FARMERS MARKET LIVESTOCK VIAme Pics for sale air IIID enbcrcn Golding vein oitippiy Jul Iiolmei near Lisa Station or ielcphene PA Vim nuith Plus vaiiiuilixx iul deve eno eight weeks old Apply no and arm eat on axis Line or In nun anmhlp oil Nu ll Hllhe way Andy Graham FEED SEED GRAIN Acnzs or Good ilixed nay Apply Toni Vrlsbi Siroud Telelt phone Him 25itii Ellie PA W49 DAY FOR nALz clover Timur thy and Ailaila standing or by the bale Apply in Lorne Dryer dale telephone Elmvail Hum FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE Cars New Holland David Era Butts rarne Dullpmlni 176 BURTON AVE PA 373 Till roll iiAYiNc EQUIPMENT Balm liners blowers Herverlels and wagons FINAL CLEARANCE ONALL HAYING EQUIPMENT COME AND sun us NOW ALI AVAILABLE Now CASH TRADE TERMS liIAssnlr ilAillrIs in root rclr propelled Combine in good candle tlpn Ap ly Lorne Morrison Allis ton lili or telephone HE sma plAssnv IlAitiiis seven loot Grein Binder also McCormick Deeran Grain Binder aeven loot Wui tell for parts Telephone 11 nilii bichrmlck peering in root power driven in good mech anical repair Apply George Davis Ivy or telephone slill ivy for run ther iniormailon Nzw mitA Hay lieehlntry no and used Parts and service Ap ply to iionlcy Bros schomhcrg Ontario Telephone losw open till pm illlLKING limeliiwas two iiias aeyllarrls RimWily Milking Ma chines Also one international can aliiir Cooler in good running order Telanhnnn are TIDIEBIIWG MACHINE George White No Threshing Muchlnu lor sale ahn iiassey liarria root Power hinder April Everett ltnaeshaw nn and or tele phone Pa szsov Ass iiioTolt Driven Baler also gilt Power liowcr Cele side Rako used two seasons Reason ably priced Also i948 Ford alb Ion Truck slim Telephone 2mm Moonstone AUTOMETIVE VIAU MOTORS RAMBLER HELMAN AND LAND ROVER 10 DOWN PA was 17 GOWAN STREET loan mvov mileage 5uau Used only as town car as own lwo In xcellent condition throughout Telephone iavalz Leiroy liloToncYcLii Triumph 350 cc twln new paint lob good condiv tlon Priced reasonably Telephone stroud 17mm or lurthcl lulflmt lilon 1853 AUSTIN sedan ior sale with new motor and new tires in good running scar Reasonably priced Telephone PA Mono or inrther details lass CHEVROLET aeiair or sale four door black and yellow standard transmissloh cylinder Take over paymen ppy clemmens telephone PA some 1954 PONTIAC Sedan ror sale in excellent conditionFrlved reason ably Private Telephone PA 55511 days or ivy 18an in the enlngs luriher details LTD METEOR ior saieiildeau 5011 and tires radioautor8tic trans mission 35mm in es owner $1700 cash Telephone PA 56875 after 530 pm 1953 man station wagon new motor and transmission 3255 also lam Plyénouih ssdun lggél otor den scenn car Playto sale Telephone PA Mind 1951 PLYMOUTH ror sale in good eonditon good tires body end in teriorAelrlng price ms Can be seen so Lnunt street or tele phone PA alum lass nonaa immaculate condi tlon with new motor excellent Ares Terms amngednr trade Telepbblm PA doze ror nirtner intermauon 1m cnzvnotnr sedan dark mus good running order new battery new muffler nntj iiirt class as ms Apply to rt neevle Shanty Bay lost cnnvnotnr two door in very good pondltlnn seas nelair automatic hardtop Also lose Packard rnur door else Apply 1b Mary street or PA c3594 1555 DODGE immaculate condi mp with new motor excellent urea Terms arranged or trade Telephone PAHZoa lor lurther iniormation 1955 CHEVROLET penis or sale vs overdrive radio new tires and many extras in good condi uon Telephone PA $1557 or int thcl lnlbrmlllon 15 CADILLAC Sedan in rar run ning condition automatic trans mission power steering wonder her radio rent and back seat speaker hecirup iiehts spot light and good tires Needs valve job snd some body work as any car eight years old woulduTbIs car has been priced very reasonably You must hurry iind see it at the Comet Gas station on nunlop so or phone PA 34945 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE OR RENT ls PDDT CABIN irallcr sleeps two Bunk hedr electrical wiring Priced Ii $295 Good clean coir dlunn Telephone PA I81 MOBILE nulllit for aele et No down payment required plltely ulvpnd Lanluditwo es past 5h nty nayrschool en Illa llilld cAIiiN IRIiILBIl lii Mealnnis aluminum iurnlahed oil healer electric brakes excellent condi tion 51000 Also in inn Eviniude FILL Outboard sill lies Cowan PA PERSONALS WOMENS COLUMN UNw Vanished disiolve or ladct Ml any SanFelt ll diurnal ll Sou ANTEDHAIR with sacsPele remove halriren tea Pennnits And tarda movie or veneered hair Longueuil Lid is cm ville Vance sum by uniï¬ed own home liver 30 ï¬buitmmd 52 seer PhonoTBunill IiPA am or PAOJ Months on July Please call ion as John street PA Hm DIAMOND in Kinsmen LOST FOUND Al RM Fenian in Name oi Pu wu or write lira Hlmlh or telephone Exlxltcmrnl Rinl lost Park nu on July Finder please maLi to bin Cole ill telephone 10 straphe Avenue or win Iiewerd ELP WANTED FEMALE HELP IxPanchn Clurllrll Woman wanied Ior Tuesday or heavyI wortr every waxing scrubbing etc nuich preierred Telephone PA um ITKNOGEAPRBI vacation shorthand experience sir Thomplon Iilrld for lie help in and essential chla hone preloried App to Texaco Can eda Limited Telephone PA 001 MALE HELP WHAT ARE LOO YOU KING mar Morley Security Professional Future WE CAN OFFER OPPORTUNITY lN EDUCATl ll you mum to and we that is your in live ability Iiiilernont man who are willing only ONAL PROGRAMS are ambitious In get out oi your rut rii inr en lncomo limited only by aglnation and tree Tllll ll hold not we want to ply themselves intelli gent service in this rewarding SODO WING Now APPLY TO noon WHITE TowEils lioritt nsrrwnm 1a Pill kei garden to iiilicrest on by the ay Apply Gardens Pnclpstnn or tuluphonz Eliovale 717m EXPERIENCED short Order cool required io Wnrk evenings srorn pm to midnight Apply Non mandy Restaurant is Dunlap at west is its wonderful the way Classified Ads get re suitsI Phone PA 82414 arrie nrAN REQUIRED in worll at mar lo HELP WANTED MALE HELP Experienced METAL FINISHER Salary adjusted hootding to experience Apply Personnel Department Universal Cooler Co Ltd Tel PA 66577 MALE OR FEMALE IWO MIN Woman unlnd for raise an durvica or national ly advertised product neller Inan Ivorll ellnib Tellphonl PA mil all or Mr Arnoit maniacal mature person to lelre over complete set or books Inl nectsse Required im medieiei Triep one Mn Brink Worth PA Maul hm noonmran required or local nurlnui Reply staunn telephone numherex erlehra and salary lind Appl to Box on name Examiner TEACHERS WANTED wmaDIOR vunra school area mull Inpeivlmr ll classrooms Duties commencing September letm nail particulars can he on telned from smith stew tnry Idldhuni OntArlo EMPIDYMKNT WANTED MOVING 10 BARRIE Sept SEEKING POSITION Formerly tianarnreas and nuyer with JeL Ollivys united linntreal Addrcawgraph arsinr with rraduate anclety MeG ll Uni versity Box 41 Barrie Examiner WOMAN would like worir Iron midnight iill ana restaurant or cleanina please telephone PA wall Ior inrormatien LIABLE women desires house keeping position in Barrie or with lnlfy Live in or out and cook Write no oil sealsin Examlnn DUTCH GIRL would like employ ment doing housework Lilies chil dren end prelera to live in 7215 phone PA sun or particulars riornnatv Women will hoire bib and quiet Child In her ilbrne easily Nerr Allistoo For ininn malion El 3111le 38557 EXPERIENCED men require work on Chimnoy buildlnl or Ne pain concrete worir donc rates Telephone PA FIRST CLASS Carpuiicr specialr irina in kitchen cuprearer and any general Npllfl and remodell illl For Airliner iniomatlon toleo phone rA sew BOOKKEIPBR Accountant so tired on Pension ertcr so your urvtee wth local arm seakliig mu time employment lnhn PA decal ADVEETISE IN THE BARRIE EXAMINER BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Low Rates By Month or Yen Telephone PA 82414 CAMPING EQUIPMENT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR RENT Tents and Tarps Cami TENT BAYFIELIJ sili Cote and slaves Cooiels BARRI AWNING CO LTD TELEPHONE FA €7 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAP Twice weekly pic ER SERVICE 11 FRANclsssT Less than PA 68551 imp 4c dellvlry REAR pack of clnrcttas day axcavnmd SEPTIC Excavating Delivery GRAVEL TANKS PUMPED anti Grading water Crushed stone nail Yard Eackhoe tor tile DENNIS MORAN 29 Anna street PA IZIM PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Archivays Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS No DOWN PAvilmNr SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING SMITH AND SON EDWARD Painting and Paper Han spray paintinr service since im RE BARR SANITARY DISPOSAL DEAD WANTED OR CRIPPLED HORSESCATTLE HOGS Removed promptly ior disposal Telephone Barrio PA 87751 Long distanct Zenith $2800 at ourexpo use ED PECONI AND SON LTD ORILLIA License No 89661 Copy for Want Ad Sech ac copied until p111 Day bolero publication 5011 Berri we PAW DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We ha Dun lllllliled to ruinnvn your dead and crippled term ani meis under the above Aol FREE REMOVAL Phone COLLECT BARRE PArkWiey H617 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LlCENSE BSCrsl SWTANKSPMED ANGUS AREA Call ROBERTSON ANGUS ONT TELEPHONE HI recon urnoiscanx UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND Draperies lip covers roadioom OComrnerciai furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM UPHOlSleigG AND lows 64 BAYFIELDST PA 54512 PA 83081 out Bf mwncallcoliect complete ranse or rahnea lawn in your horn UPHOLSTERY Chesterfielda chum ChromeChalls Boat Seats Summer Porch and Garden Furniture 16 YEARS SERVICEM BAFJIIE FREE ESTHVIATES AND PICKUP BARRIE Terti And Awning CO LTD at BAYFIELD sin 3mm PHONE PA spew CLEANINGI For fine furniture and rug cleaning cali MAYFAIR OF BARRIE FREE ESTIMATES PA 61612 PA 3999 wnu nldqma WELLS DRILLED PUMPS INSTALLED BY LICENSED DRILLEES FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR No BARBIE PA 7646 5in Strut Tolupiionl coorsrdwn piano recital was held by the pupils oi hire Murray Alb Dode EMT Cockatown at her home Saturday June 14 Mother guests were praant and cuioyedplano solos and duets presented by each oi the pupils Those inking part were Carol Wright Patty Cook Lynda Jones Shirley Taylor and 88 flier McDowell Reiseshmenls were served by Mrs McDowell Beiore her marriage on Satur day July in George Gould Miss Margaret Carr was the ra cipient of several showers given by irlends and relatives On Thursday June 29 Mrs Harold McKillicon was hostess at her home and was assisted by Mrs Riley Mrs Edney and Mrs Hughes at mlscellnn coils shower large number of ii LEGAL NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE The council or the City or her ria havn eased bylaw use which amends ills ronlnr bylaw 2m and will permit in comma and Missionary Auianca Church to build thumb on their prnp any at the northerncat corner or steel St and Cook SI suhleot to the approval or the Ontario Mun irpnl noare Under roninn bylaw am which is commonly called the lrcerlns itylaw the applicant must own minimum of in eeres at land to he able to sim airoet any buudlug Since the church does not own lo acres of land hut parcel appioxlrentely in ii it an amrndmant me to he made to the byluv to permit them to build The appli cant is restricted to certain set backs sideyaroa and matrnet aralnn which run he seen in the gylnw at the city Clerlrs nine nr oblrlnad hy phoninr PArltway Man You may within it deals alter the dale this notice le min the clerk oi the City oi Barrio your oblectiona to such rezoning together with statement or the grounds of your ohlcelon The Ontario iliunleipai Board ma approve oi such byiaw hut heflno doing so may appoint time and place when any onloo ilons to the trylaw will be consid red Dated July 196 mAUGHAN City Clerk Box 00 Elm Iet Barilo this 8th day of IS AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEERS ANDERSON PLOWMAN AND UOLWIIJ LTD PHONESBARBIE PA M085 VICTDRIA HARBOUR realm perm Rate 2v Flin Advertuiox Professional service Satisiled customers AUCTION SALE Ths Trustees or hililllll United church have instructed the uni deralgnlzd to sell by ubllc luc tion at Lot Con la oitnwarege Township on SATURDAY JULY 32 AT RM Nil following Erick Veneer Church Building lar Frame shed covered with rte Small Building used or booth Cbumil Sula Pill it Qunnv tity oi Carpet organs La Box Slaves Cook Stnrv Quantl or Chain Quantity of Silverware Quantity of Dishes Communion Set Quantity of Dry wood Steel Get All buildliitl Nov 19 sale CHAS rosm Auctioneer Phone 59 cavemen Ont to he removed by Terms Cash dly or guests were present to enjoy lovely evening and shower liar garet with many gifts 0n Mom day evening July hire Har ry Cause opened her hone to the town people who presented Margarci with platform ruck er Mrs Webb Mrs Hugh es and Mrs Edney assisted Mrs Cause with Miss Joan Webb reading ihn address from the to guests who attended Mr and Mn Jack Porrltl of Thisietown were host and hostess at miscellaneous family show er for lulu Corr on Wednesday June Mr and Mrs Jack Paterson and boys of Toronto were week end guesisni Mr and Airs Roy Taylor Mr and Mrs AI Cnmmack and boys oi Colburnc spent the week end with the inttcrs mother and father Mr and Mrs Hayes Mrs May Barkley of Chicago spent few days with her friend Mrs Potion Recent guests of hire Ross were Mr and Mrs Alien Ross Paula Ann and Lane oi Toron to Mr and Mrs Harold Ross and Bonnie oi Gormley Miss Gloria Jenn Tlgbe titles Met Farlin hincFurlln Miss Spams rind Wesley James of Kitchener iiiiss Paula Ann Ross of Toronto is spending the sum mrr holidays with her grand mother Mrs Ross and Way ne Bldckman oi Kitchener In on holiday home after spending two weeks in Toronto and Kitchener Miss Marjorie Eldridge of Torr until is spending her summer va calion at her home In iown Mr and Mrs Carmen Kindle and El eanor of Churchill visited at EL diidges on Sunday Mr and Mrs Newsiaad oi Tor Ionic spent the weekend wilh and Mrs Archie uriie Mrs Elliott and Elnlnu of Toronto spent few days last week with Mr and Mrs Ken neth Pegs The sympathy of the commun ity is extended to Mr and Mrs Fildey all the death of Mrs Fiideys father Mr Slilrgess on Monday July Rev and Mrs Moore and eryl who were weekend guests of Mr and Mrs Hector Smith leit on Monday afternoon for the West where Rev Moore has received call from Van coiiver church VASEY Mrs Stewart aclrry and his Margaret Olmrriings we re turned home from Fort William after the death of their sister Mrs Thomas Russel Elnyne Edwards has gone to Toronto and secured job The sympathy of the commun ity goes out to Mrs Orvnl Ed wards and her family in the death of her father Roy Whet hem who hasworked ohtho grader and snow plough in this district for over 20 years Allan Laurin or Penetang spent la few days with his grand parents Mr and Mrs Arthur Jennett Mr and Mrs Dale Russel oi Ashiand ill spent couple of weeks with relatiVes and friends Mr and Mrs Clair MeKeown Bob and Allan spent Friday in Toronto Several from here called at the bomb of Mrs Roy Whet barn and paid their last respects to the late Roy Whetbarrl and attended thefuneral service on Monday which was held in Wav erley United Church SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS GUTHRIE COMMUNITY FRIENDSHIP The July meeting of the War mens Federation of Guthrie Un ited Church featured commun ity inendshlp program held in the Sunday schoolmom with the president hirl Gougb in the chub The meeting was well eiicnded by members and visit ors Roll call wasanswered by interesting items from the Unlt ited Church Observan Mrs Caldwell Community Friendship secretary introduced two skits in which four members portray ed the correct and incorrect way to make chuchnponsarcd call on newcomer lo the commun ity Fellowin this recorded panel discuss innnation on the iorillcoming ore ganizatlon Untied Church Wo inen Mrs lioward Caldwell con ductedvlbe devotional period us ing The Community as her theme During the business period It was announced ihal the Womens Federation will have charge of the service ofrworallip on the second Sunday in August also that the Fall Rnlly will be held In our church Oct 18 CREEMORE AWiliinrinnne Morby dau ghter of Mr and Mrs Wilfred Morby who recently finished her RCAF training course at Clin ton is now stationed at Mount Apica Quebec Mr and Mrs Travis Moore spent the holiday with Mr and Mrs George Tryon and family at Gait Mr and Mrs Bob Corknn and family of Kingston spent the weekend with Mrs Hieait and Mr and Min Don Dalton Mr and Mrs Horace Echriekt and boys of Toronto are vlllt ing with Mr and Mrs Jack Van Klaavern Caroline Street Miss Coby Van Klaavem oi Toronto spent the weekend at her home in Creemoie Elmer Priddle prlncl iii of Crcemore public school ls spending the next five weeks at icachers College iloronto Wes Milare and bus lliaisden of Petinwawa Camp spent the weekend at their respective hom es Misses Dawn Lynn and Kar en Corkan of Kingston are spending their summer holiday with their grandmother Mrs Hleait Congratulations to Mr land Mrs Albert Gowan who were married at Duntrooh on Sutur day July by the Rev Downer Mr and Mrs Lloyd Freoihy Brenda and Dianne spent the weekend with friends in St Catharlhes Mrs John Westbrooke Kelly and Mark are spending week with Mrs Westbronkes parents Mr and Mrs Joe Cassidy of Camp Borden Mrs Mattie and children of Camp Bardehare spending few days withiMr and Mrs Sommerton Dr Stubbirigs look afew days vacation over the weekend with friends at cottage in Mus koka Mrs Ethel Gill oi Peiferinw visitedthis week with her son Rev and Mrs Douglas Mrs Clem Peuelton and Mr and Mrs Harvey Lane and ch dren spent few days With Mr and Mn Ciliford Bowed on gave further in and inmiiy at Park Ridge ii linals Air and Mrs Dean McDonald and Karen oi Toronto spent the holiday with Mr and hire An gus Rusk and Mr and Mrs Bruce Hare Mrs Jim Simms Stephen and Kim of Tomato and Mrs Alex Moore are spending the sum Incr months at their home in Gitemote Mr and Mrs Donald Ecailic nee Eliza beth Montgomery recent newlyweds were feted at the Orange Hall at Glen Huron on June so in pteserilailoh oi chrome set and pair of pi lows by their many friends Music for dancing during the evening was provided by the Vebsier Drcllestra Prior to her marriage on July lilies Donne Melville wesa guest at showers and teas in Toronto and Crecmore Iii Toronto the school staii of which she is member and other friends ehierfnincd at miscellaneous shower 0n ihe evening of June 11 Mrs Mel Rhodes oi Créemorc opened her home to combin ed in and shower In honor of Miss Melville Mrs Rhodes and her guest oi honor received about 100 friends of the bride After the wedding rehearsal June so the bridal pariy was entertained at the home of Mr and Mrs ivan Alexander hire Alexander and Miss Beatrice Neill were cohostesses John clothing rancth is rict lo ilon at Collihgiv Mr and Mrs James Hopkin son of Cherry Valley have one pounced the engagement of their daughter Audrey Elaine to ilir Maurice Davidson son of Mr and Mrs Leslie Davidson The marriage is to take place July 29 at Greenwood United Church Mr and Mrs Mac lnglis nee Norma McArIilurl have on houhced the arrival or their son at the Chesloy Hospital Ches 1234 on June 29 une meeting of the Oresmore Womens institute was held in the institute Rooms with the president Mrs John Khnp pelt opening the meeting in line usual manner She also gave the Bible reading The roll call Something wish hadnt bought was answered by 14 members Mrs Somerviue gave splendid report of the district annual moeeting held in Dun trooll Current events were giVlt an by Mrs Day contest was held by Mrs McLeod in see how many things can be found on Can adiathrenhy This proved most interesting Mrs Montgomery invited the members to llDId their July meeting ether home Mr and Mrs John Costarph inc and Kathy are leaving Cree more this week to take up res idence in Camp Borden Mr and Mrs Joe Earnhardt have moved into the Wood house all Elizabeth Street re cently vacated byCapt and Mrs Wills Leslie Davidson of Dunedin ls budding new home on Louisa Street and Ernie Roberta ls building on Edward Street Congratulations are being ex tended this wcek to Mrs liam Spnnhnuse Mill Street who on Friday last observed her Elsi birthday Mrs Spanbouse is still active and enjoys good health To it her and help her celebrate were her daughter Mrs Georr ge Graham and her daughter Belly oi Honcywood also ir and Mrs Cecil Mathews and family of Tumult and Richard Moscrop and Mrs Mae Elliott and children oi Creemorc Wheldale Sidey was taken to he Collingwood hospital on Wednesday morning Mrs Roseoiv Moonnan Peter borougli spent the weekend with her parents Dr and Mrs West bliss Kale and Miss Mryile hchcver of Toronto and Mrs Whalen Summerside Prince Edward island spent few days visillng Mrs Waller Mc hiackon and Mrs Duck worth Rou Higginson 50 Is home in help his brother Franklin on the farm with the harvest His iailicr and brother are still pa tients in the Royal Victoria Hose pita Barrie Miss Marlene Robinson Arn aiein is home for the summer holidays Mr and Mrs Clifford Robin son nnd inmily and hire Olive Whitehead Arnsieln spent couple of days with Mr and Mrs Harvey Robinson Miss Ol ive Langion Vlliowdale is also spending week with her grand parents ilir and Mrs Harvey Robinson Mr and Mrs Duke Lee and family spent July with his parents Mr and Mrs Lee at ivy Mrs Lee and family and her mother Mrs Brown and Mrs Bench and Linda are all spending Thursday in Toronto Mrs Furlcyleit Thurs day night by plane from Mel ion for Winnipeg for two weeks visit with her grunddaughier Mrs Duckworlh and Leonard spent the weekend of July iii with Mrs Duckworihs sister and broiherinlnw Wm and Mrs Charles Cameron Bag oivllie Que Master Brian Cam eron returned home with them for the summer holidays liirs Leslie Rose Mrs Victor McMaster Mrs Duck worth and Misses Barbara and Erma attended the tea and bake sale on Wednesday after hnon at Grcnfgl Mrs Archie Simpson and dou ghier Janet oi Kirkland Lake are visiting her poronis Mr and Mrs Waiter McMackon Mr and Mrs James Wooisey and Mr and Mrs Card Wool sey Detroit visited illeil broth er Garnet Wooiscy on July CLAIMS SLEW SELF SEATTLE tCPAuihor Ern nest Hemingway deliberatuly endcd his own life Semitic Fast inielligehcerwriter Em mett Watson says in dhpaich from Ketchum Idaho After Hemingway was found dead of shotgun blasts in Ms Ketchum home Sunday the coroner re ported the wound was selHn flieted but left in doubt whether the action was accidental or suicide AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION Have your automatic trans mission repaired by ï¬llll aed mechanics You may also iinance sil worn and part hm Morons 369 Hayfield If PA 33an EDERIITION Of BANDS LPRESENTSrq llIE cannon os BAanV SUNDAY silty coullicwoolircmzslis polyp STHYNEB CITIZENSSBIIND BARRIEPIPE lian EC 9th PM