MR AND MRS Photo by Favcrn ORCHARD Vows Exchanged At Evening Rites Miss Anna May Langlands of Katrine became the bride of Donald Andrew Orchard Mine sing at an evening ceremony at the home of the bridegrooms mother The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs James Langlands of Katrine The bridegroom is the son of Mrs Andrew 0r chard of Minesing and the late Mr Orchard Given in marriage by her father the bride chose floor lcngth gown of white nylon net over taffeta embroidered with sequins Her headdress was crown of seed pearls which held shoulderlength veil of tulle illusion She carried bouquet of red roses and lily of the valley Miss Marion Irvine of Barrie cousin of the bride was her only attendant She wore dress of pale pink nylon and carried bouquet of pink and white roses and lily of the val ley George Pearson of Mineslug was groomsman Soloist Was Mrs John Robin son and Mrs Charles Grant was organist At the reception the mother of the bride received guests wearing twopiece suit of ap ple green She was assisted by the mother of the bridegroom wearing an afternoon dress of blue aroel and the aunt of the hride Mrs Katherine irvine For travelling the bride chose powder blue suit with white accessories After wedding trip to Nin gara Falls and points south the couple will make their home in Mineslng By CLEVELAND MYERS The child under five or six knows that pets and other non human creatures die if its his pet that dies he may suffer from its loss from his loneliness without it but his emotions over it may be only fleeting He may notice that adults and older children may express little or no emotion over the creatures death and accept it as matter of fact But when its niemher of the family or playmate or some other person known by the youngster he may hear much talk about the deceased some of it laden with expressions of grief What he hears may stir up all sorts of questions in his mind Usually his questions are aroused by the death of some specific person and not about death in general How you are going to answer his questions will depend on your personal philosophy of life and death and also on your con MARY HAWORTHS MAII Sister Questions Chances Happy TeenAge Marriage Dear Mary Howorth My brother Mike 18 was recently graduated from high school and has the opportunity to go to col lege have high opinion of himI feel he is basically good ole some individual eager to do right for himself and others and capable of amounting to something He has been going steady that unfortunate practice of teenagers todaywith girl 15 still in high school They be cameinvolved and her parents and his have just learned that she is pregnant Mike and Betty want tnvrnarry as soon as possible lint accord ing to their faith marriage can be terminated only by death And how long does teenage love last So often you read about broken marriages among kids who claimed to be in love When does the reality of the situation hit them What then honestly feel that Betty should have the child at home for unwed mothers distant from here and give the child up for adoption through an agency to stable happily married ma ture couple Then Mike and Betty should get themselves But how do you convince them of this And how per suade the parents to prevent them from making another mis take that would ruin their lives and that of the unborn child Mike insists that adoption is out that he doesnt want to abandon Betty or his child for he loves her Yet at their ages they have really nothing to of fer one another or the child ex cept stigma RB Dear RE ltstrikes me that fundamentally you are rather more in need of spiritual straighteningout than either Mike or Betty When basically decent lad 18 wants to marry the girl who is bearing his child because he loves her and feels fatherly duty tohis child he is already taking amausized stride to wards maturity Your theory that the good life for Mike or chance at it con stats in easing away from Bettys pregnancy problem and making believe it never hap pened suggests that you have no moral principles worthy of the name Your pitch is uncharitable expedient totally unmindiul of God and without faith in the 130 straightened out spiritually Nancy Grange Becomes Bride Of ROnald Thompson AtDalston Dalston United Church was the setting for the June 24th wedding of Miss Nancy Grange and Ronald Thompson The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs George Grange Sturgeon Bay The bridegroom is the son oi Mrnnd Mrs Gor don Thompson Hillsdale The ceremony was perform ed by Rev Mr Norman The bride given in marriage by her father chose gown of white lace ovar taffeta Her shoulderdength veil of orgaudy was held by pillbox hat of matching material She car Ilfldfl bouquet of white or chids mums and pink carna tion centred by spray of ore ange blossoms from the bridal bouquet of her greatgrand mother Miss Pat Playford of Hillsdale was maid of honor Her street lengtb dress was of white and mauve embossed organdy George Jamiesou of Barrie was groomsrnan reception was held at the Hearthstone Lodge Sturgeon Bay The brides mother re ceived wearing turquoise silk sheath dress with orgaudy coat The bridegrooma mother as sisted wearing green silk sheath For travelling the bride chose linen suit of olive green with white accessories Her corsage was white or chid On their return the couple will reside in Hillsdala By BOB CURRIE Candid PM Staff Writs LONDON CPlThe panting twain on the park bench in HYde Park cuddle closer Darling he hi on what that perfume youre wearing Its Sputnik she sighs Or the answer could be Cos monaut or Moscow Evening or Mosmw Casket its all possible now that the Russians have gone into the re tiail business in downtown Lon on viet manufacturers have come long way romantically since the day when perfumes Fall Fashions Will Be Curvy ROME APltalian fall and winter fashion showings open next week and the advance word is that the new lines are going to be curvy The presentations get under way in Rome Wednesday atVthe Palazzo Barberint where the Rome houses will unveil their creations jointly Showings open in Florence Saturday Fontaoa calls the new line Minuet 61 It will feature hips rounded at the sides Caruso discusses line pre senting silhouette mom fitted even though lightly than the loose linesof past seasom Tony Aboud designer of De luca says his str aig htback fitted front theme is very curvy Parents Guidance Helps Child Through Emotional Adjustments sideration of how your answers will affect the child his emolt lions and peace of mind its well to discuss the matter with your spiritual counselorrabbi priest or mlniater sometimes with an expert on child develop ment and guidance took him or He went to sleep But to child under six or seven such statements may cause him to fear to go to sleep or to hate God who snatches away loved person or pet At six or seven the child may begin to worry about the possi bility of his mother or father dying but feel no concern that he himself might die He may begin to accept the fact that death occurred not enough was known and done about the control of disease or prevention of accidents He can understand that when person grows old his body wears out and old to child under six or eight may fortu nately mean over 30 or 40 teutial nobility of the human personality achieves greatness only at heroic expense to selfishness As wouldbe mentor to Mike youfall into the category of blind leading the blind think If marriage is for keeps in the faith they espouse then presumably they also believe in the immortality of the soul in which case they expect as sume to be identified through out eternity with their irrevers ihle choices here and now And what do you hope to gain for them on that score by in ducing them if you can todis trust their worth ignore Gods grace sweep evidence of their paternity under the rug and em bark on selfseeking life un sound at the core with white wash front APIRECIATES CARE It just happensthat today received quarterly news lat ter from church home for no married mothers The issue con tains an anonymous thankyou note from girl saying how much she appreciates the care that was given her In part she says wish you would again express my thanks to the chaplain who really helped me lot On Sunday the day was to see the baby for the last time really broke down Mrs coun sellor called the chaplain for moeaud we had very long hearttoheart talk He gave me some courage didnt know had Without it am sure could never have given mylbahy away lf agirl freely wishes to re linquish her baby or sees she has no alternative then lets thank God for good adopting parents But the idea of sales talking her into such an ampu tation is abhorrent to me Mil For Alia Style Of Distinction VIE Vioun gnrriclt mun STYLISTS is itllpi Ave PA Mes it may be easy to say God and Betty iu the present crisis carried such names as 20th An nlrersary of the Red Army But the display of goods at the new Russian shop ofï¬cially opened by Reginald Maudling president of the board of trade British government depart ment included few things that would catch the eye oi the average We shopper young or old T00 ORNATE Silverware was heavy and too Textiles were in dark drab col ors and included none of the new synthetic materials The toys had handmade look and in most cases were im practical for the heavyhanded treatment they are likely in cm counter Some carved animals and birds were so delicate they would serve better as ornaments rather than playthings An outstanding feature of the show is lunch counter at which vodka Soviet wines and of course caviar are sold Also drawing lot oi attention was display of wrist watches nigged but stylish But openi gday visitors were generally appointed in the display hillcdas preview of the £1000000 Soviet Fnir this summer It is expected the Rus ornate for the modern taste Soviet Perfume suppliers Making Name In London sinus will bring forth some of their more glamorous manufac tured goods in this show of some 10000 oxldhita Most of the products at the Russian shop including hslalal has at £3 andup heavy stone carvings and thick china pieces seemed strangely out or place in the slick little shop with gleaming showcases high pas tel walls and indirect lighting GAGARIN INCLUDED No Rmslan exhibit is com plete without spaceman Yuri Gagarlu and post card photo graphs of him are available al though the printing on them is in Russian Cards with English printing be made up an of tidal so there is sufficient demund Getting backup theperfumes they range in price from six shillings to £5 an ouncethe most expensive being Stone FlowerSputuik sells for £2 Also on the cosmetic counter Is preparation called Cosmo naut Pine Bath Essence This concentrated extract of fresh pine and fern needles comes only from special forest regions of Siberia the label says and it is refreshing fragrant and beneficial to the nervous sys tern new YOUR HEALTH IT TAKES two animals to give you malaria True False Malaria is limited to tropi cal climates True False Malaria can spread without mosquitoes True False Medicines prevent attacks but dont cure malaria True False Fish help battle malaria True False True usually When the female mosquito of the annphel es family feasts on an infected victim she draws his malaria filled blood into her body After the banquet malaria germs grow inside her body and soon flood her saliva Now she can flit about inject ing everyone with malaria Soon each new victim is shaking fev erisbiy rwo ANIMAIS The mosquito an animal must give you malaria The sec and animal The malaria germ Unlike bacteria and viruses its tiny onecelled animal er chemicals grounded mosquit aes malaria warmed as far northas Canada As the mos quito tribe bites the DDTfilled dust all over the world malaria Fabric Emphasized Fashion Preview NEW YORK AP Sparkle for breakfast twinkle for lunch glitter for dinner and shimmer to sleep in Thats the fashion fore the International Silk Association served here Sunday night at the dinner which opened Fashion Press Week activities sponsored by the New York Couture Group The costumes by any design ers name were much the same in terms of elegance with arm phasis placed on the fabric rather than the dress silhouette Here and there model wore aterse little bladt daytime dress But it was as prosaic as post card amidst collection of Christmas cards In fact most of the dresses were decorated as if they were expensive Yule cards splash of glitter garnished the neckline of pink cloudofa housecoat designed by Christian Dior to fgowith breakfast toast andcof 38 Sanni Scaasi and Esteves generously kled silvery snow flakes on candy colored tumes for teatime wear For evening everyone went all out for sequins beads and crystals pair of Noreli pyjamas black and white man tailored shirt and slim trousers were so aglow with sequins that they put electricity to shame For Commercial Or Industrial Photos Portraits Passport Film Developing canal SMITH STUDIO 38Dunlnp St PA 84179 Over fluntll False Before DDT and othj TIIE BARRIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY JULYJZ 1561 Doctor Discusses Cause Of Malaria By BURTON am MD is slowly following the American buffalo into extinction iruaA while back malaria broke out in the wellscreenedln New York City in One prisoner had malaria when he was arlt rested He passed the diseiue from cell to cell on dirty hypo dermic needle used to inject uar cotics fuse donors who have bad mal aria 1101 DRUGS False While World War 11s medicines merely silenced mal aria attacks todays more pow erful drugs can almost always cure the illness You no longer have towntch for shivers and shakes when you stop taking malaria medicine True Baby mosquitoes grow on the surface of stagnant pools When fish gulp down these de velolliug mosquitoes they eat away most of the problem To prevent or ri one fish is worth one thousand pillsl chiffon satin and georgette cos1 STORE HOURS am to pun Closed Wed Afternoon OPEN FRIDAY TO pm SeaGoing Wile Has Easy Life VANCOUVER CPIAW panying her seacaptain hus band Mrs Alec Vlatvos has visith nearly every major part in the world during the last l2 Years Tall and gracious she visited Vancouier recently where she spent some time with her three daughters who live here with their famill es She recalled how she used to spend the fourweight watch on her husbands ship with the of deer on the bridge telling them storit to nlake the long evening hours pass more quickly Because there Ls nothing to do of course while the ship is under way except talk she explained lt is lovely life We meet such interesting and charming people wherever we go and the life aboard is so invigorating and oh so peaceful Hygiene in Japan la re markable and so it is in China too at least in Canton where we were eWaltresses even wear masks and white gloves to serve at table lt is an impressive sight in China to see every hit of ground being cultivated Nothing is wasted What is more there is nowhere near the amount of poverty one would imaglno and they are making astounding strides in the education of their large population THE STARS SAY By ESTRELIJTA FOR TOMORROW To play safe blood bani re This is day in which much can be accomplished through teamwork Both personal and business associates should be congenial ond toooperative so its up to you to do your part Planetary influences during the late EM however suggest that you avoid emotionalism FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope shows line pros pects There is practically no phase of your life which will not be governed by generous aspects during the coming yeaI From the beginning of No vembor with the exception of brch period in early December there will be special emphasis on the successful outcome of business property and ï¬nancial ventures Your personal life is favored too tendency toward emotional lsm or any dlsplayof undue ag gression could spell this picture toward the end of March how ever So be alert and go all out to maintain harmony with busi ness associates and friends Do not step on thatoes of those who would gladly help you further ï¬our goals if you are coopera ve Look for unusual opportuni ties for travel and if single new romance in August andoi Sep tember child born on this day will be sensitive intuitive and ex tremely compassionate toward his fellowmen ADDED Magnum When knitting with other yarns knit one strand of nylon with the others at points of wen for added strength PEOPLE AND PLACES Phone Eileen Dixon or Audrey Ceulson PA 65537 Nata are intended In cover uu gum social life of on city Id district Wedding anniversaries Midst cartin blnhdnyl contagious par ties visitor and travellers In Ill Items of hurts to the women readers of this ruc Ym Ida In annulus this new will be really If mutated Please phone The Barrie Examiner Pa in and oak for Ihe Womens Page Mr and Mrs Gerald anse Bothde Crescéut have returned to the city from Eerv muda While there the couple were guests at Horowny Hall Hold Mr Tawse attended the ninth annual convention of the Moons Business Forms Ach ievement Club held at Elbow beach Surf Club Among the guests at the HrittonKrelchrnan wedding in Fainlaw United Church Brant ford Saturday were Mr and llrs Alexander Campbell Avenue Air and Mrs Britten Alfred Street parents of the bridegroom Prior to her marriage Mrs Donald Paul Britten was bliss Monica Kret chman daughter of Mrs Kraus Brantford ENGAGEMENT Burton Avenue United Church will be the setting for the wed ding of bliss Pauline Sinclair daughter of Mr and Mrs John Sinclair hiiueslng and Don ald Ritchie son of Mr and Mrs Ritchie Lisle The afternoon ceremony will he held July ls ROSE SHOW The annual Rose Show spou sorcd by Barrie Horticultural Society is being held today in Trinity Parish Hall Collier Street The judge and speak or will he Keenan past President of the Canadian no Society Presentation Made Mrs Hewitt At Ebenezer WA WMS Meeting Mrs Douglas Kneeshnw was hostess at the July meeting of Ebenezer WA and WMS Wed nesday afternoon Twelve mem bers and six visitors were pres ent Mrs Kneeshuw opened the meeting with poem Women of God Arise Mrs Lloyd Kneeshaw read the minutes of thelast meeting which wereapproved Business included discussion of the sale of drapes and gift for shot Miss Aileen Gardener opened the WMS with poem Mem orie9Hull The prayer for the WMS min slonury Miss Hanson was giv en by Mrs Ernest Dales Min utes were adopted and treasur ara report given by Mrs Kneeshaw Miss Gardener dedicated the stewardship collection and gave report on the executive meet ing held at Burton Avenue Un ited Church All bales or old given either locally or to distant points are to be reported andused cloth lngistobeseuttolsaQueeu Street Toronto Mrs Gordon Kneesbaw on behalf of the WMS members expressed thesocietys regret ou the departure of Mrs Hewitt the ministers wife Mrs Hew itt was highly thought of in the community and will he missed by all Mrs Matt Kneeshaw presented Mrs Hewitt with parting gift 3a Jan1sz zrnan ems 5mm PA 6414917 HAIRSTYLING TINTINB SPECIALTY The meeting was turned over to Mrs Ernest Kneeshuw an gram couveunr Mrs John Kneeshaw read paper Mo teriol Progress is Not Enough Mrs Doug Kncmhaw read poem Praying on One Knee Mrs Ernest Dales and Mrs Hailley Evans presented two duets reading was given by Mrs Knecshaw followed by closing prayer The Apgust meeting will be held at the Ebenezer United Church Roll call will contain the word reap Try An Examiner Want Ad Phono Pa 32414 whopping 900d toppings Shlnlif Sundae Toppings have real msittnynurmoufh appeal Youllilndtyuaflavourgoodnass in all Shirrlff toppings and desserts Eva Salada Shirl ftHorsoy product quail guaranteed by if rn Excellence You save 20 on these Peter an straPless bras at Evangélsne HOW until July 3Ist 1961 Nowinprogresstbistimclyoppommity to round out your summer wardrobe and save at the same time on these famous Peter Pan strapless bms Their comfortable fit flattering beauty com bined nowvwiththis good 20 savmg should be your signals to soon Re member this offer expires at th end of nousmonth Regularlyislmfl oN SALE IBatistn patio slides an abl fltand attachahiostraps 3486 hi