THE BAR EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY tml lNNlSill Iomivos Home In Painswick Looted Couple Find By continue to read our paper for many more years Mr Roulstou Lot See ondConcesslon has been walt ing for several yeprs to have piece of ditch extended to con tlnue the drainage into the l8l2l4 no arm 51mm was Onto The home or rrank Ewan of blliï¬yilwl Painswiekwaslootedsome time during the past couple at nights hfr and Mrs Ewan parents of Mrs Dennis Sheard have been staying at the sheard home while Mrs Sheard has 553 1950 SANDY COM and Reg Weibnm wander about the grounds at Fort Willow with Miss Sally Lou Ahcrn Exam iner Wire Editor Mr Coutts is pointing out boundries of old historical buildings Ex aminer Photos by Gary Smith Chamber Hopes To Restore Fort At $20000 Cost By SALLY AflERN After three years of utenslve study and preliminary excava tions Barrie Chamber of Com merce hopes to begin rcslora tion of Fort willow in August or September But all depends on ï¬nances Welham secretarymanager Mr Weiharn estimates it will cost the chamber $15000 to $20000 to restore the fort as it was during the War of 1812 At that time Fort Willow at the terminus of the NineMile Portage was naval establish mentaswcllasalinkinthc supply route from Fort York in Toronto to Fort Michilimackinac at the mouth of Lake Michigan FIRST ROAD 1N AREA The NineMile Portage was the first road constructed in this area in the late 10th cen tury following the old lndian trail and formed the connect ing link between Lake Simone and Georgian Bay During the War of 1312 the road was wid ened to permit transport of supplies to the fort by wagon small settlement grew at the fort but has long Sinceidisap peered The first excavations at the site were madein August 1958 by Dr Wilfrid Jury curator of the Museum of Indian Arch aeology at the University of Western Ontario assisted by Ross Channen Grant Mayor Coulis Norman Clarke and Cy Allison of Barrie At that time trenches were laid out and test 11085 dug As result in 1959 the group was able to pinpoint the areas of habitation and lay out reconstruction map of the fort site RECONSTRUCT FORT At the time of the first ex cavations there were some vis ible remains of the decayed fort Further excavations re vealed timber palisade had surrounded the fort and anyone who Vlle the site will see the beginnings of the palisade wall which whencompleteiy recon structed will surround the fort as it did in During the excavations corn erstones were found at the corn ers of many of the buildings which helped in determining the fort layout At the present time red markerstakes set out according to Reg the corners of the buildings and the heginnings of the log build ings can be seen 0n the path which luds to the river brick kilnwasï¬is covered and the remains are visible to anyone who looks closely PICNIC ATTRACTION The site is ideally located and when fully completed should prove an excellent attraction to local picnickers and nature lov ers From the plateau on which the fort is situated the Coiling wood Mountains are visible through the grove of poplar trees The plateau overlooks the threegunners of mile from Willow Creek The road leading to th fort is th om road on the left immediately across the CPR tracks on concession 10 three miles north of Sunnidale Road The Chamber of Commerce is developing thesite as tourist allructionand for its value in studylng history on the ground according to Mr Wei hum Coulis director of the chamber stressed We Can adians tend to bdittie our own historic sites We would rather play them down than play them up He feels this site willbe of particular interest to American tourists They know their own side of the war and would be interested in knowing the Canadian side Mr Coutts points out that Can ads is asrich as the US in historic sites and should put them to better use ALL WINDOWS BROKEN Though the site is not yet of ficially open to the public it seems it is known to localmis chief makers who have broken every window in the of in lormaton boot adjacent to the site It would appear there are some members of the commun ity who have little regard for part of our history which the chamber is trying to restore to the community The chamber is holding its an nual pony show in August in hopes of raising enough money to get the project underway If Barrie residepfs get behind and push it might put the ef fort over the top MuslSupport Agencies Tackling Delinquency Judge Warns Govt TORONTO GP Senior Judge IV Lorne Stewart dealing with the first of record crop of 20 Juveniles arrested in one day Friday predicted all kinds of trouble unless citizens and governments support social ag encies tackling delinquenCy Judge Stewart was inter viewed at Metropolitan Toronto juvenile and family court after hearing variety of charges against the youngsters involving knife threats robbery indecent assault and organized theft Adult Entertainment LAST TIMES TONIGHT CIMMABON 325 615 915 Among the cases heard was that of 12yearold boy alleged to have threatened to kill his mother and sister witba knife Psychiatric study was ordered Five suburban North York girls aged from 12 to 14 were returned to their parents after appearing on charges 01 steal ing clothing and cosmetics from shopping plaza Judge Stewart said They were cleancut girls from good sound homes and can guar antee the community they will never be in trouble again lllBlEDIEKINSflN PHERHNLH NIN COLOR wanna anus Feature Time 100 prn 91 MONDAY HMO US PLAYERS Minesing swamp and is about lHIAlRl SANDY COUTIS INDICATES BOUNDARIES OF 0F LARGER BUHDINGS mM GoodYield Per Aore Is Key To Profit 111 Winter Wheat By STEWART LPAGE County Agltep This is the time of the year when farmers with landsuit able for winter wheat are think ingof getting field or two ready for this crop to be seed ed about midSeptember Wheat is an important cash and feed grain crop in Simcoo County where over the county as whole our annual acre age ranges from 7550000 acres with an average yield over the past 10 years of 33 bushels per acre and value ranging from to three mil lion doilars per annum In contrast to this aiverage of 38 bushels we sometimes see yidds as low as 10 bushels per acre and yields of 60 bushels per core are not unheard of Wile 0rdered Reium HOme VIAREGGIO Italy Reuters Prince Albert of Belgium and his itaiianborn wife Princess Paola have left their seaside Villa near here amid reports they have been ordered home to Brussels by King Baudouin The Rome paper Tele resa reported Friday night un der Brussels dateline that lrlnce Albert Baudouins brother and Paola had fled bome Thursday following strong criticism in Belgian newspapers of scanty bathing suit worn by the princess and clashes be tween the prince and press photographers here fTHEDANCE or TH Appearing in range of soil types such as sandy loam clay loam and clay providing there is rea oonable drainage In North Simcoe the greater partrofvouc wheat acreage is grown in Sunnidale Flos Vespra and cm townshipsywith rather lim ited acreage in the remaining townships In this connection we report threeyear study in 1956 1957 and 1550 as to production costs and returns for winter wheat as recently completed by the farm economics branch of our department This study was based cn187 reports kept by cooperating farmers from the major wheat producing counties including Simcoe County Followingfls summary of this report as to average ex pauses and revenue of winter wheat grown Average total cost per acre was $43 as fol lows Power and machinery use $1427 83 per cent materials seedfertillzer manure etc $1371 31 per cent farm lab or $642 15 per cent use interest and taxes $670 16 per cent other items $281 five per cent Returns per acre amounted to $62 for the wheat plus $7 per acre for the straw or total crop value of$69 leaving return for risk and manage ment of $26 per acre NOT PROFITABLE it wasfound that the average yield was 38 bushels per acre and that yield of less than 36 bushels was unproï¬table that the average wheat amcage per farm was 122 and that less than 10 acres per farm gave Person land little profit that the average crop value was $72 per $100 value of land used and that earnings1mproved asthavait us of the crop each year be came more nearly equalto the value of land used This report also showed that the farm cost of total digestible nutrients in wheat compared favorably with other grains the average cost per pound TDN being as follows Wheat l6c spring grain 211 corn silage Lac mixed hay Me This information suggests that if we have wheat and no suit able market outlet it can re place part of our home grown grains satisfactorily Summing hip this report on winter wheat costs and revenue come to the conclusion that while all factors are important good yield per acre is key factor if we are to obtain pro fitable returns on growing wheat Use of commercial fer tilizer based on soil test is usually necssary to get good yields and the average use was about 200 lbs per acre at cost of $695 per acre The soil test for wheat land should be takenas soon as possible completesummer fallow is not to be recommended unless this is the only way clean seed bed can be prepared summer fallow costs too much when the loss of one years crop and the extra tillage costs are considered partial sum mer fallow following early out hay or pasture is on the oth er hand very good practice as we get our annual crop and still have time to prepare good seed bedby midSeptem EI WEEK CLARENCE rogman HENRY YOU ALWAYSHURT THE ONE YOU LovjE SATURDAY NIGHT IULY EniOy Dancing to the Stars of the Hit Parade goon svmonos andTHE ALso TLANTICS FEATURING MARY ANN PEITIFORD narrows snaps T0 monochr NEXTATIRACTlON US BONDS No QN rrrn HITPARADE QUARTER T0 runner BARRIETA link like Punk ngrasofeetinlengththe been away on holiday They went over to their own place in the evening to work in the garden but did not have occasion to enter the house until Friday night Mr Ewan found table lamp on the floor and wondered why his wife had mov ed the TV When Mrs Ewan looked around she found num 350° eroun electrical and other equip ment missing the replacement value of which would exceed it was found that the thief had entered the home recently built on through the bedroom window walked over the bed and opened the front door to allow the am to be removed The amount and size of the articles would necessitate re move by truck it is thought No insurance for this type of loss was carried by the Ewuns The poisons doing the job must have been aware that the own ers were not staying in the hmuc SERVICE EXTENDEI Dennis Sheard of the Sheurd Lumber Compan say he will be glad when dive Barrio tele phone servico has been attended to lncludo that section of the township which includu the Painswlck business district At present the Barrie service ends at Lovers Creek Telephone linemen are instal ling the cubes and making complete new installation for when they take over Stroud Tel ephone Company by the end of ths year Large reels of cable are oce installed some unlt derground and some on poles rim FORT wmdw am Separate Schools Ask More Money LONDON Ont cmmman Catholic separate schools in On tarlo called for increased finan cial support in formal appeal the prov inl government made public Friday Abrlefbacked by separate school organizations throughout Ontario urged revision of obso lete and discriminatory tax laws aswell as the provincial grants system so it will provide equality of opportunity for Catholic children The brief waspresented by LAssociation des Commissalres des Ecoles Bilingues dOntario and tho Ontario Separate School Trustees Association represent ing separate school boards in Toronto Hamilton Ottawa Lon don Windsor and Sault Ste Marie The appeal was handed priv ately to Education Minister Ro barts in London June 30 Palnswlck people hope it will soon be possible for them to out in at that end of the system We have two private lines to Stroud and one party line and would have had Barrio line put lo if the Stroud Com pany had approved It is strange how many people enquire of our competitors when there is long distance charge even though we advertise collect paid calls said Mr Sheard We signed petition when the extension was made to the creek but were not successful in getting in on ï¬re Barrie sys tem then be added minnow human In connection with our story about the city boy who had ob tained job on the farm through our advertising and story in the Examiner we have heard from Mr and Mrs William Madiil who say they have been readers of the Examiner for great nlnnber of years They did not just chance on the paper as had been mentioned to us when we heard of them taking the boy We are glad to know this and can put another party in touch with good ladif they happen tokuowofafnnnwhereonell needed We are happy to have heard from tho Madiiis and hope they MONTREAL 0P Reports of strong supportfor Trans Canada Air Lines flight attend ants in their contract dispute with the Crownowned company added strength today to the possibility that led strike could ground TCA planes Developments da indi cated that the walkout of the 800 flightattendants scheduled for Friday luly21 uiight in volve other TCA employees without whom the air line could not operate The developments several fronts First an Attendanis Associa tion source said the attendants expect to get full support from it came on lnghglhtcwbolefaflflyhv Midland to see the famous panacea Huron Indian Village reconstruct ed under the carelul supervis Wilfrid Jury noted Can adianardiaeologlst and historian Villa go is full scale reproduc Lion oimfndlnn ljrein this cloiiilnhtrg more an 300 years ago recommended schers educational authorities ltsonlya short Other Unions To support Flight Attendants Who Strike other rca unions affiliatedwith the Cpnadian Labor Congress if they are forced to strike Secondly CLO president Claude Jodoin said in Ottawa that all CLO afï¬liated unions South lonlsï¬l ditch Mr Weir made the survey and apparently the information had not been processednt the office They sat around all winter looking for Job when this could have been attended to Reeve Sproulc remarked motion passed asking prompt processing of the details so that the work could be tendered for SUGGEST JUDGES PLAN Property on the north and south sideof the 10th llnesold originally by melts and bounds become overlapped and the only way for it to be straighten ed out is by judges plan the council was toldby the firm of engineers Council agreed the this should be proceeded CHARGED FDR CONSENT Where it is necessary for an olficloi consent to be obtained that requires Council to agree the cost Is to be live dollars in future was recommended by the Planning Board Council ad opted this regulation DEVELOPMENT ROAD Arthur Evans MPP has been advisedthat funds are available for the continuance of the work on the Townlino west between Innlsfll andiihsa This will he come connecting link between 21 highway where it veers east ward below Holly to Highway 90 and the VesproJohnston high way This work was in abeyanco for some time owing to the funds which were earmarked by requut of the late George Johnston being held back await ing further approval Tenders for the work will be called for and the road which barn number of hills to be cut down will be under way this fall Thls is called devalop rnent road The work is done under the supervision of the township roads department and when completed the funds are repaid hy the provincial high ways department it has been proven that this type of highway can be built at conSxdcrably less cost than those under the high way department direct IMPERIAL LAST snowmc moor STARTS MONDAY its the FUNNIEST maneuver to lake place in league should give wholehearted sup= port to the attendants Thirdlyva spokesman for the chinists CLCwbich servica the TCA planes said there is considerable in thy among the 1AM members tor the attendants TCA has never had strike in itsMyearold history HURONIAI DRIVEIN THEATRE room ONLY MLWALUSmm career hymns glnternalionai Association of Mo mural cannon nun BARKER LESLIE PHILLIPS mu suns non PURGEll lumrmnuss inn lieutenant rumor STEELE arrow mu