IOCKEYS USE CLUBS IN HISTORIC RACE highly partisan browd oi more than some gathered in the toivn square oi Siena Italy to cheer favorites in the historic Polio the horse race with no rules in which jockeys ride bareback and Three Vehicles Are Damaged In 27 Collision Three vehicles were exten sively damaged and larger number at area residents in convenienced and deprived ot telephone service early today as result of an accident on Bigoway 27 two miles north at Barrie The accident involving two cars and heavily loaded truck owned by the Nixon Building Products Company at Barrio caused extensive dam age to all three vehicles load of cement blocks carried by the truck an ornamental flower garden on adjacent pro perty and pole carrying Bell Telephone Company lines The only Iatury was sustain ed by Mr Farmer whose forehead was cut OPP oiticers who investigated said that the accident was caused when the Faragher ve hicle which was headed south pulled out to pass another vehi cle which was stopped prior to turning into service station NOHCED TRUCK He apparently noticed the ap carry clubs Horses repre sent the citys 17 districts and victory is celebrated in the district tor several days Barrie Airways Pilot Scans Shore For Body The search ior missing skin diver ioseph Srrlith 01 Toronto continues today six days alter he disappeared in the waters at Kempeniclt Bay while diving in company with Thomas Pearce also of Toronto OPP oiiicers supervising the search for the missing man were assisted yesterday by shoreline and shallow water search of the vicinity by an aircrait arranged for by The Examiner and madc available through the courtesy oi Barrie Airways ldmited and pilot James Pelkie An Examiner reporter ac companied Iiir PeIkie on the flight and thorough search was made oi the shore line oi the bay tor distance oi sev eral miles in either direction at the point where the man went missing otf Shanty Bay mar EARNINGS Hardoe Farms International Ltd year ended June 1961 $332350 1960 5328754 Muascns Canada Ltd year ended March 31 1961 $24093 $201 share 19 $342145 5212 Westcoast Transmission Ltd year ended March 31 1961 $185214 1960 net loss $915794 Co Volunteer skin divers were out again yesterday but as has been the case since the Search began found no trace of the diving instructor Smith who had been skin diver or more than 10 years was an instructor with the Leo side Skin Diving Club oi To ranto Barrie citizens participating in the underwater search on both Wednesday and Thursday lncllidedJames Harris John Parker and Don Campbell all members oi the Barrie Diving School and SIIPILV On Wednesday when total PRODUCE TORONTO CPD churning cream and butter print prices were reported unchanged today The egg market was steady with oiierings barely adequate inr fair demand Country dealers are quoted by the federal department oi agriculture on Canada grade eggs delivered Toronto in fibre cases large 44 medium 41 small 26 and grades no market Butter prices Canada first grade Ontario tenderable 63 nuntenderable 6162 in light trading western em nominal incur BY Bonuscargo Mrs Hardings mothers allowance cheque was worth $100 more to her during June It was the winning cheque drawn and presented to her Thursday night at Plaza Drugs Mrs uliartling lives at 18 Parkside Drivlen ner ot the previous month was Mrs Andrews 11 Shan ty Bay CAMPBELL LTD FurnituraMovlng anti Swrago onuncrriai Warehousing Agents for North American Van Linesv PA 636655 STOCKSBONDSMUIUAL FUNDS RESEARCH ADVICE nasal ruomsou AND COMPANY LIMITED roan orator swans 89 DUNLDP ST gt ENTRANCE PA 82412 wit ut obligation SUITE 103 rowan Wasr once VP Eng FMBERS rorlto Montreal Canadian Stock Exchanges BRANCHES C0 ri to Coast in Can New York airtan mm proaching truck driven by John Torok 52Clappertoo St Bar rle applied his brakes and lost control the car on the slippery roadway The truck pulled to the shoulder 01 the road in an at tempt to avoid the Faragher car but was unsuccessful The truck hit the car then travelled Eugenis so Barrie which was following the truck was unable to avoid the Faragber villain and collided with the rear oi the car alter it had been hit by the truck mlnor trailic jam resulted lrorn the accident and nonl ber oi district homes were de prived of telephone service be cause oi damage sustained to telephone lines carried by the pole which was hit WEATHER Synopsis Scattered showers tell overnight In Central and Southern Ontario as cooler air pushed southward across the Great Lakes Skies have cleared in Northwestern Ontario but con siderabla cloudiness is expected to persist elsewhere over the province today with law show ers this afternoon Sunny sides are torecast ior almost the entire province Sa urday but temperatures will continue cool Lake Erie Lake Huron Lake Ontario Niagara Georgian Bay Haliburton regions Wind sor London Tomato Hamii Praciice court tor the inter POLICEMEN HURL CHALLENGE CAPSULE sawsa 1PM Brieled CANBERRA iReutersiDun can Sandy briefed Prime blin ister Robert Menzies today on the possibility 01 Britain joining the European Common Market Sandys Commonwealth rela tIons secretary is on an around theworld mission to discuss the etiects British move into the European trade alliance would have on Commonwealth trade Men Killed BELLEFONTAINE AP Four Dayton Ohio me were killed Thursday when their rin gle engine plane clipped power line and crashed on the edge oi Oak Island in Indian Lake in northwest Ohio The Ohio Highway Patrol idemtilied the victims as Russell Fisher 42 the pilot Frederick Emert Grothlan William Theodore Grant Ir 39 and Robert Smith Jr 21 Action In Strike TORONTO CF Encour aged by dialsea laid against contractors by thevOntarlo De partment of Labor constniction workers will take direct action in their housing strike Plans to descend on the labor department may by the dos ens and by the hundreds were made by the strikers at rally in theatre Thursday night They will complain about va cation pay Forecast Expansion Beneath the sigma Mrs Wil oi more than to volunteer div ers irom throughout the cen traiGeorglan Bay region and Toronto were in action Mr Harris positioned himscli on the deep end of one of the safety lines and achieved depth under water oi approxi along the shoulder until it coll lded with the pole and struck the low wall around an orna mental flower garden slid across the highway and ended up in the ditdl on the west side oi the road The third vehicle involved ton Mainly cloudy today with few showers or thundershow ers this aitemoon Timagami Cochrane regions North Bay Sudbury Mainly cloudy with few showers to day clearing this eveningSntur day sunny but continuing cool Winds northeast 15 Alsoma White River regions Mainly sunny except tor few dandy intervals and continuing cool today and Saturday Winds national brickthrowing contest at has sign donated brick company which also provided special cut brick to meet the size and live pound weight requirements FlagPole Sitter Tries lor Record WHEATLEY CPlA Wheat liam Brown wife of lnnistila police chief whose husband is chairman of the brick throwing committee Mr Brown has challenged any team to compete with the six vman police squad MARINE Lake Ontario Lake Erie LONDON Reutersl The Thomson newspaper group con trolled hy Canadian publisher Roy Thomson intends to expand and take over other business when occasion arises it disclosed today Any expansion will not neces sarily be coniined to newspa pera and printing but also may cover tnrde and technical pa pers educational books and other ilelds mately 97 feet driven by Clifford Varcoe Bl TODAYS STOCK PRICES Compiled by Flynn 93 Dunlop St Barrie northeast 15 today light Satur day Forecast Temperatures Low tonlgh high Saturday Windsor 55 St Thomas London ley tingpole sitter vowed Thur day he would outdo man who claimed worlds flagpole sit ting record in Welland Wednes day night Paul Cote native oi Ka puskasinlz made the claim alter by this afternoon Cloudy with Winds variable 15 knotsbccom in north to northeast 21 knots lETS BE FRANK occasional showers today clear Yew ing this evening Lake Huron Georgian Bay Winds north to northeast 20 Asbestos Abiubi Aiï¬nma Steel Aluminium Alberta Gas Atlas Steel 11k olhtontrenl Bank or NS Bel Tel Bruillnn IA 011 30 Power Cdn air at Com Cdn Breweries CPR Canada Cement Can Chemical Can oll Con Min Sm Con Paper Consumers Gas Dis so so 41 43 155i 31 65 71 Dom Tar Exquisite Gt Likes Gut Pow Halnu Pit Home oil Hanson 33V Imp Oil Inland Labatt Normda Can Hulk Camp cam CenDeiltIo Cpn Denuon Curr Hall Sullivan Falconbrldgu Geco Mines Gunnu Hoillnser Louisiana Narmctal Opemtska Ind down 194 Golds down STOCK MARKET Volume Trading TORONTO CPI The stock market was led down by util ities refining oils and papers during light morning trading toda Utilities were the poorest xt dustrial group Consumers Gas 130 Power Shawinigan CPR and Union Ga small gains In papers GreatLakes Price Brothers and Consolidated were off Weston Hardee Farms and Dominion Stores lost from to in ioods 0n the exchange index indus trials fell 194 to 59275 goidsv 03 to 8197 base metals 01 to 19939aad western oils 39 to 9557 The 11 am volume was 375 000 shares compared with 358 000 at the same time Thursday in base metals 1nternational Nickel Ge Noranda and Con solidated Mining and Smeiting wrsrr awards ALUMINUM FIBREGLAS CANVAS consonant salmon on 34 narratorg sir Famous Play Harden hm imp Tobacco 1nd Aece Enter Ntdg nerprov n0 Jockey Club Kerrliddlson Long Lie Mantimas is INDUSTRIAL Dom Found Dom stores Nor Ont Nd Mooru Carp omwn Pacitie Put em rlpe Que Nat on Ros autumn Royal nunlr St Law on Salads Shin Simpson stirrera steel or Can Stelnbcrg rename Bk Tr Mlh 71V 20 PM is rail II am Min use Powell luv Massey Felt Walker 6W MINING Quomont Sharp Gordon Steep Rock United oil Ventures Wllroy 115 int 101 275 710 Irv raosr some aroclrs com Gas Dominion Tar Harden ram Steel our undo DIVIDEND DECLARATIONS Great West Coal co class Mo paybla Aug 15 ex dividend July 21 now10an NEW 11mm AVERAGE Industrial down 1177 Rails down 100 Utilities down 10301110 810611 EXCHANGE INDEX Metals down 01 011 down 39 DoWn Light Were all down Faiconbridge an Steep Rock advanced gt Golds were dull Hoilinger an Kerr Addison slipped few cents The market finished strongly Thursday after setting our higbs on the industrial index Trading was moderately light The index closed at 59563 206 the highest point industri als have reached since the com pilation oi the mstock indelr in 1934 The rise came in spite of adow volume for the day 1787000 shares compared with 1657000 Wednesday Many groups were mixed on the day notably utilities foods and banks and financial institu tions In the food Oahavva Wholesale and Dominion Stores both jumped point to lead the pack BEAT THE ALL arena or AWNINGB morn selar so man anemone Your tour human Kitchener Wingham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Peterborough Trenton Kilialae Muskoka North Bay Sudbury calories33233333 he descended from his perch so feet above drivein restaurant where he spent days and tour hours on platform Cote claimed the former record with 31day stint at hurling Beach in 1959 an 30yearold Neil Bailey said he would break the record Bailey began sitting on soioot high platform here last Satur day as promotion stunt or the Junior Chamber at Com knots Cloudy with few show HoquYs Is Your Car Really Ready detect in your car can spoil your trip or even lead to major disaster ers clearing thisevening merce Knowledge or PHARMACY Is The Unseen Ingredient In Every Prescription Dong Kare Phni Geo Caldwell th Caldwelis Drug Store Car Owen is Duniop sn Phone PA Nana BAYCIIY UPIIOLSIIIIING ANTIQUE AND MODERN Beautlini Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PHONE PA 83438 BARBIE Upholstcring rs Dur BusinessNot Just Sideline 65 Bradlnrd St tulipsnous James Marleen was induct ed as president oi the Lions Club of Barrie for 196152 at the closing meeting of the 196061 terms which was held last week Principal at King EdwardPublic School Mr MacLean succeeds Edwin Myers Lions Club does not meet during July and August Let us service your car now You cant be sure of safety it you arent really sure of your car DANGERFIELDS Service Centre as Collier st PA om Convert Your FrailAshes Ioilel Syslem NOW unaware onouns on wrraour wan an rnrssune nim rum WAlnn our NECESSARY ram ONLY M1NUEESTO convsznr mA FLUSH 10m svsran stunts nanovn YOUR ram aown nnrnacs wrra CONVERSION UNIT MODEL 1300 Comes Complete with all items illustrated Above Less The Septic Tank Rehdy To Install gt $5995 commie wrralsarnc rm awn mslALLATION xrr 00 OPENIALL DAY wannasnag PLUMBINGAND HEATING DEPT 2ND FLOOR SUPPLIES BLDG 711C790 OP Including 16 18 rowanr 259 lNlesrlL sr rAsessi in 4m ovum Annmaer mmwausmassn RICHARDSON namesch PA68911160 VESPRA Si MoLsows BREWERY ammo LTD iNDEFfENDENT BREWERS SINCE 1786