one TELEPHONE For Examiner Want Ads Tab phone PA 52414 The telephone number to call for the Bullies or Editorial Dept is PA 66537 91th YearNo 160 Bank of Cnnnda Governor James Coyne arrives at the Parliament Buildings at Ot pearnncebefore the Senate Connnerce and Banking Com mittee The Sennte Saturday town yesterday for an ap approved in principle the Governments bill to lira Mr Coyne but under pressure from its Liberal majority voted to call Mr Coyne be fore the committee as wit ness CP Wircphoto Queen Invites Russian LONDON Reuters Soviet ispace man Yuri Gagarin re ceived heros welcome and an invitation to lunch with the Hero Queen when he arrived here 10 day for crowded visit Buckingham Palace an nounced that the Russian major had been invited to lunch with the Queen and Prince Philip at the palace Friday The invitation was announced atter thousands of excited Erit ons had cheered and applauded Gngarin as he drove from the airport to the Soviet Embassy threeday and later went to visit big Soviet exhibition Some 5000 persons crowded around the exhibition building andchecred him all the way throughthe entrance hall to an elevator which took him up stairs for special luncheon 0n the menuwas dish named in his honor Melon Cockmil Gngarin He acknowledged the cheers applauding in return the aditianal Russian way of ex ressing appreciation SECURITY IS TIGHT The British government im posed security precautions nor molly reserved for heads of state when Gagarin arrived by plane at London airportr Gagarin said he hoped his visitrwould serve to promote mutual understanding between our two countries and an exten sion of the friendly ties between Heros Welcome the Soviet and British people The 27yearold Gagarin was officially welcomed by science giuinnistry otficial Francis Turn have the honor on behalf of ng Majestythe Queen to welcome you to your first ar rival to Britain Tumbull said Your courage and during in undertaking the first manned flight into outer space has been greatly admired by the people of Britain We hope you will greatly en joy your stayin Britain TARIFF LEGISLATION Barrie Ontario Clnndl roany iniyii last Was No Secrecy Involved Minister Tells Opposition UllAWA Cmï¬nance ister Fleming today accused Bank of Canada Governor James Coyne at another breach of conï¬dence in dls closing Monday that Canada has been forcing down the exchange rate on the Cnnndian dollar for the last six months He wru replying hi the Com mons to Opposition Leader Peor son who asked Mr Fleming why he had kept the House in ignor ance of the action until his June 20 budget The fnionce minister said no questions were asked in the Commons about the matter if there had been questions the information would have been forthcoming In his June 20 budget Mr Fleming announced that the ex change rate of tho Canadian dollar would be forced down by significant discoun TORONTO CF Oceango ing ships stood idle in port here today following walkout of longshoremen in dispute over working conditions and pay The strike of 550 men brought al most iniediate repercussions in Hamilton and Montreal and could affect overseas ships in other inland ports Lakes shipping was not af fectcd The strikers members of Los cab 1842 InternationalA Long sharcmens Association CLC walked out Monday following intensification of long sim mering dispute with three stevednring firms Ten over seas ships and about 5000 tons of cargo were affected immedi ately In Hamilton Monday night ILA Local 1654 members voted the Toronto local The Hamilton HERES ONE ch was driving abroad when bandiu held me up and took everything money watch even my car But my dear chap thought you had revolver in did but they didnt find BEIRA ReuterslThe Mack ened hulk of the Portuguese liner Save todny continued smouldering off this Mozam bique part four days after ex plosions ripped her from stem to stem killing 147 persons The Portuguese maritime min istry said that of the 480 persons aboard most of them Negro la Senator Issues Chdllenge Tells PM ToCall Election by JOHN anti Martian Press staff Writer OTTAWA CWPrime Minis ter Diefenbaker has been chal longed by Liberal Senator Ar thur Roebuck to carry out his threat of Senate refomand to call general election over con troversial tariff legislation Come on with your reforms the 83yearold Ontario Liberal said Monday as the Senate opened debate on government request that the Liberal major ity in the upper house drop its requestfor an amendment to the tariff billr if hylhv way the threat in cludes general election well come along with that too Sen ator Roebuck said The Senate amendment to the tariff bill rejected by the Com on would provide for appeals the tariff board against eer arbitrarydecisinns of the onal revenue minister The prime minister told the Commons last week that the government would not accept the amendment He said it was needed to speed decisions on whether line of imported goods should facehigher tariffs in order to encourage Cana dian production and createem ployinent Walter Aseltine government leader in the Senate Monday proposed resolution that the Senate do not insist on the amendment adopted last month the Senates Liberal major ity by vote of 37 tozl Senator Aseltino said the bill is needed inrits original form to speedup production by in dustry and provide more jobs for Canadians Senator Lionel Choquette PC 0niario said the Commons has studiedthe bill twice and should be left to take respon sibilityfor it The prime minister has in Cicated he wont accept the amendment now or in the fu ture Failure of this House to accept the considered and relt coosidered view of the lower house would have the etfect of killing the bill After Senator Choquelte had spoken the debate was ad journed by Senator David Croll Ontario The Senate de cided by vote of 3810 auto sit again at pm today when the tarriii bill again will he the first item the order paper The Houses Liberal majority refused suggestion by Senator Aseltine that the Senate take up the measure at night sitting Mr Dlefenbakor has served notice on the Senate to with draw the amendment or gen eral election would be called sooner or later on Senate re form Liberol Senator Ross Mac donald opposition leader who asked last week for delay in debating the Commons rejec tion stood aside Monday and let Senator Roebuck carry libs debate ms to strike in sympathy with Mr Coyne told the Senate banking and commerce commit tee Monday that for the last six months the government had been using its exchange fund administered by the central bank to force down the we change value oithe dollar ACTION ltIODEST Mr Fleming said the action was modest modification of policy it was not extensive or forreaching an impression created elsewhere There was no secrecy in volved The position of the fund was published at the end of each month Mr Fleming sold the matter came to light after another breach of confidenceby Mr Coyne This is shocking breach of confidence by man tends to stand on to be defended on Longshoreinens Walkout Idles iOceanGoing Ships In Toronto local which has 140 members set no strike date In Montreal longshoremen refused Monday to touch Tor ontobound ireigbt on the Brit ish vessel Becchmore Officials of the ILA local said cargo for points other than Toronto will be handled as usual The 3600 ton Beechmore bound from London to Toronto stopped at Montreal to avoid the Toronto strike Hector rhfnrchlnndr presidenï¬nfhthr Mntreal local said he expects other vessels in put into Mont real and they can expect the same sort of greetin Religious Training Cuts Deliniguency MONTREAL CmReligious training in Canadian schools probably helps cut Canadas juvenile delinquency incidence Ohio Judge Flaval Hoyman said Monday night He said in an interview de linquency in the United States is rough compared with Canada The religious training given to boys and girls in the first eight grades in school in Can ada is building very firm fougdation for their future he sai Portuguese Liner Still Smoldering borers or troops 299 passengers and 34 of the crew of 54 were rescued tractor was being used to collect bodies from the surf near the desolate beach where the 2037ton vessel went agrnllhd andverupted in flame Friday reporter who flew over the wreck and later talked to sur vivors said he had been told the ships skipperhasbeen on the beach since leaving the Save under and reaching shore by the aid of barrel He stands on the beach with tears in his eyes watching his dooriied ship slowly burning out reporter John Worrall of South Africas Rand Daily said He said it was Capt Fod riques Vieras first voyage as master Sevenerew members of the illfated Save arrived Monday in Lourenco Marque capital of this Portuguese East African terri tory with the first eyewitness description of the explosions TELLS OF FIRE The vesselssecond engineer identified as Baladas told how the shipcarrying cargo of gasoline oil and ammunition was mrnediately surropnded with thick wall of smoke and flame after running aground in heavyseas As he and other survivors among the engine room crew scrambled on to deck after the first explosion Baladas sold the ship was enveloped in flames and smoke Passengers were screaming in terror Many of those aboard must have been killed in the first blast he said Passengers ran through the two big powers of that sort are said they mightrapply it soon holocaust and lumped into the water in desperate bids to save their lives 112 Norrie Examiner WONT Accr CANADIAN MONEY Mrs Shirley McConnell at of Toronto smiles with her two sons in Pittsburgh yester day after traveling problem got ironed out She wanted to take her two sons Steven leit and Tim to Toronto on the bus But ticket clerk would not accept Canadian money The police couldnt help and finally the Travelers Aid Society came to the rescue The money was ex changed into American cur rency and the three made the trip CP lVirepboto Will Review By HAROLD MORRISON Canadian Press Staff Writer WASHINGTON State Secretary Dean Rusk says there is solid evidence of tensions between Russia and Communist China but cautions the West against leaping to any conclu sion that this dissension could seriously rock the Communist boat Rusk suggested Monday that ArTEE 25 YEARS HE WAKEs UP PHHADELPHIA AP The letter was postmarked Schenectady NY Enclosed was money or der for $250 The anonymous sender explained hisear damaged fire hydrant in Philadel phia about 75 years ago Philadelphia and its citi 242an have been good to methe letter stated regret it has takcnme so long to wake up to the realization In disclosing the letter Monday the mayors office said that the money had been turned over to die city treasurer Strength bound to have tensions and na tional rivalries but he didnt think the gap in Red unity was big enough to chapge Western policy Again calling on Russia to ac cent the status quo in Germany and not provoke new wars Rusk urged that even though the 120 litical atmosphere is not encour aging an imaginative effort must be made to relieve the ten sions arising from the arms race As he spoke before crowded National Press Club luncheon the defence department dis closed that President Kennedy has ordered new review of American military might in the light of moves by Soviet Pre mier Khrushchev military expenditures now total ling more than 2000000000 year although Khrushchev has stated that Russian outlays are to be boosted Americans view Soviet state ments as part of pattern of pressureagainst the West in the hope of ramming through deal on Berlin Instead of meeting Russian belligerency head on Rusk ap pears to be attempting to pur sues policy of trying to talk world crises to death Gasoline Boosted Cent II Gallon Program To Fight Delinquency In Ontario By Oil Companies TORONTO CF Three oil companies followed the lead of Imperial Oil Limited Monday in raking the price of gasoline by one cent gallon in Ontario and some parts oiQuebec An Imperial Oil okesman said the price of gas ad been at what the ompsny felt was an unsatisfactory level be cause of price warsin Ontario and Quebec duruig the last three years In Toronto regular gaswill cost 409 instead of 899 cents gallon British American Oil Com pany Limited Texaco Canada Limited and Canadian Oil Coma ponies Limited soon followed Imperials lead but their areas of application varied The BA rise applIEd only to Metropolitan Toronto But com panyofficials indicated itmigbt spread to other parts of Ontario and all of Quebec Texaco applied the increase to Ontario and Montreal and to other parts of Quebec Shell Oil Companyof Canada Limited andS ertest se comment AaCanodian Petr spokesman saidyhe thought all oil Icompaiites would adjust their prices Kenneth Langdan of the On tario Retail Gasoline and Auto motive Service Association said service station operators and his organization regard the move as justified He was doubtful as to whether the in crease is adequate to save large numbers at servicesta tinn operators from bankruptcy RCMP Sergeant Is Shot In Chest HULL Que CPlAn RCMP sergeant with vo bullet wounds through his chest still clung to gt Bell Telephone May Change Rates no Beuneiepnone Company in an enorr tpvencourage Se 01 IISIDSW direct melting system has BSKEG the board oi transport comnussioriers for pennission to enange Lance rates reducing some and increasmg life hospital here today rSgt Douglasfleslop 35 em played with the forces legaldeg pertinent at RCMP headquar ters in nearby Ottawa was shot twice under undiszdosed circum stnncesMondny in the Gatineau Hills nine miles ortb of hers Investigators believe the had he Meacb Lake area of Gatineau gwound about four miles totha village of OldwChols where he pulled upto To parked car and asked its occupant Mrs Roy Cui oer to drive him to boaplt LOCAL WEATHER Variable cloudiness with ihun derstormstomorrow Low to night 60 High Wednesday as For summary see page two FLEMING ACCUSES Eoiï¬i BETRAYED onrlorncr Action Contrary OTTAWA CF James Coyne governor of the Bonk of Canada said today the govern ments action in forcing down exchange rate of the Cona dian dollar is definitely con trary to Canadas international obligations He testified before the Senate banking committee that the ac tion breaks Canadas agreement under the International MonoL tnryFund The agreement was that no country had the right to influence the uchnnge rota moresihan one per cent either side of pority Mr Coyne said he resents very much the charge of Fi nonce Minister Fleming that his own proposri lf put into effect would have caused Canada to break its international trading commitments Mr Fleming announced in his June 20 budget speech that the exchange rate of the Cnnadinn dollar would be forced down by significant discount Mr Coyne revealed Monday that the government for the previous six months had quietly been using its exchange fund administered by the central bank to force down the ex change value of the dollar Mr Fleming presented this June 20 as policy being newly adopted The governor said he doesnt think the government should have taken deliberate action to depress the dollar to signifi cant discount Mr Coyne said many persons had been troubled for long time that the Canadian dollar was at premium This had caused great trouble for export ers and other businessmen The premium was caused by the inflow of foreign capital There was no way he could see to abolish the premium except by reducing the inflow of capl tal one way or the other For long time the govern ment did nothing about this be said Ultimately something had been done late last year but it wasnt enough Mr Coyrie said his own view of solution would be further increase in the withholding tax on ansfer abroad of interest or div ends on investments eie inflicted He drove The government had decided use the exchange fund may or may not be wise but it is definitely contrary to our international obligations Mr Coyne said Whether other countries would menis we could make at more man SSWJKM OTTAWA many long jotners IN AI NUTS GrantxPennisswn For Appeal QUEBEC tum Josephsonianger UnioniNauunale mem ber oitiie Mueoeeiegisiauvecouncu queoecs uppernouse hnsoeen granted permission ny me Conn or queens uencn to ppeal Superior Court decision refusing on interlocutory in To Obligations Coyne States od anything about it remained to be seen At 11 am Mr Coyne had completed 711 hours of testi mony before the committee and some senators complained Mr Coyncs replies to questions were too long Justbefore the 11 am recess JeanFrancois Pouliot iLQue bee ripped up some papers in front of him and marched out of the committee room tore up all the Bank of Can ado papers he told reporters am fed up with them Mr Coyne said at one stage that wntrary to Mr Flemings accusation that he had stood in the way of constructive gpvern ment policy he had been very helpful indeed to the minister He had improved the underk standing of Mr Fleming on money matters and had pen suaded the minister not to pur sue harmful measures The governor stoutly defended his Feb 15 proposal to the min isterone of manyfor tem porary lopereent surcharge on all imports This would have affected mainly the United States which wouldnt have had the face to take retaliatory action Ameri can tariffs against Canadian goods were high oiid v5 cus toms tnriffs had always been ap pilled in way hostile to Can Fleming Rejects Coyne Allegations OTTAWA CP Allegations that Canada violated its inter national monetary obligations by forcing down the exchange rate of its dollar were rejected today by Finance Minister Fleming as unfounded and improper Mr Fleming told the Com mons that Canada is prepared to defend its action in the light of its commitments to the Inter national Monetary Fund He made the statement when asked by Erhart Regier CC financial critic and MP in Bum abyCoqnitlam about Cann dian Press reportfrom Washing ton on the exchange dealings The report said that the 10 member executive board of tho International Monetary Rind in tends to hold full discussion with Canadian authorities later this month on the reasons be hind the move to depress the value of the Canadian dollar ELL Invoke TaitHartley NEW YORK AP zeoerai gouge has issued an Away TaftHartley labor law ununction against the national mari time strike which curtailed Americaniiog shippingfor in days Sir Anthony Now Earl Oi Avon LONDON Reuters Sir Anthony Eden has taken the dtle of Earl of Avon it was announced Monday WASHINGTON AP US Welfare Secretary Abraham Rihieoff Monday urged asiulmmayear icderai program to combat uvenue oeunqueney as one or up Souudest invest Magazine To Quit Publication CHICAGO tum Coroner magazine plans to suspend pun licationf spokesman announced Monday AustraliaLodges Stilt Protests CANBERRA jtentersl Austrana today lodged suit our iection to Briusn entry intofrne European common Market at the prioe of weakening the wmmonweaim The Causes $300000 Damage osnnAwA ice rire swept live businesses in maid ing here early today causing carnage esrimateo unotnciauy stop Quebec royai commissions inquiry into me urohasing practices the iearnaomonaoy ingot rrner UN government it was