Belching Sulphur Gas Spells Death To Forest WAWA Ont tCPl Ground zero for killing fallout which has destroyed 150 square miles of vegetation here is pair of towering smokestacks belching sulphur fumes over what once was fresh green forest The fumes from Algoma Steel Corporations slntering plant here have in few years pro duced poisonous scar which may never heal The sintering plant which converts sulphurrich iron ore einto cinderlike substance later turned into steelsends H000 lans of sulphur smoke into the air every month Pre vailing southwest winds oil Lake Superior funnel the fumes up the valley of the Magpie River leaving leafless trees blackened in death with units grey lifeless earth surrounding an occasional patch of hardy Weeds The trees sterile and parched under the smoky sky constitute prime forest fire hazard Animals and birds shun the area Sometimes moose or hear will Wander up the val ley but nothing more Thd district is mostly un populnted Tourist resorts near the tearshaped wasted area are considering getting out while they can One tourist lodge nearer the plant has closed in despair The northern Ontario Tourist Outfitters Association and the Ontario Conservation Council have taken their complaints to the Ontario legislature at lor onto but no concrete action has been taken The village of Magpie for mcr sawmill site surrounded by workers homes now is ghost town abandoned in face of the sulphirrous rain There is some possibility that the Ontario government will de lllankind Entering Historical Periocl Like Middle Ages NEW YORK AP The whole world is ina state of shock said author John Stein beck That is why people dont think You cant think when youre in state of shock At 59 Steinbeck rated among the best of the United States living writers has turned out 27 books For 30 years Steinbeck also has made an intensive study of the middle ages and he feels mankind is again entering that kind of historical period Again were seeing the breakup of old forms of author ity religious governmental even parentalbefore new ones are established he said puff ing cheerfully on pipe in the study of his east side home Thats why people are so restless and worried They dont know what to tie to Theres even new trend in cocktail parties here Instead of showing up with their husbands or wives or mistresses or lovers people bring their psychiatrists Good Lord the way we live LOVES LIFE But Steinbeck who saw life in the raw in half dozen jobs ranging frombricklaying to war reporting retains Wonderful gusto for living Rumpling his greying hair and beard swivel ing his glasses from his nose to the top of his head he scribbles out 2000 words of prose almost daily with ball point pen in series of oldfashioned ledgers Hailed as social reformer when Grapes of Wrath appeared in 1940 Steinbeck feels he has grown both more intense and more mature with the years Everything in life iscolored by your personality the ob served but as you mature you become more aware of outside things less concerned about Yourself Here are few more sparks from Steinbecks idea foundry Im interested in the war of the generationshe has two sonsand it is war ButIm not sure want to win How the hell do know what kind of worldmy sons will live in If all we planned for our chil drentookhold it would be race suicide It would kill them book islike flag You can starve and burn peoplebut they wont stand for the burning of books Writers are little below clowns and little above trained seals God help the world if be much orse than the people now in power cantrire lllVlan Confidentially Senator Roebuck Tells Senate OTTAWA CPlYou cannot fire man confidentially said Senator Arthur Roebuck Ontario Big the tense Senate banking mmittee and even Governor James Coyne grinned It was one the few eig eursions into on by committee members Tuesday as they cross examined the embattled Bank of Canada governor It brought laughter and temporary relief to the pentup emotions in the hot hot smokeheavy room Mr Coyné was being ques tioned aszto why in releasing private and confidential letters and information in his fight with the government he did not feel bound by his oath of secrecy He had this before the gov ernment attacked him in public said Senator Louis Beaubien PCQuebec The governdr said he felt it was his duty to inform the pub lic alt was all bound to become public knowledge in any event was at this point that the year old Senatorvknebuck made his quip vSenalbr Roebuck Were you rinldlot that time when Finance Minister Fleming asked the gov erncrMoy 30forhlaimrnediatle reolgnutloniihnt was vole matter and confidential Senator William Brunt PC Ontario must say we all agree oo that Mr Coyne maintained there was no rule of law or moral ity that could convict him for releasing ch letters and mem oranda in his own defence Senator Brunt asked Mr Loyne whether there was any thing in the Bank ofvcanada Act that would prevent the banks board of directors from recommending even now that he be reappiï¬nted for another sevenyear term starting next Jan think that is very hypn the al question senator Mr Coyne said with barelyper ceptible smile whilethe com mittee laughed Senator Brunt pressed Mr Coyne for his opinion on whether Bank of Canada pension fund bylaws should be publishedin theCanada Gazette Mr Coyne said thatsince the bylawsdld not require cabinet approval the thought never entered his mindu opiuion Senator Brunt said if the thought never enters you have to That doesnt both Brunt said Senator vi Ontario writers ever took controlWed You must have had some Mr Coyne cide the mineral resources are worth more than the surface and will declare the strip of land from Wawo to Lochaish 30 miles to the north mining area Thnt wouldfinish wildlife In the district Can anything be done to stop the fumes Legal advisers to the tourist outfitters say trap at the smokestacks could rc move 65 per cent of the sul phur Not remotely possible says an Algoma official James Bar her Its strictly not economi cal The company says work in begin next year on taller smokestacka to dissipate the fumes in the upper air but from servationists claim these 500 foot chimneys would simply spread destruction over in wider area And 11000 tons month is lot of sulphur COYNE PRESENTS WOBDY DEFENCE OTTAWA CP James Coyne is bludgeoning the Senate an in commit tee with words Some senators are crying uhcle The governor of the Bank of Canada is putting about 9000 words an hour on the record of the committee At his present clip he has defended his position to the extent of some 80000Vwords This was up to the lunch ad journment lhesday Senate shorthand reporters estimate that Mr Coyne talks 150 words to the minute far more quickly than most wit nesses Mr Coyne who has not once lost his temper or raised his voice despite some needling questions has shown no signs of running down fMercy one pleaded Tues day One reply tookmore than an hour Nve RepublicIn Hot Water After Only Few Weeks nrlnnBamI in South African WNW ex perienced in reporting on the problem of his country In this story be discerned feelings and attitudes in South Africa Illehllic first month in which it bu been republic By antor oaniiow CAPE TOWN CF The South African Republic is only few weeks old but already it has landed itself in hot water Prime Minister Hendrik Vere woerd missed great chance when the new state came into being May it to turn over new leaf and so give hope at home and renew confidence abroad Instead in the first month of the republlc there was de pressing repetitionof all the most unpleasant trends in Af rikaner Nationalism Even the socalled moderate Cape Na tionalista have come out in In vor of Verwoerds no conces slon policy There have been new and disturbing threats to the freedom of the pras lo the session of Parliament now nearing its end the Opposi tion has been treated with crude contempt censorship bill narrow and petty in scope will be introduced in Parliament next year The Suppression of Communism Act is being used more and more as an excuse to arrest antigovernment agita tors who hovc never been con nectcd with communism SEVERE LAWS Ona Afriocn arrested was an Anglican clergyman Canon Ca lata His crime was that he hung two souvenir photographs of himself taken about no years WESTMINSTER Md AP Whittaker Chambers former former in the Alger Hiss case has died at Maryland farm where he lived in selfimposed exile Chambers who was 60 suf fared heart attack Sunday at his home in nearby Eachmans Valley His family announced the death Tuesday after the body had been cremated in pri vate ceremonies Chambers was in the head lines in 1943 as the accuser and chief government witness against Hiss well regarded state department official Iiitestimony before the House of Representatives committee on unAmerlcan activities Chamb ers accused Hiss and others of being Communist agents who supplied him with secret infor mation Hiss filed $75000 libel suit when Chambers repeated the charges utside the congres sional committees cloak of le gal immunity but the suit never was tried FROM PUMPKIN Chambers produced micro filmed and typewritten docu ments from hollow pumpkin on his farm and Hiss was in dicted and convicted for peri ury Hiss served 44 months of Meyer term and was released in 1954 sanity Tnucr PREVAILS ago when he was member of the banned African National Congress on the walls of his sitting room He was given suspended sentence of in days Nothing could be more typi cal of the perversity which the malady of apartheid has brought to the Afrikancr men tnlity The governmentdid not think it necessary to explain or ins tify the Calais case instead an African womao was arrested days later on similar charge litany people think incidents such oaths Colata caseexplaln the basic reasons why the re publles gold and foreign ex change reserves have dropped below the commonlyaccepted danger point To stop the increasing outflow of upltal the government rm posed the most drastic control measures in the countrys his torl the effects of which are likely to be deflation less foreign investment and slow ing down of industrial and min ing expansion ANXIOUS M000 The effect has been deprcs sing Business is at standstill industry has laid off thousands of workers The general mood Is one of fear and insecurity What South Africa needs is period of calm and stability Instead the government press has predicted another general election in October If Verwocrd wdnted the country to be calm he would have quashed all election rumors But typical device of authoritarianism is to keep peoples emotions ablaze and what better device than an election to take the peoples mind off the deteriorating iin Communist spy who turned inv ancial position Spy Who Informed 0n Alger Hiss Dies lit Farm Home in Maryland key figure in proceedings which led to the conviCtion was former vice president Nixon then freshman congressman from California Nixon won reputation as an antiCommunist crusader as result and the incident gen ally is credited with starting him on the road which led to the Republican nomination for president in 1960 informed of Chambers death Nixon said it was one of the Rent tragedies of our time that man of Whittaker Chumbers extraordinary abilities became involved in the Communist con spiracy HE ATDNED But Nixon said the courage which led him to break with the conspiracy more than otoned for his earlier mis takes Hiss now 56 and salesman for stationery and printing in terests in New York declined comment Chambers resigned his post as $304100 year senior editor with Time magazine after ad mitting that he had spied against his country and was Communist party member of 14 Years in 1952 Chambers suffered Itacks and was bedridden for many months Stencils Lectders Will Meet TO Discuss Compromise ay JAMEsNELsON Canadian Press Staff Writer OtlAWA CF shaky truce prevailed today in the SenateCommons fight over eon troversial madeinCanada tariff proposals Senate leaders were expected to meet informally and in pri vate to try to work out com promise with the government is insisting on carrying its ill through the Senate with out amendment despite thevoplt position of the Liberal majority the upperhcuse The possibility of avoiding final riftwhich Prime Minister Diefenbaker said last week would sooner or later mean general election on the issue oceurred dramatically at the end of the Senates debate Tues day Liberal Senator 11055 Mac donald opposition leader sug gested that two or three senat ors call on Finance Minister Fleming informally to see whether compromise could be reached Vt At Conservative Senator William Brunt deputy govern ment leader rejected the idea because it dnt fit with stand ard rules of the Senate PCS WILL TRY Later he said such mee ing mightbepossihle and as longas it was possible to save the bill let us try to save it Senato Brunt move dlourn thedebate said the it ubiec will bclardnwn the ist focus when Brunt adioiirnm not just debating slons out to resolve the issue created by the governments refusal to ac cept the Liberal amendment in its present form The amendment writes into the hilt the restoration of right of appeal against minis terinldecisions on some of the factors in deciding whether higher tariff to encourage Ca nadian production shoult be im posed against imports of goods of class or kind not already made in Canada TORONTO CmThree men were sentencedto jail terms hlesday for beating Toronto gambler MaxBluestein in crowded downtown tavern in March The dljfEnCé of the wit nessesin uiving testimony in this case is farmore serious than the crime itself said magistrate Joseph Addison after convicted the men of assault John Papalia 37 of Hamil ton was given 18 months Frank Marchildon 40 of Tor onto nine months Fred Bai of Toronto four fourth manJack of Toronto was ac uitted Moi than 100 persons at the ght club saw the beating Magistrate Addison said was that me clless beating voccurred before them and they were pitched into condition As to the as nit itself The government argues that the power for final and binding ministerial decisions is con tancd in bill arsng out of the budget and so cannot be alt ered by the Senate It was adopted by the Commons over sift opposition by the Liberals In the Senate the Liberals where they have 72 members in the finseat chamber argued that the Senate has power to do Whatever ii likes with budget bills IlreyisentencedTo IailTenns In Beating 0f Toronto Gambler the magistrate said before pass ing sentence But the place the number of patrons at the tavern and the vieiousness of the attack make it advisable that the guilty parties and others who live by this lawbe discours age Such was the fear of coose quencesif they identified any sault Magistrate Addison said that the witnesses were less afraid of punishment in the hereafter for perjury During the trial Magistrate Addison accused Eva Ander son hatcheck girl at the toy ern of perjury He said it was obVious she had been under pnessure not to reveal what she knew about the assault He said other witnesses were also si lenced The magistrate suggested not even Bluestein was concerned about the bgati Apparently it is anoccupational hazard he said The signs are that Vermont would increase his parliamen tary majority and that it will take nothing less than na tional calamity to dislodge him from power CRISIS IN MANDAIEl of themany calamities that face the republic none ls more real at the moment than the fate of SouthWest Africa This territory stripped from Ger many after the First World War has been discribcd as Ihe achilles heel of apartheid Early next year South Africa will have to answer an allega tion before the lnternotiooal Court at The Hague that she has violated the SouthWest Africa mandate by applying apartheid in that territory if the International Court finds that such violation has taken place the new republic will be exposed to massive attack on its internal race pou cies and to legal action against it by the United Nations Se curity Council This must be one of Ver woerds biggest problems if the international Court mics that South Africa has vio hated the mandate then Ver woerd dare not dlsregard the courts iudgment if he does the mandate could be revoked and transferred The case against South Af llmIMEmWAYMYI rim is being brought by Ethi opia and Liban In the Ethi opian application details of apartheid practisai by the NE tionalist government in South Wcst Africa are given in terms of naked race discrimination The dispute basically is on at tacit on South Africas internal policies and at the moment OTTAWA lCPlThe Ottawa public school board made night asked for the resignation of its chairman Roy Ken nedy in closed meeting that lasted more than four hours manbers of the board adopted two more resolutions One advised board solicitors to have declared void any agreement by which former school trustee Ernie Brown acquired board land The third motion asked Mr Brown for declaration of the facts surrounding the sale to him of the piece of land which day earlier had been sold to retired carpenter Trudeau It calls for his appearance be fore board lawyers with re minder that any statement he makes may be used in any ac tion the board may see fit to bring about Mr Kennedy had no comment to make after Tuesday nights meeting He was in charge of EATOS Titans For nsar the first of series of heart at VIKING DO of the participaan in the as viking Elecfric Straight Sewing Machine Console Model Reversesew Complete with attachments Round Bobbin Walnut Finish Regular JULY SALES EXTRA SAVE Mac as ReverseSew Round Bobbin Walnut Finish Regular JULY SALES airman Oueonlyv Domesticzbesk Modely Sewing Machine Lirned Oak Finish Reverse Sew ZigZag Zig za Reverse Sew Console Model Round Bobbin Year Warranty on head iiuiltln Dunner Régulur JULY SALES EXTR SAVE tyonllead Viking Desk Model Coosolé Model bb Bounds mwï¬mu lnganlnternationnltnurt mentreunnnnll The governmmt will disputl the competence of the interna tional Court and claim that the mandate lapsed with dissolu tion of the luau of Nations in 1946 Ottawa PublicScliool Board Asks Resignation Chairman the meeting at the start but turned the chair over to another trustee Molar Wood be fore going behind closed door to discuss the land transaction SEEK HIS RESIGNATION The chairmans resignation is being sought on the grounds he acted as lawyer for both Mr Brown and Mr Trudeau against regulations that require mem hero to have no business trana actions whatever with the board of which they are members City Alderman Charles St Germain sparked the contro versy 10 days ago when he asked city council if public tend ers had been called on sale of the 300 by loofoot piece of land He said the University of Of tawa the separate school board and the citys recreation depart latest all made offers for the an any ammo wom has room PAH sronn norms iron runs raun BAT 915 5o pm wearers nn 12 noon lRlDAY 915 No1 105 Sewing Machine Walnut Finish $12495 $3330 4165 Regular JULY SALES SAVE Viking oasis Model Sewing in out Complete withAit iiineon Reverse Sew EXTRA DomesticEullyï¬utoinotie Sewing Machine Zis 28 Reverse Sew console Mo Built In Darnei Console Model Knee Control def Round 30min Year Warranty 01 Head V1Mti Suva sans our Vikiiig annhlesewing Machines straighrsuten Foot Control Regular JULY SALES snva Reverse Sew Blinder TERMS AVAILABLE ON AY PURCHASE ossisoo ranks rel AND SAT Small Down seeps 2555 13 31 rinsing Payment union co urn