In 1916 the 157th Battalion received Regimental Colors at Camp Borden prior to pro ceeding overseas The bot talion wbidi served with dis tinction in France as part of the Canadian Expeditionary Force in World War One was entirciy recruited in the Coun ty of Simcoe and as such was the second active group of the Simcoc Foresters Ec giment the first being the 76th Battalion whidl had gone every the year before Both battalions wcro assem bled and outfitted at Barrio Armonry which was com plotcd in early 1915 in Queens Park prior to proceeding to the tentlines at Camp Dor dcn for training This photo shows the 157lh assembled at Borden for the ceremonial in foreground is the com manding officer LtCoL ll AlocLaren father of Judge MacLaren of Barrie Presentation of the colors on behalf of Simcoe Connlywas NNISFIL NOTES Police Continue To Seize Liquor og the revision of plans of the new bathing house at the township park new price was obtained The department of travel and publicity and others had insisted on the plans being enlarged so that added comfort facilities could be included as well as special changes made to the building to improve the out ward appearance The accepted tender was for total of $26 39134 Engineer Stewart Keyes was instructed to have the work started as soon as possible In the discussions on cost Reeve Sproule suggested that perhaps it had beena mis take to invite the provmce to assume share We might be better to close the park for all except township residentsbe stated SPlES REPORT We wrote to friends in Strond England to find out just how the brick throwing contestants were doing there Last year the Strand Oklahoma team gave them bad beating We wanted to know how they were shaping up this year as Strand Canada will be in the competition when the contests are held July 22 This is the report we receiv ed Mr Clark stated that they were keeping the results of the trials secret as to the actual distances they have thrown However our informant goes on to say that from member of the fair committee be has learn ed that the best throw is only 72 feet We here in Innistil have play ers that can beat this though none has hit the hundred feet yet Some new players are get ting into the game and Chief Brown is wagering that the pol ice team can hold the champ ionship when it comes to the eli mination tests The committee is hoping that as many players as possible will be on hand Wednesday night for the trials Call the po lice office or anymember of the force to know if the tests will be on TICKETS AVAILABLE The tickets being sold for the admission and draw are now available There are three val uable prizes besides manyoth ers all donatedby merchants and others who are anxious to see the event success Prizes are to be given for varions sports including the climbing of greased pole out over me wat er There will be water sports foot races and perhaps ball game All this besides the Inter national Brick Throwing contest July 22 at the park From Tomato station Sat urday night we were telling through the medium of TV about the contest We will say nothing more and see if any of our rea ders were watching If so we would be glad to hear from them as to their opinion of the program CEMETERY SUNDAY Those who have friends and relatives resting in the cemetery at St Pauls Innisfil Willbe in terested to know that the annual cemetery service will be held By cheque to the St Pauls Cem etery Board Strand LIQUOR AT DANCE LIE lnnisiil Police con he to seize quantities of liquor from cars parked around the dance halls of the township The likelihood of having ones car searched when parked at these dance hulls isalmost certain However this does not seem to make the patrons realize that having any sort of liquor re freshmcnts in their cars is ab solutely illegal Weck after week there is line up in court while these offenders come there from distance and loc ally as well to plead guilty to the charge following the illegal refreshments having been seized and confiscated The result is fine and they become person with record short time back girl made her first appearance in court when she allowed her boy friend to slip her battle which she thought she had concealed in her hand bag The officer saw the incident and she be came the offender paying is lined and leaving herself re cor Aircraft Search Missmg Copter HALIFAX CP4carch and Rescue headquarters said Sun day 12 aircraft are expected to take part in an increased effort today to find an Okauagan Hel icopters Limited craft missing in Labrador with seven men aboard Their identities are un known The helicopter disappeared in week ago while on leftmile flight from Cartwright to Goose EYE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE PA 83391 TONIGHT ONLY AFRICA as YOUVE NEER SEEN 494 Vhï¬ Robentlï¬yLuR Kill8R5 or made by Mrs Edward tong man of Barrie Seen address ing the battalion is the War den James Martin oi Notta wasaga At this time the war was not going too well for the Allies and Canadians were being signed up very quickly third battalion of Simcoe Foresters the 177th CEF had been formed spent the win ter in Barrie Armonry and at time of this picture were also in training at Camp Bor den Photo from Barrie Armouryt orcovro MONEY MORE THAN LOST MEMPHIS Tenn Television repairman Harry Howard will never forget the day his money blew all over the parking lot When he stepped out of his car in the bank parking lot he dropped the bag that held his ei Cheques and bills went fluttering away It was like nightmare but people stopped to help and so minutes later Howard sat down with the adding machine tape which detailed the money to figure his losses He had started with TI cheques Cheques recovered 77 in had started with mo in cash Cash recovered $221 4Hc1ob Members Tour7 Facilities Grounds At OAC By KEITH CLAY Dcptangrimtlkure More than 4H Club members from all parts of On tario visited the rantario Ag ricultural College at Guelph to tour the facilities and grounds The members were taken on guided tour around the On tnrin Agricultural College Ont ario Veterinary College campus and the experimental plots to show the club members the size and extent of the college campus and also the Agricultur al College arm at Arkell Aikell is the site of the beef bull tating station for this part at the province where farmers send their beefbulls for testing to determine their feed consumption and rate of gain for given number of days The members were also shown the new set at buildings at the Arkell farm where they produce speciï¬c pathogendree pigs or SPF pigs on they are frequently called These pigs are removed from the saw by Caesarean section and sold to farmers when they reach given age This pro gram was instigated to eradi cate atropbic rhinith and virus pnetunaola two diseases that Juvenile Gangs Go Unchecked Delinquency Problem In Congo LEOPOIDVILLE AP ltyear old African girl was seized at Leopoldvllle bar hustled off to hideout and kept captive 14 days as playtbing for young mobsters Similar kidnappings occur fre quently tn the Congolese capi tal During the 12 months since independence gangs of juvenile hoodlnms have roamed almost nachecked by police Social investigators at Lee poldvillcs Lovanlurn University have made contact with 750 gangs One is called United Nu tlons lts lender goes by the name of Dog Hummers Nick Khrushchev is boss of rival gong known as the Russians Then there are the Jokers the Kidnappers the Indians the Nelsons the Bolosls the before and the Ajom which stands for the association of young lovers With 25000 boys between the ages of 12 and 23 either unem ployed or failing to attend school juvenile delinquency in Leopoldville is mounting prob lem United Nations report says attempts to cope with the problem have been largely un successful The gangs usually are organ ized by neighborhoods Frontiers Western Observers Impressed By Show 0i Soviet llir Might MOSCOW AP The Soviet Union showed off its air might Sunday in dazzling display that struck Western diplomats as gesture designed to strengthen Kremlin demands on Berlin Premier Khrushchev and cos monaut Yuri Gngnrin watched side by side along with crowd of 50000 while the Soviet Air Force paraded spectacular array of new craft at Moscows Tushino airfield Western experts watching the show tbe first the Russians have staged since lesssaid the United States has nothing to match several of the entries These included jet ï¬ghter that can light up liquid rocket en gine booster in flight to gain tremendous rate of climb The most spectacular attrac tion shown publicly for the first time was delta wing bomber the announcer said had speed several times that of sound The plane looked bigger than the eightengino US 1352 and had four jets two on thewing tips and two inboard below the wings SEE HUGE BOMBERS Western air attaches showed keen intert in flypest of to heavy jet bombers which also made their first public appear ance Tbls new models two on gines were mounted on the rear atop the long slender fuselage It hadhigh swept wings and was comparable in size to the us 853 whose publicly ad mitted speed is 1500 miles an hour Western observers said the show made clear the Russians were not pinning all their faith on longrange missiles The ï¬ghters carried rockets instead of conventional cannon The new bombers were armed with airtosurface mis silesiostead of bombs thick and tau as are strictly defined To cross them requires special pass Boys who stray into another gangs territory risk savage beating Many gangs specialize Some make practice of grabbing girls others make nightly for ays into the European sector to rob houses and one gang has made bagsnatching fine art Sometimes girls are kid nappcd and their clothes kept in bucket of water to prevent them leaving the mobsters stronghold my nxmnren warrr has Phone on 82414 cause heavy annual losses in this province COURSES OUTLINED The Hiers then proceedcd back to the college campus where they congregated at War Memorial Hall They were giv en brief outline of the cour ses and options available and in formed of the importance of everyone obtaining much ed ucotion as possible so that they THE BARRIE EXAMINER MONDAY JULY 10 19615 may be ublc to cope with the busioms and management as Peels of forming in the future After dinner the 4H members split into various groups and were taken on tour through the buildings and laboratorics of the Ontario Veterinary College the new soils science building and the new biology building on the campus During the course of the days program the mem bers were informed that the college is situated on 600 acres of land right in Guelph and in addition they have 600 acres of land at the college farm at Ar kell The tour concluded at about pm with everyone ar riving back in North Simone at about 630 pm tour of this nature would be valuable to take say every second year to acquaint rural boys and in tall Clubs with the facilities and technolog ical advances in the various at riculturnl programs as carried out at both the Ontario Agrilt cultural College and Ontario Vet erinary College It might help rnany senior Hi members to decide whether or not they would be interested in on ag ricultural career with govern ment industry or on the form ORILLIA TEEN TOWN PRESENTS Johnny Rythm IN PERSON alONIGIII CLUB PAVALON VORILLIA Admission 75° Beaming pm 1230 men good pIOVidrilalSO proVides for IFAMILXSECURITY CHECKUP Think of the house the neighbourhood the schools the securityizngiyel clothes Think ofthe freedom from anxiety that ï¬nancial How can you be sure that the ï¬nancial provisions you have made for your family will do what you intend There isaway Metropolitan theeompany you look to for authoritative information on physical health now offers way you can WHAT IT IS AND WHAT IT DOES FOR YOU Will the help of your Metropolitan man Yon check the facts your pension plan your home your life insurance your savings and other assets You may be surprised to learn how much youre worth Youweigb your responsibilifl mortgage or rent pay ments education retirement accident and sickness checkyonrï¬naoeialhealththeFomly Security CheckHp More than an interviewa service emergencies how mnchit would cast your family to live tnout you gt Ymijlearn where you stand You deterrhino your weak and strong points whether the provisions you have made for your only will do what you intend You get the facts in front of you You plan for the future Based on theselscts you decide what action if any may be needed to give you family security plan tailormade to your own needsaud ambitions +one which makes good sense for you mmwu MPHlament and dmoftbe res offloamtdkln access no NOT LAUGH Too LONG July 15 at 11 am This year the was are to enable the board to ave the old school now the property of the cemetery board made over Into crypt to elim inote the digging of groves dur ing the frost period This work will be commenced as soon as sufficient donations are avail able Supporters from dist ance may contribute by mailing nonunion lilBlElllflKlNSflN PEIERHNEH WIN COLOR WARNERBRDS Your Metropolitan representativerhas been trained in Meuopolitans own schools and is qualiï¬ed by solid ex perience tobring youthisscrvi He is equipped with Scientiï¬cally designed charts and tables thatlshow in black an white exactly where youatand Call your Metropolitan man for Fondly Security Choc Up Theresno obligationexcept to time you love slnvrllg mm mm ERIC um IESIIE PHILIP MI SIMS I051 NIKE IIIIIIE MW LIGHT THE SKY an mm namim mu ennulcuarr room steels 2nd Hit ran JAYEAWKERS Jeff Chandler notï¬hnrooiv TwoFeature All Comedy Show STERN AT 700 to 1000 cumIr UP AT 330 lAMfl llS PMVERS flifllllii NATURATLY rrs AT THE am common IMPERIAL FEATURE TIMES 100 pmrv15 pm