The table setting should be ITS BEEN busy week for Mrs Lois Robertson left and Mrs Peg illorc who were making preparations for the New Shop Caters To Barrie If you have joined the ranks of home sewers and derive pleasure from making your own wardrobc then you know the Importance of selecting the cur root material visit to the yard goods de partment is almost certain to make even the amateur Invest in muchinc and start whipping up something even an apron as starter The more experienced sewer tackles skirLs dress and ults with ease and aplomb The new Fabric Shop which pened here yesterday is the answer to home sewers dreams The lovely fabrics av ailable bloom like garden they are so colorful DRESSY FADRICS This is cspocially true of dressup materials Here the Iatidized cottons and lovely bro cadcs are favorites In sewing summer frocks It is wise to shop for washability even before considering color How well your fabric will take to its bath is going to make all Women the difference in how agreeable It is to live in And this year more and more fabrits colorful delicate henu lies too are machinewnsh choici very wide Be sure too that all your sew Ing necessaries are as washable as the fabric Take time to look around at the new sewing aids new closing plaekcts These not only speed up your sewing projchs they contribute to ooks and the sale waste and smooth drying of the finished product SEWING HINTS The cocperaters of the new shop Mrs Peg More and Mrs Lois Robertson both of Barrie are on hand to pass on sawing hints and advice If you happen to have lin lshed your wardrobe forsum mer rail is lust around the cor ner and the Fabric Shop has variety of new woollens in all popular shades forecast for fall and winter for seams and Outdoor Barbedue Is Easy On Cook IDA BAILEY ALDEN The easiest dinner menu for backyard cooking is meat salad bread dessert and bev erage remarked the Chef The salad or appetizer de sert and beverage can be made in advance and storedin the re frigerator leaving only the meat and perhaps cordonthe cab to cook outdoors like to barbecue almost any kind ofmeat poultry or ï¬sh Its good plan to have two or LIIice extra portions of food on hand in case unexpected guests arrive suggested The ideal portions of meat chicken or fish are generous continued the Chef If youre barbecuing fish plan one whole small fish or onehalf pound of large fish per person If its club or rib steaks allow one small steak per person cut about one inch thick If its chicken plan on halfbroiler or two quarters for adults and two smaller pieces for children ay with colorful paperware added Paper plates plat ters cups and bowls all come in sturdy plasticized versions so that hot food can be served on them as well as cold and lheres little orno cleanup to think about Just be sure to provide big neatlooking carton to hold the paperwere and residue when the table is cleared SUNDAY OUTDOOR DINNER Grilled Pork Chops with Spicy Barbecue Sauce Crisp Potato Chips Sliced Tomatoes CornontheCob Watermelon Wedges Hot or Iced Coffee Tea Milk Zealy Barbecue Sauce adds fine flavor and clings to bar becued food Mix smooth peanut butter with grated section peeled garlic grated peeled medium onion tbsp cider vinegar tbsp Sugar tbsp soy sauce and V4 tsp crushed redpepler orlhot red peppersauce or chili powder Gradually stir in Koz can tompto sauce cwater and damn nu roint In PROBLEMS toflamm men men rive Farrier who tanked and sells run only not acumen no cases more WIIiIiIIIS IIIIIS BARBIE TORONTO 25 ounce or Repairing Remodeling Cold storage 00IIhnlng RIMONABLE PRICE TIIIAOIIUI URIANTIIU tsp instant bouillon Bring to boil simmer over low heat min Especially good with chicken or pork TOMORROWS DINNER Flsh0nlnn Chowder or Cold Tuna Loaf with Sliced Tomatoes Toasted Rolls Green BeanEgg Salad DeepDish Cherry Pie or Cantaloupe Wedges Hot or Iced Coffee Tea Milk FishOnion Chowder In heavy ZVxqt saucepan fry it bits fat salt pork ormelt butter or margarine instead Add thinsliced onion saute until limp Add water and bot tled clam bouillon Cover Sim mer 10 min Add to tsp pepperï¬l seasoned salt thinsligd fresh white potatoes or use slie quickcooked packaged potato and lb frozen fish fil leLs cut in bitesize pieces Bring to boiling point min or until potato is tender Add milk Bring to boiling point Stir in tbsp enriched flour blended with tbsp milk Cook stir until boiling CHEFS SUGGESTION In barbecuing remember these Marinate fish poultry or meat in the barbecue sauce for sev eral hours and haste with the sauce while cooking Charcoal should burn an covered with fine gray ash before beginning to cookallow about 45 min Simmer 15 Thursday morning openingof the Fabric Shop Collier SimetThe mural on the wall at the rear and the interior decorating is the work of Mrs Bov Hunter of Barrie THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA FOR TOMORROW An nilaround good day Most persons will be congenial and there is indication of some good news from afar During the PJIL financial and property matters will be under fine as pects and it will also be good period in which to deal with superiors FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that you can achieve great deal during this next year of your llle You are currently in fine cycle where both business and personal matters are concerned but as of November your pros pocts become more than gener ous in the latter month and early December all matters concerned with property and real estate take it definitely upward swing and in your prilt vatelife romance and the pos sibilityof sudden marriage are indicated next June Good opportunities for travel are indicated in this month and early August Home and do mestic affairs should run hap pily for most of the year ahead except for nbrlef period this monthand theend of 1961 will bring planetary influences which lasting well into 1962 should boost your job and economic statue tremendously Do make the most of opportunities then especially if yu have chance to launch new but sound ven tures AIR FORCE WOMEN AYLMER Ont CF For mer women members of the Royal Canadian Air Force from this district were guests at the 20th anniversary celebrations of the womens division ofthe RCAF here TO MARRHT TRINITY CHURCH THE COMING marriage has been announced of Miss Janet MaePherson daughter of Mrs Peggy MacPherson and Dr Robert Neil MacPherson of Barrie to Lawrence John judiicd filmpmdzwaallensand SEW employment for the Ontario rt both newcomers to the business Bankers Advise BridesToBe On Financial Management By ELEANOR ROSS Here is the promised lupoint plan drawn up by the American Burkers Association to keep new marriagcson sound Ilv nancial looting it Is addreed to the brides as they today are apt to be custodians of the fam ily finances with voice in all affairarconnected with outgo of income The first rule is to scale spending to the family income Base It on the takehomo pay only Allow 15 to $5 per cent for meals at home and In restau rants 15 to so per cent for housing whether you buy or rent to is per cent for house hold operation including utili ties telephone cleaning to to to per centlor clothing and 12 to 17 per cent for miscellaneous expenses The last includes such items as entertainment gifts newsp magnxines and books GET SAVINGS HABIT Second rule is to set aside Pcertaln sum for saving It should be renlbtic amount one you cameosin handle In crease it later as income rises But get the savings habit first Deposit this money regularly In savings account at your local bank There it will earn interest nnd so work for you Build fund to equal at least to months living costs Mark it for emergencies You can then proceed to build savings ac count toward Ipecial purpojea like buying homo getting car and later on your chil drenl college education The third rule In to invest After you reach your mini mum Iavings goal funnel part of your future saving Into growth investments This in clude investments such as blue chip stocks and real estate Seek advice in this area from qualified experts only Your bank will st reputable film with whom you might El WATCH DEBT The fourth rule is not In take on more debt than you can af ford No group feels more pres sure to borrow money than do young marricds new family has many needs home furniture house hold appliances and car are examples And when Baby ar rives an electric washer and drier become necessities ahnost overnight Keep total debt down at all times Set aside 15 per cent of takchome pay as the maximum total debt after taxes and mort gage payments Fifth rule is to build good credit rating Pay bills promptly If you cant meet an installment pay ment phone or write the lender ADVICE TO WOMEN to tell him so and why Ask for an extension citing time when you will be able to pay good credlt rating is an In valuable asset it will stand you In good stead in meeting any financial emerguicy SPEND wxsgLv Spend wisely advises the ser enth rule Your husband works hard for his money Shop around Enjoy the necessities of life and many of Its comforts but be good buyer Learn real value The eilhlh rule la in record all money transactions accu rately Compare actual spending with your budget allowance reg ularly Then youll know lust what and how you are doing Pay major bills by bank check Your checkbook gives rurmlng record of all your in come and outgu Also your can celled checks arepositive proof of payment Use them to support your income tax deductions Finally consult ypur local bank often Banks arent the forbidding places they once were nor are its officers nus tore Start by finding out what banking services are available and how they can help you Commerciallbnnka today offer sOmany services for growing families that they are fast be coming supermarkets of filt nance Examine Qualiï¬cations Prioran JOb Hunting TORONTO CPIA period of selfcxamination is good Idea for women and girls before they go jobhuntlng says Muriel Quinta coordinator of womens gion of the National Employ ment Service Through her experience with world and those women who want to change their occupa tions she says she has found that chances of ndvancement depend an attitude integrity dependability Perseverance and ability Instead of wondering how you will benefit from position you should consider what you have to offer thetompnny The more you give the more you widget she says me job seeker should after seeing an advertisement which attracts her study the require ments of the job and have an idea of what this job entails so she can relate herown quali fications it is politic to learn something of the firm before arranging an interview This shows you are interested Miss Quinte says you should Mulligan son of Mr and Mrs Hugh Mulligan of CampBor den The marriage take place quietly at T1 ity An glican Church Barrie July 29 PATTERNS NOTIQNS ALLYour SEWlNG NEEDS Leis ROBERTSON gadric banana IECOLLIER ST 1510 in 81712 rec MORE think in terms of good days pay as being good days work keeping In mind that the contract will be made by both sideshRememher the employer will be investing his time and money in the potentials you will offer his company when it comes time to apply for the job arrange the inter view and take with you con cise outline of your background including your schooling prev ious experience and references This brief will be filed by the employer who will be impressed with your business like ap prxch ring the interview dont deviate from discussion of you and the job and refrain from boasting of your capabilities and criticizing anyfunneremrlan ers or scholastic or technical training programs you may have undergone This tends to indicate youre prone to throw ing the blame on the other fellow Be specific about your interests and how they corres pond to the jobs lines Avoid extremes in dress makeup and hair styles Dress Fallout Survival Subject Speaker The Dalston WI met at the home of Mrs Harry wright with thirteen members and one visitor present The intriguing question for the roll call was What dowhen do what please The president Mrs Lorne Jory opened the meeting Min utes of the previous meeting were read and dealt with It was decided to continue with the prizes given at Oro Fair for baskets of mixed flow ers entered by school children Arrangements were made for the Communin Picnic to be haid this year at Bass LakeJuly 22 with sports beginning at pm Mrs Tom Coward introduced Mrs John Steele who is on the staff of EM0 who spoke up on the timely subject of FallA out Survival It was decldedto discontinue meetings during July and Aug ust Refreshments were served by Mrs Lorne Handy and Mrs George Salisbury who were as sisted by the hostess useiemsro1Mé quietly and neatly and wear hat and gloves This applies both during the interview and in your future ventures in the business world Your manner of presenting yourself is just as important as your appearance The way to carry yourself and the way you speak will have its influence on the employer one way or the other Miss Quinte advises prospec tive employees to stand straight and sit down only when invited to do so Speak clearly con fidcntly and use sir or madam during the conver sation Dont chew gum or smoke cigaret Dont prolong the interview but take your leaye gracefully so great eating for you in tempo Jelly with Its rich harvestgrapeflavnurÂ¥nullfind true fruit flavour in all Shirriff fruit Jellies and desserts Eve Saladan ShirrryIIIHorsa not of nééï¬mu MOW THE BARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY I951 II YOUR HEALTH COULD Bobby see his ninth grade teacher holding kitten at the blackboard when neither was present 0h he blinked and they disalp peared But he still had that hal lucination didnt he Youve probably had hallucin ationa too You see hear feel taste or smell something that isnt there Yet youre not men tally III liallucinatlons mean big box office in our minds plays or movies leap to life We suffocate when Mike Nelsons air gives out underwater When Roy Rog ers rides by You practically smell the sage brush At night we generate internal movies dreams We play the leading roles ourselves And theyre real as life until we wake up DAYIJREAMWHEN BORED You daydream especially when youre bored or uncomfortable If the electricfana blowing hot muggy air nyour soaked slic ky shirt you can lean back re lax andpresto Youre with Hilary cimbins Mt Everest through freezing storm 0r enjoying cool dip in the ocean But SNAP And you are back to sweltering reality lonely child sometimes makes up an imag ary play mate who goes everywhere He walks he talks he even an swers questions but only for his friend Injured brain cells can manu Reg 2995 Reg 1395 Matching Sconces Available at only when ST Daydreams Overcome Loneliness Boredom By BURTON FERN BLD fucture any mirage Epilepsy may racethcse cells out of con trol causing hallucinations In stead of convulsions Youre not mentally ill unlesa you believe your hallucinations Except for occasional mistakes everyone can usually separate dream world from real world For Hair Style Of Distinction vurr loan gnrnclt HAIR STYLISIS ll Maple Ave FURNITURE THE BEST IN PRICES SELECTION AND SERVICE AT BARRIE FURNITURE LTD I7 fifulcnster PA 5056 Vllit Jur Colonial JIKI nengn To own Illlrnciive Minors Special Valuet Exactly as illustrated famous decorative Durwood mirror 28 high 995 Special Valuel Smaller vanity mirror by Dub wood attractive light goldor white 995 995 ii mm our snap en 85128 THAT IN CHOOSING DIAMOND RING Aj LARGE SELECTION IS MOST IMPORTANT ITS MUST BEDIFFICULT TO PICK STYLE FROM FEW MOUNTINGS OR THEPAGES OF CATA LOGUE AN WHA ABOUT QUALITY ARE GETTING WHATIYQU PAID FOR YOU WI FIND HONEST ADVICE VANDTHISDIS TRICTS FINESTSELECTION AT REEVES