urns ARRIE memmmmmmnaigun TB ARRHE TURN oar HWY in AT ouNLoa To ANNE OPEN FRIDLAY NIGHTS TILL fPLAZA CoWboy Star or StageAnd TV Visits Barrie Plaza The Wilkie Ranger well known onstage and to TV viewers brings his famous horse Lash rnar and some of his cowboy friends to Barrie ShoppingPla za this weekend starting Thurs day His beautiful white horse Lashmur has Stirling silver and gold saddle and performs amazing tricks for his master Lashmar has appeared in sever al movies Plan wen Ahead For Vacation an trip this summer While youre busy making lists what to wear and how much luggage youll need do for get to make plans for the most important ingredientin sub cesiul trip good health Nothing spoils trip faster than illness ot any kind To make sure youre in top ahapeclieck with your doctor on vaccinations and inocula tions For entry or reentry in to Canada foreign count ries exceptipng the United Stat es you will be required to Showa valid certiï¬cate of vac cination against smallpox with in syears The Public Health SerVice recommends vaccina tion against polio and typhoid fever and inoculation against diphtheria Here are some Suggestions or your traveling medicine chest aspirin laxatlve cough drops motlonsicknes remady insect repellent and insecticide salt tablets for profuse perspir ing in extra warnr weather countries antiseptic an anti biotic prescribed by your doc tor for cases of high iever doctor may be unavailable indigestion medication and sun burn cream Take along absorbent cotton winch sterile gauze pads ad hesive tape and adhesive band ages zinch sterile gauzeband ages Fahrenheit fever theme meter scissors tweezers and your eyeglas prescriptions When abroad dont drink water that is not freshly boiled or sterilized When in doubt use water disinfectant Avoid sherbets ice cream ice cus tards unboiled milk local but ter soft cheeses merinmu pastries and salads Never eat raw fruits or vegetables it the skin is aireait broken be sure you peel them yourself alter having washed your hands carefully The Wilkie Ranger and Ljasli mar will be helping out with the big Roundup of Summer Values offered at the Barrie Plaza stor es this weekend Outstanding savings are available on all kinds of merchandise at each of the friendly Plaza stores 50 for fun for the family and the best buys in town visit the Barrie Plaza this weekend Long Distance Auto Trip Need Not Be Uncomiortahle Here are some tips or com and thin do away with imnecea BARRI SHOPPING WEEKEND SPECIAI Famous Maker Imported Novelty Prints Pant Mate sums Reg 195 to 1495 Remember these rules and allow thorn They may be somewhat of chore but theyre well worth the trouble to insure happy healthy va cation iortable long distance drivinz wear loose fitting clothes or more relented ride leave shoelacestied loosely or wear moccasintype shoes to allow tree circulation 01 blood LcBo Now erN IN BARRIE PLAZA snry fatigue Have your pageagers remove their iootgear but as driv experts agree driver should ways keep shoes on Take pli low or two for the children to nap on For longer trips take along some simple games to keep them amused Have them play games along the way such as counting gas stations on ei ther side of the road or out ofstate car licenses am an imals etc Every twoboiirs or so make comfort stop or stretch legs and aovid cramps Allow extra travelling time on each days drive for stopping at points of historic interest scenio views and the like SAVE $28950 AT SrkAir HARDWARE BOAT ENSEMBLE mums BOAT Moron AND manner Quart STAINLESS STEEL Satin finishedcotoonsivplay mittlinens amels etc wondemiil assortment patterns and colors Sizes to 16 ao AHEAD aE maintain our Italian stylist will create new you with captivating alluring hair foshlon that will make you teel and look lovelierl Go ahead be individual Experts in ammo is Deluxe nine ammo Copper bottom ensures long wear Ideal for not tase cm or sterile Spratt Special Price has Boatpius Reg 695 SETTING Open 96 Monday Wednesday Open 99 Thursday Friday Open 96 Saturday VENUS cmrEunEs PA 61112 Barrie Shopping Plaza 25 hp Gale Bucaaieer Electric Motor plus Heavy Dutvaoaty Trailer with 1100 lbs capacity aintan Special Price $155 SAVE ts 950 Can be easily linancedhloink Down 24montlis to pay balance sauces Map In cANiioA hes priced $134450 BARRlE PLAZA COINLAUNDRV ILarge me sis in Stayeold Picnic Hamper Plastic Cooler yAiimetai with bakedon up Inst interior mitertor an nnea lnpoptliu plaid sign Relularly Spratt Your Weeks Wash Washed and Menuexam 12 isyr and welghl sixth wizard camplrahil met cheat Marmot New plastic keep annten can and tresiu Regularly 695 snratt it Dried In Only Minutes Our manysatistied eualomersitell they get the CLEANEST WASH the FASTEST wASH just is minutes rightistEONQMICALWASH VWASH 25 an 4341 Special bell Price Price any 102 ï¬eiilfuuiiq FRIGIDAIRE COINOPERATED WASHIHG MACHINES Baffler Moï¬iMoilemi Figure Sign InisAIRRIEHAZA Tryus Today PLnNrn airman LARGE SELECTION or FISHING TACKLE IONIC surpLiE CAMPING SUPPLIES FARM EQUIPMENT PLUS 30 TSiMQT ism TRAILERS reams mm swan