Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 10 Jul 1961, p. 9

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fiIMCOE COUNTY NEWS NEW FLOS Mrs De Backer was the winner of both the quilt and daily rust and second prizes in the WI draw held at Ruths School leday evening Miss Elaine Atkinson and Campbell Steele who are to be married shorlty were entertain ed Saturday evening aha iam ily gathering held at the home oi Mr and Mrs Mel Sage Sunr nidale Mr and Mrs Aliree Collins and iamin oi Weston and Mrs Waniess Collingwood wrre supper guests on Saturday of Mr and Mrs Archie Wanless and family Mr and Mrs Elmer Atkinson Lois and Lynda of Deep River are spending weeks vacation at their home here Jim and Hamid Atkinson at Toronto spent the holiday wack end at the home at their par ents Mr and Mrs Clarence At kinson Mrs Lalnbert Lennox oi Bur rie was weekend visitor with the nth lamiiy Mr and Mrs Alec Finlay and family visited in Toronto on Sun day with Miss Pickering Miss Finlay nurseIII training at Western who has been on holiday or tour weeks returned to Toronto with her par cuts Mr and Mrs Doug Martin of Midland and Mr Marco and boys oi Toronto were Sunday callers on Mr and Mrs Jack Cameron Mr and Mrs Archie Vanless and iamily spent at Georgetownuvilh Mr and Mrs Blake Ogiivic and family and also called on Mr and Mrs Me ville Vanlesa oi Brampton The next meeting of New Fins Wt is to be held on Tuesday vening July 11 at the home Mrs Geoiirey Hope Roll call is Bring your lavorite recipc sample to be sold by auctio SUN NiDllLE Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs John Morgan and family were Mr and Mrs Don Court ney Carol and Gary oi Ripley Mr and Mrs Herb Elliott and Bruce oi lttnlton Bniec remain ed ior vacation Mr and Mrs Keith Harvey and Glenn were Sunday guests of Mr and Mrs Torn Harvey Stnyncr Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Glen Raymcr Ann Louise Ditsonl who were married on one 14 in Glencairn Baptist Church Toronto Bill ivory is visiting Mr and Mrs Keith Harvey On Monday evening number oi the community attended miscellaneous shower in Sunni dale Corners hall in honor of Miss Elaine Atkinson whose marriage will take place July On Saturday Mr and Mrs Ivan Harvey and tomin attend ed the Fisher reunion at Sunset Point Mr and Mrs McDon ald Clarksburg and Wayne Me Donald oi Owen So were Tuesday visitors with Mr and Mrs Jim Wilson and Amity Mr and Mrs Eric JImcs and Shirley at Toronto are no vaca tion in the vicinity STROUD Some of our citilens attended the garden party at Bond Head June 20 Rev Fred Jackson at Stroud assisted by Mrs Jack son was the major entertainer and tell his audience In an un believing maze by entertaining with magic tricks Joyce SmiIh will be the new teacher at Knock School in Scp tember Fascination for the game of eucnrc was shown when more than usual were on hand tor the iriendly combat some com ing tram Bradford Oro Station and Barrie Six highest scores were held by Mrs Mulhol land lrene Coleman Florence Banting Dwight Nelson Jewison and Bert Muiholland donated travelling prize was won by Mrs Mulhulland The next euchro will be held July 10 Mrs Graham Small andller two sisters arrived back home June 29 altcr nearly month visiting relatives in HC Mr and Mrs Gardiner at Kingston have moved into the Cownn residence Operations began this week on the building at the Krul resid ence on Yonge Street just north of Nelson Avenue VMrs Ruth Harrison RR Stroud was the winner of stuffed toy in draw held in the local supermarket Over 100 pupils In the Strand schools began their two months holiday June 29 They will re turn Sept Grant Campbell youngersun Mr and Mrs Duncan Campv hell had his tonsils removed in Barrie hospital on Monday The Presbyterian Sunday School held their annual picnic in Innisiil Park June 30 Alter picnic supper they participat cd inrncos ball games and tugofwar The teachers and pupils at 5310 SIrotld held an ailday picnic at the cottage of Jack Coleman on Piney Beach Geor gian Bay June 28 Visitors at Met Aycrsts are Mr and Mrs Frank Ayerst ot Moorciietd Mr aIld Mrs Vic Rogers of Richmond lill alld Mrs Vcrvais Toronto This community marked Can adas 94th birthday ii hail tournament enterta friends at the cottage Many local tarm ers lust kept on with the hay Mrs Mel Ayerst has taken aplob as stenographer in Bar rle and Mrs Frank Graham and Allan spent the weekend w1th triends at Eugenia Falls CKVR CHANNEL BARRIE MONDAY JULY lo 430 Junior Ilounnup 510 Long John silver News chdllnes Provincial Mini Bert Churchill Farm Market Report Don Jumtcsort ana Weather Sports Wyatt Earp singulona Jubilee Danny Thomas While Were Ynttlll The Flintstones Case For the Court Sports and Man DECTV News The Welthcrfllan money In Sport Community News 1145 Married Juan UESDAY JULY 11 Tent PattLr Movie lElsy Money Summcramn News sports Interviews Cartoons Music AllStar Baseball rInn Program Wanted mad or Alive NewsuWenLher Sports Hancockis Half Hour Holiday Lodge Fgfiwpresse assasssasn 999599 2832316 crro CHANNEL MONDAY JULY 10 murmur Btdeawly whirlybtrds Sports Magic Moments In Sport News Weather Wagon Train Theatre At night firne ulnemnn Wanted Dead or Alive The Third Man News Weather Spam Better Late News Weather Spam 91 gas myspem 232 FPS use 1115 Newl 930 1000 1100 1115 lpanhgnt ulet War CBCTV New The Weatherman Today In arts Community am 1115 Cdn Open Gnu WHDNESDAY JULY 12 115 Test Pattern 130 hlovte Geraldine 300 fiummuama ews and art Interviews nullding Wth Earb Cartoons Music 30 Junior Roundup 520 Huckleberry Hound 600 News Headlines Jame Bras 01 Missouri Farm Market Report 62 Elm Manes ews on or Shorts 700 The Real McCoy 730 Bachelor rather 1100 International Zone 030 My Three Sans 900 Kralt Mystery Theltrl 1000 The Superior Sex 1030 hp rations 1100 on TvNews 1115 The weatherman Today In sports community New 1135 Not For Hire TORONTO 730 Wyatt Earp 000 Theatre At Etch 930 nouto 6s moo Barri Beat 1100 News Weather Sports 1125 Better IéaleuI ea or on 1220 Epilogue wnnnnsonv JULY 13 Hill News Free and Easy cnnnnelo Theatre News Professors Kidsway just below the surioce ticipants Russell Constable Iho as been in Barrie hospital ton two weeks is improving and hopes to return home in few weeks Mrs George Hunter returned home this week rpm the hos pital alter receiving treatment or broken ankle Mr and Mrs Ward and family have bought the residen cc of Mrs Hilda Fisher who will go to Toronto to live Vacationers include it es Laura and Mary Black with their grandparents Mr and Mrs Alexander in Toronto Mr and Mrs Craig Hunter and Doreen or two weeks at Balm Beach Recent visitors included Mr and Mrs Ken Carson and um dren oi Kingston with her molt ther Mrs Hilda Wire and oth or relatives Mr and Mrs Friz ell oi Kitchener with Mr and Mrs Edgar Thompson UNITED CHURCH SERVICE The United Church service was well attended Sunday morning when the Rev Jackson spoke on Christs covenant and ours At the communion service the following new members were re ceivcd into the church Glenda Mason Ruth Black Joan and Linda Small Karon Cooper and David Pratt and Mr and Mrs Visscr by transier member ship The annual Vacation Bible School is to be held July 17 to 23 Govt Destroying Farmers Control Over Marketing GLASGOW STATION CPD The Ontario government in de stroying the iarmers control over marketing at his produce CCF Leader Donald MacDon ald said Friday night in this Rentrew County tanning com munity He said the government as sumcd control oi has marketing in 1900 and at the last session smuggled restrictive powers into milk marketing bill These changes give the milk industry board the power to step in whenever it so desires to impose changes In marketing oilliout any legislative obliga tion for the changes to be sub mitted tor the producers up proval This government is acting on the tlon that farmers cant be trusted to look after their own business This Is now the ov nments basic or preach SHOULD INVEST WASHINGTON AP Tue American people were asked Sunday to Invest 850000000000 rescnrch by I070 Unless they do so the National Science Founda tion said in policy document the United Stole may be laced with threat to Its welfare prosperity and military secur ity Racial Tensions Ceylon Problem By SIDNEY VEILAND COLOMBO Ceylon tReulers Mrs Sirimavo Bunduranailm the worlds only woman prime minister is grappling with racial crisis which could plunge Ceylon into islandwide disorder and bloodshed Th5 usually tranquil island laces tensions which lwice in the last live years have led to bloody riots and race killings Since April Ceylons 10000 000 citizens have livedunder state at emergency Officials say has been checked only by vigilant military patrolling and the threat at henvy penalties But the tension remains only Five years of open copilict have pro duced deeprooted bittemess be tween the islond two main communitiespsinhalese nlld Ta mils Many Ceylonese tear that there is threat oi permanent division and with it the dan ger of trouble at any line Language is the crux oi the problem How much oIIIclal status should be given to the Tamil language spoken by the minority community of about 2000000 Tamils The question has been unresolved since SIn hula used by 7000000 Sins hnlcse was declared the is lands oliiclal language in 1956 Since thcn politicians have winngled constantly in attempts to define the rights andiim1ta tiolis at the Tamil language In 1956 Sinhaleselamil riot ing caused at least 00 deaths In riots in 1053 the official death toll was about 100 Unol licial estimates or the two riots gave the total as more than 500 killed On Jan this year the 1956 decision took legal eliect and Slnhala became Ccylons oliicial language with supremacy over both English and Tamil it promptly was challenged by non violent agitation launched by the Tamil Federal party commissions BY JAY West dealer Both sides vulnerable sooner slumIs var erss 01 EAST 4984 ex WEST QJos corsets ¢A1052 6986 pn $10632 NORm n10 worse Q73 +KQJBE4 The bidding wast North East Page 19 Pass Pass 29 Pass Pass SNT South NT Opening lead hearts The year Edgar Kaplan won the Life Masters Individual 1057 he also reported the tournament tor the Bridge World magazine The Individual is special type of event where the par take turns playing with each other as contrasted with pair and team champion ships where you play with queen ni partner of your own selectionfi Naturally when you play with succession of strange partners some of whommay hava wild flights of fancy allt most anything can happen and does As Kaplan comment ed in his report BECKER There are three factors in the winning of this event you must play reasonably well you need lot of iortitude and you must be enormoust lucky Luck is the theme of this article as it should he in one about the individualj Alter de several hands inwhich he was both lucky and unlucky Kaplan dis cussed the accompanying hand which came up nearthe end of the final session This sizes the luckiest of all As South hold nobrief or my partners threenotrump bid nlthough it won the tournament for me had done my darndest to scream that my hand was worthless except at clubs But rthere was at three notrump won the hearttqueen In dummyLEasts king tailing led the nine of clubstnot the seven to my king and West put on the ace West played low diamond and the jack iorced the ace diamondre turn rode to the king Now led club finessed the eight and made ten tricks for top You see was lucky enough to have Norman Kayon my left in the West position Never inrhis life has Norman been guilty of so badn play as win ning the first club it he could hold up so the finesse was marked Obviously the secret ofwin ning Individuals is to make sure that your opponents are more expert than your partners Tomorrowi Too many dialli onds in science education and basic LARRY BRANNON JULIET JONES ETTA KETT BLONDIE we lEMNED WE DKMLZEK ISM ENGLAND LURE HIM BAcK wtm 1105 om PtClthE OFHIs DAUGHTER lowest NDTA MORE Rumour some 24 van HIM LEGS AND JUMP THRU 11 ELMER LAPOSSIBLE WK INWYD THAT SHE KILLED ANYWAY HE DOESNT CURIOUS THINGEH5 NEVER MENTIONS WHY IT SO IJNEVE Js sne muse eors solo SHED BE IJUSI KNOWIHJLIE AND POPLL EXPIRE WHEN TNEY FIND OUT WHEN THEY FIN oLITrru BE mLATE EVE endol Dunlap at Ferndale no rehutlt generators in low an reliuittwater pumps as low as DONALD DUCK ID BETTER PHONE Aaour TH AT co NT RACT SO AFTER THE DANCE HE ASKED TO TAKE THAT MADE WINGEY 50¢va Fuelous OH 50 TELL ME THlNlC WERE GOING To ESE cur OFF BYE Now rooms we 50323100100505 war or 570s with THING To 90 i5 AT 32550 51 cum E715 551i Westinghouse sealed beams 6v rndlo aerial piece norlo walls set auto iloormats as low as brake lining one axle set as low as 5550 ex $165 $205 $350 5149 $290 PA 66416 BARRIE rebuilt voltage regulators rebuilt transmissions as low as heavy plastic seat covers radio rear seat speakers as low as topper while and black sidewalls tour chrome wheel discs set of Ex newizod batteries 6V 12V year guarantee $375 $4990 ex 5350 $395 $695 5595 ex 5635 ex $895 ex All new and rebuilt parts fully guaranteed lower overhead and lower prices EpHoKBn TUESDAY JULY ll News me and any Channel Theatzl News Proiesanrs Hideaway Whirtyblrdr Sports Magic Moments In Sport News leather Guestward Hot line commutenor 02er wonxmr ISntE AMERICAN Nor lliLPlltG To so we ears or THE WORKERS Whirlybixds it 15 rt HE omen in 5P0 NEWS WGBUIEK Jana Wyman Andy Grllfiths SHOW 77 SHDSE SHIP Wednesday Night Theatre News Weather Sports News Weather 5110 Better to News BILDEI Sin Epilogue cllllnlrll Ivllss you If your carrier has not arrived by PA 533433 Art Copy Will Be Delivered To Your Home THEREIS NO CHARGE FOR THIS SERVICE VALLEY TAXI DRIVEYOURSELFCARS AND TkucKs sxncrw surely no COMMUNIST eurRRIuAs can llAliE no common AND we nrzo THE THEN rIIINK HUSBAHDI stamp HELP THEAMERICAN GRANDMA GEETHANIltS 42ANDMA THINK YOURE WONDHIIFIJL sas slowsump seessafe BUZ SAWYER pm WHV DONT IOU COMMUIEI HIS SEN ENCE TOBEING PUT BED WITHOUT ANY DESSERT BEIZ WITHWT surest NE WIND THAT HUCKLEBERRY VAMuGos ANo SKEETER

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