarolds paper route takes him around the area north of Allnndale He is the son of Mr and Mrs George Spearln 61 Sanford he likes badminton and favors snience and music at school And because of his ieel ing about high school teachers 3e figures hell henna some ay CAPSULE NEWS Gets Release JOHANNiEBURG Reuters South Airlcan newspaper man Wednesday revealed the name at an lniorrnontwith the iniorrnantl permission and was released from jail Benjamin Pogrund had been sent to Jail few hours earlier am mowers an sy sen nca because be reï¬ned to say who gave him secret document The document allegedly con tained plans to disrupt celebra tiops South Airica held llsy at to mark its becoming re pubiic Reopen Case NEON CplMayor Hub old Prescott oi Capreol Wed nesday asked that the attorney geaeral and Ontario Provincial slice reopen investigation into the hills slaying of Mrs Ross Wayne Yenssn 14yearold neighbor was convicted of stab biog the hourewlie and no tenced to hang He was later freed in In asslzs court appeal rs womsn talk of my town are scared to death Mr Pres cott said They feel there is murderer loose Protect Bears TORONTO CPHOntarlo is out to protect its polar bear population from the white hunter We dont know how many we have said Foster at the department of lands and for sts wild life division but the population is big one and neck some pmtection Ea said most polar bears in habit the Hudson and James Bay regions as tar south as Moosonee enjoy luxurious CARPET of green grass all summer MIIORGAHITE Itavn Iuwsl yin and your runny neliy Inlay gm mmv mm hullhllv gun wilh nanhumm MHOIQANHI BROWN CO 115 DUNLOP 31 PAssooo THE AMAZING Swedish CAR 35 Miles Per Gallon At 90 MPH Test Drive It At IusTIN morons 23 Bradford St DOMINION TIRE gSTORES HO BRADFORD ST Exnu Ws151 Were your PA 85965 Inaweslheadquaflen for Mercury outboard motors Cmon in and get acquainted Youll find weve spared no etfort to bring you the finest in outboard motors accessories und service Askabout our Jiberaltrades easy terms Were looking forward to M9T9R8 serving you often Mimime TRAILERS