urna sumo munas ll Apnooucr polio VACCINE technician at Torontos Connaught Medical Labora tories checks bottle in which monkey kidney cells are grown monkey kidneys are used for growing polio virus which in turn is used in the Salk antipolio vaccine Connaught Laboratories is also working on an oral antipolio vaccine Photo pedestrian and collided with inoar scar it uh 52 Die on Weekend Report 10 Drownings By car madman rouse MultlpIo fatality accidents in Ontario and Alberta sent road tolls soaring during the week end surveyby The Canadian Press restated no less than 34 road fatalities across the coun try14 in Ontario from pm local times mday to Sunday midnight Multiple ties included four killed at Walsh Alta when car and school bus collided headon three killed and seven injured in twocar crash at Gananoque and three killed near Oakviile when car hit bust Ten drownings four in Onta rio two in each oi Newfound land and Quebec and one in each of Saskatchewan and Brit lstholumhla and eight various other fotnliti boosted the coun trywidc toll to 52 deaths during thcrï¬hour period Quebec had six fatal road ac cidcnts Alberta eight Saskot chewan and British Columbia BITS DRINK SPENDING MONTREAL CF Paul Emile Cardinal Leger said Sun day night the money spent an nuallylon alcohol should he used v1 people of the world He said It is unjust and shameful that millions of people should he starving while others spend mil lions on drink Lung Cancer May Cancel Vosburghs Day In Court MONTREAL CF John hotlieb attorney for libel Vos burgh said Sunday it isun fortunate that death may cheat the 53yearold laborer oi his day in court An exploratory operation Sa turday revealed that Vosburgh charged with the murder oi his wife and 11 of his children at the family rhack at Noyan Que last December is suffering from extremely advanced cancer in left lung Dr Roger Paulin chici sur geon at St Joseph de Roscmont Hospital said alter the opera Indians Should tion that the chances oi Vo5lt burghs suivivai for any length of time were very slim iiis timh appears to us to be Very short said Dr Paulin The cancer is in very ad vanced stage and on operation to remove the lung is out of the question Mr Fotlich said Sunday he is not pl ling any special legal action despite the fact that Vos burgh may not live to attend his trial which is scheduled for the October assitcs at Sweets hurg Que Were all in state of shock right now he said Be Encouraged Take Responsibiliy For Welfare OTTAWA CPlA Dominion provincial conference on Indian affairs should be called and the province encouraged to assume more responsibility for Indian welfare the Commons was told Saturday The suggestion was made in 20page report oi joint Sen ate and Commons committee which studied the IndianAct during the last three sessionsof Parliament It said another de tailed review shnuid be made in seven years Winds of change have been blowing through the ranks oiIn dian people said the report tabled by Commons co chair man Lucien Grenicr PCBona venture The time now is fast ap proaching when the Indian peo 1le can ssumeAthe responsibil itYand accept the benefits of full participation as Canadian Citizens The committee said its rec ommendations were designed to encourage Indian bands to as sume more authority and re sponsibility to cut federal govv ernment interference with band affairs and to protectand en courage the cultural and histor ical benefits the Indians inher ited from their ancestors SHOULD GOVERN SELVES It recommended that the gov ernment adopt definite policy of moving towards more self governing bands More hands should be given control of their revenue funds The committee also rccomlt mended establishment of an In dian claims commission to set the longstanding controversies concerning Indian lands The cost of legal counsellor Indians appearing before the claims commission should be paid by the federal treasury the committee said It made 51 detailed recom mendations most of them in volving amendments to the In dian Act Mr Grenier made no move toask the Commons to concur in the report and it is unlikely that changes in the present iaw will be proposed Escaped Prisoner Ftee For Hours GUELPH CPllnn Stanley Johnston 23 of North Bay serving sixvmonths inthe Onta rio Reformatory here for false pretehces was free for about three hours Sunday when he slipped out of the power house wherehe was on duty and Ces caaed He wos recaptured approirun ateiy four miles from the re formatory byroformatory guards and provincial police before the next session of Par liament SAYS MISNOMER Among the re mended changes was one to drop the term enfranchisement from the act The committee said it was misnomer since all In dians now have the right to vote The word is used to indi cate the process hywhich an Indian gives up his status as an Indian under the act it is unfortunate that death should cheat him of his oppor tunity to assert his own innw once and to correct false im pression that the public has ac quired from mi rum mongering Mr Gotlieh said it was also unfortunate that should Vos burgh not be able to appear it was his family that will carry the stigma We feel verystrongly thatI under other circumstances he could have proved his innoc ence he said Mr Gotlieh said it was most likely that Vosburgh will re main in the north end hospital and not he returned to the hos pital section oi Montreal jail at Bordeaux gt Under the circumstances he said imagine that he will be treated more as patient than as prisoner Vosburghs two surviving daughters Mrs Gladys Maybe and Mrs Gertrude Lockcrby visited their father twice follow ing his weekend operation At first the fire was consid cred an accident but several days later the bodies of the vic tims were exhumed and an in vestigation was begun In Jan uary coroners jury at Noyan Iound Vosburgh criminally tre sponsible for the deaths WINNIPEG CPO Prime Minister Dietenbaker sounded firm warning to Russia Sunday not to underestimate the Wests determination to stand firm on thiI West East Berlin siuation In major foreign policy speech at Ukrainian celebra tion here he said SovietIrem ier Khrushchev shows Marxist deuce which could lead to unwise courses in his preci pitation of apolitical crisis over Berlin gt The prime minister did not elaborate but hewarned that the last two world wars might surs known the iree worlds strength and white resist Mr Diefenboker madea fly ing trip to Winnipeg to help more than 20000 Ukrainians from Canada and the United States celebrate the70th anni vérsary of Ukrainian settlement in Canada UNVEIL MONUMENT Highlight of the celebrations was the unveiling by the prime minister of huge bronze mon ument of Taras Shevcheriko Ukrainion poet patriot who diedIDi years ago The Ukrainians sang the last testament Sbcvehenko Labor Minister Starr who is of Uk rainian origin andveteraos Af fairs Minister Churchill were with Mr Dielenbaker at the ceremony Premier Roblin of Manitoba announcedthat starting in Sep temher the Ukrainian language will be taught in certain se ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY some to pmf Dief Recommends Strong Defence Of WéstS Rights not have started had the aggres at am Iected high schools in the prov ince The more than 20000 Ukrain ians many olthemdressed in native costumes assembled on the green lawns of the Mani toba legislature buildings where the monument had been placed SPEAKS AT BANQUET Mr Dieienbaker made his warning ina speech at ban quet winding up the CEIeblfl tions Saturday night With Khrushchev threatening separate peace treaty with East Germany before mean of the year it was of great im portance that the West avoid the pitfalls of weakness and un reasonable rigidity We need to be strong and unhesitating in our defence of essential western rights and ob ligations Mr Di nbaker said We need at the same time to maintain calm judg ment so that we will not over look possibilities of compromise which without amounting to ap peosement might nonetheless contributc to peace The only guarantee of peace was found in the determination of free countries to unite their defence efforts in common front as warning of the dis astrous consequences which would befall on aggressor AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION consonant Ziilif fled mechanics You may Iisnllnaruco allrwork and pmyhe 10s Morons two each and Manitoba and Prince Edward Island one each Only Newfoundland New Bruns wick and Nova Scotla remained free of traffic fatalities The survey does not count na turai deaths industrial fatalities or known suicides The Ontario dead Charles Wilbur Plain 23 oi Samia when his car crashed Friday night on an Indian re IVE Louis Michael Levellie at Port Colbornc drowned Friday ii Lake Erie Robert James Lynch 25 Don 11 consort Manager 369 Hayfield soon sane Allandale Branch for yourself howmuch nis Lesson and John Earl Ouimette 25 when their car hit parked vehicle Friday night in Tara Daniel Francis Gronuoett la lound dead inhis ear oi carbon monoxide poisoning Saturday in Sealorth Kenneth Frederick Garbon as Alhert Malcbow II and Cuthbert Davey in car bus crash on the Queen Elizabeth Highway Saturday Peter Sutton 21 of button when car in which he was rid ing hit nether Sunday Tyio Domm Hahn II of accountants are the MOST HELPFUL youll find Theres nothing complicated aboutarranging the Travellers Cheques Yonge and Hayden limesChances are hellgel just as excited going to take asyou are and mostefféctive way to Hell do this with asmile We cah tellyou one thing for sure Your trip to The Bankto buy TravellersChequeswill be averypleasant experiénceindéed George Czukar Accountant at our ranch in Toronto has done it hundreds of about the trip youre and hell advise you as to the best handle your Travellers Cheques and perhapsoven little envy gtVPEVOILEMAKE THE DIFFERENCE AT magmaDominion In lentor nu mMUNï¬sMonager Meet them soon anddiscover Lack auead Montrealvhaaaoarhfhteh he was ridingwas in onllisio near Kitchener ACCDEPIIALLY SHUT Patrick hiurando 46 of lia rniiton accidentally shot by his visiting nephew Saturday Richard Cox 4B of Thames ville when car in which he was riding crashed with another vehicle in St Thomas Sunday Robert Place 24 of Warren Mich drowned Friday when his canoe overturned on the Mont real River Paul Wright is drowned near Bobcageoo Saturday Keineth Eldlcr 12 of Tor onto was drowned Sunday while swimming in conservation park near Terra Cotta Ont Mrs Maria Vassey an expect ant mother and her two young est of five children killed in headon car crash near Ganano one Sunday in unidentiiicd woman allied Sunday in fourcar crash on Highway to east of Rodrland Whats sOdifferentlabout TD Travellers Cheques All Canadianbanks sell Travellers Cheques so that you can avoid the necessity of chrrying large amounts of cash with you when you go away on holiday or business trip But when you buy your Travellers Cheques from your Toronto Dominion branch you get not just convenient banking service but something extra too genuinely interested and helpful attitude on the part of the Me in The Bank purchase of But itidoesnft really matterwhat banking service youneed youll ï¬nd people like George behind the coirnterof every TorontorDominion branchvr across Canada helpful andefficient They take great deal of pride in the kind of service they have to offer Theyre friendly pom Barrie Branch