OTTAWA REPORT PM Prairie Boy In Own Riding oreouueemmrde MOTHER ewoomrieruscocuwu matrix Examiner Published by Canadian Newspapers Limited as my mmHME 16 Bayfield Street Barrie Ontario ion rm FRIDAY row Russia Chinci auiauce Faced With Obstacles Trouble and tension between the two Communist giantsRussia and china keep breaking out on the surface There are signs that basic conflicts are tend ing to split the Communist world into two camps President Kennedy came close to predicting in Paris recently that fullscale rivalry wlll develop be tween the W0 as China gains in power Red Chinas power rests to large degree on continued unity with the Soviet Union Russia is Chinas only shield from nuclear threats lithe Chin ese get into trouble Chinas airforce submarine force and much of her heavy equipment for ground forces depend on Soviet production oil for war comes from Bugle Chinese industry is basical ly Soviet Red China wants to liberate Formosa even at the risk of war But this is impossible without complete Soviet backing as long as America defends Formosa held by Chinese KaiSheks Na tionalist Chinese But China does not want nuclear controls or disarmament until it has big power status The Russians want nuclear war agreement As seen from Asia the alliance of the Communist giants will break under eith er of the two circumstances The basic weakness of the Chlnese Russian alliance many experts insist is the fact that the two nations unlike the United States and Britain do not share common heritage The Chinese have an additional burden of deep rooted ra cial pride and unsatisfactory nation alism The national interests of the Chinese Communists conflict with the Soviet Union in Outer Mongolia Korea Central and Southeast Asia But the way Asias top analysts of Communism read the signs this is the situation in ChineseRussian split now The Chinese are not fanatical compul sive or irrational They know they still need Russia The Russians know that without China they will be weaker Un til Russia and China are more equal in power the two powers seem destined to cling to each other Husbands Must Bevvare Kusbands who desert their families and wander of to let the Ontario De partment of Public Welfare look after their wives and children are going to find the going little tougher Now tenperson team is going to go out to round up deserting husbands and make them assume their responsibilities When we consider that it costs the Ontario Government and most muni cipalities about $4 million year to maintain these families where husbands and fathers have deserted the situa tion is quite serious and demands some action recent special investigation of 48 cases indicated that only 16 were en tirer on the up and up and this no doubt was what prompted the selection or illperson team to investigate all the cases now on record The original one muss views WITHOUT HAUSE FOB REST Hamilton Spectator Some older people wonder what is hap pening to the traditional Sunday the day of rest There was atime not so many years ago when places of business and entertainment were shut up tight from Saturday night to Monday morn ing But no more The Right Rev Hugh McLeod told the Hamilton conference of the United Church here the other day that Tori onto was giving leadership to the aboli tion of Sunday That city already has sports movie theatres and other shows on Sundays These are long strides to words New York Sunday which is almost indistinguishable from any other day in the week In Hamilton bowling alleys are now open on Sundays and are apparently well patronized The fiveday weeklhas made us nation of weekenders whereas checkup disclosed of women who knew the whereabouts of their husbands but refused to live with them while still others were fully employed Yet they all sought help from their municipality as deserted wife As husbands are located inthe forth coming roundup efforts will be made to get the families reunited But failing in this steps will be taken to make the husband pay up other Canadian pro vinces also plan to enter the drive against delinquent husbands and ltls expected by the Public Welfare Min ister Louis Cecllle that by all the provinces coroperating the drive against these deserting husbands will be suc cessful And the municipalities along with the Government will be afole to drop the role of Santa Claus to Ont arios deserted wives formerly there was only one day of rest new there are two In summertime the highway seems to have stronger pull than the church Sunday here is not fully open as it is in many American cities but the way things are going it may not be many years before it is In Hamilton as the last plebiscite showed the maiority wanted bowling alleys opened on Sun days which in the view of many opens the door to further erosion There is something to be said for the old ideaof day of test whichhas nothing to do with religion Tosuspend for one day in t3 week the hectic activ ities of the six other days is form of mass therapy an interregnum during whichvman can restore himself Nature provides many examples of the need for such regular periods of rest It is this which is in danger of being destroyed Without ahlatus for peace and rest life becomes an unceaslng treadmill Down Memory Lane LOCAL ITEMS 50 YEARS AGO The Barrie Saturday morning of June 17 1911 had columno locals such as The 35th Regiment leaves for annual camp at Niagara on Monday next Keenan reports the sale of five Gerhard Helntzman pianos in less than week On Wednesday afternoons during July and August all the leading stores will close at 12 oclock sharp The storm of Saturday and Sunday did much harm in Innisfil manybarns and buildingsbeing blowndown Special for in days at Carey Shoe Co 60 pairs misses patent colt pumps regular $175 and $190 new for $129 and $135 pair The Oriliia Boy Scouts will play The Barrie Examiner Authorized is second class mail 90 Office Department OHIWI Daily Sundays and Statutory Holidoyl excepted KENNETH WALLs Publisher alum sworn Genera Manager McPflERSON Managing Eaiior rcnannas wanna Hull mans aoaanu airmen summing Manager roan apnoea circulation Manner subscription rato dolly by carrier its weekly isso year slum co By mail in Ontario mo ysar uoo nunmm 250 tam months 9106 month Outside Ontario on year Outsld can as now year calm as universlt Avs Toronto street Montreal ms in deem Slralt Member or tbrcanadlln ouy Mammogram when Auocioiicn The Cnia Press and to Audit Bureau éirculations nu Canadian min exclusive nu lor Ilbllcstlon of all news If or outer and also the local now published therein Gotham Vancon entitled to the Itched in this led 10 or The Aunt ted Pro or game of baseball with the Barrie Scouts on Coronation pay in Queens Park On Coronation Day come and get good dinner ror250 with the Ladies Aid of Elizabeth Street Methodist Church In Sundays storm Mr Kennans large piano sign was blown down and destroy ed In falling it broke Mr Crosslands plate glass window Mr Farmer dont compareMoores $150 tan harvest boot with the $100 kind shown in most stores They will outwear two pairs of the cheap ones DANGER 0F THEvHAY WAGON One of the dangers 50 years ago in Bar rie as reported in The Saturday Mom ing of June 24 1911 was that on the previous Tuesday the threeyearold son of Mr and Mrs Garner was knocked down by the rear wheel of wagon load ed with hay He had run out and when trying to pull handful of hay from the load slipped and fell against mov ing wheel No bones were broken but he was badly bruised on the head And shoulders and left leg and foot VParagrapliicaily Speaking re isvrejforted thatAdoifElchmann is sleeping soundly these nights This can only mean that herhas no conscience pra dead one sublectsfortha next lessons in gero Klffllzhy which followers or the news will learn are Vietnamand Thailand Question many an oidstei is asking himself fShEllv continue on the Job and work myself to death or retire and die ofproiongodjboredom in the last six months REPORT FROM UK Influx OlVisitors Helps Employment of McMYRE noon Marion England Correspondent For The Barrie Examiner random Cornwall When was down in Cornwall in the month of March of this year found the authorities there greatly worried about the large number of unemployed Corav wall was really one of the black spots of the country for employment with percentage out of workmucb higher than the national average Since then there has been drastic cbangein the situation Jobs have been multiplying at such rate reports the em ployment exchange at Fal moutb that very serious labor shortage is imminent ihisispartly dualoare cord influx of summer visitors into the resorts all along the Cornwall coast this seasons it is the brightest and best sea son for many years aided and abetted by the glorious weather which has prevailed along the Comish Riviera for the last two months SOME NEW PROJECTS In addition to the labor de moods of the tourist industry vthere are other factors which lhave changed the Cornwall em ployment situation from that on which reported in March At Porthleven where new owners have taken over an ex tensive area of property around the harbor largescale improve ments are being undertaken This has absorbed practically QUEENS PARK ali tba unemployed labor in the community and there is an ur gent need for an additional 100 workers in the near future Portblevcn where shipbuilding is an active industry the yards have orders for several small boats 38 feet long for export ENCOURAGING FIGURES Webley secretary of be Falmoutb employment cum mlttee reports the most en couraging picture which the community has had for very long time In the whole Com wall area there are 01132314 men and 152 women registered as unemployed against 516 men and lee women at the same time last year and 692 men and 253 women at the begin ning of this year This surplus of labor is likely to be entirely taken up once the summer tour ist season gets into fullswing in late July and the month of August Rice manager of the Labor Exchange at Truro re ports that employers in the Redruth area are so anxious for workers that they are will ing to provide transportation for women employees badly needed in the clothing trade In coastal areas an even great er number of employers are prepared to do the same to ob tain labor for the summer months So in four short months Cornwall has changed from be ing one of the black spots for employment to being one of the bright spots inibe countrys economy Treasurer Facing Problem 0n Tax VBy DON onsAnN TORONTO Pity Jim Allan Ontarios treasurer has many W065 He basas his baby the most ticklisb political problem in the province in decades Sales tax wasnt his personal idea He had to go along with gov ernment policyand of course he agrees it is necessary Butbe has to take the bulk of the blame for any boobs And of course there never could be very much in the way of credit And blame is coming from all directidna these days nunns common Practically every newspaper in the province has had atleast one point of criticism of the rules and regiilationa of the tax Most of them have had any The ruling on childrens ing seems to bead the list of beefs But not far behind are the re quirementtbat tax be paidcn outofprovince purchases and the apparent accoimtlng burden on merchants it may be surprise to many that Dr iohnF Due whois SAYSSHDS auzzan LONDON ReuterslThe So viet trade union newspaper lrud charged today that Amer ican air pirates have buzzed Russian shipson 3M occasions oih professor of economim at the University of Illinois and is the leading sales tax expert in Would Abolish Busmess Tax TORONTO CF Carter assistant deputy minis ter oi municipal affairs said Thursday he has yet to hear one person any that Ontarios business tax is equitable and fair Speaking to the legislatures select committee on municipal law Mr Carter said he favored personally abolishing the tax but tire problem was to find means to reimburse the munic ipalities if the tax were dropped from the assessment act The tax based on the per centage of realty used by the occupant varies from business to business Car park lots are taxed in per cent and distillers iso per cent Iest Supposin Supposin we all had four legs With two in the road jest like pegs Wed have to learn bow To toddle somehow Though theyd feel like couple kegs America has praise for the On tario tax He has his them That it to try and exempt childrens clothing and that the province shouldnt have attempted it But on the overall picture he says in general the province for the tax which is superior to has provided basic structure those of the other provinces in many respects particularly in avoiding features which compli cate application of the tax and lead to endless complaints PRAISE NO SOLACE So far as Mr Allen is con cerned however the praise of experts is not much solace It is the public which is his concern And one of his great trials is that the public can never know just bowmuch be has doneto makethe tax more agreeable Treasury officials here are breed apart They have their own building and as bosses of the public PlllSE they havean authority and distinctionfnut enjoyed by other senior civil servants In effect they have some what of little empire of their own Even the minister at times has to do battle with this and astboseon theinside here kriow Mr Allan has had major fight to get the salestax ma chinery rational at all New Symbol iof Seagram Quality Before introducing Secgrams Star Sengram tested this great new brand of rye whisky from coast tocoast against the three leading brands in its price class and in test after lt test Canadiansliked the taste of Seagrams Star best Next time tr new brand with the Five Tesfsd under fhs oï¬leicl Research Organization PATRICK NICHOLSON Every MP likes to visit his constituency now and then while Parliament is sitting especially when the session is long drawn out So it was true in form that the local MlPahould drop in on Prince Albert and neighboring sanguichcwan communities last yr handful of friends and sup porters gathered ai the airport to welcome him mung whom were naturally his former law partner Jack Cuelenaere and his fishing companion Fred Hadley it seemed incidental that the visitor is also prime minister of Canada while Mr Cueienaere is also mayor of Prince Albert Fred Hadley of course is the pollich genius who conceived and organised iha Dleieubaker Clubs which united supporters of the Liberal OCF and Social Credit parties with the Conservatives to elect John Dlefeubaker in the traditional Liberal stronghold of Prince Albert So it was just as the local MP that the prime minister cu joyed few casual hours at home talking with old friends and longago acquaintances and dropping into homes as an up beraided but welcome visiior NAMES REMEMBERED When Prince Alberts John metaphorically bis mantle to become Canadas prime minister officiating at the opening the museum at the historic siie of Batocbc the same informalin prevailed The in Hon John Diefenbaker was introduced on formal bunting draped platform todeiivei formal speech but apart from hat interlude he was just Prince Albcriou come home He mingled with the picnicle ing assembly of shirtslceved deep tanned farmers be greetedilieir wives by name he posed for snapshots with their children With that fabulously unfailing memory lie remin isced over the so years since ha first came to Saskatchewan in Va Hello John be typically greeted John Dick And be re called how the Dick family had welcomed the Diefenbakers into their home for two months wben the late Dieienbnker had come from Ontario to the new West in take up teaching past in August lace The teacherage was in bad condition and they stayed with us at Tiefengruni while it was fixed up John Dick explained The last time we met was at farmers meeting in 1942 when wheat was 42 cents bushel Jimmy Gardiner was minister of agriculture but guess he didnt dare show up the angry farmers would have lynched bun But another Lib erol tried to tell us we werent so badly off Then John Diefeolt baker got up amid that hostile lie cracked at us When the birds come in the spring time its always tweet tweet tweet when the boys and girls are courting its always sweet sweet sweet but here in Sask nichewan its always by Sony wheat wheat wbest And be had us all laughing MORE HONORED IN OTTAWA So throughout his 24hour visit itwas the Prairie boy infor mally visiting borne andre newing happy acquaints aces No doubt be prefers it that way perhaps the release from protocol is welcome relaxation to Togrime minister extremely easygoin air in Prince Albert seemed 15 my Ottawa eyes to armuni al most to indilierencc to high of fice For instance Mr and Mrs Dleienbalter and Fred Hadley were driven at miles largely along dirt road through the dmugbbparciied whealland to Baioche and back by the go Inspector Duff of ilie am They drove alone Yet many olher cars went that same route for that same occasion Are there no organizers or party oiliciois among the 15583 voters wbo supported Mr Diel eabokor in 1958 who could have organized cavalcade of cars to escort our prime minister The lonely unhonored drive of lhePride of Prince Albert was vmd contrast to the huge wel coming cavnlcade which es corts the PM on his returns from overseas from the airport to his house in this capital which he never call borne Senator Breaks Hip Back In Hospital OTTAWA CHSenator Cai rine Wilson is back in hospilai here with broken hip Senator Wilson 76 returned from hospital only last weekend after ireaiment of broken right hip suffered when she fell in the Parliament Buildmgs The Ontario Liberal member oi the Upper House fell again in her suburban Roekcliffe home lIVerlnesdny breaking her left ip Hospital authorities Thursday described be condition as sa Lisfacfory BIBLE THOUGHT But this is ibecovenant will put my law within ibem and lwill write It upon their hemJamal 3133 God wants to make an agree ment covenant With us it is to be in writingon our bearisl Seagrama great tars on the bottle JOSEPH LSEAGHAH ssoas mum mums ammo mm supervision leading