attic Executor Pubiilhed by Canadian Newspapers hiniited ilthoylllld Street sum Ontario meson may 11 our ALICE IN Barrie New Deal Barrie needs new deal on roads Construction work has not kept pace with the citys rapid growth of the past 10 years Lack of firstclass roads is not prob gt lem peculiar to Barrie of course it has been met by scores of ccmmunitiesin southern Ontario as demand has grown for smoother safer thoroughfares for the increasing number of cars on the roads Barrie roads are no worse than some of the main avenues of other towns and cities of the district But comparisons are meaningless unless they are speoif ic Speaking for Barrie dlone there are far too many roads with potholes and undulating surlacEs Patching work in too many cases has been careless and holes have been replaced by bumpy surfaces whore patching had been car ried out carelessly Apart from the need of improvement Whats Your Freedom of expression is one of the cliches of the day Yet it is the loun dation of our system of self government Unfortunately this freedom to ap plaud or criticize in open forum is not used as fully and as beneficially as it well could be One of the prices of progress has been the decline in the number and variety of the townhall meetings in which everyone had his say Even modern pol itical meetings do not offer the oppor tunity or encouragement for wide open discussion This is unfortunate in that opinions and suggestions beneficial to the com munity do rt receive airiwv they deserve Down Memory Lone BANKER mm mom auoLsNo July it 1936 Brymner former manager of the Canadian Bank of Com meroe branch hereï¬on his return from The Barrie Examiner Authorhld send mill Post CHIC Department on Deliv Sunday and Statutory Hoildayl ucep 33mm Melvin Publisher gt amen swam memmmm McPBEBBONMInflng Editor ecnaanas Ewwowjamnmmnrgsr annear semen neurosis Manager JOHN norDIR Circulation mnuur subrenpuon rat null 18 Bid on 7c £700 yl ill 05$ month Sums Unllflo £9 ndl $2000 year oulcu an Univ 51 Siroat blontrenl run var Memher of the Hill linoclnflon run Audit sureu of circular cumin Prou muciunv ublicntion sun in germ ml to it or Hypocnononmmnnl Citizens Deserve As matter of civic prim we should tionbyyourfellow citizens seems to me that we must ballyhoo our sueneeobserved Ear example at Tot tenham Court Road and Oxford street Post0ffice Square ly HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press sun writer WASHINGTON CF The Monroe doctrine has undergone tremendous changes since Pros idcnt James Monroe told Euro pean monarcth in 182 to keep and off the wuicrn hemis homo American diplomrls maintain in not outn no longer cried They ny if was significant that President Ken nedy refrained from using the wordsnionroo dochinowhsn he lprii so the United le woaid act on its own if other nations of ibis here failed to meet the threat of communism But the sense of scltprcserv aiion lm lled in the original concept luspicion of foreign powerv the insilfenca on the dabiloactbylueiinnaiuf resort remain It the heart of US diplomacy The Monroe doctrine may be in ebeyunco but it is not dead says Dr Charles Fenwick di rector of international in win the Organization ofAmcricnn Slates Although the dacirlnccurries James Monroes name the idea was first hinted in George Washingtons farewell address and later revived by Thomas Jefferson if was largely written by John Quin Adams Monroes secretary link and it was noMonroodoctriuehnl invoked chiefly befall the us feared European nations would fry to nailth colonies in ibis hemisphere LATIN BELLE v0ne after naoihor Spanish colonies in South Amarin had rebelled and become indented col Bruil had won independ onco from PonugIL 1h RuniamPrnuion Aus trian Alliance considered the All vinhiiify helping Spain rub duo her former conduitnee inter entered ibijlllflnfl met to way pain restore do posed king Frederick VI to iha throne when Monroe reached firm decision on Latin policy both Britainlid the United Siam worried that once Fred orick gal back into power the alliance would concentrate on regaining Souib America Bril nin propost Joint dcclarsiion with the United stfes Io oppose any Inch efforts The fled provided Britain would rm recognize the on Latin re publicl Britain he died The us then made unilateral dec llrniion Said Monroe in his message to Congress We should consider any at iempl on their Europes part to extend their system in any portion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safely The would rcspecicxist in European colonies in ihe new world But heuceforfh Eur openn governments would not attempt to set up new colonies try in recapture old one that had broken freehor use force to Inifempt to control the destinies of the new republics Britain was mistress oi the sees in those days The United troops wercion their Statutes unaiiuvy 11a Monroe rhinosoi bod iiiro fin medlmlm ctln it wuaimootlhiorcdm in later you be Ulnar gcircd the means to back up it grow Iarciionl ibrdocfrine to mean something to Europe It was first invoked against Pronouns mo French troops worn cent to Mario Io let up an empire under Prince Moxi mllinn oi Aulfria The fhr of U3 intervention was enough to prompt the French to with draw in ms American forces hollped ice Cuba from Spanish ru Six years later President The odoro Roosevelt decided to ex pand the inci ics of the Men roe docirlno redwood in since the doctrine told Euro pean powers ricer clear of in voivemeni in fire western hem isphere nd oince someone had to clap lnoccnrionnlly to main inin osce and order the only country that should do this was the Uniled Sinfu The 15 uni mariner not only to Cuba but also to llsiii Nicaragua and other trouble lpols This gave rise to charges of Yankee imperialismand dollar diplomacy and Latino were foolml and embittered President Woodrow Wilson gel the concept of the doctrine writ ten info the old League of Na tions in 1919 This made the Lnlins even more concerned When Franklin Roosevelt became pi idcnt in 1933 he embarked on the good neigh bor policy fo curb boiling Latin anger instead of unilateral nc lion he agreed to muiuni non aggression pncl with the Latin Colinth move toward col lective action against foreign inforvenibu morn room UK By MclNTYRE HOOD Londnn England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner SENNELAGER WestGenn The uh CanadianJrmy ads in Europe is tough physically fit welltrained and spiendldcquipped fighting group On Roads there is the vital matter of cost coun cil is obviously concerned with the tax dollar and the whole question of higher costs But it isalao faced with the re sponsibility of providing roads Which men bounced in full day will not break car spmgs rattle back participating in army train exercises in the Senneiuger teeth and precipitate accidents concentration area of West inatrainlng ground used perhaps longterm policy of 93 Kaisersarmyin theiirsi ing is the answer such plan may worm war by mm hoop 11 call for more government help Many of me and and now devoted to our streets form part of the previnciol infsive training of Canadian highways system and they are well British Jietman and Belgian travelled Is Barrie getting reasonable 9095 of the NATO forces grant for such highways traffic count would probably show that ve hiclespassing along our main streets are carrying people going through town the Canadian Brigade have mov ed out from their home bases into this training area which covers 150 mare miles oi for lest and moorland with very give them good roads but the govern soil vain only aerw ES WI 58 are ment should increase its help lawman spme three As first step the city works de weekeinlndlvlduallectionpla pertinent slmuld take more care in mm mg patching to give smooth surface This mag gdgg YE at least would be start marked degree smnuuous DAY have followed the troops by Jeep and on foot through ee strenuous day of exercises have ridden in tank and act ed as fhegunloader in an ex For this reason The Examiner welcom crclle in which tanks and infan es letters to the editor dealingwith op try combined in an attack on inions expressed editorially by this news my SWQEPOints have 101 paper But just as much we welcome let 1313 WP 51 SPEZfd 53 ters on any topic worthyo considera wmd mom gamma machinevguns in the capture of So whether it is beefa suggestion 3223n ascï¬lï¬iowl git or support on local or national issues through the woods to see Can we invite you to use our letters to adieu soldier take pot shots at the Editor column to help make known 381316 giggling blag ro Views of the pmple windows in test of alertness and quick action And have bsenroui on night defensive op eration so realistic that it al rnoai recalled the realities of war as used to know thenLin bygone days It is not necemary that signatures ap pear with the letters when published Should any writer wish to use nom de piume it is quite acceptable but we do ask that the name accompany the letter even when not to be published and ours ranks of the smear ndian infantry Brigade These men are tremendously ii months tol The the Re giggixgefmw fleshed an inferiority mm we the my complex hich should be7ondl¢3Wd3 they were subjected on the ban As an example at the British Industries ran sandy wastes of Seuoeiag Fair ii ondon all the other dominionsr er on which the deep sand and colonies seemedto push their pro ery footstep ducts more than did Canadians It Wk 1mm mm men werereelly ujoy producis with people who do sovwith in m5aimg They fwm theirs rhe Brymner party arrived in enteringinio itwlih zest and London onnrmistice Day nndwerecnthusiasm now differentail greatlyimpressed withthe wonderfultill is from the routine of cloggingme had known one of the busiest spots in the city there back in mo wasla wonderfulleilence with all which ihese exercises were really as stopped and they rem ined so for the ninfieresfina faiths legitget tr course gt5 11 two minutes diversity of weapons than there was 45 years ago There in far greater degree of mechanization in the army Here at Sennela erfhe tivafing idea is to ac custom men operating in lemon groups to situations and condl lions which they would have face in actual combat he Komniunitys Kontinued KoOpera tion This was set for July d17 at the Thai is my impression of one All of the operational unifs of Only of physical condition the ofrénuous exercises to which seemsto hold one back ntevf lfl drill dJ hashing an park in the province This in the days of training away fario Hydro News Canadian Brigade Is Tough find heady Each day overynainlng range in the area isin use Un its fake their turns at the vir ious types of For in stance saw men of the QueensOwn Rifles of Canada carrying out an attack on on enemy fortification over rough sandy ground and capturing it by an oufllanking movement Men of the Black watch of Can ada were seen in individual tesls of marlumauship but not using the old bulls aye target method First using 22 calibre rifles they fired at moving andquick ly disappearingtargets on painted landscape Then watched more of them making an advance of about 500 yards on an objective taking oover and firing at their targets ev ery 20 or 10 yards The test of individual alert ness had individual soldiers ad vancing one at time along narrow winding path through the woods By mechanical means enemy figures appeared behind the trees and rocks at windows of houses and running through the woods The test was for the soldier to spot and shoot at each target which appeared for few seconds one point pigwas made to run across the road to divert attention of queens PARK the soldier from an enemy fig ure behind knoll on the flank How the troops enjoyed that ex HOSE OLD CASTLE CAPTURED After lunch in the field watched company of the Black Watch of Canada with mortar fire and heavy machine gun support ndvencefin welltimed rushes to capture the ruin of an old castle Artillery fire was simulated by using buried charges near the objective Act ual mortar shells crashed into the ruins and machine gun and rifle fire caused dust and chips of stone to fly NIGBT EXERCISE The night exercise which watched after dark but dark ness made pale by bright full moon was spectacular affair company of the Black Watch was assigned to defensive posi tions to beat off an enemy at tack Mortars fired parachute flares to light up the battlefield Buried charges were exploded to give the effects of artillery fire Mechanically operated life sized figures moved across the landscape and advanced to wards the position to represent ihe attacking enemy And the defending troops poured out withering hail of fire from their automatic weapons from the silt trenches Andat the end of it Im vdied at the endurance and iii ness of these young Canadians who were able to go through this tough course and yet look fresh and vigorous and ready to cope with anything whicb might come along They are splendid representatives of the manhood of Canada Energy Minister LivesrUp To flame By Don onaniin TORONTOHave you heard shouiMr Mac ays bicycle The young minister of energy has started pedaling towork He rides the few miles fromhis hosedale home on the two wheeler which he parks outside the east entrance alongside the limnusln offline other minis sliowoffi No Mr Macaulay is or dontgiveadamn individual lst If he thinksaomething he doesnt care what opinion mlghtbe He is riding the bicycle for exerciseJ Years ago for instance he uscd lo drive convertible At the time he was on fresh air kick So hekept the top of the car down all winter To handle the snowhe carried branch in the car NEW BOOKLET ISSUED Theres new bookleton parks The lrovincisl Parks offOn tario iaei publishedrhy lnndsf and forests lists every highway eludes the small recreation areas as well as lhebig wilder ness parka it given the facilities ineach toilets picnicvtablen camping elc as weiluas general infor mation ltis handy size for the glove compartment and you can get free copy from the department of lands and forests Parliament Buildings Toronl0 An interesting note from On The Commissions official or gen announces that newsiudy is being undertaken on house eating by electricity Tb is importau learn something of the effect of this lead on the wholesale cost of power ul There must be agreement with at But why wasnt this learned before Hydmbegnn mass pro motion of electricity forheat To date the Commission has hever given sound reasoning to show that use for heating is eco nomic Lacking thisand with indica tions that it jumped in before it knew itself whether liwas or notone must assume the prin cipal reason forfho promotion Hint Monme Dc5uci11irielrrm°T ViFactorfBehindIï¬Vdsio Views Vary Widelll On The Coyne Issue By rumor monouon OTTAWA Though iirn loud by the Coyno colour have enjoyed reading lboyfdo range of comment or pressed and thank Ill those fo whom have not replied pm new Those who criticize Finance Minister Fl blame him chiefly for all four can to pen bofono he look on Whitmil im on over nor of the Bank of cab his unusual stop in making llc confidential communion on which had passed between him self and fbe finance miniltor Amoume has been Ilirred up by the revelation that Mr Coync who is now paid About $20988 per working day may receive life pension of 015000 year from present age of so in the words of one reader in this communityA eight aver age mm must work for 12 months to earn that sum Bridges of Penficton ac introduces rare angle when he writer The present force in ion put on show and ii wouldn cu differenco were the Socialists or Liberals the maiorlfy no tice not in power es lo fre eniiy sfatedl This Social ill redii belief um not the gov ernment but the financiers are in power is emphasized by his further luggcatlcnnhai Dlefcu bnkcr had to pass through the financieirfiiter before being per miifcd to take the lab as did Fieming Lmaus PUBLISHED Newspapers in Saoknlcbewsn have published letters from readers concerning my specu lation tbaf Hezen Argue if dra goonod unfairly by organised Elbe out of in leadership ew Party Bht try to lo the Liberaltpnrty inane and deserving of fiction award were some commcnfs Tho molt dishonest journalist on either side of the Iron Curtain wasanolher readers commt Another reader rcpliedl have rend Mr Nicholsons column for many years and have found hlmfor the most part to be un biased politically 0n the other hand understand out no critic is the publicity director of the rovincial CCF For my part am willing to accept Mr tmsko the slight1 Nicholsonl report likely to be the more authentic That rm one of more of my column refund to on the floor iii ll Moonnae FRAMED in Jan controversial vein were uvornl from rud oro expressing predation of as was square on our Norith Torriforlcnwifh no men per licuinriy informing icifcr came from Frank or living near Cornwall who describe him mom Mounted Police at ï¬ddler of Oshawa writes 01 haveb Alway enioyï¬ your umn certainly leaves one boililfg Some of we so very in leading if con cerned deslh on the highway The ion unburiocuiiko pm cedure our govrurnt in dealing with murder and luidde lng iogreo but think my Words were misunderstood criticized the granting of licences in driver who cannot afford insur ance and hence presumably cannot afford moinlcnonee Ind deplored the shocking dis closure that during the lost three months of race no drivers so young that they weto driving egally were involved in acci deanflo beggarlo gets raise brickbata Your buffing average ll usu ally very good but today you are ofilo the races Good value is received for money spent by the taxpayers on the CBC Then came complaint about the ipropagandn in TV re port from Cuba Au army of 100000 men with tanks let planes big guns and motorized guns lmasbod that ier mechin rible army of nines exiles one of the greatestnrmlca of 1500 men fire world has ever known id you ever hear of the Charge of the Light Brigadel When you cook melanin your beltinlwill be found by underarm 29 God is never hard to find bo cnuse be is far away lie is as near as our own heartif yielded to Him What do you need most you can eonnow AI LOWQOST THROUGH ï¬lm LOAN can up In convenient mommy humor unluqu to yourrunny sooner Yes or any branch oflhc Bank oENova Seem you can bonow for worthwhile mosesto buy or reï¬nance your corto furnish that new home or roomto pay your lanes or insurance premiumsto consolidate debtsto meet medical or dental oxpens Andyourlocnwilibehfeinsuredetnoom coottoyou wasjealousy of gas Flour EMMIONAL And one must shudder at tho prospect ofa huge public narration such as Hydro getting in emotional fights lis resources are too big and its advantages including tax exemptions and lower borrowing ranges are too strong This house hentingbusiness started before Ross Strike be come chairmen Perhaps he dldntngiee though he probably did put one point Mr Strike cer tainiy does favor is more my nlclpel control over Hydro And this one point alone we would say illustrates strongly why the province should main inin its position overllydro it cant be bulidnrcd as easily the municipalities ram THE sanguiuovn scone gunners or apricotloses muse one soon tomoqu is most disgust