RETIRED Frederick Braithwalto left retired commercial artist TT CONTINUES pupils in clay modelling class at Torontos Courcelettc Rood public school The once aweek class was storted for TO WORK lztoliyearolds in Grade VIII nttheirmquatasasub ntitute for the normd recess period CP Photo looks over the work of his mmsru sores Still No Settlement In Dispute Over Dog mnsfil Lounci met Thurs day evening and after more than three hours did not reach any settlement of the dispute between Mr and Mrs Douglas Fraiick and Robert Sproule township dog catcher Mr Sproule refused to apolg ogize for remarks made which are claimed by the Frnllcks to have been insulting He told couhcil and the complainants who were accompanied by Rev Peter lrant rector of St Pauls Church which both parties at tend that he would have the whole matter out in court In the early part of the meet ing Mr Sproule told council he had wanted private meeting with them He had asked for this before but the press was present In order that the mat ters he wanted to discuss could be heard council decided to hold committee meeting and the public was asked to leave on the understanding that noth ing pertaining to the lralicks was discussed No report of the matters dealt with in this committee were read into the minutes following reopening of the meeting to the public The official continued in his refusal to mnke any apologies for his remarks to Mrs Fraiick RECOMMENDS APOLOGIES Following the continued at tempt on the part of the reeve and council members to bring the official to see the need of making an apology motion was moved that the assess ment commissioner Robert Sproule be requested to make apologies to Mr and Mrs Douglas Fralick in the dispute over the dog licence June 29 this to be given in writing to the Fraliclrs by July 13 Al though it was not stated in the motion what would happen pro viding the official rflused to comply with councils request it was generally agreed that suspension should be made Mr Sproule told council he would like to have some one ap pointed to handle the dogs in the township and also that he was quite willing to quit his position as assessor with the township FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK LIIIEIIEII MOTORS YOUR CmYSLER DODGE SIMCA RENAULT VALIANT DEALER 75 Brufllord 5L PHONE PA 35971 By dont mind he stated DAUGHTER ILL Jennctt Sproulc daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Sprouic was moved item the Barrie hospital to one in Tomato and special treatments are being given to counteract infection Mrs Sproule returned from Tomato where she had been at her daughters bedside and came into the council meeting to uphold her husband in his claim that he was the defend ant in the case being discussed She said she would be returning to Toronto again in the morn ing SHORE ACRES DRAINAGE Clerk Allan lreton told coun cil of discussions he had with the contractor who has been engaged to do the drainage in cluding culvert to cross in the subdivision by the owners of Shore Acres property It appears that owners in the sub division which is located on the second line wish this cul vert to be large enough to per mil bringing boats to their property and no assurance has been given that the completed job will meet this requirement As the work is not public pro iect council was undecided un less the road supervisor re quested that they should make any recommendations MANY DONATIONS The aitemoon of July 22 which is Saturdayis likely to bea galav day in lnnisiil That is the day the internation al brick throwing contest will be held andthe Canadian best Itbrowers who have come for ward to practisewill be trying to outdistance their internation al competitors Itris planned tohave real big day with water sports games and contests in addition to the brick throwing The main event will take If get few days in lull IMPERIAL place at 230 pm which is the some time as the one in Eng land Oklahoma and Australia will be on Results will be wired to and from all centres and the win ners ascertained after these have been tabulated tinny prizes have been do hated by township merchants and residents One of these on which draw will be held is storetype pig donated by Cochrane and Sons Lim ited The draw will also be ad mission to the park and the games Reduce Rates For Mailing Parcels By Air OilAWA CWThe post of lice department Thursday an nounced cuts in the cost of ma ing parcels by air both in Can ada and overseas Cuts in rates for mailing of parcels in average about 17 per cent The revisions first In more than eight yearsare effective Sept Foreign rate reductions will vary according to the size of the parcel and the destination Parcels for England for ex ample will be cut by 15 cents Cost of onepound parcel to Gergtany will be reduced by 80 cen Govt To Comment On Inquiry Charge OTTAWA CHPrime Minis ter Diefeubaker promised the Commons Thursday that state ment of the governments views will be made on the testimony before Montreal inquiry that former federal cabinet minisA ter accepted payments from Jean Talon Hospital to use his influence in getting hospital grants for the institution Mr Diefenbaker said the gov ernment has received tran scripts of the testimony given by Senator Henri Courtemannhe PCQuebec former state see retary and by others who said he had been paid EVE snows AT 700 AND 900 itTHE DANCE or THE WEEKt Appearing in Person CLARENCE Frogma It HENRY YOU ALWAYS HURT THE ONE You LOVE HSATURDAY NIGHT JULY Enioy Dancing to the Stars of the Hit Parade DON SYMOND ALSO and THE ATLANTICS FEATURING MARY ANN PETTIFORD panama 845 pun T0 MIDNIGHT NEXT ATTRACTION US BONDS Cause Of Air Accidents Still Remain Unsolved walsnmcmu cs viii Try as spring is contained Americanme Dwain non ictilner Iookolf from Lisbon Portugal on is way in Vraeas Venezuela Minutes later the let crashed and all occu pants perished few moths earlier Boo Ing 7171 commercial let Mill persons aboard including in American Olympic skaters ap proschcdBrussels for land ing circled erratically and then plunged into farmyard Death came to all those aboard as well as farmer on the mund Causes of these and some other major accidents in which the 707 and the D08 were in volved remain unexplained CRASHES COSTLY About half dozen of these new American lets which went into operation about two years ago have been involved in fatal crashes which brought death to some 240 persons In addition number have been damaged teosivcly or destroyed in non fatal crashes with costs estl mated at more than $100000 000 Causes included pilot training BUILDING BOOM corneas Tv LONDON AP Prince Philip complained good naturedly Thursday that Londons building boom is Interfering with his tole vision reception Visiting the congress of the International Union of Architects Philip asked of ficials of one bg construc tion companywhat tall structures they were Work ing on The new laastorey build ing on Victoria Street said one of the officials Thats one of ours Ah said Philip shaking his head thats the one that interferes with my watching television at Buck ingham Palace When Im watching the test cricket match everything appears double on the screen ruff Bill Kemp and micars 5175 $225 sAvE DOLLARS I960 Chev 1lzIon Express andwme BRAND NEW OPENING MONDAY problems weather conditions landing and takeoff control some initialmechanical deli niencies and the unknown The US Civil Aeronautics Board feels these problems are under control It obsems that so far this year there hasbeen no fatal crash of these jets op erated by us carriers But that doesnt include the crab of on an American Airlmes training flight last Jan unry when six died three in stardom and three trainee pl PASEENGEM SUBVIVE Thcre bavcbeen other acci dents on American territory An example was the Jan 19 flight of Doe operated by Mexi can lino it took off in blind ing snowstorm from New York with 106 occupants and crashed moments later killing four crew members All othch emerged nilve Five weeks earlier another Don was involved in the worst EDMONTON CWThe Prai rie droth may provide South ern Manitoba farmers with costly victory over anotherpe rennial scourgethe grasshop per Maturlng boppers are spread ing through the arid southern sections of the province in Search of green vegetation They arent finding much government otticialJound the bright spot in commenting on the twin threat If it doesnt rain there wont be any crop to lose to the grasshoppers The oilicial added that if it does rain the grasshoppers may destroy whatever crop results Some farmers feel spraying operations to control the insects are useless this yearthat the drought scorched trons arent worth saving may The current grasshopper In festation has been described as the worst in the province since ms The height of grashopper IIIE RED BARN THEATRE Jacksons Point July I0 for oneweek Carol Shaman in THE SEVEN YEAR ITcH by George Axelrod CURTAIN 830 SPECIAL GROUP RATES BOX OFFICE PA 23775 aTRucnsv disaster in aviation history Alter loss of communication between the jet and New York airport controllers the DC went off course and collided with propellordrhven passen ger plane Flaming debris plunged into crowded Brook neighborhood total of 135 rsons met death nine days before Christians including 128 in the two planes contrast was the intense drama of Boeing 701 over the Atlantic back in 1959 Cruising at 15000 feet tha lets auto matic pilot had been locked and the chief pilot took breather the passenger compartment when suddenly the mechanism unlocked and the jet startcd down It dove for 3000 feet be fore the pilot could pull it out and bring the passengers in safely The jet showed it bad structural strength In that ter rliying episode it withstood pressure equivalent to 6V times the force of gravity Drought May Provide Victory In Battle Against Grasshoppers outbreaks in the other two Pral rio provinces has passed Many Prairie farmers have abandoned hope of harvesting crops and are turning livestock into the groin fields to make the best possible use of what growth there is Cattle prices have dropped because buyers are holding oil in anticipation of heavier Manitoba Agriculture Minister George Hutton said Thursday the situation is so serious the provinces livestock industry is in danger of being wiped out The weather offce held out no hope for heavy ting rains which might save the crops Friday relmu Timeo JO Dm sATURaAY MORNING snow I2 NOON Rawhiglneï¬Yeurs CARTOON PROGRAMME PLUS Bill BflIIlJS IEIITIIIIE THE BIG ONE FOR EVERYONE nonIs Inna nun ommam cumsumminnooom commemoratementor ml HARRIS EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY I961 MidAir Rescue Oi Parachutist Earns Corporal OTTAWA CPIA sonarold Army corporal who risked his life to makcn midair rescue of parachutlst whose chute failed lo openrtoday was dcc mated with the George medal the highest peacetime honor for bravery Cpl Alfred Coxsll at Paris Ont stationed with the Royal Canadian Engineers at London Ont received his award from Governor¢General Vanler at an investiture ceremony at Govern mentIlotue The Air Force Cross was pre sented to F0 Charles Alexander 80 of Ottawa and the british Empire Medal to Police Consta ble Brian Pickup so of Wind sor Ont F0 Alexander navigator helped guide jet plane to saf ety when the pilots oxygen sup piy failed Const Pickup was wounded while failing bank robbery manna LINE Cpl Coral at present attend lng course at Camp Chilli wack 30 made his parachute rescue last Oct 16 while acting as jump master and Instructor during Parachute Club of Con ada meet at Paris The incident occurred when one of his stu dents George Van Roosmelon of Woodstock became tangled in the static line when he jumped from Cessna 172 aircraft Cpl Coxall seeing the chute had not opened began to cut the static line but then noticed that the students arm was pinned making it impossible for him to pull open the reserve chute The corporal then slid down the static line intending to tie himself to the pupil by means of another line cut the fouled static line and then they would descend together on his own chute However the static line broke before he could tie himself to Mr Van Roosmelon and both tall 5qu grant Futdrs Timer J25 us 915 pm EVERY TRuCKjPRIcE HAS BEEN ISIASHEDI I957 CHEV I600 SERIES Cat and chassis doence 899310 Box TIRES PRICE REDUCED 1525°9i 1957 Chevy 1zIotl Express Excellent Body Licence 831 19C REDUOon TO Only REDUCEDTO OMACJERMS 79530 Bravery Medal fell free Cpl Coxhall shoved the student away at the same time pulling the rig cord and waiting to open his own chute until the students was Both landed uninjured PW OVERCOME F0 Alexander now serving with No 40o Photographic Sgundrou at Hockclilie earned his AFC while serving as na vigator on CFroo let inten eeptor with Squadron at North say Flying at 42000 feet during an RCAF defence exercise May 24 1560 the pilot of the aircrait sulfcred extreme anoxia when his oxygen supply failed The plane dived out of con trol but PO Marauder gave the conscious pilot the neces sary instructions to land Coast Pickup was on motor cycle duty on June 1959 when informed by radio of robbery attempt at Wlndsor Bank of Montreal branch lie Jumped off his bike and without having time to draw his own gun tacked man runnin from the bunk He was shot by second ban dit but held onto his prisoner Mr Pickup was in hospital so weeks COLONEL SENTENCE PARIS ReutersParntroop Col Roger Cechldl Was given fiveyear suspended prison sentence Wednesday for his part the military revolt in Algeria last April Ceccaldl was accused of toldng command of the 10th Paratroop Division when its commander refused to join the rebels anus cameon sarunnav and MON Jay Hawkers fKillcrn of Kilimanjaro SAVE DOLLARS I959 Mercurylz TOR elly Tires Heavy nun Springs and shocks Licence 820790 Now I954 GMc 1325 Cal and Chassis 175 we Brand New sou20 Tires Speed Axle Speed transmission Suitable for 14 foot body REALLY GOOD muck i956 MERCURY 4LTON CAB oicHAssis is W23 son Tires Speed Axle You HAVE TO nnrvnrnrisorsn rr snow mu Excellent For Dump Truck THESETRucks Snow YOUTHE WAY170 ECONOMY ioANGER NEW we use TkucKbivIsi¢N N0 ON THE mr PARADE QUARTER T0 THREE ADMISSION $150 233 RRADFOR