AXIS SALLY PERIHES of the Second Vold War dodges reporters questmns Mildred Gillars Axis Sally as she hurries lrom United States Womens Rotorrnatory nt Aidurson Va after serving 12 years for treason CP fro AI chc COMMERCIAL nuan lid COMMERCIAL ngulariy bindwhiten Patricia ail BrownEng Lit Ar lth and Rap Cal Bkitg Eur Corr Economics Law Oil Free lyp Home lIconollinlcst Eu ms Margaret asic Arith and Rap Cl Bhkg Bus Corr Economics Twp Home Economics Geog Barbara lacEng Lit lib and Rap Cal Bus Corr Economics Law Off Pros Gaii PaddisonEng Arith and Rap Cal Bldg Bus Corr Law Steno Ray Robertson£ng Lit AriLh and Rap Cal Bkkg Bus Corr Economics Law Off Prac Typ ind Arts Geog Norma ShawEng Lit Ar Cal Bkkl Bus Corr Economics Oil Free Steno Beverley SmithEng Lit lt Arlth and Rap Cal Bkkg Bus Corr Economics Law Oil Free Stcno Painswick Angus Day Camps Open The Painswlcir nnd Angus day comps opened today Children arriVed at the camps at 930 am About 90 attended The camps are operated by local committees in coopera completo Aritb and Rap Cal Bus Cotr Maria 35 Law Off Free Home Economics Tim Geog Lynn WallsEng Lit An lth Ind RapJCai Blakg Bus Corr Economics law Oil Prue Stone Donna YanthoEng int huh and Rap on am Bus Corr Economics law Oil Prac Stone SPECIAL COMMERCIAL should regularly complete sight urhiects Maryanne Ch and Rap Cal kitg Bus Corr Law Oil Prac Stem Economics Joan Fadden Audits and Rap Cal1 liklrg Bus Corr Law Oil Frac Stem Economics Carol FergusonArith and Rap Cal Bkkg Bus Corr Economics Law Oil Prac Stone 1317 Robert FiewellingAri and Rap Cal Bus Corr Ec onomlca law on Free Donna FollArith and gt Rap Cal Bkkg Bill Corr Economics Law Off Prae Stand Patricia FrenchArith and Rap Cal Ekkg Bus Corr Economics Law Off Prue Stem Donna Kendall Rap Cal Bklrg Bus Corr Economics Law Off Prae Steno Marilyn MCLcanAriib and Rap Cal Ekkg Bill Corr Economics Law Oil Free Stone Tip Shirley MitchellArith and Rap Cal Bkkg Bus tierArith Economics Law It Off Prac Stand Joan WetmoArith and Rap cat mu Bus Corr ii Eooaorniu Law Prlc Stone Tip Continent ai student compleb In ManicPatricia Punch four Options omaxn Five Options Ruth GibsonEng Hist All mam Lat Pr Home Ec Four tioas Beyer ey AdamsEng iiit CL Al Chem lat ha Fr Cr bluilyn Cr Fr Cami MorisonEng Hist Ala IChem Lat Ch lr Cr adlganEng Ch Aig Cr Chem CL Geog Cr Pam RubsryEng Hint Cu All it Chem Lat Cr Fr Cr Hendrtka WomanEng ills 11 Alg Chem Lot Obtained Standing Ann Eberhardt Eng Cr Hist Cr All Cr Chem Cr Lat Cr Larry EmrlckEng lllst Chem Cr Fr Cr Carol GrahamEng Alg CL Lat Cr Fr Olive JennettEng Hist UMOUS PIAIUIS liiidiiil Cm Barrio Air Cadet Picked For Course lha at Canadian Air ca det unit leader1 mono start cadeta cciod from 19500 ca dets in M5 squadrons across the Dominion The course runs for seven weeks During this time tours will be arranged to Niagara Ellis ioronto and other cen Tha cadets will receive train ing to prepare them for Air Ca det leadershipl CL All Chem Lats Cr Carol JonahEng Hist Darlene LawEng Cm Hill Cr Aig Cr Chem Dianns LawEng Hist Cr Lat Ch Bkkg Cr DonnaMarie MasonEng lllst Cr Chem Cr Pr Cr Faye MyersEng Cr Aig Cr Chem Lat Cr Fr Cr Mlchlel OgdenEng GRADE XIII BTUDENTS Compieievhliddie School live OptionsDaer Young lour OptionsEric Adams Carol Birdie Paul Campbell Robert lougheed John Mur Colin dock R0 rt Scurton Sutherland Dale Webb sauna Amen mu mm 11 nor Teamsters Wont End Shiite Until All Construction Unionized NEONTO CPIA crowd oi era ware hopeful cheering strikers was told Mon turn to work day night that the rs un tractor ion wont withdraw tram Led Iaisi ha ontoc construction strike until doe not ex one ieamstar all construction in Ontario In to own flirtation 100 aim However casual for William Tiller director oi the ready mlxlï¬iustry said the central Canada construction drivers who refuse to emu divigion of the international pciret lines will be suspended Brotherhood of Teamsters ad mu mm dressed meeting at strikers in lured om Wm my or um nmF Emu follows to make living whh out working he said Also 99 members oi the Tor onto Metropolitan Home Bulld ers Asaociatlon are leaking in junctions in court hearings to day to prohibit picketlng oi ther projects Mr Dodds said Monday the international Teamsters pledged substantial rum oi money to see tho strike through mist Mics Vimifoolioungor otaneariyn ontos construction ttrike Another speaker Bruno zan inl had told the meeting scab labor is one ol the law remain ingobstacies to settlement of the strike which gan more than sixv weeks ago when workers mmpiained they pleited Zanini scabswillbo expelled from projectsan the strike is over Theannouncement of Team ster backing which will cut all readymix concrete COMPETITION BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY Window Box cubvpriul each ward flW 3200 $100 Planter cash prizes sad ward $300 $200 8100 Also GRAND PRIZE $400 tor belt in city for each of above New Home LAWN including shrubs flowers visith from street built since 1255 city wide competition prizes $600 sow stratum Corr CEconornlca Law Oil Prac Steno iyp Audrey MoneyBus CorrC Economics Law Cu Off Free iyp Nancy Rowoll Arith and Rap Cal Bklrg 1Bus Corr Economics Law Oil Prue Steno Typ Jim SheardownArith and Rap Cal likkg ilua Corr lion with the Simcoe County Recreation Service Another camp was opened at Coiling wood July Mrs Florence Fish of the rccreaiion service ls supervisor of the day camps staff The nextcamps willopen at Stayner and Forest Home July iii 3500 00 $800 Prisca donated by Mrs Holden The winner of this event will also receive the BARRIE PARKS EOARD TROPHY dnnlted by Mr Grimm for annual competition Entries for these competitions will be received up to sndin eluding iuly will by phoning or writing Mr Heath President PA 32582 or Mrs Jean Gable Secretary PAW NNISFIL NOTES Could Help Farms pHit By Drought By north oi Highway 90 about five miles there is steel bridgd across theriver with no road leading oft It This bridge built by the county nearly 50 years ago was only used by small settlement which has since disappeared It may yet be that the bridge will carry traffic along river road un til such times as more mod ern structure replaces it EARL ROWE HOSPITALIZED Hon Earl Rowe MP for Dul iernSouth Simone is in lens oral Hospital at Toronto suf iering from debt following at tendunce at the opening of the Upper Canada Village Mr Rowe attended the official open ingwithout wearing topcoat and the cold wind caused him iosufier what is believed to be virus which has brought on temperature that refusesto become normal In the mean time visitors are not permit ted nnd no mall or messages are being given him We want him to have comblete rest Mrs Rowe told us when we called her by phone There is little doubt that Mr Rowgwho has filled the seat for the riding for over quar ter at century will he chafi lng at the bit as he misses all the excitement now in progress at Ottawa The sympathy of his many iriends goes out with best wishes for speedy recovery lwm coma was 95 hudging will be completed by August as at City Concert Band inviting Recruits Barrie City Concert Band is expanding it is divided into two groups junior and senior with openings in both Director Kenneth lloiller said all high school students are wel come to join the band regard less of previous experience He said recruiting will start in August Some All youngpeople were recruited last season Although they had limited experience thcy will play at concert in August The director has extended an invitation to muriclans from local bands who would like to join the senior city band postcard from Charlie Lu cas written on his trip across the west tells oi the apparent scarcity of fodder in the Prair ies One Saskatchewan farmer toldhim he would be glad to buy all the boy he could get at $40 ton in contrast wa were told by an lnuistli lamenwith surplus of hay that the best oiier he could got was $10 ton baled He said this was less than the cost oi processing With plenty of standing hay still unharvested some enter prising farmers might find way to market the crop ii the government was to pay trans portation charges as was done in the lust western drought With no change in conditions as far as ruin is concerned western crops are suffering badly and it may be that west ern catilcmen will have to be assisted with supply of feed FAMILY QUARREL The story was going the rounds Monday that woman had been picked up near Min ets Point apparently having been beaten up it was learned that couple from Toronto while parting at friends cot tage had quarrel Theiady the case threw on dress tng gown walkedout and dis appeared She was picked lip by car which took her to phone where Barrie policb of iica was called With the dual radio system Barrie called in the lnnisfii cruiser Constable Mullis responded and after the matter was talked over the lady decided to take taxi to Toronto This wasrreported over the radio from the cruiser It would appear that some where along the liue there are monitors listening to all con varsstsons that go over this police band The story was mixed with one about sleeping inebriato along the railway and tha two made an interesting mixture We have lots of these family drumbanter Chief Brown said after the facts of the twolnoidents he gah to register As there had been no arrest of charges the incidenthnd not been entered in the occurrence register NOTTAWASAGA CONSERVATION AUTHORITY This project is progressing well At the present time five surveys are being undertaken the results of which wlilha tab ulated and wilfassist the Au thority to know the best way to proceed These surveys con sist of report on the forestry water tables fish and wildlife ponds and lakes andwater con trol methods After all these reports are ready to put on paper it will eventually he the means of developing swamp lands into gnrden plois and black muck willgbcconveried into market gardensdo produce food for hundredsof our creased population Bone and skin foulid iri canned salmon are rich in minerals and good dietary source of cal cium and phosphorus IMPERlAL now suownvc its the FUNNIEST Highest tiadeins on y0ur present car mafleuveil Plymouth new car dealers are also used car dealers And to fake rightnmo the demand for used cars is at its peak This is In why Plymouth dealers are able to offer you the highest prices of the year on your tradein There is no haggling peacetime fuss or bother Your car will be quickly appraised and an offer made to you that wiiimatch or beat any other oiferintown tawestpriced carg in its class OK so youve been waiting and waiting for slimmer to makcthe best possible deal on brand newcar All right Plymouth dealers are doing it Theyve taken the lowest priced car ingtitsclassthsts fact and are offering it at year end prices Let your Plymouth dealer surprise you with how little it costs to own the new Plymouthlowest priced car in its class Friy An Examiner Want an Fianna Pa 82414 Honours mews1N Tacoma smc sinker issue mules mu sins NOELPURGELI Eclencel ifiction ems ALSO LiarIT arms SKY my many nauqu mu csnmcmtrt romuv STEELE eruv nut oppori to become full partner in this proiact and other small corner around LittleLake they do notpartici pate in what may some day de velop into green belt that will be equal to that proposed in many of the largerpopuiaied areas It is possible that the city may yet realize thattheir citizens will need this ciosclt in park area which if it only in cluded the banks of the Notin wosoga River between Highway 90 and the Stuyner road would be parkway that would be second to none in Canada Not many persons know that thalamuslaud minimummains Adult lintertaihmeui winp lilfliAilliilliiHlilt PLUS canroou