Hrs Alvin Dreunan spent Sun day at Goldwater with Mr and Mrs Harry Gratrix and attend ed the cemetery service Morley Nixon of Tomato took his grandmother Mrs Harrison and friend Miss Shirley James of Drillla on motor trip to Parry Sound and Huntsville Mr and Mrs Earl Salisbury and family of Toronto are visit ing Mrs Eaton Mr and MrsL William Thomp son spent two days in Colling wood with Mr and Mrs Lloyd Turner Mrs Mabel Geddes and dauv ghtcr Gwen oiBarrle visued Mr and Mrs Olscr Copeland Satur day Miss Beryl Jamieson of Coiling wood is spending weck with Mr and Mrs Herbert Goddard MINESING Mrs William Maw of Toronto visited the home of her niece Mrs Gilbert Haight and renew ed acquaintances with her many friends in the village ANNIVERSARY SERVICE The United Church was pock ed to capacity for the annual church anniversary on Sunday evening June is Rev John Vin et former minister delivered challenging message on the subject Christ the King The choir rendered inspirational mus lo assisted by Mrs Lloyd John ston who with Mrs Robinson sang duet At the close oi the service the song How Great Thou Art Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Robert Maquire on the birth of son Kenneth 23 Robert White of Oa lllv was recent visitor at Art Pains PIANO RECITAL lovely evening wasspent in the 55 room of tho United Church when the pupils oi Mrs Charles Grant gave piano rc cital on Monday June 26 Solo lst for the evening was Mrs John Robinson The SS room was tastefully decorated with spring flowers and the arrange ment with indirect lighting by Mrs Glen Beilby added much to the occasion The pupils tak ulg part were Gwen Beilby Su san Robinson Dianne Martin Di nnne Handy Beth Adams Knr en Robinson Susan Muir Jean 11 oily Rosanne Downey Don na Luck At the close of the perform TELEVISION cxva CHANNEL BARRIE lAllIHDAY JULY Movie Range wn Boy Scout Jamboree Bugs Bunny All Star Golt New Weather sport Golr contd Dennis The Menace Tho Peoplai Choice sgt Bllko Sea Hunt Great Movies Mr needs can To Town 1050 Juliuttc 1100 cac um nlo Ncws weather snort 1115ceorginn Chin Twin niil tnlg Boodle Turn The Key sortly SUNDAY JLlJY 145 Test Pattern 200 Popeye and Pain 225 News Weather Sports and Good Lire Theatre Empressot Canada Country Calendar Holiday Edition News Msgulnu Naked City aohin Hood National Velvet some or These Days Ed Sullivan Show GM Presents Bringing Up Daddy Background Meet McGraw CBC TV News News Weather Movie shanghnl MONDAY JULY 10 115 Test Pattern 110 Mavin Claudia and David slye ESSSS npesspma 838322 888 barIauu oarlrfltfltdzhfd we Sport story sATunDAY JULY 430 Wrestling 530 in Time can Sports 640 Magic Moments in Sports 545 Weather 700 Meli Into Space 730 King Ganam snow 1130 Two Faces West Naked City Fight or the Week Johnny Esaw Show News Weather sports 1115 Saturday Night Theatre Letter To Three Wives 105 Epilogue SUNDAY JLUY 1030 Youth and talking Stories for Sunday For Your Enter nment Around the world News Package Bravo Theatre Douglas Fairbanks Presents Channel Theatre Great Hymns of all Timex Int League Baseball Believe It Or Not News Weather Sports The Real McCoy The Donna Reed Show Academy Performance intermission Academy Performanc Part in Palladium News Weather spam Epilogue 900 1000 1050 11n0 EEEEES vesi FPquPFF SS Y0 If your eairler has noonrrivedby am please phone PA 82 Copy Will Be Dehvéredlroiiour me rash iSNO mac His ssnv cs VALLEY TAXI onlvgivousSEtr oats NND TRUCKS 13a CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO TUESDAY JULY 11 COUNTY once Mrs Grant was presented withagiltandilowernbyher pupils in appreciation at her ef forts The children all did well and great deal at credit gnu to Mrs Grant who planned the recital and who has done excep tionally well with her pupils The service in the United Church on Sunday July Will be in charge at the Couples Club at 11 pm Guest speaker will be Robert Ball of Barrie We welcome to the community Rev Barnard and Mrs Bar nard and family who have tak en up residence in the parson age Rev Barnard is the mat lstcr oi the United Church on the Mlnesing charge ORO STATION Mrs Howard Crawlord attend ed the Decoration Day service at Goldwater Sunday and also called on Mrs Doriand Potter Waubaushcne KcnCaniphell with Lynn and Gail Scarborough visited Mr and Mrs Howard Dunsmore on Sunday Lynn and Gail remain ed for couple at weeks holi day The July meeting of the W5 and WA is to be held at the home at Mrs Albert Pearsnll Wednesday July 12 pm Roll call word Kings of the Bible Swimming lessons have started at Oro Memorial Park and are held each Wednesday mornlng School closed Thursday at 130 Congratulutlnns to all who pas sed The teacher Mr Webb was presented with leather wallet on behalf of the pupils RUGBY Congratulations to Morris Her rington who won the award set tools donated by the Brake Speciality and Parts Co for having the highest marks in Auto Mechanics for this year in Grade 12 at the 0PCl We are glad to see Mrs Wil liam Lnngman home again Allan Thomson of Sault Ste Marie is visiting his sister and family Mr and Mrs Bernal Johnston and Bryan Congratulations to the Grade Eight students who passed their entrance exams Allan Johnson Jim Rodgers Paul Langman and Andy Cornelisse and all pupils who successfully passed their exams PROGRAMS 300 Smmnrml News Sport lritcrviuws Cartoons illule Junior Roundu ao Long John Slver so News Headlines 00 Provincial Artur Bert Churchill Farm Market lienart Don Jainloson News weather sport Wyatt Earp Singnlong Jubile Danny Thornr While Were Young The Flintstones Case For the Court Sports and Man OEGTVNews The Weatherman Today In Sports Community News 1436 Married Joan TUESDAY JULY 11 115 Test Pattern 130 ignite asy only 100 Summerama gt News dr Sport Interviews Cnrtoonr Music AllStar Baseball Ftlnl Program Wanted mud or Altvo News Weather Sports Hancocks Hal Hour Holiday Lodge Manhunt The Quiet War Ciach News The Weatherman Today In Sports community New 1135 Cdn Open Golf rr9giosnswrlr9 =0 canoes 588 rrpzesarvssari 533383255 liloNnav may 10 1100 News Free and Easy Channel room if Hid ro essn enw Whirlyhlrdn agriunl Lg omen on News Weather Wagon Train Thentra At Eight Tn Rmnman Wanted Dead or Alive The Third Man News Weather Sports Better Late News Weath er on Epilogue igewr at ree All FIW Channel Thetn 15 Etd earn en Whirlyhlrdn SPO 1100 1105 SakSSSuS News Wrouirr Gucstward Hot Wyatt Earp Theatre At aunt Route 0o burn East News Weather sport Ectter Late News Weather Sport Epilogue $183238 as Fï¬FrEwwflsgmsaaeu ceeded in defeating the four by normal play since South Magic Moments in Spotti Mom 5T wins The monthly CWL meeting was held at Mrs Dnirys home with good attendance After the roll call and minutes plans were made for summer school fmmJuly 10 to 14 It was decided to make some lin provements on the hall The cor respondence was read and re port of the CW1 meeting in To r0nto was given Mr and Mrs Torn lrawley and Brian at Tomato Mr and Mrs Nick Frawley and Mark Welland called on friends lnthis community Mrs William Burniield and Ellie Orillin visitedvrccently at William Millers On Friday evening Mr and Mrs William Miller Mr and Mrs lograrn Amos and Mr and Mrs Prawley represent ing the donors called at the homeoi Mr and Mrs Maurice Fitzgerald and presented them with Swing King chair from the neighbors and friends 01 the community On Saturday evenin the Shiels family gathered and presented them with 25 silver dollars on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniversary Mr and itlrs Fitzgerald have sold their form and are moving to Midland to live Mr and Mrs Barber Buf falo NY spent few days with Mr and Mrs King BRXTER large crowd enjoyed the An nual Sunday School picnic on Thursday evening Just before supper was served pres nia tion was made to Wesley ud dick In recognition of his many years at service in the Sunday School as superintendent Bruce Edgar read the address and Mr Elwood Gauley and Cecil Gordon presented him with lawn chair flash camera copy at mod ern translation of the New Test ament and number of records Mr Ruddick has been super intendent since 1933 John McLachlan conducted an enjoyable program at pnrtsv coeludlng with ball games Married women vs single girls and married men vs single boys Miss Irene Denney held the winning ticket on the horn which wn sponsored by the boys hard ball team Mr and Mrs Matt Morris 10 ronto spent the weekend with Mrs Mary Haugh Mr and Mrs Don Scott and family span the weekend at Brighton with friends The girls remained there for few days holdiay Mrs Don Cameron Richard and Beverley of St Catharina spent the weekend with the for mer parents Mr and Mrs El wood Gauley Mrs Jennie McKnight is borne lroin hospitaL Mr and Mrs Ron Meaary and girls spent Sunday in Orange ville with the forxners mother Mrs Menary Mrsliorence Denney Mrs Mary Davie and Denise Denney attended the Robertson family reunion in Collingwaod on Sat urday Wesley Ruddick and Mrs Ed na Edgar spent Sunday in Bar rie with Mr and Mrs William Ryckman Mrs Herman Rootsaert is patient in Toronto hospital Sympathy is extended to the family at the late James King of Alliston former resident of this wmmunity who passed away recently LARRY BRANNON BLONDIE Mr and Mrs Les Parker oi Scarborough called on friends here Saturdaygovcnlng Congratulations to all students public and high school who pas sed their exams this year Bill Gnuley Jr is home irom Oshawa for the summer Laird Mann has gone to his home at Glen Orchard for the summer vacation HBWKESTONE The St Aidans monthly meet ing was held at the hofne of Mrs Tim Jermey Thirtytdo were present Mrs Pugsley the president conducted the meet ing Mrs Ellis Leigh gave an interesting talk on the Study Book The date for supper and bazaar has been changed to August Mr and Mrs Scdore and Mrs Corbello of Toronto spent the Weekend in the village The community extends sym pathy to Mr and Mrs Roy Jon es in the death of Mrs Jones mother in Toronto Mr and Mrs Crane and son Douglas of Sioux Lookout and daughter Mr and Mrs George Richmond of Port At thur formerly of Oro visited friends and relatives in the vii lage Douglas Crane received hid Bachelor of Law degree at Con vocation Osgoode Hall June 22 Mrs Helen Roe Mrs George McDonald and Miss Martha Roe also attended the paduation Mr Crane will be associated with Moioney and Hess Toron to Mr and Mrs Crawford Leigh and family of Lansing were weeend visitors at their home Mr and Mrs Jack Keeler and family of Hornepayne visited hits Keelers parents Mr and Mrs Tom Shellswell CONTRACT BRIDGE BY JAN BECKER East dealer EastWest vulnerable Noam can v19 our 342 we V47 nasr A5 33 357 oquez QAIOES axloesa 41297 doom 3976 QAKIOES AJ Thebtdding East SouthWest North Porn Pass Pass Pass Opening lead kingoi dia moods Here lsn band played by Mel vin Breslauer of Los Angeles in national tournament He held the East cards and suc spade contract two tricks while at most tables where the hand was played the declarers made eleven tricks West led the king ohdin monds Breslauer could see no hope of defeating the contract was marked by the bidding to have two fivecard suits and at least the AK of hearts and ace of clubs in high gt cards flle queen of heartswds obviously subject to successful finesse So Breslauer decided to try to accomplish by guile what he GRANDMA mom AthaNEraiea VACANT 1011 could not accomplnh witn regu lar play Accordingly he over took the king of diamonds with the ace and returnedthe seven of hearts Declarer won with the ace and played trump to the queen Breslauer took the ace and played hack the two of hearts Declarer naturally thought as Brcslauer Lped he would that East had started with doubleton heart namely the 72 South could not afford to finr esse if this were the case be cause West would win with the queen and give Eastn heart ruff which would defeat the con tract trick So South not un reasonably declined the finesse and went up with the king West rotted of course and to make matters still worse for de clarer returned low club The queen forced the ace and there was nothing that South could now do to avoid going down two When East got in with heart heled club to bring home trick number live for the defense At the other tables declarer had smooth ride diamond was led and continued South ruffed forced out the ace of spades and eventually took heart ï¬nesse When this suc ceeded he wasable to discard two clubs runi dummy on the long heartsand did not lose clubtrickias result These declarers lost ooh spade and diamond Tomorrows The backward fin esse NOWARE VGLIBOVS SUR YOUALl FEEL 0141 THIS IS LIKE DROPPING manhuntnu IV in DAVE WILLTHE WELoouEFLDWEiv Nor JULIET JONES Pecans HEN AU IN LOVE WITH AT BASKETBALL AND GIELS HEART FROMWE LOOKS OF niis DONALD DUCK can BUZ SAWYER ARTS at Ferndale Rd 5550 ex $550 ex 165 $265 TURY AUTO end of Dunlap rebuilt generators as low as rebuilt water pumps as low as Westinghouse sealed beam 6V radio aerial piece polto well get of $350 auto floor mats as low as $149 brake lining one axle set as low as $299 pit 66416 BARRIE $375 $4990 ex $350 $395 $695 $595 ex 5635 ex $895 ex rebth voltnge regulator rebuilt transmissions aslow as heavy plastic seat cover radio rear seat speakers as low topper white and black sidewalls tour chrome wheel discs let of Ex newized hatterlesJEV 12V year guarantee All new and Jrebullt parts fully guaranteed lower overheadyand lower prices mmudrszsrirnncsocutso aoviRNMEtl await mmooes dtltNoT Poeticrm dismiimw are vssww arm 1H mama Viiusrmir mr GHFREILLAS MUGGSAND SKEETER mammarm iw DRIER TONERSHE