Summertime and the Liv THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY Bil ANNOUNCEMENTS Blnrns llUflDlAAl Ihc lloyai Victoria IIoiplla liarrle on Thursday July 196 to llr and Mn Jack iiuilema RR Barrie Ontario son HAPPY OCCASION rhe birth at your child To tell the good hows Io moods and neighbors The narrle nominer elusihed stau are as our as your telephone Th day ol birth iuis dial PA mic The ran is only lino DEATHS DubSuddenly II home 17 omcy Park Square esrrir ontsrio on Pricey July lSGl Marines one beloved husband or con Van Loon and dear thrr or John and Counle hole at home 1a his 45th year nesting It the Icnnelt mnenl Home 152 uradrord slrcel garrie Puncral service ilond July lo at pm Interment Io Union Cemelery coitus or In as in thank when our barn JnuDWe wish who misled us was destroyed by drc also Ior thc help given neighbors in the building or the now ham any we also express appreciation Ior cards gills and kind messages sent during Dougs stay in the hospital words cannot express whal this has metal to us Jnan and Doug lebh COMING EVENTS SOUND CAR SERVICES rur TlCNlCS PARADPS sPDCIAL EVENTS ADVERIIslNG Reasonable Rates PA sooia DANCING EVERY SATURDAY cAlItluzl STYLE COUPLB ONLY Pl NECREST n5o eouplo For table rescwauoni PHONE ELIIVALE 757m CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and classiï¬ed adver tlsemans are inserted at the rate at to per word per insertion for one and two times 3c per word lor three tour or ï¬ve times and zinc per word or it or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFLED AD VERTISEMENT IS 96 FOR 714 WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR $106 FOR 24 WORDS IF LrARGlLll PER SINGLE EN SERTION ERRORS on CORRECTIONS oncrusers are reminded that all phone insertion orders are accept ed as convenience to you the advertiser Therelore the Clulltlcd Advertising De orunent requlrcs all advertisers kindly recheck tlieli advertisement Immediately aller Ilrst insertion in order that any errors or 0WD may he reported beloro am in order that same may no poetlflcd tor the Iollowtng days tnsertion order Wu wish to point out that The Barrio examiner ls responsible for only one incorrectly noted lnhcrtJouon any advertiemenl and then only to th extent or portion ad that involves thi milprint Errors which do pol lessen the value at tho advertise ment are not cliglhlo or come tions by mhku goods Roles and typo styles tor semi dlsply classidods may ub talnc through The Exam er ud vertlsieg department BLIND LmEll REPLIES lhlormutlun regaining advertisers using Blind Letter dnx Numbers Ior Replies is held strictly eonï¬u cntinl Replies to Letter lion will be held only lndhya attcv inst day of publication Coming Events 5c per word minimum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 25 words it per Word extrn Iri Memorllmi No tices $150 if verse used so per word extra All WANT copy abould he in our office by pm the day belore publication On Saturday by flash Princess Bypasses Royal Dressmaker LONDON AP Princess Margaret has passed up the royal dressmakers and is buy ing her maternity clothes from small store next door to hamburger house The first batch of her dresses has already been delivered said shop owner Mrs lietty Russell They were taken into Kensington Palace under plain wrapper She said she would return to the palace with sketches of more dresses for the princess who is expecting her baby neltt our tunin The Queens younger ais ter married society photog rapher Antony ArmstrongJones May 1960 Princess Margaret said she Wanted her maternity clothes in pastel colors and stipulated Dress only please No sldrts or jackets WILL NAME NAMES NEW YORK APtThe John Bilch Society in its monthly bulletin todayannounced plans to compile and publish list of lending Americans whom it can siders Communist simpathiz arc The article iutlie publica tion of the right wing anil Communist group called on its members to help build up the most complete and Iilost accur ate ï¬les In Americuon the leading comsymps Communist sympathizcra socialists and iihaals Try An Examiner Want Ad Phone Pu 82414 particulars REAL ESTATE PROPInn Port SALE STOUTT AGENCIES LLIIIITED COLLIER STREET PA 35901 CENTRAL ONTARIOS LARGEST REALTORS ONE claglo lulnlly dwelling with its coolness unl Alon Cln create Near steel school and shop ping Living room kitchen die elto and three human with alu pileup storms screens snd doorn Very nuanth pflrcd at 3900 with leinu to suit buyer Can we show you this cute ouuralnw to day TWO Pleasant atone duplex at narrio Terrace tht ilch Planing right on your Iront door step Income producing apartment holps ay Ior your heels Ownerl Alum IcPeUmg room dining room overlooking Kempenlelt nay kit ehcn bedrooms and piece bath Rentnl unit the more Call us to my to arrange your Inspection THREE Priced three dwelling you could ï¬nd where only Simon with conic 01 mo per month only years old with every modern cow venicnce The lowest Billy ny FDIJR Pour apartments and room Ior more in the atiicl hill price only sluoo 0n Woisiey Street in the commercially toned hm OUT OF IOWN PROPERTIES rullsdale Eight room Irame home with convenience on lovely trced thrrequarter acre lot short driving distance to name Monthly payments are only 52053 Can we show you this one lodayl Near nrentwood roan trams house Ddublo garre Large easement Good well electric wiring acre land goo down payment will buy it Between Orlllla and Barrio acres or wooded land with art running stream flowing by the front door bl this minim bed room brick hunglow Livng room has cozy flrlpiuce and dining Convenient kitchen hlgh dry basement built to expand to an apartment Garage All lhla and much more or tbs low asking price at 116300 BASS LAKE COTTAGE hilly turnishcd four bedroom colt solo randy bench lovely lrce automallc washer new re rrige tor electric heating All congruences and priced at only $9 MEMBERS or THE DARan AND DISTRICT REAL PETAPl Donn nvmnvos CALL Marv GouldOm 7516 Dorli NuttycornbePA wool lJIILII GouldOm 151 Barry sinnerPA m1 NORMAN SheIsweII IIIml ESTATE choltER Dunlnp street Em PA 8996 or PA 68742 WEST END $10500 Down payment 5110 Five Xudln relish cast hnufli IuIIJl equipped Situated on large trlcd lot with spring creek cross Tsxcs only use per ycnr Vendor will hold Brat mortllge to carrytor $85 per month CIII Jack Wuhan for par Licullrt BRAND NEW Split Levels Only slow down carries loi $102 monthly interest principal and loses restoring bsbhped living room dreplocc divided basement recreation room modern kitchen with Hanover cupboards ceramic tiled bathroom with colored Ext titres three bedrooms or could he four bedrooms at mall addi tional charge Located close to schools and shDPPInZ in rc Strictcd residential area Full price tor this beautuui home is only sumo can Joe Lenan Ior your inspection appointment nVllNlNGS CALL Jeo Longtin PA sow Everett shclrwsll are 2919 Edward Norrie PA 5545 Jack Wilison PA Hill Jim Lemon PA 66178 Norman abelswcu PA mu HENDERSON REALTOR is comm sTRnirr PHONE PA 82573 ll NAPIER Well set buck unit largo lovely creed lot on his line and rdoso to all schools Three bedroom hrick charming living room with natural stone tireplace glossedIn sun room Terms arranged to suit buyer WOULD YOU KNOW BARGAIN IF YOU SAW WONE Well here it is thloIevcly cus tom built home on one or Barries best meets complete with lire ploce paved drive basement apartment renting at no monthly so it you would like an lntcrcrp free mortgage phone Percy Porn to inspect APARTMENTS T0 RENT Two llomn Apartment It 70 month gt lug rear rive room house sets month Coll Percy PIVmINGs CALI llrrA SCANDum PA was PERCY Palm PA 1179 Member of Barrio and District ma Ontario Bell Estate Boarog LAKE MUSKOKA Ful aale en the largest island in Luke Muskokn 30m icct of most desirable shoreline with aaudy beacb good investment Will sell at reduced prlcein one par ccl Hydro and telephone readily available write Norman Archer Bracebrillge Untarlo or call draccbrldgc Bioion aiier smouu Annh Newly built two bedroom bungalow Largo living room kitchen and three piece bath Will consider tarm or com mcreial lot ncnr Barrie as purl tlul payment Must be sold nest otter clopheno stroud sinll Ior REAL EszTE Phoplldrr FOB sou ROGERS CONNEL RE ONE DUNLUP elhIJlfl EAhI First in Barrio dnmo SolesPoromosrtn Qualitynl Service PA 85568 TRUNK LINES Kt MELROSE AVENUE PRETTY HOMEmum LOCATION Very reasonable lot very prcily rtonntrtmmed ck ut ievéiwbunasiow lusi three years old this summer En large all room penectiy proportioned Uncover kitchen in natural birch and three gooddzed bedroom ineluding twinralaa mailer poved driveway dry hrlghi basement and oner landscaped and Ienced lot an add up io ueehcnt value or your moaeyi Call air Pollen 29 DOWNSVIEW DRIVE Nlcnlr SITUATED AMONG FINE QUALITY nouns IMO Very tltilcuvclonl linen bunhiuw DI loud brick commo Inn and with Itthth Elnlï¬ This whole pmpeny ll nut And kept It DI the um lrshlped uvlnldlntnl Cumblnltifln with cove cemnn lnfl hull1n vllmccl lenover kitchen In nllilrll birch bu In table area with receuel Ior Igplluncel The buemcnt LI divided um In good recrutlon rounL niy $1500 down LI ulred And you Inhlv quick possession SEE IT NOW Flinn PA $7 LETITIA STREET Dllicx BUNGALOW meATTACIlED GABAGE AND 2CAR PAVED DRIVE 3mm com rising over mo tent or living llelylhd siiualod on very antisu irecd atrccl homo is uippeo with nerdy extras to make ttio easy It Is the room grey Hrkbunxalow with Ilro placo in living room The large modern kitchen and are on lower ground level at the rear into which there wailt enuance directly min the garage There is bothronm on each level arily onlahed recreaulm room nd laundry room The very attrrctlve tchen was designed with rm and has lots cugbouds douhlo sink and exhaust no You in see its interior an Judge Ior yeursclr Phone PA 35568 GENERAL STORE AT ALCONA BEACH OLD ESTABLISHED PROFlIABLE BUSINESS $38000 Ono oi the best locallons in shame County Ior this kind at enterprise It is lully Integrated summer resort stern and snaclt bar and theproperly includes comlortablo Ihcdraom summer voltage with all Ioculties All details or this business will mad closost luvcr tisailon About slum cash is required to single open on mortgage Inspection by appointment Phono PA Hood neinslvo listing Rogers Connrn lielion zoo NAPIER STREET FOR THOSE WHO LIKE AN EXTRA WIDE IDT sum One or the best lanncd lnterlnfl or any Lhadroom bunnlow in barch Its ranch yic clapboard with natural stone icing and an enclosed brcercway connecting to the garage Thermopane windows trout and rear real oversize master bedroom largo perfectly plun ned kitchen bonedry poured Wull basement the lawns oi the bouso on wort lot all add up in is borne oi charm and carillon Coopentlvo listing Please ran PA moo Ior appointment to view EVENINGS CALL mu lid MOOREPA com POSTERPA out ROGERSPA we CONNELL PA mod alumnus hAnluz or DISTRICT REM ETATE BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 32 HIGH STREET BARRIE PHONES PA $0241 PA SPLIT LEVEL BRICK HOME on nice lot so no close to public and high schools lust years old Ilas roal large uvlrig room nice Itltcllcu good bcdmoms piece bath car port hill basement with rec mom Lot is complaier lencod bargain at sumo with low down payment Carllee or $38 per month Interest principal and taxes maflxlleu BEDROOM BRICK HOME Estate sale on older typo home in good condition on one or narrioa nlccst alrccts ilas large living room dining room kitchen on main floor bedrooms and bath on second floor Full basement with oil furnace garage Listed price $11500 ROOM BUNGALOW One mile south or narric on No it Highway Nico lot on at zoo hill price inc $4500 with snow down OLDER HOME IN EAST END OF CITY Has Large living munl with droplets good kitchen bedrooms oil ntrnlcc turns and workshop Prion W500 BRICK BUNGALOW NHA RESALE Close to Collegiate and Public schools Has large living room beauli lul kitchen nice bedroouu glee bathroom Pull basement wlih on heating Listed price Just $12 00 with mortgage chims or 890 per month interest principal and taxes LOOK $1000 DOWN At Guthrie on Highway room bungalow Just years old nieo lot 75 zoo rnli price $4000 I00 ACRE FARM $2500 About 25 acres clear balance mixed bush with good creek running run length or property on good gravel road about 13 miles trons Barrie FOR RENT Cottage in Ora loo It laxeshore boathouse bathroom bedrooms Living room kitchen Phone this other smith CampbellPA Moos Joan LangPA 65761 Folgill GarveyPA 37952 Members or the Barrie Real Estate Board $5000 Summer Cottage south side of On Lakisha waterfront and over 400 rect in depth llr bevel siding cottage 20 2m heautltnl grove or sonarold pines Sandy beach good hailing 3D sci $14000 51 ft CommerciaIPIoperry Also flanks secondary street This property had excellent posstblltcr Double house in good repair reasonably rented Terms arranged $10900 Full Price stone front bungalow with garage situated on beuutuully wooded lot good neighborhood spacious kichcn large living and dining room ample closets in bedroom areas For ihlormatlon call Walter Coutts PA om evenings PA Dull COUTTS CO OWEN SIRmr BARRIE ONT OFFICE PA 82485 EVENWG PA 84233 HOMES OF DISTINCTION BY CROSLIEY BERNICK CONST NOW BUILDING Bedroom Hornes Attached Garages Port Stone Fronts Storms Screens Provided Custom Built Cupboards Exhaust Fans In Kitchen FULL PRICE $14400 WITH LOWEST DOWN PAYMENTS EVER FOR THIS TYPE OF HOME $98700 Down Paytnenll FOR INFORMATION PHONE PAS267p PIvz ROOM rnodoia bungalow luu basement automstlc on heat cd garage Lot on or Ian nxecl lent Ioentlon Furnishing almost new may ho had it desired Dpdn Tor drier moderately mind In short any time Iosnlnppertnn street EIGHT nqu Brick Home 4hcd roams dlnlnl roomy but wntel oil ï¬replace bay Windon lull attic and basement garage patio trees compictcly rndécorlted ï¬lbitanftlhl ggwuopï¬ytmaÂ¥t Four no mu Va cle hunu PA Mom REAL ESTATE REALESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD ORSTER REALTOR 98 BAYFIELD ST PA 66453 BEDROOM HOME This home is situated in very nice rcsldenuai section of iho city Close in oowdlown Va heal and tidy Good let so not has six roomsthree down and threo up with anupolch Recrea liou room in hueuieuL only $12 500 For turther particulars cau Jot Palmer PA 50961 SHANTY BAY DISTRICT urge lol im 360 high and dry on paved road Ocaulinu view at 21951 Call Karl Marshall PA BEAUTIFUL VIEW OF KEMPENFELT BAY This lovely room home with pit luro window In living room larg lnodenl when dinlul room two bedrooms rid runporch gauge largo iandsea ed lol This home il in iuirnaeu la liban inside and out Priced Ior Tick ll Keri Marshall BEDROOM HOME This homo Ll only one year old ItA Ireshly decorated livln room kitchen two bedrooms an utility room dowmtatn Two bedroom upstairs and Iour plceo bath Prce aura lylttm slluultd on tho bah dcriino or the city only moon with 515oo down or best otter sell Cell Joe Palmer at PA Member of Burlla Ind Dlltrlcl Eu Edtlte Baud EvalNGS CALL EMORY mm PA com 103 PALMER PA mu KARL MARSHAu PA Ms Norma RAIKES 0rd Aim HAROLD PollsTlm PA H465 Rm asTATE BROKER 7a TlPPlN STREET nAqul EAST END OWNER TRANSFERRED enl nld nlicb style bedroom brfck bungalow with attached HID age IalKe livlnz robin Ind extr largo kitchen nice Lilo bath lull divided basement Thu In cxcupllnnllly WEIl Knpt hump Ind hhl malty cxlll such an Aluminum storm window And screens kitch an exhaust fan paved driveway on block to bus 51011 Ind two black to Dominion Store and shopping centre Terms CALL DAY 0R EVENING PA 82379 Member at tho EarlIo and Dllhlfl Real Estuto Bossd PROPRRTY F017 SALE in isEquI InYour Own Home Check REAL ESTATE lionrations CA REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST Next door to the imperial Tout PA 6642 lcmhcr aI Harri and District Real 2min Bond BOAKE REALTOR zoi imADPolm 5mm nAthh PA 55387 OR PA 3585 still sailing nmu lo Ior lurinth Claro wakemaaPA emu Ilalph BuildPA basal Hlmben or Blrrll and District heal Lust Board MOVING For complet muvih unlic uler aud uaicr COOKE CARTAGE tr STORAGE LTD YOUR ALLIED VAN LlNrs AGENT Ll Eu Rd Burrll PAllwly 5657 PA Hl25 CONTEMPORARY HOME ioNr ONLY Now NBA contemporary dwelling with carbon rooms large liv ing room llrgc kllcbcn dinlrll arca mailer bedroom ceramic tile bathroom with colored le lurca and vanity Lou or cup bonds storms and screens largo soddell int good location corner MellrorcDuckwuflh Phone owner armn ll vlz Poll SALE on spacious ls decapcd grounds in excellent loc tIoIi Close to schools and bus line Telephone PA 57306 Ior lur ther Inlarlnutlon MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation oi Bills Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1 549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 months to epay SEABOARD DISCOUNT l4 DunIop St PA 66477 RENTALS RSINQ HOMES vDONERREST HOME Por convalescent elderly or re tarded people Excellent iood Clcsn pleasant surrouaolnu Dyer Ior inspection anytime RATES $5 Pun DAY PHONE STAYNER 17 PROPERTY FOR RENT uszD CAB LOT Ior rout allies and lights immedian possession APply Harold lull 55 nuuiop st est or lelcphuuo PA 51421 habit AND Paint Shop or rent heated on lilary Strut immedi ate poucnluri For turther par gEIuIIsrs glyllowtlllmldTJllll as no PA 35m who OFFICES sroitns RENT OFFICE on STORE or rent 500 square Ieet or Iinor space on ground rigor For details contact liarold Lilli 55 DudIoPWCIt Telc phone PA outI STORE FDR RENT central location that Suitable for any type of sinII bublneu Rant $55 per month Telephone PA 50111 dctllll APTS HOUSES T0 RENT 11 feet Parltlhg mun BEDROOM Bungalow or sale with acro int across trom school on Cnnncsslon Slllbiohd so luulshi Apply to air Cor tan RR Lciroy spur ussz home with threo bedrooms Ilnlsbed den Double garage In cxcellcnt residential Irel substantiel down payment required Telephone PA 39840 Ior appointment PRIVATE BALE room nuugs low We yells old Principal in lcrcrt taxes mom monthly $2990 down vicinity North Coll cgiate Telephona PA 68024 or Appointment FOUB nooM Furnished nouse hunt to m7 in New LowelllIlI prieo 250 eaah Close to schools and Dru Amity Barbara MS ctb Street Illidland Telephone LAkcalds blaze FARM SPECIALIST William Rawn or Eimvnla is our special Parm Real Elmo Agent These arms listed below In all priced toscil Du mhwly north flmvoie 30 um tum good brick house med ern Burns in good condition am pio wolcr supPiy under pressure All land workable except acres 05 bulb 50 ac film extra 100d land neli neli Orr lake Six mom modern house NH basement nluminllm storms 111sz well wnter under pressure Burn and implement shlfl All steel ran For meclhl attention can Eill Rawn cruel mmvale GRAYDON KOIIL REAL ESTATE nilom PA H252 EVE7NINGS PA Mom 11 DUNLOP 5T FAST HENRY FLRICK AND MICHIE IS Oweh St Barrie PHONE PA 35583 mm BARELI REAL ESTATE NORTH COLLEGIATE AREA Erlck bungalow years old well landacuped and decorated Iainlly size kitchen large living room with dining area bedroom piece bath out mortgue psynieats only $82 per month in cluding taxes Pullprlco $12500 dowu payment $3300 BUILDING LOTS These iota located at Toucndnl planned subdivision trontago Tuning min 50 Int IPdl COUNTRY HIDEAWAY Very secluded location We rtoroy stucco large living room with stone ï¬replace dining room ltlt ehcu main floor level rcc roo bedrooms and both ou second floor Water Is onuhnwcu on pressure Double garage Clmio drive Grounds nieciy landscaped This home is situated on paved road near bench on Lake Stmeoe slam Terms NOIE We hrrange Victoria and Grey Tnist first mortgages Alter hours phone Paddy MilesPA 85200 rBob FlcwelllligPA E5833 COREY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St MABEL MARSHALL PA 54450 cannyer ulna wig WELCOME ALL TYPES or LISTINGS REIDENTIAL FAEMS MOVING Dont gorger tr tunnel you INSURANCE andlg or need extn coverage of any nd SEE STEVENSON PA 352m iii Dunlop St $18M ruLL Plucu nargain Win torlred waterfront eoitrge boat honse drilled won saaall down payment Apply Johnstons Cni talc iiist conecssien Pahguana cast shanty my Village PA 55m CUSTOM nle Brick Home on Downaviow Drtvo near shopping plate Threo bedroom living room with ï¬replace Attachcli gar lze dawn plyinent Tele phnno PA 84668 BilCK HOUSE 1V storey hlx rooms and bathroom large lot nicely loudscspcd with evargreens and shrubs One block rrom North Collegiate Price $13500 Apply Box 47 Blrrle Dismiss FARMS FOR SALE $3 DD DOWN Highway 25 Alina SIRSH 100 acres solid brick DDIISE Ill Inside conveniences large barn lovely orchard obout lo Acres market Zudenlnx blank lam 40 Details of blasti 106000 Scotch pine years he mortgage lap balance For limel details call or write Scriklu Real Btnte 1711 Floor St West Tannin telephone R0 lrllil or Elma PA 66551 BUS OPPORTUNITES FORLEASE Modern twolny Service Station in to Town or Huntvine one Good petonllal Ior aggressive per nullity Tor turrher particulars please contact IEXAco CANADA LIMITED cousin 0N1 WPHDNE PA boost OR PA arm ATBEBLEY ONTARIOBeuIIt1fu1 glimmer resort on Lake almcoe Ten units with conveniences lns winterized homo and garage elm gums Mario Cunnincham FA TRUCK leash opzrotor required at once tor long distance haul Paid by mileage Contract supplied We lith certain units for all $5000 to $8000 capitol rcq Hayes Paramount lzso Lakcbbore Road East Port Credit Telephone 2141151 FINANCIAL $5000 ONLY Ivc Port wnnlts ASK FOR lMINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASKFOR bill Sllles PA 60203 MORTGAGES MORTGAGESlat and 2nd bought sold and unused Commercial and residential moneys loaned on existing mortglgcs Burrlti More giro Brokers PA 54504 IMMEDIATE Mortgage Loans to anaollduto debts pay or existing mortgages heme Improvements etc Discuss your problems with us Call Ior appointment PA moi Mortgage Fundingover glmtplonseschn lzn Dunlop st as will EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE PA 82114 Flu PHONE COLLECT hpAuTilIKNr Ior rent in be building uppullln Dominion store All laeiiltios Por luriher detain telephone PA boats BUSINESS DIRECTORY Ask About LOW Rams he Wu nt Ad SM RENTALS APTS HOUSES TO RENT THREE ROOM APARTMENT Downtown location Store and lrtlcnlog hral and circlriclty supplied Private rhino Avail oble July 36 per mdnth TELEPHONE PA I453 Amp PM TWO nnnhouil Call or lplrln mom to renl year round Partly Iurnished Telephone mi Wu hga beach ArmACrn one sud two bed room apartments Washer and er included Adult Avauaho July is Telephone PA Hm Ior runner particulars LOVELY THREE Bedroom Rug Brick bungalow large living room and kllcheo outside psilln Close to schools Telephone PA an alter pm UPPER DUPLEX ypaelous tare room Iplrtmcnt with balcony healed heavy duly wiring Ail re decoraicd Telephone PA Mold local hours or evcntuga Two UNlelenzD bachelor apartments Ior rent Relrlgoralor and stove summed turned down town Avalla immediately Tel ephnno PA 5475 daytime MoupllN abedronm oil nested brick bungalow eist end nesr Elihu school AvalishlsAurust ererenccs Apply Cuuttu Co boon suei PA oases AVAILABLE July ll Belted modern unlurnisncd two bedroom lplnmcnt In SkullIQ lplllmllfl house No chudrcn or pen Tclos phone aimed to PvnNIgillIl Apartment acioua throo rooms with bath lIiIlIn cupboards Parhlng Central loca tioh close to new shopping laza Apply at Eccles street orlh THREE nannuonl Home rpm lulu living room with ï¬replace Centrally located on Ilndlord st Availaqu July I5 Apply 99 VII toria Strcct or telephone PA mu APARTMENT or rent two bed room large living room an per month heated Apply also Itoad or role hono PA ham or turther particu an INFUIINIEIIED Apartment 11 ground floor in downtown Auan dalei mNnar bulxflPi Will be avaac uiu ce onaPA 6652 ph NEW MOST modern bedroom aparlmcnt or rent Centrally io ealed Rclrlgcrator and stove lou itor aervlco and laundry aeillteL Available immediately Telephone PA ham or rurlher pnrlicuiarv SERVICE By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 BOA MOTORS DIMSFIL OUTBOARD SERVICE Repairs to all makes of OUTBOARD MOTORS CHAIN SAWS LAWN MOWERS Located at lurilstll Packers con her or nighw no Pcrndale Rd Mechanic cert led by Standard Englnerlng Institute Toronto Pb PA ooozz Res PA ovoid CAMPING EQUIPIVmNT TENT AND CAMPING EQUIPMENT FOR Rm Tents and Tarps Comp Cots and slaves Coolers BARRIE TENT Er AWNING CO LTD gt at BAYFIELD mm mEPHONE PA pom BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE roe the best price in all CAMPING EQUIPme GENUINE wooDs 9x9 TENT $3495 COMPLETE Also tarps boat covers lilo lack etd akin diving Equipment ROSS STREET PA 60622 CARPENTRY CARPENTER CONTRACTORS Alterations Renovations and chaos OIJJ BUILDHVGS REMOVED JAMES SON Phonenes PA 66800 DIAPER SERVICE nAlmmS FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twleo weekly pickup damn it FRANCIS ST REAR PA 68551 Less than pack 01 cigarettes lily EXCAVATING GRAVEL IOP SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED arcvoting snd Grading Watoe Delivery Crushed none nslt liardnockuao Ior hire DENNIS MORAN Anni Street Bank PA Mm FOR SHOVEL WORK EXCAVATING BACKHDE CLAN DRAG LINE CEMENT gusrrNd 0R RAISING STEEL 65 EDD SHOVEL FRONT LOADNG LEV ELLING 0R BAOKFILLING D02 nIl wonli PHONE slnw ART PA 350M IF NO ANSWEI ALI PA E7321 LANDSCAPING LAWN Mowalts or rent and repairs on nil types Apply at White Rose station 310 Blake st Barrie PA 65211 PLASTERING STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS lArcliwziys Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIKI LEFROY 60M PAINTING AND ERR GING EDWARD SMITH AND SON IntI 5nl Scrvice Since 1910 RR lBARRIE PA 66950 SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly for disposal Telephone Barrio PA $775 Long distance Zenith 32800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD OBJLLlA License No 63061 DEADANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We have been doomed to your dead and crippled will 31 malt under the abovo Act FREE REMOVAL Phone counsel BARRE PArlrway m1 GORDON YOUNG gt LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE shoot REPRICERATION STAN BRYSON REFRIGERATION SERVICE 33 Clappertou St PHONE PA war UPHOISTEE UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND ODraperies OSlip covers OBroadlooni OCommercial furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CU5TOM UPHOLSTERING AND RUG C0 PA gsiyAYFlEm IST im towncallpgolï¬ï¬u Complete range or tabrlcr shown your home CLEANING For finefuiniture and rug cleaning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE mar mlIMATns PA 91511 PA oml WELL DIGGINC PUMPS INSTALLED vBY LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESTIMATES Coupland Drilling RR ND BARRIE PA 87646 WELL CLEANING Ilow long since you cleaned your well VhAnsln YEARS YES WE CLEAN WELLS Wells Dug Deapcncd Repaired We plan sell and instill Duro Shallow and Deep Wcll Pumps Phone or write KEN WINTERS 12 MARIA STREET IlAilnlg lilst north at too Ilighway oil Blyllcld was