mt Examiner is Hayfield street Barrie Ontario WEDNESDAY JULY 1m Pago More Trash Scattered Around Country Yearly Each year the situation gets alittle worse There are more people scattering more utter and trash about and there more trash to be scattered as food and other articles appear with more and more elaborate wrappings Most of us dont realise what an enormous enterprise it is Just to dispose of the mappings used for so many purposes today There are garbage col lections in the cities and most other communities but when people get out in the open they seem to believe they have the right to throw anything down almost anywhere As matter of fact such is far from being the case In theory depositing trash in public places is an offence but it is one that is fairly easy to get away with People throw trash from car win LazyL1pped Canadians says an English speech training expert are lazy llpped By that Greta Douglas who is an examiner at theTrinity College of Music in Lon don infers that we do not move our lips enough when we speak and we do not move our laws enough either We refuse to rise up in righteous in dignation Perhaps many of our fellow Canadians may ake this as an unforgiv able affront for after all it is not pleasant when guest in our midst com es out with an insult Admittedlyspeech in Canada differs from what Miss Doug las would encounter in London even though the language may be substant ially the same Dowri Me MIRAGULOUS ESCAPE MOTORIST The Barrie Examiner of July 1936 had When the right rear wheel of his car blew out as he was driving south on Highway 11 July Parsley 61 Toronto had miraculousescape Ac cording to Traffic Officer Spencer Bradford who investigated two tacks became embedded in the right rear tire which blew out and then rolled off the wheel The car rolled over three times in the ditch and then the front became embedded with rear wheels in the air total wreckrlhe injured man was tak on to the brace of Dr Frank Shannon Churchill and treated for cuts on fore head and chin and injured shoulder These were not serious and he was tak en back to Toronto on the same day by his son BARRIE DROUGHT 25 YEARS AGO July 1936 issue of The Barrie Ex aminer told of 99 in shade Agricultural representative Stewart Page of Simcoe County said that the crops were stand ing up well despite the hest but rain was badly needed On July the water consumption in Barrie was the largest on record at 840000 gallons The de mand still exceeds the supply said Commission secretary Salter Un limited water for gardens and lawns cannot now be supplied should fire dows In the country they sometimes dump rubbish along country roads There should be definite clamping down on this careless habit it didnt matter in the old days when there were only few people and few of them travelled about except from necessity Now roadsides are dotted with old wrap ping bottles and cans The same thing applies to many pub lic spots There is too much tendency to ignore the garbage receptacles which are usually present and quite conspicu ous Scattering of litter is not tolerated in Europe even in remote districts People who do such things are Severely criticized if not actually brought into court and fined something of the same sort will have to be the rule here or in time we shall be drifted under mounds of trash Canci dictns However we are going to agree with Miss Douglas in her criticism The lazy llpped Canadians because they do not move their lips and laws sufficiently when speaking Produce an unpleasant flat and distinct drawl We are going to agree with her becausewe have met many Canadians with voices just as she describes But we cannot agree that these are necessarily lazyiipped Indeed from our observation the people with the unpleasant flat and indistinct voices are anything but lazyiipped In any group it is always these peo ple with strident tones who overwork their laws in conversation we wish they would he lazyiipped and give their volces rest mery Lane break out it would be serious The high est previous pumping record murmur gallons normal days output is around 500000 KIRK CHOIR WELCOME ORGANISI Thecholr of st Andrews Presbyter ian church in Barrie met on Tuesday aveningpluly 1936 to greet their or ganist and leader Edmund Hardy Mus Bac FTCM after months absence when he was examining in Saskatche wan for the Conservatory of Music The gathering was on the spacious lawn of Mrs Dodds home at Cundles tree shad ed and wired for evening pleasures Miss Velma Patterson directed games and Miss Olga Brownlee was in charge of supper preparations Mr Hardy told of his trip of places and personalities Choir president Angus Rosswelcomed Mr Hardy and lVLrMackay senior elder and 90 years young spoke of the Esteem in which Mr Hardy was held by mem bers and officials To mark 16 years service by the organist the choirpres ented him with the hood for the Bach clor of Music degree which he holds from University of Toronto Mrs Hardy was also remembered and thank for faithful choir service with her beautiful con traltc voice and received exquisite yel lowroses Mrs Dodds was not forgot ten and received handsome bouquet of red roses Other Editors Vievvs DONT OUT QUALIFIED SALARIES Sudbury Star Best news in the field of education is that the postwar teacher shortage is about to become teacher surplus The supply is expected to exceed the de mand in the elementary schools by next fall and reach the secondary school by 1964 Dr Rivers new director of edu cation for Ontario says thiscouid result in drive by schoolboasdsto reduce salaries It would put an end to com petitive bidding for teachers servicesu practice that has been mainly respon sible for substantial salary increases Let us hope that schoolboasds do not exploit the situation That teacher or anizations used the shortage to pres The Barrie Examiner CAIlacuna second ehumu Post own apartment on bus luney usually anusy are WHITE was Publisher IAN heroin denn master momiummxeuor ensues amends ammomm noamr chasm dunking Manner Joan EDWIELCirculltfonMlnnr Subscription rah only by chirm see iszo It can ms in ant216 also three 00 year not aim on sacLaure Member be than Auouaaon in Cans nucleonnu or am if it sure school boards into higher salaries is no reason for the school boards to engage in gameof Martat when the situation is reversed The best approach for the school boards is to maintain satisfactory sal ary levels for qualified teachers They can take advantage of teacher surplus by bringing about merit system under which teachers will be rewarded accord teacher surplus also gives the school boards the opportunity to weed out those who would he better suited in ching This can also be the policy of the teacher organizations in insisting on high standards gt fully qualified anddedicated tea cher is entitled his salary in heaping with the qualification for the position We can alwaysafford to pay the high list for diebest Paragraphically Speaking There aremany tindicatlons that the free world isnt nearly so good at snoop Russiais rbmbonag is far more mileage out of it than music on soldiers Ill ing to their individual teaching ability business or profession other than tear OTTAWA moor Report On CBC By PATRICK NicaoLsori After weeks of meetings the House of Commons committee on broadcasting has brought down report which is no more than patchwork quilt ft satis fies neither the Canadian Broad casting Corporation nor Parlia menL The House of Commons has to laxyou and me to raisele $81752300 which the CBC re quests from Parliament this year In general terms this sum is the difference between the 080 total expenditures this year and the revenue it is able to charge advertisers who rent its facilities Since our MP5 must collect from us this huge sum they re spect their obligation to ensure that our money is spent wisely and economically by the CBC For this purpose the task of ex amining the affairs of the CBC was delegated to committee of the House this year as in previous years It was made painfully clear to committee members this year even more so than previously that the ezars appointed to run the publiclyowned CBC object strongly and most unreason ably to these meetings with the committee As if they have plenty to bideand some com mittee members suspect that they havethey gave their dues tioners the impression that they were wrestling with pile of feathers One MP told me If is outrageous that the employees of the taxpayers should be so anisgonistlcwhen the elected representatives of those taxpay ers want to discuss their busi nose with them PLAN CRITICIZED Typical of tbezcostly plans of the CBC which the committee questioned but failed to have satisfactorily explained is the projectile build new head of fice in Ottawa ccatingsoma $12000000 The CBC now has head office staff of about 400 in Ottawa fair question iswby any stafiis located here rather than more economically and con veniently at the big broadcast ing and production centres in Toronto and Montreal The next question is why 400 workers need such building six times as ex pensive as for Comparable pri vate company on one of the rnoset esrpensive suburban river side sites in our capital An un answerable question is why the department of public works has not been invited to use its one isting facilities to supervise the design and construction which would be cheaper and more ef festive than permitting the song anddance supervisors of the Patchwork Quilt Coyne care which many poll licians consider screaming na tional scandal Some union members want to contract out of the levy to sup port the New Party through union dues there is talk here of taxpayers wanting to contract out of the taxsubsidy lo the CBC on be grounds that it ap pears to have set itself up as partisan political machine One ngered expubiic servant HAVENT BEEN WELL SINCE SEW YOU LAST here dedicated Liberal de plored to me the manner in which group of men em ployed by the CBC to interview cabinet minister dared in try to discredit him and his office in the public eye Mackenzie King would never have stood for that he declared BIBLE THOUGHT But seek the welfare of the city when have sent you in exile for In its welfare you win find your welfareJere mlsb 297 No matter how unfavorable our environment it is our duly to pray for our neighbors and to be blessing to them Wnucrrrrmmns Wann Friendly Atmosphere Pervades Council Meetings necessary Examiner Managing Editor attended meetingclick rie City Council for the first time this week foundgtlbe experience lnteratisg and in fonnative Mayor Kinda stands on ceremony and he is fielder for the fnrmalllies His policy works that of the council Business is conducted according to the rules of procedure if therer mo tion before the bouse it must be debated aldermea are not permitted to wander all over the place discussing the price of tea in China or fire stale of Russian culture if resolution on roads or sewer it being dis cussed PLENTYOF SCOPE Within these bounds of course fliere is plenty of scope No alderman is worthy of his position if he undo find the time and the place to air his views Certainly this weeks meeting was an Indica tion of their familime with the rules and with the ways of circumventing them it was wordy meeting as council smisons go Aldermen Cooke Hersey and Williams with the help of Aldermen Roberts and Wilson were bobbing up and down most of the evening wills questions amendments to motions and fullfledged speech as too All are able debaters with the ability to express themselves in clear and concise language These gentlemen got in their innings during discussion of committee reports They shone during debate on the public works committee report which set forth the terms of refer cues for the position of city engineer Tbe report was llmcly in view of the fact that the new city engineer Genvaamblyn was in attendance at the meeting and introduced by Mr Cooke The idea no doubt was in outline 1he engineers authority firmly before he takes over the office in August The procedure is sound for there seems to be little sense in sublecting Mr Tambiyn to jurisdictional wrangle at time when he is attempting to learn the intri cacies of his new and demands lnc lob Mayor Kinzle has pleasing habit of making visitors to the chamber feel at home and wel to his own advantage and mine He introduced num ber including me and later in riled Mr Tambiyn to the dais for an introduction by Alder men Cooke WARM NUCK It was warm touch which adds to the reputation of Bar rle as friendly city air Tun blyn was lauded as young man will wide experience in municipal and industrial engin eering He wu pmmeed the support and confidence of the city fathers it was evident that the pulr lie is not forgotten at ccimcli lesions The mayor brought out that rolmecgraphed copies of all oorrunltlee reportsare available to all visilors to the chamber The reports are pil ed up on the desk of City nerk Siraughan This is most thoughtful policy for it enables the casual vidtors lo keep abreast of debate The members of council know whats in gross reports which are not has it is wonder that more people do not attend council meetings to obtain firsthand knowledge of how civic business lls carried out The soft summer air of the outdoors is strong magnet however and people cannot be criticized for taking full advan tage of it The council cham her was warm and humid Col lars wilted under the heat but the vigor of argument on coun cil remained firm and strong The mayor and the aldermen kept to their seats for mom than boar hours apart from brief recess shortly after pm This was an early meeting was told Frequently Barrie council sessions extend into the small hours of the morning Here they take their civic poll llcs seriously IlK llsks People Back Aid Program WAEIINGNN AHPresi dent Kennedy appealed to the American people Monday to back his foreign aid program in theifiglzt for our own secur ity and the fight for peace The president said his $4800 000000 program is probably the most vital piece of legisla tion in the rtional interest that may be before the country this yearI HOWMANY MILES SHOULDA TRUCK lAST lidepends on the driveron the care that truck is assume the first two factors are average it receives is sensible and regular Now the mileage we can WHY IS THE Ellsle Villl CHOOSE $0 IMPORTANT Lets talk engines For this is the heart of truck performance And its here that Chevrolet VBs and able worth Naturally 6s have proved their depend Chcvrolel gives you choice of power plants but they allbavc something in common Namely over head valves Moraine bearings and full pressure lubrication all specially designed for long engine lifé And as bonus while you enjoy this extended engine life Chevrolet has married economy to power in the performance ofifs various engines so that with Chevrolet Truck you have the and gas economy fulltimel pullingpower when you need it vThcn there are the myriad of small the life of Chevrolet Trucks Emabig feamrestbat help extend capacity brakes pied eion ballgear steering lo minimize ï¬ction and steering eï¬ort torquetailored clutches and supertough transmissions CBC tol wallow in theunac Acqstomed field of architecture lha most penalrating and an undeniably true criticism made by the committee was its con ern over the lack of super vision and control of CBC scripts and croonian gt Thatch programming of 31s althoughmen of experience in broadcasting have so ineg abdicated control over tbejun producers responsible for dividual programs The result is at them has become and eemsllkelylo remain an ab 1e natlonviidoégrtroversy So how many miles should your Chevroletfruck last Frank thousands of Chevrolet Trucksacross retire before your truckdoes the driver is reasonably Iy we can anada with thousands of profit But one thing we can say with surety yo the best performancedhroughout the longest possible lifetime And with Chevrolet Truc givenandon the manner in which the truck Was built Lets considerate of his truckthe maintenance expect depends on how the truck is built WHY Ill SOMESUSPENSIIJNS LASTAND MST Lets talk suspension Heres another way in which Chevrolet extends truck life truck tallcrcd rear suspension in combination with Chevys famous Independent Front Suspension with torsion springs Before Chevrolet pioneer ed this suspension system be transmitted directly road bumps used to lo the chassisand to the sheet metal and load But now with Inde pendent Fronr Suspension and varirate rear springs Chevrolet Trucks dissipate the bumps reduce chassis strain minimize lire abuse load damagla and driver fatigue Another way of adding more and more Chevrolet Truckl miles to the life of now cousmm mucx hours rnnviunurur Chevrolet HeavyDuty mm are built with variety of frames tailormade for variety of trucking jobs Forexample if you spend all of your driving time ulfthe highway Cbevy recom mends one of their flexible frames that supports and gfves when giving is the wisest comes If your chore calls for extra heavy highway loads Chevy has frame that ï¬lls that bill too In fact Chevrolet Trucks come to you with the justright frame for your job And because of that months and months of life are added to hauling baa profitable one Choose your WorkProved Chevrolet Truck at your dealers today nasr sues BECAUSE rurvsasasr news For PrRroRMANcE seswcr memesnmc ECONOMY AND ALLROUND summon CHEVROlE DANGeanELD mar 65 COLLIEl 51 Chevrolet Corvcir Olds Cadj Envoy Chev Truck Dealer BAR RIE your Chevrolet Truck miles and miles of proï¬table pinit down to figure Certainly there are miles behind them Whoknows perhaps youll ur Chevrolet Truck has been built to give you every mile you drive will crIzilo TIRUCKS sud PHONE PAS2487