LUCKY BABY Mrs Hartlings mothers allowance cheque was worth $100 more to her during June it was the winning cheque drawn and presented to her on behalf of the merchants BONUS CHEQUE of the Barrie Shopping Pla za Mrs Hartling lives at is Parkside Drive Winner of the previous month was Mrs Andrews RR Shanty Bay ON Kennedy May MeetK Prevent Berlin Clash trymow moamson Canadian Puss sun Writer President Kennedy may meet with Soviet Premier Khrush chev next fall in order to pre Inert military clash over Whila State Secretary Dean Rnsk sea the possibility of the Berlin lsue coming before the ted Nations at some stage American authoritle believe the main and important conver sations will still be among the Big Four and more speciï¬cally betweao Kennedy and Khrush chev The United States would wel come UN discussion reasoning the more talk there is on Berlin tho less likelihood of the Com munists triggering the war But American oiflclala shud der at tha thought of the UN with its variety of political hues and aspirations attempting to devke permanent solution to Complex problem in which they feel certain countries namely the US Britain and Francehave fixed rights and obligations WANTS SUMMIT Khrushchev wants summit conference to settle the German problem He wants the west to recognize the Red regime in East Germany and to get out at West Berlin turning it into Liberals Prepqrï¬o Fight New Tax PlanFor Provinces By soaNaan Cnhadiun Press Staff Writer arrow CBThe Liberal Opposition in the Commons has served notice that it plans to put up stiff light against the federal governments new tax plan for the provinces Opposition Pearson made this clear Tuesday night aiter Finance Minister Fleming spelled out the likely impact of the plan to replace the old tax rental arrangement next March 81 when the Tuesday sitting ended the House had equalled the 1903 record of 155 sitting days Today it sets historic new mark for sessional longevity and is hnlmd to go on for some days yetwith further sittings in the fall The 1903 record was set at session marked by heavy vol urno of legislation rather than any singlejnmlnant issue When vMPs quit that session so years ago they complained that the government had introduced leg islation too late complaint voiced by the opposition this session Mr Fleming said the govern mentsnewtax plan for the provinces will usher in new era of ctroperation in federal provincial fiscal affairs He spoke as debate opened on resolution preliminary to legis lation to implement the plan PEARSON DISAGREES But Mr Pearson said the ar rangement could lead to re turn to the tax jungles of the 1930s phrase also used by ICCE Premier Douglas oi Sos kntchewan after three day Dominionprovincial tax confer eoce last October The new tax system will end the old tax rental plan intro duced by the Liberals and will require the provinces to levy their own personal and corpo ration income taxes if they want revenues from those fields in the personal income tax field the federal government will reduce its levy by is per centincreasing this to no per cent during the next five years leaving the provinces free to occupy the tax ï¬eld vacated by Ottawa 1n corporation income tax the federal rate is to be reduced by nine percentage points allowing the provinces to levy nine percent tax on corporation pro ilts without increasing the over all levy Provinces will be free to levy more or less than these rates NOT TiUSED Mr Pearson said the govern ments proposals especially those related to equalization payments to lessAwealthy prov inces had not been accepted with enthusiasm by all prov inces Mr Fleming said the arrange ment will reaffirm and stren gthen the principle that equaliz ation payments must take full account of ï¬scal need and at the same timé enable the prov inces to exercise their constitu tional rights of taxation But Mr Pearson said some provinces especially the less rich ones were complaining about the inadequacy ol the for mole The Liberal opposition elaimed that the new formula of equalization weakened rather Eran strengthened the former formula Red China iibides By Moscow Edicts TOKYO AP Red Chinese Foreign Minister Chen in said Monday Peking will abide by the 1957 Moscow declaration and the 1960 Moscow statement the New China News Agency reported Chens statement apparently designed to knock down spread ing reports of quarrel between Russia and Red China onparty doctrine presumably relerred to peace manifesto the Com munist parties of 84 countries signed endorsing Soviet policies The 1960 statement called for an end to an ideological squab hie in which Peking insisted on the need for forcible export of communism to capitalist coun tries against the Soviet idea that communism will win over the world without war Chen made the statement at Peking rally marking the 40th anniversary ot the Communist revolution in Mongolia DOUBLE TROUBLE JACKSONVILLE Flo AP Mrs Pearson wile of television repairman gave birth to her seventh set of twins Mon day night The mother and tvvo boys were reported doing well Specl summer Saynos at BiéRite DRUGS SIMCOE SHOPPING CENTRE AND JOHNSON ST mom lltlllliY SATURDAY srrclllls Shim Reg490 BiRite at Black and White Roll Films 127 120 620 Regtsh ea ainoenj 3pm 88 PLENTY or ovie Film 499 IHEAVY Dim Bathing flops BiRite at 59 billion entitles holder to new husk of scream El Pilgrims tree city under UN or other international protection Kennedy may be ready to gm him part of what he wants summit meeting ollaorts US authorities see the pos sibility Khrushchev and Ken nedy meeting either in hila teral conference or in four power gathering with British Prime Minister Macmillan French President do GL The West would not go to summit meeting emptihandcd Sensing that majority of world opinion would like see the Wrst come forward ith somethhlg more than mere rigid position New Western pro posals may be developed some what along the lines of previous suggestions which had been re iected by the Communists POLICINGVROLE This would include the possi bility of bringing UN troops into in Berlin policing role as support for the big powers The American govemmenl also would like to see the two Berlin zones united under an STOCK UP ON NOTTOBEMFSSED Lovely Lovely Panties at Savings Up To 40 381 electcd council proposal which Khrushchev would likely reiect But the international flavor of such Western proposal might have more appeal to the new UN members than anything which Khrushchev as do mande so far disadvantage for the West is that die suggestion comes close to proposal by Demo erotic Senalor Mike Mansfield majority eader in the US Sen ate who suggested East and West Berlin be turned into free city with access routes gar risoned by international peace teams The Mansï¬eld idea was roundly condorruled by US Re publicans as appeasement PLAYS HOST STRATFORD UP Tho Ttrattord Beacon Herald ls playing host today to publishers and their representatives from daily newspapers throughout Ontario as members of the On tario Provincial Doilies Associ ation meet here for their semi annual meeting too Sizes n40 SPECIAL REG 39c and 49c PL Wide assortment of styles and trims some plain some print some laceedged Rayon Selection includes white as well as bevy of pretty pastels Stockup Now at Big Saviogsl vovansrzaf mums save 25 and on LovaLv rayonacetate brlds in bevy of and tximl special DIEM colony lulled 287 GIRLS PANTIES SAVINGSPRICED neg non siloiu sizes sshlovely lacetrimmed styles sure to please lla Young Miss innlwenrtng toolWhtte also told lotus red Special LADIES ZELVAL PANTIES SPECflLl Tailoredcull style to white lilac gold rose Iiiyon size he 57¢ Special GIRLSBABYDOLL PYJAMAB srzas Mi Cool charming styles in all lacevtrimmed mhtnndinl swngrl Celanese tricot mutinycoloured Only GIRLS BABY DOLL PYJAMAS are savmna mini on Yo am with dalnty loco edgingawa flint 51238 lovely cotton pyinmns hwanuai Special son some colours h¢elt Sizes EAILERS TO ARNELi sue SPECIAL 3199 VALllBl EasyCm An he in white lune sold Lux urtous permanentpleated top flounu linen1m nusrsn BUY nee $39m FLOWER BTREWN DEADTY ewesr NIGHflE STYLE in ylovely nylonl be Bu generous cu nu trimmed AVERAGE PAY 949Ioo in INDEX STEliDY Canadas costofliving index was 129 at June unchang ed from the previous month This compared with 1286 at June last year Upper graph traces living costs has cd on 1949 prices emailing 100 for 1959 1960 and to date this year Lower graph shows the index of average industrial wages and salaries The index based on 1949 fig urs equalling loo rose to at May from 1807 month earlier CF Newsmap ZEZl lEZ SPECIALSHAT BIG snvmas RETAILERS To THRiFTY CANADIANS am 3240 Ac Cups special 167 mshnmmr Wonderon the comfortable Reg tan prim sizes fMUU MUU SPECIAL flattering Muir Mull it 34 Snvingsl 6149 or colourml cob lt 164 THRITY CADIANS mono aims Special Licence For COsmonaut By RAYMOND PALMER LONDON AP cur vaceous bionde singer letit be known today that Soviet space man Yuri Gagarin was riding around London in on automobile with her licence number The Soviet cosmonaut was driven around Nesday in RollsRoyce with sped plates numbered YGiYG or Yuri Gagario and the for the first man in space But YO also stand for Yaoa Guard is bosomy blondc who sings under the name of Yaha And she acquired the YGi auto registration five years ago for £5 14 irom the previous owner as publicity gimmick When she saw photographs of theGngnrin welcome she anlflPiil got hold of reporter and osked Whats he doing with my registration number The oificial purpose oi Ga garins visit to hidden wos to visit Soviet trade fair and the idea to tide him around behind YGi plates came from James Brewster whose firm is doing CORSETRY SPECIALS nan also numbed it lightly padded Cot ton White in sizes Circular publicity for the fair Brewster relused to comment on the pur loined number except to say that he does not represent Yana OFFICIAIS REDFACED The London County Councils auto registration which approved the number for Gagarin was embarrased Everything was done in such hurry said an ofï¬cial There seems to have been slip up Yuri was pleased with the plates Ah he said grinning first man in space yes Yaoa now uses the number on her 311000 Mercedes sports auto She wasnt annoyed about Yuri using her numberor about the publicity for herself think hes wonderful and courageous man she said should love to meet him FINES TWQ TORONTO CF Mimi0 Fontaine 32 and Paul van hiidde 25 were lined total of 5150 Mo ay on separate charges of defrauding the Un em 10 cut insurance Fund CHARGEIT NO MONEY DOWNi TAKE UP TO 15 MONTHS TO PAY 87 SPECIAL 2Pc Set seam BELT REG slnol White Nylon taffeta with love coloured embroidery HalfSlip and Panties SIZESSM Rayon slip alums with dainty luxurious late Panties comfortstyled with neat fittiog elasticized Lilac aid green white $100 Valuel gold aqua emer SPECIAL BIKIINT PYJAMAS saw on eta pertnpratty sum ï¬r sleepweart Cool too made in Sizes Special Is ty mun prints with double nylon sheer trim Dallas Valnii FEATURE calm lemmmnmrs LASTEXSmbch ror slim trim lines under shorts slacks and sununsr dresses washable and as comfortable to wearl We bllflk redlllacgold sues 199 25m sinus LITTLEGIRL PANTIES 14 anvas sizes 24 natlcedged rim panties dainty Colours and prints Lanetrimmed 87 lust like Mommys speclal TILEGIRL BABY DOLL PYJAMAS small as Picturepretty atle in you jem wtnh rainbowcoloured embrol cry over oy $199 Vsluei Save 21