Sutnmertime gnd the Livin ilectsy In Tour Own Home Check the Want illTHE BARRIB EXAMINER SATURDAY JULY 191 REAL ESTATE PROPERTY 170 5m RENTALS RENTALS gt RENTALS 4ARTICLES for SALE ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE RocERS CONNELL mmnmnm Armhousesan WANTED TO RENT ti2flï¬flï¬itlfl2 um CAI or rent out Annmflu hdonuN three bedroom bunh PROPRTE FOR SALE indmmulgmmtdnste regular ï¬ï¬mï¬ï¬pwg Dug dfnlseghlanyiï¬g $1315 gfgflmï¬lgguï¬g smog rat ll or In HER Em MORTSHITT 2512 mummyI ONE nuNLdP madm mm Wm hhm 3Â¥Xe1in mum 3753173553 Sleltéefxeenl enII pony AND peInt Shop tor rent mo ammo mm mm mum smut tor nle lro Globe Neel sucee Telephon la elsmungggrh Angus eon Fusl In Barrie Hnme salesFammlut In Quallw SetPlea magughrgflnrï¬aï¬mm epertmeot tn triplex loeeted In ML Ill 15 Iverett Inr tunnel vlrucullgna ma hung duue INC 01 bedroom haul by PA 85568 TRUNK LINES wk mu Ayeuenle MIL 11 Preleu nico dhtrlet my mgnhï¬mmltetï¬t flying GS um we 1th phone PA wool lol Ifutlxaer Wm 17 ii to 03¢ afloaIllioedrglffoohrreaTe ca lleulero Ihly Telephone PA Moon tor tur ggijyhkgkgï¬ 5ngth 2L2 em It MOOREFA H131 mSTElPA wt omens STORES km more noon unturnlened epeet WWWB Prtv with mmï¬ï¬um SWIM RoamPA use to AcONNnnt PA mu ment heet outer nIPPlled wee 1°01 Child iih in mi hows nlcyeen lol al pHoNE pA 82419 KEMBEBS mam Dlsnllct hm STAT aoAnu cm no at 50° ted hlehe end Dunlap Aulleble in Win hom 1°00 eellenl eondltlon red end one AaOOh mle stonywtaen you mm mm an Immedletely Por mrther lnIop wuodihfl nut uhoole Ellri epnouoee the hlrth oI your thud 93 Dunlop Sl Irene In l5 wheele hy no EIUQE 11mm pll up or wtthlu conunutlne dunncel AD In The heme Enmlnu ellpplnu mm tall seem ply Box to June Exlmlncr gymI 95 PA nI Lon uotlee en evellehle tor Hmldlgwéï¬z1llmop WomTele more Bonk Femlly nee Recamu QUEENS PARK AREA AND mun llocln Apert on tux Roan node In mm end In mull your mend end rel 0m um how non Poll net menu Stove end relrlgeretor lugt Emit In yerd Ironind yeen old In utellzm eondludn EIIe iniï¬iuhoimi $5th cleen soleodld temlly home REA lull centrel locetlen Ileeted Perklnz 52 uh 417 Wm 51 Selim lor $1M Telephono PA thee uplmgnu mm Auruet Ceneupoly relenMeL rm5mm cm ghoctï¬mgto hogging 32516 STREET BARRIE sum °ï¬5°mï¬2 Telerhcnn PA H150 tor Iurther Apply to Box narrte tune mulfl mm and PA um PHONES PA em PA 60242 mm My den lner REFRIGERATOR or le elx DEATHS INCOME PROPER Smllh cemphellPA um Ioen LunePA 5515 Milo newly inmtshed sell cool toot Weetlnenouee In Two Iemlly hurne tn Stroud Thle Fergus CerveyPA use APTS HOUSES 10 RENT Conlllntdlvlrtmnl cleen truh su MER RESORTS lent condtlon Apply to amply TATESuddenly et hLl home to en older hrlelt houee one all Itemhele at the hereto Ru Elmo hoard Hvxdecon ed modelTL nedroom W11 Coneeulon lJ Inoledl Telo kl It heme hcetlng centeluluz two 5mm no room kitchenette end helh 5mm ML gnlerfnfon Ifrlde in lm eperunente bw texee end rleht THREE ROOM sultehle Ior nuelneu women St Di PA H561 got32 SSEMLï¬flï¬a garl MOVING APARTMENT Longwood Etténtttce Tina Downtown Inclllflnl Stove Ind ID TWO LARGE three mom 111 cents Du In 00L Come lo $531151 goggle3f tgï¬ï¬ Con 14 ARDAGH RD our eenplet mom melee Irtreretor heet end electrlelty mend prlvlla hetnroom on lamlo not end Awolne ca Ltd el the Iennett runerel Home 151 Thu lovely hedrooom home on eezer end eeeler eu lupplltdl Prlvete enlreuce AveIl rreund noor mute verende up rd REAL ESTATE Boom Mouneld streetl °VW Ieu permonl eeren er cued en ï¬YrIIIZgloflï¬ï¬lï¬yrloi new wood noon end on neetlne TIFFIN snm uAtuu COOKE CARTAGE TELEPHONE PA 558 nrklngr Telephone PA basal or BED SPRINGh moit son Bed Interment rrle Unlon Cemetery Tum only 386 EAST END avsToRAGE LTD Am ML TA Hos In evenlnze wlth metthlny their excellent sandman quentlty menl IN MEMORIAM LOTS LOTS LOTS YOUR ALLIED VAN LINES mm mm cm mm Lovely plmmm mm mm elolnlnr me Ike Boye clothlnle In and out or the clty Mm new OWNER AGENT meet to rent yeer round Peruy my hghvy wlrln Neet ï¬guraomaonzlgï¬e tXaug Wich in Win New xumivmnn on flirtmy 11 will TRANSFERRED me ltd heme mbhw 15PM downtown Chlldren weltomzl Ger ml mm CARPOEI Alume Iloll new or my deer tether Aden Wlox wlth cholee loLd well pleaded Hy mm eee Beech ue peeeooehle Tele none PA I1 Ieet reeuler once 3mm Thu ld lxhdroom Ilsa who peered ewey uLv dro end weter eupplled grrlklfbshgl¢gv 31y mrhgd Hm Ammg bed 6013 tor mrtner pm eulap EUROPEAN Cm amt up he teed or none Cen he teen et 07 All lo Avenue Color Deer Deddy you are not Iargntlen MANln IlAnsaALL PA Hm Jet lone llvtnz room Ind extre room Ipentnente Westler end ppmAL my three uon EURO whlto end Ink Tele ho PA Though on eerth you ere no mun comm PA um leree kllehen pleee tllo peat CONTEMPORARY er Included Adulte Avellehe my mmhm mg PEAN CUISINE sun ln mm you re with me lull dlvlded bucmtnt me to en Home iviv 15 T=itPh°ho PA ed hunted ortment lncludlor HOME 00me on may were helm WE WELCOME ALL TYPES exteptlonelly well kept home And mm my ï¬lm PlflifliiH stove end let ocretorl Good perk commAnoN Clsh Reklster end Idly mlseed end lovlnely rc 0F LISTINGS be men entree euch elununuln NW NRA human mm DU log Tole hone PA um tol tur Addtne Neehlne McCullough mmhmd by WIN mk 1mm fTxgmiï¬nfï¬lï¬rï¬lvï¬‚ï¬ wlth cerport room large llv muff gfgnwflmg thor pl culere BrOIIEd Steaks to Cheln Sew eleo electrlc weld ocorrAOI the room lroe kltchen dlnlne hum hm my ed 90000 IITU arevlty Purnece CARDS 0F THANKS mausm USNFSm Slï¬rfï¬ toInleelultheWstszrg ï¬g gin£3 béffgiigéhgpflf decorum Telephonel PA mm flgxtlmï¬ï¬lï¬ffm tmï¬st wth MuShroomS ï¬g goggflrogtvggégngg 27 ROEERTSDNWe wlsh to ex mm mm turee end vnnlty bole ot cup Ihio far one 01 iwo IduiiL Ab Sauthem Fried mu Ineï¬a Stove Runner he res our mink Ind lppreclllllnn bandl stom Iml lemons lllie mo mmsuzn Blchglor mm mm K91 CALL DAY on EVENLNG mm mm mm mum rum and water euppned Apply Chlcken xggylgcgllzzgwucaiumyg Bulleld street help end nlndneee Cxtondcd to PA 2379 Nelroeepuclrwortn Phone owner end ltove euppuod Loceted down up bed Funk dunno hle etey 1n horpltel bulkier town Avellehle tmmedletely Tel my Vc reeeonehle rntoe Meet een Spoelel thunk Io Dr thPhep hIemner ol the Belnu end numct ALLEN when 752 dun PU SEED thre room nted rim me or mm wlthout mettrou tlo Tinu plen mhhh Control i0c we Chesterï¬eld Sulte no Apply 23 eon or Asquith end Dr Close neel Bum Bo rd PA Hut Weekend on Ind mum lend Also hume end etelt ot the Ground floor Prtvete entrenca MertonCnscenL or telephone PA MODERN Sebedrnom nll heated are welcomer Close up Allendale Itoyel vlctnrle ltoepltell ldr end FARM SPECIALIST CUSTOM BUILT nnok Home on bmk bum pm my ï¬lfieahgggéhgï¬rpfiï¬j can nownevl nrlee ntor eho plng mum Punk EAL ETA Wm wtulem Itewn oI Elmvale Ll plere eThreo bedrooms II mm mm mu NEARLY Ntzw nlmlture Che vlnl glenurns CoulLl COMING nvas mm WVE X€°rnfrnrlfleo gNP°=gg=gwï¬ 50 Owen ER on teen ggligï¬mggBogwmggr 35 Tel Stroud 62r23 525331 13133 floggouging PA 84592 hedroom end tutchenette Nettle TT tuml ere lleIrl erat re end SOUND CAlt sImVICLS 05 PM PA 545 AVAILLE Em eretor upplled centzel loeetlon COTTAGES To RENT EInvee Aplply RuuelT chITIcn Mo DAYS 0R EVENINGS modernunlumi eddwo bedroom $50 monthly Avnllenle llulutdl hue Home 170 nurton Avenue In On Mumy north 01 Eimvn or 50 mtch noush etorey le pmmm In lumen Telephum PA mm we plcmcs himmm LOTS cm ilrm land hrlhh houfl mil looms und hthronmu iroe int noure Nn ehudron or pots Tulle oylo mo pgnpoom Comp SPECIAL EVENTSETC 11 dmm an MM mm PM Sirwd CENTRALLY located one hed Ior rent lneludlng ldtcnen lvlng TsNT Lerge aermnn Plodeer IdeelLv loeeted In new ere ple eater supplby under vacuum and enruhe One block mm Nortlh mm unmmkm mud mm mm mm mm IN WIN Tm up or In erlenge to hulld the home you All innd work 12 MP It Cullenca PIlm MAW APPY Pumuslutn Apnrtlnent eeloue 11an New mien and mm July 15 Mm 15 human mm and up can ADVERTISING went 47 me when aï¬emménrflg ITgiruluILgI mam Hut end welcr eupplled Oro my toe Iurthel pelticuim ertmente eech wlth up ered Ruimhih lie soeerotermextre ood leudneer Sepe ele ontrnneo so monthly no and mm PA Mold LOOKING FOR neat Orr me slltz mnmlmoldem 305 OPPORTUWES ngbcwfa gagng £1 Tele hone PA Mast mfï¬uflï¬ï¬‚ge gxotfop on Ynfamplimlzurï¬t HOME Sigllczï¬ï¬ï¬mpefegwlï¬g so IIONTIILII New room Dfliiil Th bellman Iii thn eleoploz can so eeoh Chudy 1rl Tlulht uhnltqu IIouse rpec 25 mlnulu rum Home V5 Ito Cycle Au you 34 On dl 3l=lldb° Eliéfï¬ dTnxooTgld mum FOR LEASE gygfcï¬fFmï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ same nrepleee trout etrcem ï¬llingole enyume Telephone PA ley Sundly at Cedar Crucent Modern twony Servlce stetlon Avellehlo July 15 Apply VD Vlc Wand 10 dhconiSd corn CAP or telephone noon Cemp For oelel euonllan cell Blll 3m leter lurnlehe PA 4704 utter Boxden BUSINESS lenPBlflJl mule the Town at Iluntevllle Ont MW 32 91f£3Â¥mÂ¥o3523 BOATS Drums ll APARTMENT or red wo 34 2me GRAYDON KOHL mm to ï¬ftéeefmï¬lilfln ham downstate TELEPHONE 53 BM Illel ESTATE Boom $2flgdpfllm selt contelned wltle repeletc enh Llll Lenour my PA M497 er 000 lnl ente Av ll Lletlngo Invlted pA 3425 lzvmnmas PA mull Fol mrther partleulere pertleulen at Evifiagénpgnff PA Ruidthiili Form DUNLOP 51 EAST ml or turther lotormntlun PA 24 Commucili Cattm Emmlmfmmr $33 mg ARTICLES for SALE 3951 Offer Apartment tor rout Condensed and clossllled ddver indhliiili Business MOVING TEXACO CANADA Lneetud In euet oud Avnllehle EATER mm dram dim 1960 I7 Pt Nehooepy Delorett usemonts are inserted at the limb Barrie and Pixirict Dont Inroel to indexer your UMITED mrldélatfb nllclephhne PA Mil min chm Wm my nd HAVE YOU TRIED $333 627g gagging rate oticperwordpor insertion 35 mi leURANCE Iéflrere°rrc°l€llï¬Iifmi2lIZ Barrie Auchon Rooms TInk spoulrnl optednneter or one and two llmeSl 30 per CENTRALLY Located unIumJAhcd Tl PA mm Camp pm pm Puma word at mm four or ï¬ve NORMAN and as need utxe coverere BARRIE ONT thee3 mags Ipnflmentih heftell and mailom nod Amp cm 3r pt man mes 21199 ward VF SEE STEVENSONS TELEPHONE PA 60261 0R gble now Telephone PA HMS fméggfhngkgghJggthggg Second Hand Store PA 83915 mm mm PA esml PA 32229 mm tolned Ground floor erlrnt Ily so nUNLoP 51 isr pl lnen FE NI PA M417 barge mm 113 Dunlap St UNrUnNIslnzh two hodroom IiIggehcagflfï¬fnsom gum nntPcIIDN Plndlng Redlo Com HEM IMUM telnodcodrtne piss onu or me New sen $3 £5 COSTT ATHERLEY NTABJCL hoeutltul 18reségllalaeamgtmrwnllable Auo hi MM him Telephone hose Cownn PA ewe TED AD REAL ESTATE dltultah summer resort on Lake slmeoc Temp seem even Hm PATIO STONES VERnSEMENT IS 959 FOR 24 ouolnp Street Post Ton unlte wlth couvenleneee lue my mn 1st am CASH LOANs4soo et $22 132 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS 01 wlnterlzed homo and gerage ele mm Mu Fem 15y eqnm zv mm month Telephone PA salad FOR 24 wows PA 8996 pgme hIerIe Cunnlnxham FA napalm two hcdmomdunAuln mgaieggmgnmflï¬g MW WATER PROOF gradient Plnenee nuolop St lehcd npertmont onet en un orgasm PER SINGIaE IN or PA 68742 L0 mlUc laundry ntirlllligxh Immegk 3333 Xï¬iflï¬o ï¬Â°né comm FAST mm an ham ETEPOTITEIIIR CORRECTIONS EVENNGS CALI MONEY BaZSZBDTSTWTITTTTIH dIhTTern mauw legit if he mull this aging gt Fe DX 0H BID 01 ll Adventure em rclntnded thet ell Jae LanTtIn PA Mm Two BEDRODM Apertmont Avll Sm eanf Co Ltd man um um CENTRAL loeetlon room apart WM mmgmm 330 TsmgIADoelgganyscelste Everett Shelewou no mo 45A DUNLOP ST PRESCRIPTION mu Wm Wm mm mm alone 55 and hm Howrd Norris PA MW text door to the nu rlnl Th trc wood Hours parking Ponce reos 125 advertle The to th Cl sttl he 03 rooms venetian blindIt PPB tree Id F001 CEDAR strlo noet wltn Advemftig Digagnteuat resoutfee led Wllhon PA 3463 FOR PAYING 51118 onenle mntr Avollehl my 5gt Cook lglephonePA Mndmlm mm an ell edverttsure undly recheck Jun Lemon PA hello PA 6648 =th 715 onto cury motor upholetered end Lnlle thou edvertnement lmmedlete era 3an or best otter Telephone at Wu iliuiénéi Ignorantnorth izl 75m NEWSPAPER no mm or no on flea mm ppm reported hetero dun In order Hiram Fwd CB hudget mlnded huslnoee glrle or llFDOT SAILBOAT tor me In that eame me he rectmco tor SOOTIA PLAN LOAN eetlon No ltdren Avellunle Lumm pm Wash ml and candmnndm commemcln tho Iollowtno dee lnscrtlnn ardu HEN August 15 monthly Telephone $1359me Ind md Puma MATS mu my mums mum PA dzm PA gorflvgithto Fiï¬ ï¬‚agging REALTOR THE BANK OF NOVA Good locetlon Telephone sue mm hm hm shtuedey Telephone PA ham or 35 21 791 hausu ettleo oereeee etc Pmudhisr the only on lnoerreetl rented 19 COLLIER STEEEK THREE not unlumls od ground lnsertlon on edy ndvgrtflement FHONE PA 675 MORTGAGES ilool IPanmwi Yd mmthth DRIVE Two hed mm 15 FOOT SEAEIRD Inhoerd hoe 311 and WP Imiudedr PIN room apartment stove end relrle 25c PER DOZEN wltn on up ouchnun motorln no on ed that Involve tn EVENINGS CALL REALTOR MDBTGAGEFM and nought Adult onlyl Telephone PA Hm mm Emmi Lanna mm Apply Ewanummm an mum puny uh ed 5pm Em Wm d° TA SCANDMTH 555 sold end arranged Commerelel Ii for limb Wmmum tecttltlee end lnnltor servlcee slns mm ped Telephone PA mood or tur lessen tho value at the em szll mont ere not euglhla me 22 PERCY F0 25 BRADFORD STREH EMU end reeldenttel moneys toened on monthly short term lees er Int rmeton AVAILABLE Immedleely One Tel pan PA by make mu 3353 5E13l5fï¬ne PA 35387 OR PA 858 Eï¬uï¬mï¬ï¬mï¬ï¬mllï¬ um urging rigiwgangggghm gimmmg VACUUMCLEANER wï¬heï¬gultgnlï¬Ã©ummgm 51 Rates and type style fur 52ml Ton dlsplay clos them In stul eeuln lame to teemere chlld wclholne Dm Phon PA vumw most modern 2hodroolu hp molar alsn Johnson In hlp MW Th Egmg it mm gï¬ï¬leï¬ï¬eߣnl°fdtd2 27 event INS Apartment tor rent CHIan hr me COTtag Excellent condltloo Sell repen Voruslne department clere WokemnnPA oust Mum mm mmvememe eeted netrlgerotor and stove lolr etely Apply Ash St hereto BLIND Lynrap nelph ankePlt soon mm your mum Wm sPAcIous self pontetned can and laundry acmm Member at herrte mom tral unfurnished 95m Ave ehle lmmedlntely Telephone NDBDEERG BOAT 15mm eolld Tlgflzgmgillt aï¬ghguxldlgaurwï¬m Reoi BitWHEN 375991meorttgtypï¬ï¬tfl 051 hem Mun mm PA Hm tor mum particulars Used Machlnes $950 up meholzenyi perteet eondluon nee Heat end wokenTmeePiflB hat dy to set On tretIee needy to 5gilï¬fpuï¬ipï¬efeli 523 REALTOR HOME FOR SALE an spacious iï¬Ã©msm 29 mm Apply ii Peel eh AParimhiï¬ must ItOOlII unturntehed Iliathe 50 omei W85 71 mamas tow away Apply Lugedtn tut fro tl Hon er Coast 113 ï¬ll and heldugï¬lyum deyo eItev lgï¬ï¬zhhglngogldseéh 0115 ampules in ma mmshdwlmm meet being Ssilgwï¬lngize goggle liognoizge gallyoodbfldgo Telephone CY it 98 BAYFiELD 1m Telephm pA was RENTALS not and wtet suitable for euppued No chlldnm Centrallo Comlng Events Per word 5453 ther Into tl one or two edulte Avellehle now um ANN my 550 mu PA 3482 pm 3me pm Wm minimum charge 51 so lairm PA Telephone 197393 ohms Ely Telephone PA mm or not Trader end hp motor step and Death Notices to up 25 Member ot hurlemd meme PRIVATE SALE room hunee NURSING HOME unhel penlprlnxs lend and mm PAW BEAVER LUMBER co LTD $£I°2ontfol IIIGquIISI IIcet words 079 25 words 56 her In mm 1223 321 uégéagmcgaaxlthg Two ROOM turntehed Apartment ROOMS To LET PA ml tor All In good candltllon Tele in Mama Ww mu DONER REST HOME T52 harttfltizd it We at hm ï¬es 550 verse used 36 per hlon 1le PA sum eglete Telephone PA some tor red hero eeeh on mg CEDAR Em Bm Reasonhim Suithiie Tumultan room Centrally In JOE PALMER PA was polntment For convalescent elderly or I1 dhwggilyife me Hm we For mm 10x1220 heeded 412410 or wm hum 5m whm word extra mm PA we an Wm turded people Excellent tood 1° per Iont fin tIeulere telephone PA remote controls meny extra We All WANT AD Why should be NORA leIKrs cro 4m terIzed wetmrent cottege hoot 33 P1133230 flfï¬gms lAiiGiivhiishio mm mm vulltysloruec 5cm mm mm In ne use or meat Central location FURNISHED noon tor rent very 15 cOTIdfllOfl 3495 Telephone Chon ln to by tun the do mow NRSTEE PA one ï¬rmed we Smii down so Par llelmhuetermlnni fluuTele lxiHHS before puhllcuhon On Saturday WM PM hum 12 RATES $5 PER DAY mflliinTeenSnm PA 66702 ggggrgiPAPmg an fan up town 4534495 otter dad tape ï¬rst eoneeseton Pehouano mm by noon NE TAYNER allthee Intormetlnn lotonnettonl us $89 per 14gt FIBERGLASS Loneeter Ce LA eon Shanty hey vmeze PA 77 onm mm mm ersnn ROOM 330 Fe 330 grendnzw unlhla his so rum per es en nendr com ee in all ï¬nktboaiagsgstixghd it foam untumlshed apertment Pri mmgcretor rangotte end llneos controls Oteco Cedet N13 Teen dISITnhI 55 In it vate entrance ahd hhih 91 supplied Apply to New Street zooo pleoeemo Sprueo as per II en The ehovo wlll he sold be ch 9A Wm aï¬m downtown Water end heet To deteue ac em complete unlt Terms ceeh Apply 211 doc l51mm an gt puny Laundry and pnrldn plll Hate to French 5L horde 31 IElyrdeIond Ptalihnï¬am In 33m sgmmme new tlee Telephone PA MooI petlull1 lomen biogEm logrï¬ï¬fzih Steel hoottno $895 Iquere or phone PA 35mm ten on nme 01M es By THE CANADIAN PRESS aï¬uifkprflrï¬ï¬dwflaï¬nï¬h normally 3111mm 23 Am common Locnted chm room East end locotlon Telephone PA to NW mm we Dog pETS meadow mlshed epurtment wlth prlv 473 mm mm cell Breeehrtdgc 545ml utter 85m it an ma mm Now VhlriiliaTIeggllTiliglfxTTIeriGlgT ALTW had gt nub Isrhsggï¬zim Pngheiï¬hgggmugg CENTRAL LocéMOn bflzhi ï¬eld mm Wm WM sgvgfï¬g Quesévglld 551115151 industrialist and former Séna EIGHT ROOM Erluk pome bed biscuit xAhtem of 365 per mm room end xttchen tor run 895 mm male Telephone PA room dlnno room not water asth plate mm mm mm mm or not 23 Crawford st nu Ellie Bury Included Ideal Tor ell dreplaee hay wlndowe tull 14 nng It tatned one Pettereon for infomaunnl magewpod NJ Leslie ettle and basement sneeze pntlo mum 10 mag 2m bAedromn Ipfï¬gentfogunnhle tor Wm WM PA 593 melen so vice president httlndlhclï¬athl°tth luue business We sutureth vm mm mm mm ARTICLES WANTED and treasufenof the Panhandle nloeke from Plve olnls Telephone immune 15me hide vï¬ï¬‚TItmpspglits on monthly Afllleï¬efl rIloavgmkplszIy FEET 55 WANTED Eastern Plpellne Company and PA 47 181Vt Tam mBaang Mg WM Telephone PA 3451 street or telephone PA MW REFRIGERATORS the ITuckllne Gas Company smog Ann WW mum mee Inna Innher Particulate with the ï¬ne qua mount both of New York oedmn nonelow Luge ltvlng wooded log SW1 aï¬ï¬ï¬‚fnï¬ Ammo wt RED and own FOR SUMMER COTlAGES New York Mrs Joan Car ï¬g ï¬ï¬hï¬gmï¬ef ugh 121 73 mm ter heoted herdwood flags ROOM 830AM HIGHEST ter 42Z former wife or television merélhl on non Bun1e nae maggtrgixsmvdwtom Room am MEA IS ETC TRADEIN VALUE comedlan Jack Carter of ï¬g Mix idum Telephone PA Hm min punlop end Bradford st mm Gunmen 0mm cerebral hemorrhage 91 heneP one oud 34R Ior desertet Phone PA moor en 300 Airmm Budget Tom on older FORTRICES to huthmnm hot Whine oil ca BRIch Bedroom Centeel Emu midgetTor Jud hNVY flimated Lunches peeked It de WW hhd 0V PA 39238 Complete Llnu 0g duty stove included Located on mt pm me lugammm Mann Amy cm °h PA 557 wolfwuo IhPAP CA In gong ANn cum ue use urn on or my doc uee FURNISHED ihm min PI gegmnoard oguonafï¬glrz éen $1019 IlIdllalgllelvor eontent lute mutt thihh P1m blm heavy oral Electrlc Willphck lunches It one time And refllï¬mm doelred Apply nt do Submit AT THE Avilhin or telephone on swo LOWEST PRICES I112 Must be In Ionmnnhle con goggkgogmkgylggmgloggg to time who won gm Tram mm LOVELY VIEW with charm hurt end ldtohcnette my be hnd wlth to uroheee thetr order delly ï¬h roundlnge Three room eelt con out bahtd ll deelred Gentlemen maï¬awflengaflntesh dim glfneelIIitalimgï¬gi limit protoned Telephone PAIM7Sd Ii 1° Huwmlvldson mummie me rg ur eeet endl Avullehle lmmedlutely puny ppm vlelnll mud phone Jerry smith at PA 33564 Telephone PA 5409 honed Gentle en memed vnl Inrflflmher PIYMEIIIIIL uNPUItNIemIn our room aPm gaï¬lï¬leégifheélou afgkllTowntTfow ment tar rent dented end eel Telephone PAPHME lol mtber rt heth 5FARMERS KEI ï¬ggeltllrefllnewnlflildllItelya Telnpholle m°m= gt up TIFFIN 5mm BARIUE AR 5m tee turthor informtinn WANTEDJTO RENT PHDNE PA oosol LIVESTOCK NEW AND Modern who end two Free Delive tggmneggmmflzngeflvaztgw SEEKING RESIDENCE or colon on If SInVEIsplyï¬oflï¬rnhllï¬efflnE ter pellelng end 1enltor eervlce TO RENT Thornton out or telephone Ivy my InquduIL Antomntle weehloo te Mum zolm lo heme em Septemher pamnw mmme MW 349150 ullltl PA 32701 In Merlled couple lackinl mi Icandlunyl can ma sell tor s75 noLoTth HBIFBRE two due virginlgm ï¬ï¬ EXAMINER WANT LE SEESmfg WWW whim Atr Polco Field Gluseee10 muo July 10 end It Apply IllIntent ml d2 condlllnn Ell Ol ELI Dll PHONE PA 32414 BOXJS Bhtiio ilï¬hinilier AppISozen hleke street THATIII MogneIoIee dont IIE IEEIIIITQII up